Chapter 400

As Linde expected, after the sky darkened, the White Walkers war began silently.

When it got dark, the sharpshooters at each defense point used rockets to light the bonfires set up outside the Great Wall in advance, illuminating the situation outside the Great Wall.

The endless zombies no longer moved slowly, but seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulation. They rushed towards the Great Wall crazily, rushed to the bottom of the Great Wall, and tried to climb up the ice. Except for a few flexible corpses, The ghost climbed beyond the ice wall, and the others were trapped underneath, and kept piling up.

"Prepare the trebuchet! Seventeen." Stannis, who held the command, ordered loudly and reported a number. The messengers on the city wall shouted loudly one by one, passing the instructions to various defense points on the top of the city wall. Defense The men at the point quickly adjusted the pitch scale of the trebuchet as Stannis ordered.

"Let it go!" With an order, hundreds of wildfire cans were thrown out, drawing an arc in the air, and landed on the edge of the ghost forest in the distance. A ball of fire broke out in an instant, not only destroying Countless corpses ignited the ghost forest, forming huge torches that illuminated the entire outside of the Great Wall.

However, the flames did not last long, as if there was an invisible force in the ghost forest that extinguished the flames bit by bit.

Stannis ordered again, but this time he adjusted the pitch of the sling, lowering it slightly by two degrees. At the same time, he asked the marksman to prepare, and Lind also stood on the front shooter's platform.

The red-robed monks each stood in front of a pile of arrows and recited prayers loudly, and a ball of flame ignited on the arrows.

As Stanley's order spread again, the trebuchets dropped a large number of wildfire cans, which landed on the isolation belt near the middle. The scattered wildfires ignited the corpses, and at the same time, the flowing wildfire liquid also spread to the surrounding areas. Soon it turned into a large sea of ​​​​fire.

The other marksmen and lookouts retreated behind protective barriers or ice piles to avoid the White Walkers' attacks, while Lind was still cleaning up the White Walkers among the zombies.

Melisandre shook her head and explained: "No! As long as the magic power in the Great Wall has not dissipated, ordinary flames cannot melt the ice of the Great Wall."

Just as the two were talking, ice crystal spears suddenly flew out from the ghost forest in the distance. In the blink of an eye, they flew to the Great Wall and pierced the bodies of a famous archer and lookout. The huge power contained in the ice crystal spear not only pierced the target's body, but also flew out with the target, falling directly from the Great Wall wall to the inside of the wall.

"Let everyone continue to be alert, and the reserve team is ready to change defense at any time. This has just begun." Lind came down from the shooter's stand and said to Stannis.

The piles of burning corpses under the outer wall of the Great Wall also formed a line, starting from East View to the Shadow Tower. The corpses burned by the flames and the black smoke rising into the sky looked like the Seven Sacred Gods from a distance. The appearance of the seven levels of purgatory mentioned in the scriptures is both terrifying and spectacular.

But the number of these ghouls is just a drop in the bucket compared to the entire group of ghouls, and it is not difficult for them to see that all the ghouls that follow are all mummies that have been dead for many years, and may even have just been summoned from the cemetery. The wights controlled by the White Walkers and possessing core combat power have not yet appeared.

Although other marksmen are not as good as Linde, they can still hit a hidden White Walker with just a few dozen arrows, and they can take away a ghoul even with dozens of arrows without missing a target.

As a piercing scream came from the ghost forest, the group of zombies that were rushing forward stopped, and then slowly retreated to the edge of the ghost forest like an ebbing tide, leaving a large number of corpses on the isolation zone. The ghost corpses and ice crystals after the White Walkers shattered, and the corpse ghost remains under the city wall were still burning.

At this time, the night watchmen who had been prepared pushed down the bundles of firewood one after another to fan the flames. Soon a wall of fire composed of corpses and firewood was formed under the Great Wall, and as more corpses rushed in In the fire, the wall of fire not only did not go out, but burned even more vigorously.

On the other hand, the Night's Watch and the Free Folk soldiers behind them were all in great spirits, as if they had won a great battle. Their faces were full of pride and disdain. Many people even directly said that the corpses and the White Walkers were better than expected. Much weaker, he only killed so many corpses and white ghosts with less than a few dozen casualties.

Perhaps it was because the flames under the city wall burned too fiercely that the wights could not get close, or maybe the white ghosts had a new offensive strategy. In short, after several tentative attacks, the wights did not continue to attack the desperate situation. Great Wall.

Linde was also attacked by ice crystal spears, more than a dozen of them. However, before these ice crystal spears could even get close to Linde, they were blown aside by the strong wind pressure hidden in front of Linde, and were directly stabbed. On the solid ice of the city wall.

After the corpse ghost retreated, Linde withdrew his bow and arrow and looked at the ghost forest ahead, without much joy on his face.

Linde did not leave, but went to other defense points at the end of the city wall to check the situation. When he was checking the situation, he encountered two more tentative attacks from the ghoul army, both of which were on sections of the city wall that had not been attacked before. At one time, they left behind the remains of tens of thousands of wights and dozens of other ghosts before retreating.

However, there are also some people who are not optimistic about the situation at hand, and the expressions on their faces are a bit solemn.

At this time, with the help of the firelight below, Linde had already found the target among the ghouls. He set up his bow and fired arrows. Arrows flew out one after another, accurately hitting the humans hiding among the ghouls. The White Walker, the moment on the arrow destroyed the power in the White Walker's body, and the White Walker immediately shattered.

In the battle just now, the zombies seemed to have no resistance. They had the upper hand. They easily eliminated thousands of people at the ten defense points of Black Castle alone, not counting other castles. Defense points, all the defense points under attack were added together, and the number of corpses destroyed was probably tens of thousands.

At the same time, the crossbowmen guarding various lookout towers also fired ordinary rockets at the ghouls who climbed onto the city wall. These rockets can easily ignite the ghouls without any extraordinary power, and those who were ignited The ghoul fell from the air into the ghoul piled below and set other ghouls on fire.

"Such a big fire won't melt the ice wall of the Great Wall, right?" Stannis frowned as he looked at the ignited fire and asked Melisandre on the side.

Stannis also nodded, saying that he would keep an eye on this place.

And if they are careful, they can find that the White Walkers who command the zombies have considerable wisdom. They know how to judge the form, how to test the attack, and how to find key points to fight back. They even know when to retreat instead of blindly attacking. A White Walker that contains wisdom and knows how to plan will only be much more difficult to deal with than a White Walker that has no brains and only knows how to harvest lives.

Taking this opportunity, the guards on the city wall were also replaced. Linde also returned to the city wall. However, he did not go to the room arranged for him by Castle Black to rest. Instead, he went to the military camp near Castle Black because soon They captured some ghouls before, and these ghouls were the archers and Night Watch soldiers who had been shot by the White Walker ice crystals and fell off the Great Wall.

Obviously, while the power of the White Walkers killed them, it also caused their corpses to mutate and turn into ghouls. Fortunately, these mutated ghouls fell into the military camp between Mole Village and the city wall. In the isolation zone, the soldiers in the military camp captured the mutations just as they occurred. A few of them were destroyed on the spot, and the rest had their limbs chopped off, preserved, and sent to the military camp.

"Why are these people able to be transformed into ghouls by the power of the White Walkers after flying over the Great Wall?" Lind checked the situation of these ghouls and couldn't help but wonder. "The power of the Great Wall is not working?" Melisandre also grabbed a ghoul and checked it, then directly summoned a ball of flame, ignited it, and replied.

"The Great Wall didn't exert its power?" Linde turned around and looked at the towering Great Wall. After thinking about it, he ordered: "Spread the news about these corpses and let all the military camps stay vigilant to prevent them from being attacked by the White Walkers again." Those killed fell off the Great Wall and turned into corpses, creating chaos for us.”

"Yes, sir." The officer in the military camp responded quickly, and immediately asked people to prepare the sled, and sent out all the messengers in the military camp to convey the instructions.

"Let's go to Ice Scar City and ask!" Lind said to Melisandre.

Melisandre nodded, and each of them rode a war horse and left the military camp and rushed towards Ice Scar City.

Soon the two came to the outside of Ice Mark City. Different from the military camps composed of soldiers outside other castles, outside Ice Mark City, in addition to the Chosen Corps, the Silent Monks and the Sisters of Redemption, there was also a secret spell composed of spellcasters. The Institute is mainly responsible for testing and researching weapons that can kill zombies and ghosts on a large scale. At the same time, it will also study the mysterious power contained in the Great Wall.

After Lind arrived, he entered the ice cave directly. In addition to Willas and Bran on the ice wall, the people staying in the ice cave at the moment were also Jojen Reed.

In addition, Ella and Yara are also here, but their sisters' situation is a bit abnormal at this moment. Their eyes are white and they have entered a certain mental state, and there is a force wrapped around their bodies, emitting gray light from time to time, and the surrounding people The fluorescent lights flicker with each other, as if they are communicating with the power contained in the Great Wall of Despair.

"What's going on?" Linde saw this situation and did not step forward to interrupt, so as to avoid any abnormal reactions caused by rash insertion, but he still asked Vilas and the others in a low voice.

"I want to know too." Vilas replied seriously.

Bran also added: "Your Majesty Linde, this has been the case since your subordinate came here, and we don't know why it is like this?"

Lind frowned and guessed: "Is it because of this reason that you didn't prevent the power of the White Walkers from working on the dead tonight?"

"What?" Vilas and Bran both looked puzzled.

Lind then briefly talked about tonight's battle, focusing on the marksmen and warriors killed by the White Walkers. After falling from the Great Wall, the power of the White Walkers in the body still played a role, killing their bodies. On the matter of mutating into a ghoul.

After listening to what Linde said, Vilas and Bran looked at each other with strange expressions on their faces, as if there was something unspeakable.

"Tell him!" Bran said to Willas.

Vilas was silent for a moment and said: "When the Great Wall was first built, it was indeed able to form an absolute limit on the power of the White Walkers, but the current Great Wall is completely different from the previous Great Wall. The current Great Wall is built with me and Bu Lan's body serves as a node for the operation of power, and uses its inexplicable soul to make up for the broken runes in the Great Wall. Therefore, the ability of the Great Wall has been weakened due to our reasons. For example, the corpses can no longer be blocked by the Great Wall, and the power of the White Walkers can no longer be blocked. Restricted, the situation you mentioned just now happens to be the loophole in the defense of the Great Wall of Despair."

Melisandre on the side suddenly spoke and said: "Is it possible that those people shot by the White Walkers' ice crystals were the chess pieces used by the White Walkers to explore the loopholes of the Great Wall?"

Linde frowned after hearing this, nodded and said, "It's possible. If so, it would be troublesome."

For some reason, Linde was reminded of a game promotional animation from his previous life. In that animation, the attackers used trebuchets to throw the monsters under their hands into the city, directly attacking the defenders inside the city.

Although in that animation, the guarded city wall was only a few dozen meters high, far from being comparable to the height of the Great Wall, the problem is that this world has magic and gods, and the White Walkers have both. Maybe they can really create a rectangular trebuchet, let a group of ghouls huddle together, and use them like cannonballs to project across the Great Wall of Despair and land on the inside of the Great Wall.

Although falling to the ground from such a height will cause many ghouls to be shattered into pieces and unable to carry out any attacks, there will definitely be many ghouls who can survive. If these ghouls are left alone, they may do harm to the Great Wall of Despair. defense caused great trouble.

Therefore, Linde has decided to remind the people in the Night Watch Legion and the military camp in the quarantine zone to beware of the group of corpses falling from the sky.

Bran said: "Actually, in tonight's battle, we didn't do anything. We felt that the White Walker Queen was outside the city, and we were accumulating strength to prevent the White Walker Queen from attacking."

"Is the White Walker Queen observing us outside the city?" Melisandre asked curiously: "What kind of attacks can she launch? Can she directly summon Eternal Winter?"

Willas looked at Melisandre and said, "No, she will attack the Wall with the Horn of Winter."

"The Horn of Winter has fallen into her hands." Linde muttered and said, "Has she repaired the Horn of Winter?"

"Yes." Bran nodded and said, "We can feel that the White Walker Queen has something that can cause damage to the Great Wall. I think it can only be the Horn of Winter."

Vilas took the words and said: "However, you don't have to be afraid. She can't use it easily, because just like the Dragon's Horn, using this thing once will cause great damage to her, and it will not cause other people to use it." People use it, because if it is used like that, it will not be able to exert the power of the Winter Horn."

Lind thought of the elf White Walker who had retained his sanity, and thought of the opportunity he mentioned.

(End of this chapter)

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