Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 392 Death of Maester Aemon

Chapter 392 Death of Maester Aemon
With the arrival of Linde, the fighting will of the free people tribe has dropped to the valley, which makes the process of Linde recruiting and surrendering the free people tribe extremely easy.

When the people of the Free Folk Tribe learned that the war was over and everyone could go to live in the south through the Great Wall, they couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Although these tribal warriors are full of fighting spirit and are clamoring to die with the Night Watch Legion all the time, in fact, no matter how stupid they are, they can see that the current situation is such that the coalition of free people and tribes has been pushed to the edge. On the road, there is no possibility of victory at all, and now that they have a way to survive, they will naturally not say anything, not to mention that the object of their surrender is not the Night Watch Legion, but the Storm God Lind Terra, so there is no such thing. Something like frustration.

After negotiating the terms, Lind did not take Mance Rayder and the tribal leaders to the camp of the Night's Watch. Instead, he asked Eddie to inform Stannis and the others to bring the captain of the Night's Watch Rangers here. Completed the signing of the final surrender treaty with Mance Rayder and other tribal leaders.

They were enemies of life and death the day before, but now they have to lead the front-line generals of the Night's Watch into the enemy camp without protection. This kind of thing is simply crazy in the eyes of Stannis, but he has to do this now, Because this was Linde's order, even though he had absolute confidence in Linde's ability, he was still a little uneasy.

However, compared to Stannis, the captains of the Night's Watch Rangers all seemed very relaxed. They obeyed Lind's orders without hesitation, cleaned themselves up, and then under the leadership of Stannis , walking towards the camp opposite.

After entering the camp, a tribal leader was waiting at the door. He looked at Stannis and the ranger captain behind him with complicated eyes. Without saying anything, he led a group of people towards the main camp tent. In the camp Many tribal warriors gathered on both sides of the road and stared at Stannis and the others expressionlessly. Although they did not say anything bad or shout provocatively, they still exerted an invisible pressure on them, making them involuntarily put their hands down. On the long sword at the waist.

Until they entered the main camp tent, the conflicts they were worried about did not happen. The moment they saw Linde, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The subsequent events also became much smoother. The surrender treaty was signed, Mance Rayder and the tribal leaders publicly announced it, and sent people to send the news to Hardhome. At the same time, Lind also asked Stannis to send an envoy to take him with him. He received the order to go to Hardhome together, and took a boat to see the Commander-in-Chief of the White Harbor Fleet who besieged the waters of Hardhome, and asked him to send a ship to transport some people from the tribes outside the wall to Skagos Island for temporary resettlement, so as to save time for the tribes outside the wall to migrate.

After Mance Rayder and others announced the surrender treaty, matters outside the wall have come to an end. The issues and plans regarding how to resettle the tribes beyond the wall are the affairs of Mance Rayder and Stannis. Linder did not intervene anymore. He flew directly into the air in front of everyone and flew towards the Great Wall of Despair.

When the people guarding the door saw Lind's arrival, they all saluted him and made way for Lind to enter Maester Aemon's room.

Lynde motioned to the steward to lead the way and asked, "I remember leaving a few bottles of the Choice Potion for Sam. Didn't he give it to Maester Aemon?"

Although there were far fewer people in the room than those outside the door, it was still a bit crowded. Samwell, Jon, and almost all the castle commanders who had not participated in the battle beyond the wall were here.

Maester Aemon was lying on the bed, his eyes were closed, and he was in a drowsy state. His breathing was a little rapid, and he was mumbling to himself, as if he was saying something, but his voice was low and could not be heard clearly.

The steward hurriedly said: "I have given it to Maester Aemon. He has taken one bottle every day and now it has been used up. His condition is quite good after taking it, but if he stops taking it, the injury will worsen."

When Lind heard this, his face could not help but darken. Although he had not had much contact with Maester Aemon, he had great respect for the Targaryen who gave up his power and always guarded the Wall. He was originally prepared to wait until the White Walkers were eliminated. After the incident, Maester Aemon was asked to live in the warmer south, but something unexpected happened.

Linde's flying speed was very fast, and he had already flown outside the Great Wall in less than half an hour. He was originally going to try to see if he could fly over the Great Wall, but the moment he approached the Great Wall, the power of the runes on his body was like It was like he was being disturbed, somewhat out of control, and even if he flew to a higher place, as long as the Great Wall was below him, this interference force would always exist, as if there was a side with the Great Wall as its foundation, vertically upward, and the top reaching the sky. It's like an invisible wall is blocking the front.

Lind thought that Maester Aemon was already a hundred years old. His body functions had deteriorated to the point where he could not sustain self-healing. Even the God's Choice Potion could not restore him, let alone extend his life. It could only Keep the injury from getting worse.

Thinking of this, Lind felt that Maester Aemon might be in danger this time.

Faced with this situation, Linde had to fall to the ground and pass through the passage of the Great Wall in the normal way.

"Your Majesty, Lord Sam is currently in Maester Aemon's room." The steward quickly explained: "Maester Aemon fell down when he was going downstairs two days ago. He was seriously injured and has been unconscious. Now he is dying. Yes, my lords are with Maester Aemon."

After hearing Linde's instructions, everyone looked puzzled, but they didn't ask any questions. They all followed Linde's instructions and turned around to leave one by one. At the same time, they ordered everyone outside the door to leave as well.

Lind signaled the night watchmen who were about to salute him not to be too polite, then walked to Maester Aemon, took off his helmet, put his ear to Maester Aemon's mouth, listened quietly, and then ordered: " Sam and Jon stay, everyone else goes out, and everyone outside the door goes back to do their own thing."

"Where is Samwell Tarly?" When Lind passed through the passage and came to Castle Black on the other side, he directly asked the steward who came to greet him after hearing the news.

Soon the two of them arrived outside Maester Aemon's room. At this time, there were already people standing outside the door, including ordinary night watchmen, rangers and stewards. Their faces all showed sadness. There is no doubt that Maester Aemon's reputation in the Night's Watch far exceeds that of anyone else, including the previous Lord Commanders, and he is loved by almost all of the Night's Watch.

As the footsteps disappeared, Linde took out a bottle of re-refined God's Choice potion. The concentration of this potion was twice that of the ordinary God's Choice potion. The effect was naturally far greater than that of the ordinary God's Choice potion, just because the concentration was too high. It is too old, so it is not suitable for ordinary people to take it. Only Lind can take it. Now Maester Aemon is almost at the end of his life. Only heavy medicine can temporarily restore some vitality to him and grant him some wishes.

Just now, Lind heard Maester Aemon mutter to himself, "I'm sorry, Egg." Obviously this sentence was directed at his brother Aegon V Targaryen, but under normal circumstances, Maester Aemon did not feel sorry for Aegon V. On the contrary, he gave up the throne to Aegon V. He should be kind to Aegon V.

Lind guessed that the "I'm sorry Egg" that Maester Aemon said here was more like guilt, guilt for the demise of the Targaryen dynasty, so Lind decided to tell Maester Aemon something and let Maester Aemon leave before he died. Gotta feel at ease.

After taking the refined bottle of God's Choice potion to Maester Aemon, Maester Aemon's pale face immediately turned rosy, his breathing became much stronger, and he slowly opened his eyes, as if his vision had recovered. He looked towards Lynd, Jon and Sam beside the bed. "Is Maester Aemon well?" Sam asked in a deep voice, very excited.

"No." Lind shook his head and said: "My medicine only temporarily restores some vitality to Maester Aemon. Once the effect of the medicine wears off, Maester Aemon's injuries will relapse and will be impossible to recover from. Maester Aemon, You don’t have much time.”

"It doesn't matter, I should leave too. Living for such a long time is enough. I should also go see my family." Maester Aemon seemed very open-minded and said with a smile: "I dreamed about Egg just now. , he is still the little bald man, Sir Duncan is standing behind him, and they are waving to me." As he said, his expression suddenly became depressed and said: "But I don't have the face to see him, I can only stay far away Look at him and tell him I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of his children, I..."

Lind interrupted Maester Aemon's words and said: "No! Maester Aemon, you have taken good care of Aegon V's child. Because of your care, he can grow up safely on the Great Wall and become not only a child, but also a child." Just a true warrior who knows how to wield a sword and how to use his brain.”

"Your Majesty Linde, what did you say?" Maester Aemon looked puzzled.

Lind pushed Jon Snow, who was also puzzled, to Maester Aemon's bedside and said: "Jon Snow, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, if nothing unexpected happens, If so, his name should be Aegon Targaryen."

The room fell silent for an instant, and everyone's expressions froze on their faces. They were all confused by this shocking news.

After a while, Bachelor Aemon, who was in the best mood, came back to his senses and confirmed with great excitement: "Your Majesty Linde, are your words true?"

"Yes, it's true." Lind replied affirmatively: "When Prince Rhaegar went to the Trident River to suppress the rebellion, he sent the pregnant Lyanna Stark to the Tower of Joy, and let the Dawn Sword After the protection of Arthur Dayne and others, Lyanna Stark gave birth to a boy. Lord Eddard Stark took the boy and the dead Lyanna Stark away after the Battle of the Tower of Joy. In order to prevent the child of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark from being harmed by King Robert, he deliberately said that the child was his illegitimate son. In fact, anyone who knows Lord Eddard as a person can feel it. Something was wrong, but Lord Eddard insisted that the child was his illegitimate child at the time, so others did not have too much suspicion."

"Your Majesty, do you have any evidence?" Sam couldn't help but question.

"There was one person who survived the Battle of the Tower of Bliss. The Lord of Greywater, Howland Reed, knew everything. As long as Jon Snow asked him, he would definitely tell the truth." Linde answered Sam. question, and then Maester Aemon, who still looked shocked, said: "There are still two descendants of the Targaryen family, one is Jon Snow, and the other is Dany, who will become my second wife. Lys Targaryen, so Maester Aemon, you don’t have to feel sorry for your brother Aegon V, the Targaryen family did not perish with your departure.”

"How is this possible?" Before Maester Aemon could react, Jon Snow said involuntarily: "My father is Eddard Stark, and my mother..."

At this point, he suddenly stopped, opened his mouth, and said nothing. He never knew who his mother was. Every time he asked his father, Ed Stark, he never got an answer. If he His mother was just a fisherman's daughter or a prostitute as the rumors said, and it was impossible for his father not to tell him.

Thinking about it now, if Ed Stark didn't tell him who his mother was, there was only one possibility, and that was that he couldn't tell, because telling him would pose a threat to him, and Ed Stark could only raise him. Lyanna Stark fit all the boxes because of her close relationship with his mother.

Thinking of this, Jon couldn't help but confirm again: "Your Majesty, am I really the child of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark?"

"Yes." Linde replied with certainty.

When Jon heard this, he suddenly shed tears. He didn't know whether it was because he knew his life experience and was so excited that he shed tears, or because his mother's graveyard had been beside him for more than ten years, but he never went to pay homage once. He felt so guilty. shed tears.

"Come here, child, let me touch you!" At this time, Maester Aemon motioned for Sam to help him up, then raised his hand and said to Jon.

Jon hesitated for a moment, then walked over, sat on the edge of the bed, reached out and took Maester Aemon's hands and put them on his face.

Maester Aemon reached out and touched Jon's eyebrows, cheekbones and other facial features repeatedly. A smile appeared on his face, and he murmured "Ego, Egg!" and then slowly closed it. His eyes closed and his hands dropped.

Sam on the side quickly supported Maester Aemon's body, put his hand in front of Maester Aemon's nose, and immediately touched his pulse, with a sad look on his face, and said: "Maester Aemon has left. .”

Jon sat on the edge of the bed in a daze, as if his soul was out of his body. He couldn't say anything, not even shed tears.

Lynde said in a deep voice: "Let the steward clean up Maester Aemon's body. When I return to King's Landing, I will take him back with me and bury him in the royal cemetery of the Targaryen family."

Sam shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, it is better to leave Maester Aemon at the Great Wall! This is his home."

Lind was silent for a moment and nodded in agreement with Sam's request.

(End of this chapter)

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