Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 394 Tough attitude

Chapter 394 Tough attitude
Just as Arianne said, when Lind came outside the Iron Bank, he saw a group of gorgeously dressed people being dragged directly out of the Iron Bank and thrown into a boat that had been prepared for escort. Go to the Lorne military camp and conduct torture and interrogation.

When Lind came outside the Iron Bank, both the Braavos people waiting for news in the square and the Lorne people maintaining order all recognized him from Lind's iconic armor.

The believers of the Storm God, the God of Natural Disasters, the God of Magic, and the Seven Gods in the crowd saluted Linde according to their respective etiquettes. Among them, the believers of the Storm God and the God of Natural Disasters were the most exaggerated, and they knelt down in front of him. on the ground to show respect.

When the guard at the door saw Lind coming over led by the royal guards, he immediately announced loudly: "King of the Lorne, the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, the Seven Kingdoms, the Narrow Sea, and the Freedom. The ruler of the trading city-state, the prince of Lorne, the successor of the Valyrian Freehold, the chosen one and the incarnation of the gods, the founder of the Tyran family and its dynasty, His Majesty King Lynd Tyron has arrived!"

Hearing this series of titles, the noise in the Iron Treasury hall immediately fell silent.

When Linde passed by the guard, he paused for a moment and asked, "Did you come up with such a series of titles yourself, or is it stipulated by the kingdom?"

"Reporting to your majesty, it was formulated by the two queens themselves." The guard replied seriously.

Linde smiled and shook his head, then stepped into the hall of the Iron Treasury.

At this moment, the hall of the Iron Bank was already packed with people. Almost all the local merchants and dignitaries in Braavos had gathered here, because this negotiation related to Braavos' position within the empire that had gradually taken shape. How many powers and responsibilities does it have.

Although they hope to compare with Kohol and Novos, they also know that it is impossible. After all, they were defeated and surrendered, while Kohol and Novos took the initiative to surrender, and their treatment will definitely be much lower. Now I just hope that the Iron Bank can stay in their hands, because all their money is stored in the Iron Bank. If the Iron Bank is confiscated and Queen Nymeria does not recognize the deposit certificate of the Iron Bank, it will be a disaster for everyone. A devastating disaster.

Originally they thought that perhaps everyone could put pressure together to get the two queens to relent, but after the House of Black and White revealed an assassination plot against the two queens, they felt that it was impossible for them to control the Iron Treasury, especially After more than a dozen keykeepers and governors were taken away by the guards, it was now difficult for the remaining people in the Iron Treasury chamber to influence the two queens.

Everyone was in an uproar when they heard Daenery's unceremonious request. In fact, they had been negotiating back and forth on the management of the Iron Throne, the maintenance of the political structure, etc., if it weren't for the high priest of the House of Black and White. Suddenly appeared and revealed the assassination plot against the two queens. Later, half of the governors and keykeepers were captured for interrogation, and the tone of Nymeria and Daenerys also became particularly tough, overturning He directly asked them to fully accept the transformation of the Braavos regime, not to mention the management rights of the Iron Bank.

After saying that, he walked to a seat near the door and sat down, completely treating himself as a bystander.

"Have you confiscated their property?" Lind looked at the people kneeling in front of him and asked Nymeria and the others.

The keykeeper immediately defended: "Of course not, I'm just telling the truth. I don't think you two nor His Majesty Lind want Braavos to be a chaotic and dilapidated city in the end, right?"

Although on the surface it seems that the change in Nymeria and Daenerys' attitudes was due to the assassination plot that was just revealed, in fact everyone in the council room could feel that the change in their attitudes was related to Lind. Because of Lind's arrival, they have the ability to overturn the table with everyone present, and naturally there is no need to compromise with the former dignitaries of Braavos.

"Your Majesty, I think there must be some conspirators with evil intentions among them. They should all be arrested and interrogated." Jorah Mormont, who has become the Kingsguard again, stood up and said solemnly.

"Are you threatening us? Lord Behrens." Nymeria sat up straight and looked indifferently at the keykeeper who spoke.

However, Linde's reaction was destined to disappoint them. After Linde entered the chamber, everyone in the chamber stood up and saluted him. Even the two queens stood up and He moved a few steps left and right and gave up the middle position, hoping to let Linde preside over the meeting.

"No, Braavos will not be in chaos, and the Iron Bank will not be able to operate without you." Tyrion, who had always been standing behind Daenerys' chair, came out and said, "You seem to have forgotten that we There is also the Miracle Chamber of Commerce. The people from the Miracle Chamber of Commerce will take over the Iron Bank, and the Iron Bank will be integrated into the Miracle Chamber of Commerce's banking system. It will only be more convenient for the merchants of Braavos to do business, and the people in the city will be able to do business more conveniently. They will also get cheaper goods. The new political system allows civilians to become parliamentarians, consuls, and tribunes. The people of Braavos are not ready to welcome them, so why would they want to cause chaos? So why do they really want to make Braavos? I’m afraid it’s all of you who are confused in Foss, right?”

At this time, Linde's arrival gave them another glimmer of hope, because judging from the free trade city-states that Linde had conquered in the past, Linde generally would not directly intervene in the administrative organizations of old friends of the city-state, and usually left the administration and finance to the original ones. The powerful family continued to manage, and he only sent supervisors and took over all the armed forces in the city, so they thought that if Lind presided over this negotiation, Braavos might also be able to negotiate with the Free Trade Cities of Pentos, Myr, and Lys. Same.

Nymeria and Daenerys looked at each other, sat back to their previous positions, followed Daenerys and looked at the governor and keykeeper of Braavos expressionlessly, saying: " Do you accept the conditions we have proposed or not? We don’t need to hear other answers now, nor do we need to listen to your proposals. We only need you to obey and obey like a true surrenderer. "

Lind did not go to the chief seat of the meeting hall, but waved towards Nymeria and Daenerys, motioning them to sit down, then looked at the governors and keykeepers around him, and said: "Na Melia, Daenerys, since you have captured Braavos, it is up to you to decide what to do with this city! I am just a bystander now, just treat me as if I don’t exist.”

The governors and keykeepers of Braavos were all stunned, and then they couldn't help but look at Nymeria and Daenerys, and their expressions became a little ugly.

Linde asked again: "Then you don't allow them to join the municipal council?"

A keykeeper came out and said with a gloomy expression: "Your Majesty Daenerys, it will not be of any benefit to you to forcefully take over the Iron Bank and transform the old political structure of Braavos. Doing so will only make Braavos more vulnerable." Foss became confused..."

Some people stood up directly and knelt in front of Linde, praying for Linde to show mercy.

"No." Nymeria shook her head and said, "All their property has been completely preserved, and none of their property in the Iron Treasury has been touched."

"No, you, you can't do this!" Everyone shouted in panic.

"No." Tyrion said first: "We not only allowed them to join the city council, but also reserved seats for them, just like Qohor."

"In this case, why do you seem to have lost everything?" Lind looked at the governor and keykeeper of Braavos with an indifferent expression, and said, "Is it because Nymeria and Daenerys' actions were too gentle? "It has made you forget the most important thing. You are all defeated and surrendered. Do you know what the consequences will be for the defeated and surrendered in other places?"

Everyone fell silent, with a look of fear and panic on their faces. Lind stood up, walked to the middle of the meeting hall, looked at everyone, and said: "I just came back from the land of eternal winter north of the Great Wall, where the White Walkers have assembled an army of tens of millions of corpses. We are advancing towards the Great Wall of Despair, the long night is approaching, and eternal winter is coming. In a few years, the extremely cold climate will move south from the Shivering Sea, covering the entire continent of Westeros and the entire continent of Essos. What I am thinking about every day now The thing is how to save more people from this natural disaster, how to defeat the White Walkers, so that humans can live safely, but what about you? You are here arguing over a little bit of power and interests, and you are still fighting for the loser? Who gave you the courage to demand power from the conquerors? "

Linde's voice was very calm, sounding like he was chatting with someone, but what he said penetrated into everyone's ears, making them feel like an invisible pressure fell on them, making their legs Unable to support their bodies, many people's legs trembled slightly, and some even sat down on the ground.

"Take them all away. There is no need to reserve seats in the parliament. If they want to become members, tribunes, and consuls, let them compete with other people in the city." Nymeria stood up at this time and made The final decision was made: "Also, let those outside the hall disperse. If they want to withdraw money from the Iron Bank, let them come with their vouchers tomorrow."

Daenerys also stood up and said: "If they want to leave, let them leave without stopping them, but once they leave, they will not be allowed to enter any cities and areas under our control."

"It's your Majesty." The surrounding guards responded in unison, and then, under the leadership of Jorah Mormont and Barristan, they used weapons to drive away the Iron Bank and the former owners of Braavos, and soon these were Everyone rushed out of the meeting hall.

When the merchants waiting for news in the hall outside saw this situation, they understood that the Iron Bank must have changed hands, and they became extremely depressed.

However, when they heard that the money they had stored in the iron bank could still be withdrawn, their anxious and flustered expressions quickly subsided, and each of them breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily.

After only Linde, Nymeria, Daenerys and others were left in the chamber, the surrounding guards took the initiative to withdraw from the chamber, leaving a few of them in the room.

"I didn't expect you to become the final winner of that damn war and the lord of the Iron Throne." Tyrion walked up to Linde, looked up at Linde, and saluted Linde very formally: "It's very special. Nice to see you again, Your Majesty Linde.”

"I'm glad to see you too, Lord Tyrion." Lind nodded slightly and said, "It seems that you are doing well now."

Tyrion smiled and said, "It's indeed not bad. My employer is generous enough and gives me enough trust."

As he spoke, he turned around and saluted Daenerys.

Lind looked at Daenerys, then at Nymeria, and said: "I heard a rumor. The rumor is that I will follow Aegon the Conqueror and marry two wives, and the other wife will be the Queen of Dragons. Daenerys? Nymeria, my wife, won’t you explain it to me?”

"You don't want to?" Nymeria asked.

Lind did not answer, turned to look at Daenerys, and asked: "What about you? Daenerys, have you really decided to marry me?"

"Yes." Daenerys nodded and said, "I think this is my best choice."

Linde nodded and said: "In this case, let's get married! Let's go to the Seven Sacred Church in the city now and complete the wedding vows!"

"Are you in such a hurry?" Nymeria frowned and said, "Our identities are different now, so we should have rituals..."

Lind raised his hand to interrupt Nymeria and said: "There is not enough time. The war on the Great Wall will break out at any time. I must go to the Great Wall to guard it. Our wedding ceremony will be simple."

This was the first time Nymeria saw Lind acting so impatient, and she immediately asked: "Is it true that you just said that the White Walkers have an army of tens of millions of zombies?"

Linde nodded and said, "It's true."

"Tens of millions of corpses? How can we fight such a battle?" Tyrion couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing this.

Daenerys also showed a trace of worry on her face and asked, "You just mentioned that the Long Night and Winter are coming soon. Is this true?"

"Yes, it's true," Lind admitted.

"In this case, wasn't the city-state of Braavos conquered in vain?" Daenerys hesitated and said, "According to what you said, once the long night and eternal winter arrive, the continent of Essos will also be frozen. Braavos is so close to the north, we will definitely bear the brunt of it sooner or later, so why run it?”

Linde sighed and said: "Because all this is just my speculation, I can't be sure whether the speculation is correct. Before the long night and eternal winter really come, the order of the entire world needs to continue to operate in the normal way. And in the future, the extremely cold climate will Sweeping across the continent of Essos, the north is definitely no longer suitable for human habitation. We must migrate to the continent of Sothoros further south. Migration requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Building a migration point on the continent of Sothoros also requires a lot of materials and financial resources. , so Braavos, which has a lot of wealth, must continue to provide financial assistance to my pioneering team. "

"Is things really as bad as you say?" Tyrion asked worriedly as he listened to Lind's description.

"It's really that bad." Linde replied with certainty: "After the last long night and eternal winter, a glorious ancient civilization fell, and the survivors of that civilization in order to survive the natural disaster, they Choosing to sacrifice to the mysterious god who created the storm, they eventually became the White Walkers.”

Nymeria and others were all shocked by the origin of the White Walkers, and their faces darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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