Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 401 Attack from the sky

Chapter 401 Attack from the sky

In the following days, the army of corpses continued to tentatively attack the Great Wall. Each attack would leave a large number of corpses of corpses, and many ghosts would die in the hands of human archers. Every time the corpses attacked, At most, they can only rush to the bottom of the Great Wall of Despair, and they cannot even climb half of the height of the ice wall of the Great Wall of Despair.

Because of this, the defensive warriors on the entire Great Wall seemed extremely relaxed. Many people even felt that the legends about ghouls and white ghosts in ancient legends were a bit exaggerated. According to the current combat effectiveness of ghouls and white ghosts, , even if there are tens of millions of ghouls, it is only a matter of time and energy to eliminate them, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

Seeing the idea of ​​underestimating the enemy spread among the various garrison forces on the Great Wall, Stannis and others felt that something was wrong. They corrected this idea of ​​underestimating the enemy to the soldiers around them more than once. Later, they even directly formulated military regulations to prohibit it, but in the end The effect is minimal.

Linde naturally saw all this and warned the entire castle defense point of the Great Wall once or twice. After seeing that the night watchmen and free people did not take his words seriously, he never mentioned it again. .

For Linde, it would be fine as long as the Redemption Sisters, Silent Monks and Divine Chosen Corps that he deployed at various castle defense points were not affected.

As for the Hands of the Holy Fire of R'hllor, the King of Light, and the high priests of the Red Temple, they also believed that the wights and white walkers were much weaker than expected, and were also influenced by the Night's Watch warriors. I think the reason why the legendary White Walkers are so scary is that people at that time encountered White Walkers for the first time and were unprepared. But now they have targeted preparations for White Walkers and corpses, and their own equipment and strength are better than in ancient times. The people are much stronger, so it makes sense that they can destroy the ghosts and corpses so easily.

Therefore, many high priests of the Red Temple feel that they should take the initiative and have a head-on battle with the White Walkers and wights on the frontal battlefield, instead of hiding on the high wall and using the power of the Great Wall to eliminate the wights. , only in this way can they demonstrate their devout faith in the King of Light, and gain the favor and love of the King of Light.

Fortunately, there are many sober people like Melisandre among these fanatic believers in the Lord of Light. They stopped these believers in the Lord of Light in time, and used the power of Lind to suppress their irrational restlessness. Behavior.

However, this suppression has not completely eliminated the hidden dangers. There are still many Hands of Holy Fire warriors who feel that they should fight the enemy bloodyly on the frontal battlefield in order to demonstrate their pious beliefs.

During these ten days, he did not act as a warrior most of the time, but as an archer and shield hand. The hammer hanging on his waist was even covered with a layer of ice. He was a little doubtful when holding the hammer. , the hammer may be thrown out due to slippage on the ice above.

Everyone couldn't help but show a look of frustration when they heard this. They knew very well that it would not be difficult to convince the high priest and the red monk. After all, many of them had the same idea as them. But it would be very difficult to convince Linder, because Linder had made it very clear from the beginning that he wanted to use the Great Wall to prevent the White Walkers from moving south.

Someone took over and said, "If we can't convince the high priest and the red-robed monk, it's impossible for us to fight the corpse head-on."

Suddenly someone suggested in a low voice: "How about we find an opportunity to sneak over."

At the meeting, after everyone prayed, Gamorla said extremely seriously: "We can't go on like this. The battle my lord wants is not this kind of battle. Even if we win in the end, my lord will never Hope to get this victory."

All in all, the nearly ten days of fighting had become so boring that he even considered jumping off the Great Wall.

Someone corrected: "No, even if we persuade the high priest and the red-robed monk, it will be useless. If His Majesty doesn't speak, it will be impossible for us to go out."

As a commander of the Hand of the Holy Fire, Gamora manages the Holy Fire Warriors at the defense points in Changchelou. After completing the routine battle, he summoned the Holy Fire Warrior captains from each defense point for a meeting.

The training of Holy Fire Hand warriors has existed for thousands of years. Countless people have received this training before, but these people never used these combat skills until they died. This cruel training would greatly damage the body of the Holy Fire Warrior, so few Holy Fire Warriors live to the age of thirty.

The people who can follow Gamorra and become captains are without exception the same fanatical believers as Gamorra. They are also extremely dissatisfied with the current battle, so they all agree with Gamorra's words after hearing them. nodded.

However, what made him extremely disappointed was that his battle with the White Walkers and the Wights was not as epic as he thought. Instead, it was extremely boring. It had been almost ten days since the war started, and they had not fought the White Walkers and the Wights once. In a head-on confrontation, all the ghouls advance. The archers shoot arrows with holy fire or dragon crystal. The arrows ignite the ghouls, igniting a fire, and then the ghoul army retreats.

The man raised his head towards a pile of ropes piled not far away and said, "We can use these ropes when we take over the guard..."

He originally had the opportunity to become a priest, but he gave up and voluntarily joined the Hand of the Holy Fire and became a Holy Fire Warrior. He had to undergo brutal training every day in order to become a warrior for R'hllor against the Cold God in the future.

Gamora, who comes from the Bart family, can be said to be the representative of the Hand of Fire fanatics. He comes from a prominent noble family in Volantis. He has entered the Red Temple at a very young age and has become a priest of R'hllor.

"We also wanted to dedicate an epic battle to our lord, but the high priest and the red-robed monks did not intend to use this opportunity to show off my lord's glory. Instead..." a Holy Fire Warrior captain said with great dissatisfaction, But he stopped mid-sentence and did not continue.

Gamora looked at his companion and asked: "What are you talking about? All the passages of the Great Wall are blocked, how can you sneak past?"

So when Benero began to mobilize the Holy Fire Hands warriors to rush to the Great Wall, he did not hesitate to use his family's connections to become the first batch of Holy Fire warriors to come to the Great Wall.

Gamora also felt that he would become one of those Holy Fire Warriors who died on the hospital bed, because he was already twenty-eight years old this year. He already felt that his body was about to die, but what he never expected was that the prophecy The war between the King of Light and the God of Cold appeared, and the location was the legendary Great Wall of Despair.

Someone immediately retorted: "We want an epic battle that our Lord will appreciate, not commit suicide. Not to mention how many people will fall to death when descending with ropes from the Great Wall, even if they get to the bottom of the city wall, How can we people fight against the White Walkers and wights, and how can we retreat?"

Everyone nodded and accused that person of having bad ideas.

Just as the captains of these Holy Fire Warriors were discussing how to have an epic battle with the White Walkers and Ghouls, suddenly the night watchman on the observation deck blew his horn and pointed loudly at the ghostly forest shrouded in dense snow and fog. shouted. "What is he shouting?" Gamorra, who didn't know the common language of the Seven Kingdoms very well, asked the people around him as he walked to the edge of the city wall and looked in the direction of the Ghost Forest.

"He seemed to say that there was a big guy in the fog." Someone who understands Common Language translated it.

"Big guy?" Gamora hesitated for a moment, covered his eyes with his hands, and looked towards the ghost forest against the wind and snow coming from the north, but all he saw was a snowy fog.

Just when Gamor was wondering, he suddenly heard loud noises coming from the direction of the ghost forest, and then he saw dozens of black shadows breaking through the ghost shadows from east to west. The snow mist drew an arc in the air, and finally hit the ice wall in the middle of the Great Wall. Then it spread out and fell to the bottom of the Great Wall.

"What is that? A ghoul?" The archer with good eyesight quickly saw that dozens of black shadows were groups of ghouls.

Someone said with a puzzled look: "Are those monsters crazy? Do you want to use corpses to destroy the Great Wall?"

Just as he was talking, there was another loud noise, and then dozens more groups of ghouls were projected into the air and hit the ice wall of the Great Wall of Despair, but this time the location where the ghouls hit had been raised. A lot, only a dozen meters away from the top of the Great Wall of Despair.

"No! They are not trying to smash down the Great Wall. They want to project the corpses onto the Great Wall, or into the Great Wall." At this time, the Night Watch Commander in charge of this defense point immediately made a judgment and moved towards The night watchman on the beacon tower shouted loudly: "Light the beacon immediately and blow the horn!"

Upon hearing the order, the people on the beacon tower did not hesitate to light the beacon fire and blew the horn according to the most urgent signal frequency. All the garrison soldiers on the wall were mobilized and took up their weapons to be on guard seriously.

The red monks immediately prayed to R'hllor in their own way, and then saw flames igniting on the weapons of all the warriors, just like the legendary Lightbringers.

Almost at the same time as the order was spread, a loud noise was heard again, and groups of zombie balls rose into the sky, passing directly over the Great Wall of Despair and falling into the Great Wall of Despair.

A large number of bonfires were immediately lit in the military camp inside the Great Wall of Despair, illuminating the surroundings. Noises and sounds of fighting began to be heard from below. However, the garrison soldiers at the top of the Great Wall of Despair were not in the mood to pay attention to the movements below, because they also had to deal with the incoming attack. of ghouls.

I saw that groups of corpses were constantly projected from the ghost forest and flew over the Great Wall. However, not all of these groups of corpses flew over the Great Wall. Some of them flew to the top of the Great Wall and suddenly became loose. Soon, the corpses landed on the Great Wall of Despair by inertia.

Although many ghouls fell to the other side of the Great Wall, or smashed against the wall, there were still many ghouls that happened to fall on the top of the Great Wall. The most troublesome thing is that these ghouls are not only human ghouls. , there are also a large number of animal ghouls, such as direwolves, shadow lynx, etc., which cooperate with human ghouls to launch attacks on the garrison soldiers at the top of the Great Wall.

At the same time, the ghoul army outside the Great Wall once again launched an attack on the Great Wall, but this time there were no trebuchets or archers on the Great Wall to stop it. Soon the ghoul army rushed to the bottom of the Great Wall and quickly began to move upward. Climb.

Although the throwing attack of the ghouls was a bit unexpected, the garrison warriors on the city wall were still able to hold their ground. While holding shields, they attacked the ghouls with the fire swords in their hands. Those ghouls were unable to defend themselves against the fire attack and would be destroyed if they were touched. was lit.

Originally, everyone thought that such an attack could quickly clean up the ghouls that fell on the city wall, but during a battle at a defensive point, a White Walker suddenly rushed out from among the ghouls and directly killed several vigilantes standing in front of him. The man then broke the wildfire jar protected by the night watchman.

A large amount of wildfire liquid flowed to the ground, and the sparks falling from the torches instantly ignited the wildfires on the ground. The huge explosion directly covered this defense point. Not only the White Walkers and corpses were destroyed by the explosion, but also the The surrounding Night Watchmen, Free Folk Soldiers, God's Chosen Warriors, Holy Fire Warriors, etc. were all ignited by flames.

Only a few of the Silent Monks and Sisters of Redemption prayed to the Rune Mark of the Unknown King in their bodies at the moment the wildfire was ignited, and a layer of ice instantly formed between them and their companions, connecting them to the Great Wall of Despair below. , they escaped the damage of the wildfire explosion, but even so they were trapped in the flames and could not move.

Screams immediately came from there, and the captains of other defense points immediately shouted loudly.

"Beware of wildfires, beware of wildfires!"

"Extinguish the flame, use dragon crystal, extinguish the flame, use dragon crystal!"

Although the order was issued, it was not easy to execute it, because they had to deal with the crazy attacks of the zombies at any time, and there was no extra time to change weapons. Even some free folk soldiers who had not been specially trained had completely fallen into fanatic fighting. During this time, he did not even notice that there were wildfires and other dangerous items around him.

Continuous explosions erupted at various defense points. Pieces of green flames burned and spread on the top of the Great Wall, and below the flames was blue ice, which looked extremely gorgeous.

A large number of defense devices such as trebuchets were damaged, and some elevators were also damaged. Backup became extremely difficult, and personnel losses were huge. Almost more than half of the people were killed either by ghouls or White Walkers hiding among the ghouls. They were burned or blown to death by the explosive wildfire. The entire defense system at the top of the Great Wall was disrupted by the sudden and violent attack, making it impossible to organize an effective defense array.

Just when everyone thought that the defense at the top of the Great Wall might be broken by the long-planned fierce attack of the White Walkers, bursts of prayers came from the mouth of the Redemption Sister protected by the ice, and an invisible force instantly The fire was generated, forming tornadoes that swept the flames on the ground of the Great Wall into the air together with the wildfire liquid, turning them into a burning cloud.

Immediately afterwards, the Huoshaoyun extended downwards tornadoes in the shape of tentacles, which landed on the isolation belt outside the Great Wall, and quickly expanded into a huge fire wall from Gray Water to the Shadow Tower. All the corpses and aliens rushing up were All the ghosts were drawn into the wall of fire and turned into ashes.

The corpses and ghosts that rushed to the city wall seemed to have lost the power to support them. They were frozen in place one by one, allowing the defending warriors to attack without fighting back. The corpses and ghosts that climbed the wall were even more direct. It fell from the city wall and was smashed to pieces. Even if it was not broken, it was ignited by the flames falling from the air.

(End of this chapter)

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