Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 395 Volantis gives up resistance

Chapter 395 Volantis gives up resistance

Linde and Daenerys' wedding was very simple, as simple as a wedding in an ordinary family.

Under normal circumstances, Linde's wedding should be held in the Church of the Seven Gods. After all, his original identity was the Chosen One of the Seven Gods. However, the teachings of the Seven Gods only support monogamy, and polygamy is against the doctrine.

Although, with Linde's reputation in the Church of the Seven Gods, he does not have to worry about punishment for violating the doctrine, he cannot act recklessly. He should be careful when he should be concerned, at least to make the Church of the Seven Gods look good in terms of face.

The wedding of Lind and Daenerys made some people somewhat uncomfortable, such as Jorah Mormont. He found a tavern that night and got extremely drunk, and even had sex with some Braavos people in the tavern. They got into a conflict and got into a fight. They were captured by the patrol team and taken back to the military camp where they were imprisoned for several days before being released.

Linde stayed in Braavos with Nymeria and Daenerys for a few days, mainly to deal with the follow-up affairs of Braavos. Because there were already other Free Trade Cities as precedents, it was handled smoothly.

Due to preparations in advance, municipal officials from various departments were added at the first opportunity. Soon the bottom layer of the political structure of Braavos was established. Officials from the maesters of the Sphinx Academy and the Academy of Lorne began to deal with Braavos. Foss's backlog of affairs during this period.

The first municipal council was also held later. The members participating in the council were not elected by the people. Instead, Lind selected the high priests of various churches in the city, the obedient dignitaries in the city, representatives of various chambers of commerce, and some people at the bottom. There are some prestigious figures among them.

The city's defenses have also been completely replaced in the past two days. All the original city guards in Braavos have been dispersed and transferred to other city-states. The original fleet only retains ships and gives them to the Miracle Fleet, while the sailors and captains of the original fleet They were sent to the Stepped Stone Islands for targeted training. Only those who completed the relevant training could be incorporated into the Miracle Fleet sequence, and those captains must also pass the trial of the Salvation Temple before they could take charge of the battleship again.

Although the original governors and keykeeper families in Braavos were unwilling to lose power, when all the city guards were sent to other places, and the sailors and captains of the fleet were also sent away, there was little power they could use. There are less, and all they can use are some low-level gangsters in the city.

"Your Majesty Linde, it's not that we don't believe what you say, it's just that the news is too shocking and it will take us some time to understand it." The Moonsinger from the Moonsinger Temple said in a deep voice in Common Tongue with an accent. road.

Some people and forces who had been plotted against by these governors and keykeeper families felt that now might be a good time to deal with them, and they made efforts from all aspects, even putting forward a proposal to confiscate their property and expel them at the first municipal council. .

Although many people were eventually released because there was no direct evidence, the things they did using the gangs were also spread, causing their already low reputation to completely fall to the bottom, and there was no way they could recover. .

It's a pity that even these only forces that can be used failed to bring them any benefits in the end, but instead got them into trouble.

"Have the White Walkers really come out in full force?" the high priest of the twin temples asked in a deep voice.

Perhaps because he felt that his words alone were not very convincing, while answering questions, he also used the power of the frozen dragon rune to create a miniature version of the ice and snow castle in front of everyone, and told everyone that the bottom of the ice and snow castle was larger than the one in King's Landing. They are large in area and even taller than the giant stone statue at the entrance to Braavos.

In the past, they supported some low-level gangs to do some shameful and dirty work for them, but they have never looked down on these gangs, but now these gangs have become the only forces they can take advantage of, which makes them feel sad just thinking about it. .

Lind nodded and said solemnly: "I have already gone to the Land of Eternal Winter to investigate. Not only did the White Walkers come out in force, but they also built an ice and snow castle outside the wall near Thern. As an outpost, I It’s impossible to get close enough to investigate clearly, but it’s certain that the number of White Walkers in the castle is definitely not low, at least tens of thousands, given the size of the castle.”

After hearing Linde's explanation, everyone's faces could not conceal their shocked expressions.

Although this proposal ultimately failed due to Lind's intervention, many governors and keykeeper families have realized that Braavos is no longer suitable for them to stay, so many people packed their bags overnight and sold all they could. After selling the things, the family moved to other places, such as Pentos, Reese and other places, and those who stayed behind had become frightened and hid in their own manor all day long and did not dare to come out.

At this time, the high priest of the Red Temple of Braavos, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up, saluted to Linde, and said in a deep voice: "I am willing to send the temple guards to follow your majesty to the Great Wall to fight against the White Walkers. , to prevent the cold god from going south."

In addition to government affairs, Linde also met with religious leaders such as the high priests of various temples and temples in Braavos. However, the purpose of his meeting with these religious leaders was not to stabilize the current political situation in Braavos, nor to stabilize the current political situation in Braavos. Not for the White Walkers war on the Great Wall, but for the long night and eternal winter that will appear in the near future.

Because someone reported these gangsters to the newly established Holy Court, and then the army searched the city and arrested all these gangsters. Following the interrogation, many things came out, and the governors and keykeeper families were involved.

"My lord, will the Long Night and Eternal Winter really appear?" After listening to Linde's description, while everyone else was still surprised by Linde's words, Li Ga, the Archbishop of the Church of the Storm God who had the best relationship with Linde, But she couldn't help but ask, but after asking, she felt that her words seemed to be questioning Lind, and immediately explained: "I just want..."

"No need to explain." Lin De raised his hand to stop Li Ga's next words, looked at the religious leaders around him, and said, "I can confirm that the Long Night and Everwinter will appear, probably within the next few years, and this time the Long Night Eternal winter is not just a few years, but may last for more than ten years or even decades, which will be very long. The overwhelming number of White Walkers heading south in the land of eternal winter is one of the symptoms. In addition, you should also have heard of the ice dragon. The news that began to appear frequently in the Shivering Sea can be regarded as one of the signs that the long night and eternal winter are coming. "

Lind nodded and did not refuse. Compared with other churches, the church of R'hllor, the Lord of Light, has been preparing for the legendary decisive battle between the Lord of Light and the Cold God. Their research on the White Walkers is also very in-depth. , and have specialized combat skills and methods, as can be seen from the Red Temple army of the red-robed monk Thoros and Volantis, so they do not need to undergo much training to join the army of the Great Wall of Despair. You can directly join the battle, which is the best reinforcement to fight against the White Walkers now.

"I will also mobilize believers to support the Great Wall of Despair." Li Ga also stood up and said.

"No need, believers of the Church of the Storm God are not suitable to participate in this war," Linde shook his head, rejected Li Ga's kindness, and then said to the others: "Not only is the Church of the Storm God not suitable to participate in this battle, There is no need for other churches to send people to the Great Wall, because none of you have made any preparations in advance. Only the church of R'hllor, the Lord of Light, has been preparing for this for thousands of years. They will have no problem joining the war against the White Walkers. If you send people there, I need to train your people before I can send you to the front line. Otherwise, it will be equivalent to increasing the number of troops on the White Walkers side." After hearing what Linde said, everyone, including Li Gao, watched. All the religious leaders felt a little embarrassed. Only the high priest of the Red Temple showed a proud look on his face.

"Lord Chosen One, what can we do for you?" the high priest of Night Lion Temple asked Linde.

Because Lind once walked on the continent of Essos wearing the lion armor of the dragon hunter Onstein, and even got along with some caravans in the name of Night Lion. After these things spread, he had a certain scale of people in the continent of Essos. The Night Lion Church also followed suit and declared Linde the Night Lion God's Chosen. This is how the Night Lion Temple now calls Linde the God's Chosen One.

Lind did not deny the title of High Priest of the Night Lion Temple, which was a kind of acquiescence. He thought for a while and replied in a deep voice: "What I need you to do now is to stabilize the situation in Braavos and prepare for the secret hoarding of all kinds of things." We need supplies to prepare for the possible great migration in the future. After the meeting, you can get a complete preparation manual from the Temple of the God of Natural Disasters. I hope you can follow the instructions in the manual and complete it carefully. , don’t cause trouble for me by not doing anything when it’s time to move.”

When he said this, Linde's tone became a little stronger, and everyone around him felt an invisible pressure, and they all curled up in unison.

Tessa, the high priest of the Thousand Faced God who had been wearing a hood and never spoke, suddenly asked in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, where will we move to when that day comes?"

Linde said solemnly: "In the Soothros continent, I have formed a pioneering team to develop the territory."

After hearing this, Tessa said without hesitation: "Our House of Black and White is willing to mobilize believers to join the pioneering group."

Other churches also expressed their willingness to contribute money and efforts. Only the God of Storms, the God of Natural Disasters, and the high priests and bishops of the Seven Gods did not speak up, because these churches had already joined the pioneering group.

With the church's affairs settled, Lind's tasks in Braavos were almost completed. He rode a dragon and took Nymeria and Daenerys back to Na Sa. Stan, Tyrion and others returned to the Kingdom of Lorne with the army of the Kingdom of Lorne after the Miracle Fleet and the Chosen Sons Corps took over the defense of Braavos.

While Lind and others were still in Braavos, news of the conquest of Braavos had already reached Volantis, and the governors and dignitaries of Volantis also launched a war over this incident. intense discussions.

For them, the current situation is urgent, especially when they find that the Miracle Fleet's base on the Orange Coast has begun to increase its troops, and a large number of troops have also appeared in the Valyrian Ruins Base and Sehoru in the Kingdom of Lorne. They feel that He could become the second Braavos at any time.

So, after a night of heated discussions, Volantis sent a messenger to Na Sa and was waiting there. After Linde returned to Na Sa with Nymeria and Daenerys, On the same day, I took the initiative to come to see him.

The envoy sent by Volantis is also a familiar person to Linde. He is Elios Chiheda, the governor of the Tiger Party.

Elios Chiheda has a good relationship with both Lind and Nymeria. He is the only seller of the Potion of Choice in Volantis. When Lind and Nymeria got married, he specialized in He gave Nymeria a long-handled battle ax made of Valyrian steel as a gift. After the establishment of the Kingdom of Lorne, he was also the leader of the trade between the Kingdom of Lorne and Volantis. Because of this, he is also the most important leader of the surrender faction in Volantis. It is self-evident that the Volantis Council chose him as the envoy for this trip.

"I didn't expect that Volantis would send you here. You are not a qualified negotiator." Linde met Elios in the palace garden and said with a smile.

Hearing Linde's evaluation of himself, Elios just smiled and did not argue, because he himself knew very well that he was not a qualified negotiator. In various trade negotiations with Linde in the past, he had It didn't take any advantage, and was called a snail by the locals of Volantis, a fragile creature that would spit out its internal organs under the slightest pressure.

Elios smiled and said: "I am indeed not a suitable negotiator, but in this negotiation, I may be the best Volantis envoy."

Lind nodded and admitted: "Indeed, as an envoy, it is indeed impossible for me to impose harsh conditions on you." After saying that, he looked at Nymeria beside him and asked: "What do you think? What kind of vassal treatment is appropriate for Volantis?"

"Compare it to Norvos." In fact, when he was in Braavos, Linde had communicated with Nymeria about what kind of treatment Volantis would give him if he took the initiative to seek refuge, so Nymeria quickly gave Got the answer.

The treatment that Norvos received after it acceded to Lorn could be said to be the best among all the free trade city-states. Even the way of governing did not change. It simply handed over the city garrison and city defense to Lorn's army, and increased some local taxes.

"What do you think of this treatment?" Lind asked Elios.

"The conditions are very good, but the person we hope to surrender to is your Majesty." Elios expressed the thoughts of everyone in Volantis, and then explained to Nymeria: "Your Majesty, Queen Nymeria, It’s not that we think it’s bad to join the Kingdom of Lorne, it’s just that there are always some old stubborns in the city council who despise women, so they feel that joining a woman…”

"Okay, I understand your difficulty, it's okay." Nymeria said with a smile: "Actually, there is no difference between joining the Iron Throne and joining the Kingdom of Lorne, because after Daenerys and I solve Slaver's Bay, The Iron Throne, the Kingdom of Lorne, and Qarth will merge into one, and then there will be only one country in the entire continent of Westeros and Essos, and that is the Tyranid Empire.”

(End of this chapter)

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