Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 393 An unexpected surprise

Chapter 393 An unexpected surprise
The body of Maester Aemon was cremated in the square of Castle Black in accordance with the current rules of the Night's Watch. Almost all the officers of the Night's Watch were present. Even Stannis and others, after learning the news of Maester Aemon's death, laid them down outside the wall. Regarding the matter, he hurried back to the Great Wall of Despair to attend the funeral.

Maester Aemon's ashes were divided into two parts. One part was buried in the Night's Watch cemetery on the Great Wall. The other part was brought back to King's Landing by a team of silent monks according to Lind's proposal and buried in the royal cemetery of the Targaryen family. , next to Aegon V.

The accidental death of Maester Aemon caused Lind to stay for a few days. The situation on the frozen coast changed greatly. The Silent Monks and the Sisters of Redemption, who were still in the Thane area, have retreated to the temporary settlement on the upper reaches of the frozen river. camp, completely giving up on blocking the army of corpses under the command of the White Walkers, preparing to observe for two days, then return to the walrus tribe camp, and leave the frozen coast by boat with others.

The reason why they made such a decision to retreat was not because they knew that the tribes beyond the wall had surrendered and the war between the Night's Watch Legion and the Free Folk Alliance Army beyond the wall was over, but because they could no longer stop the ghoul army, except because of the weapons they had on hand. The wildfire bombs have been almost exhausted, and more importantly, the number of corpses advancing to the Fang of Frost and Snow is too many, basically endless.

Faced with this situation, the two captains decisively led their men to break away from the battle before the ghoul army surrounded them, and retreated to the camp upstream of the frozen river. They constantly sent people to check the movements of the ghoul army, and every few A letter will be sent to Castle Black shortly, introducing the situation they have found out.

The army of ghouls is now leading a large number of White Walkers in the Frostfang Mountains. According to the speed of the movement of the zombies and the complex terrain of the Frostfang Mountains, it is estimated that the frontmost army of ghouls will be able to arrive in about four days at most. The ghost forest on the other side, and it should take less than five or six days to advance from the ghost forest to the Great Wall of Despair.

So now there is not much time left for the tribes outside the Great Wall to migrate.

To this end, Lind asked the Night's Watch Legion to use all their war horses, pack horses and carriages to pick up the people at Stodd's Corner, and at the same time send a message to Hardhome to let the free people tribe evacuate as soon as possible.

After receiving the news, Mance Rayder happened to make use of all the rafts that he had made before but did not use, and trained those rafts into large rafts that could accommodate many people, and then used White Harbor and Miracle to The ships of the fleet towed the old, weak, sick and disabled members of the tribe to Skagos Island for temporary resettlement, while other young and strong people traveled across mountains and rivers from land to the Great Wall of Despair.

With the help of these rafts, on the day Linde left the Great Wall of Despair, nearly half of the free people tribe had already passed through the Great Wall of Despair and were arranged to stay in the resettlement houses built on the grant land.

Seeing that the settlement and reorganization of the free people tribe were proceeding in an orderly manner, Lind was relieved to leave these matters to Stannis and Sam.

Before leaving the Wall, Lind planned to fly to Braavos by himself, but Diltos arrived in time and flew from the ruins of Valyria to the Wall before he left, so that he did not have to waste the power of the runes in his body. Create a whirlwind to fly.

"Yes." Linde nodded and said, "I have formed a pioneering team to explore the northern coastline of the Sothoros continent and establish suitable settlements. In a few years, we may be able to accommodate enough migrating refugees."

Linde nodded again and said: "It's not possible, but it's definitely going to migrate."

After meeting Sansa, Daisy and others, Linde briefly asked about the recent situation, and then told them some things outside the wall directly, especially about the long night and eternal winter, and the extremely cold climate that crossed the desperate situation. The Great Wall thing.

Sansa asked impatiently: "In other words, we may need to move to other places, right?"

Brienne asked seriously: "Your Majesty, when will the extreme cold weather you mentioned come?"

"Not only will the northern region be affected by the extreme cold climate, but other places will also be affected." Linde emphasized: "If the extreme cold climate is really as strong as I expected, people in the entire Seven Kingdoms will have to migrate, and even Even people from the continent of Essos are moving to live further south.”

"Your Majesty, do you mean that our place will become as cold as outside the Wall in the near future?" Sansa's face became very ugly after hearing Lind's words.

Sansa's mood at this moment has become worse than ever before. She has just become the Warden of the North. Not long after the Duke of Winterfell, her territory becomes no longer suitable for human habitation. She has to give up everything and move to other places. This is a big deal. Discomfort can be felt in anyone.

In addition, before he left, he went to Ice Scar City to meet Willas and Bran. Or rather, Bran was inappropriate, so he should be called the Three-Eyed Crow.

Brienne asked: "Is it colder than the extreme cold that swept across the Seven Kingdoms?"

Just as Lind guessed, the raven with the tumor on its forehead was the host possessed by the Three-Eyed Crow. When Jojen Reed brought the raven to Bran, Bran readily accepted it. The inheritance of the Three-Eyed Crow has become the new Three-Eyed Crow, and with the addition of the Three-Eyed Crow, the power contained in the Great Wall has become more powerful. Linde encountered what he encountered when he returned to the Great Wall and tried to fly over the Great Wall. The invisible wall may also have something to do with this.

"Further south?" Daisy on the side couldn't help but ask: "Is it the continent of Sothoros?"

"Yes." Linde nodded and corrected: "It is not as cold as outside the Great Wall, but even colder than outside the Great Wall. Perhaps it is similar to the Land of Eternal Winter. Anyway, it is no longer suitable for human habitation."

After leaving the Great Wall in Diltos, he did not fly directly to Braavos, but went to Winterfell to learn about Sansa's situation.

Linde said solemnly: "Yes, it is much colder than before."

Although Sansa had just become the Duke of Winterfell not long ago and was not very skilled in handling many things, she had worked as a squire in Summer Hall for a period of time and assisted Jon Bulwe in handling the political affairs of Summer Hall. The experience allowed her to become familiar with various affairs in Winterfell in a short period of time. With the assistance of Daisy and Brienne, after a short period of chaos, various affairs in Winterfell and the North have been properly handled.

Linde shook his head and said: "It may be this year, or it may be next year. I don't know the specific time yet. The Academy, Sphinx Courtyard and Black Cave are all trying to guess the specific time through astronomical phenomena. Now There is no result yet. All in all, you must be prepared to avoid being in a hurry when extreme cold weather occurs."

Linde told a few more people what they needed to prepare and said he would send people here to assist them.

After that, Linder did not stay in Winterfell any longer, and flew to White Harbor on Diltos. He needed to meet Earl Manderly of White Harbor and discuss the migration of tribes beyond the wall with Earl Manderly. matters. Linde was not prepared to let the tribes beyond the wall live in the gifted land for a long time. Although the Free Folk Alliance had surrendered and the people of the tribes beyond the wall had honestly accepted the arrangement, after all, the tribes beyond the wall and the Night Watch Legion had accumulated a lot of resources. The thousand-year feud, even if the hatred is now suppressed due to Linde's power, if the two enemies have been in contact for a long time, sooner or later a conflict will break out due to the hidden hatred.

Therefore, Lind planned to use ships to directly transfer the old, weak, sick, and disabled people from the tribes outside the wall and other people who were unable to participate in the battle after Braavos was dealt with, to the disputed area, where there was a large amount of land to settle these tribes outside the wall. tribal people.

Therefore, White Harbor is the most suitable place in the entire northern border to serve as a transfer point for tribal migration. The migration of hundreds of thousands of people will definitely cause some troubles. Naturally, it is necessary to discuss relevant matters with the owner of White Harbor to avoid any misunderstandings and conflicts. .

Lind's coming to White Harbor was definitely an unexpected surprise for Earl Mandalay, but Lind also got a surprise from Earl Mandalay.

"Lord Mandalay, are you sure?" In the Mandalay family's castle, Linde looked in disbelief after listening to Wiman Mandalay's report, and confirmed again.

"Yes, I have repeatedly confirmed it from the merchant ships arriving at the port." Wyman Mandler held up his big belly and said with a smile: "Her Majesty Queen Nymeria and Her Majesty Queen Daenerys have indeed You have taken Braavos, and now Braavos is yours to rule."

Before coming to White Harbor, Lind was still thinking about how to capture Braavos without causing large-scale damage to this floating city, but what he never expected was Nymeria. Bian actually finished what he wanted to do in advance, which was completely beyond Linde's expectation.

"How did they do it? Did they use dragons?" Linde asked curiously.

Earl Mandalay shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I don't know exactly how it was done, and the owner of the merchant ship couldn't explain it either. It seemed like the water channel was blocked or something."

Lind was stunned when he heard this, and soon understood the general method for Nymeria and the others to take down Braavos. They must have occupied the sweet water canal in Braavos, and then cut off the water source of the canal, leaving Braavos without water. Water is available. In this case, it will only take ten days at most for Braavos to collapse internally. Coupled with the role of the Temple of the Storm God and the House of Black and White, Braavos should have no choice but to surrender. Other options were available.

Thinking of this, Lind had the urge to fly to Braavos immediately to understand the situation in person.

However, he finally resisted the urge to leave immediately and stayed for half a day to discuss the details of transporting the tribes beyond the Great Wall with Count Wyman Manderly and formulate a rough plan.

After discussing these matters, he left White Harbor and flew toward Braavos across the narrow sea.

Diltos flew very fast, and in less than an hour, he had flown across the Narrow Sea and arrived at the outer waters of Braavos.

Although he has not yet flown to Braavos, Lind can already confirm that there is no problem with the information obtained by Count Wyman Manderly. Braavos has indeed been conquered by Nymeria.

Because the Miracle Fleet ships used to block the waters of Braavos have changed from a combat formation to a patrol formation, and there are also a large number of cargo ships and merchant ships sailing between the Miracle Fleet patrol ships, it is obvious that Braavos The blockade in Sri Lanka has been lifted.

When Lind flew over Braavos, he not only saw the ships of the Braavos fleet that had changed their flags, but also saw the flags of the Kingdom of Lorne, Qarth, and the Tyranids on all the buildings in the city. flags, even the roofs of the Neptune Palace and the Iron Bank are no exception.

There was no major damage in the city. Only the roofs of some houses collapsed. It seemed that they were attacked by trebuchets. At this moment, the order in the city has been completely restored. There is nothing wrong with it. The only difference is that now The patrol soldiers were all replaced by soldiers from the Lorne Kingdom, and the guards at the Sea King Palace and the Iron Treasury were also replaced.

When Linder appeared above Braavos riding Diltos, everyone in the city stopped what they were doing and looked up at the sky. They also quickly looked away from the two Diltos. The peculiar shape of the wings identified Linde.

I don’t know who spoke first, shouting the name of the Storm God, the Chosen God of the Seven Gods, the God of Natural Disasters, the God of Magic, etc., rang out in the city of Braavos, and many people even crawled to the ground. When they reached the roof, they waved hard to Linde, hoping that Linde would see them.

Lind asked Diltos to hover over Braavos, then flew to the large platform of the Neptune Palace and landed on the platform square.

At this time, the Kingdom of Lorne had taken over the affairs of the Neptune Palace, and the person in charge of the Neptune Palace was Arianne Martell. She walked out of Neptune's former study, quickly came to the platform, and took the initiative He saluted Lin De and said, "Your Majesty Lin De, I'm glad to see you at the Sea King Palace."

"I'm very happy too, Her Royal Highness Princess Arianne." Lind said as he got off Diltos's back.

Arianne smiled and said, "You'd better call me Arianne."

Linde did not remain polite to Arianne and asked directly: "Where are Nymeria and the others?"

Arianne immediately replied: "Her Majesty Queen Nymeria and Queen Daenerys are currently meeting with various keykeeper families and governors in the Iron Bank. Although they have surrendered, there are still many matters that need to be done in the future. Processing, such as the ownership of the Iron Bank, the political system after the ownership, etc.”

"Are you in trouble?" Linde keenly sensed that there was something in Arianne's words.

"They are just some idiots who think they can bargain with us!" Arianne said with an extremely confident smile: "They completely don't understand that when the army of Lorne enters the city to take over the defense, when the Miracle Fleet takes over Bravo The moment the Sri Lanka fleet arrives, they are no longer qualified to bargain with us at the negotiation table." As she spoke, she suddenly smiled and said: "They also wanted to ask the Faceless Men from the House of Black and White to assassinate Her Majesty the Queen, but they didn't know that they just left The Head Priest of the House of Black and White and their plans have been told to us by the chief priest of the House of Black and White, and now Her Majesty the Queen is planning to deal with them!"

(End of this chapter)

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