Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 403: Transfer of Attack and Defense Points

Chapter 403: Transfer of Attack and Defense Points

Starting from the destruction of the giant trebuchet made by the White Walkers, for more than half a month, the war seemed to gradually turn into a resource consumption war. The White Walkers consumed corpses, while humans consumed resources.

In the face of the attack of the White Walkers, as long as there are no trebuchets involved, the humans will allow the White Walkers to attack the Great Wall and use ordinary arrows, dragon crystal arrows and other methods to ignite the holy fire to destroy these corpses and White Walkers.

But as soon as fog is generated again too close to the Great Wall, humans will use trebuchets to throw wildfire and firewood at the maximum distance, turning the area into a sea of ​​​​fire, using flames to disperse the fog, and not allowing the White Walkers to get anywhere close. Opportunity to build a giant trebuchet.

Faced with this almost rogue style of play, the White Walkers obviously have not found any solution. They use a large number of corpses to fill the holes every day. It is obvious that the White Walkers have not spread out in the land of eternal winter for thousands of years. In large-scale wars, their understanding of war is still stuck in ancient times, with the number of soldiers as the only factor that determines the direction of the war.

At least from one aspect, this is true. If Linde had not appeared, at least the main factor in the outcome of wars in this world would still be determined by the number of soldiers under his command. An army of 10,000 people would encounter an army of 1,000 people. As for the army, as long as the commander is not particularly stretched, the army is extremely unbearable, and there is no extraordinary power like Linde to intervene, then an army of a thousand people has almost no chance of winning.

But now the situation is different. Linde has included equipment, technology, attack methods, etc. into the factors of winning or losing the war. On the contrary, the number of people is no longer particularly important.

Over the years, Linde has continued to improve various technologies against White Walkers and zombies in order to completely suppress the White Walkers' attacks like now. Even now, he is still improving similar technologies.

I saw that an arrow was thrown out by his dragon bone bow. Under the influence of the power of the storm dragon rune, it was not hindered by any headwind. It was even supported by the wind power of the rune. It flew a long distance and landed on the ground. He reached a distance that ordinary people couldn't see with the naked eye, and accurately shot a White Walker.

When the White Walkers were shot by dragon crystal arrows and shattered into ice crystals, the dragon crystal arrowhead with the holy fire attached to the arrow immediately exploded and turned into countless fragments, piercing into the dozens of White Walkers gathered around. and hundreds of corpses, taking them away in one wave.

In addition to the holy fire dragon crystal arrows, which are specially used to deal with the White Walkers, Linde also tested the weapons recently developed to deal with the wights. Although these weapons can effectively eliminate Ghouls, but the final effect is not as good as wildfire.

"With the current number of people in the secret method, using the latest inscription method of the Black Cave, thirty arrows can be produced every day." The alchemist said truthfully: "But Your Majesty can let the Black Cave process it and transport it to the Great Wall of Despair. That way If so, the quantity should be able to produce about 2,000 pieces per day.”

So Linde guessed that West Bridge Look should be the focus of the White Walkers' next wave of attacks, and more importantly, opposite West Bridge Look is the end of the Frostfang Mountains. The overall terrain is slightly higher than West Bridge Look, and there are Terrain such as hills can be exploited and is extremely detrimental to defense.

At the same time, they also used trebuchets to throw wildfire at the group of White Walkers who were casting certain spells in the distance, which not only interrupted their spellcasting, but also eliminated many White Walkers.

"Succeeded! The Holy Fire Dragon Crystal was successful!" Stannis said slightly after seeing the damage caused by the dragon crystal arrows attached to the Holy Fire through the newly developed telescope.

Overall, the situation at West Bridge View is pretty good and there is no danger for the time being.

After all, judging from the battle here for almost a month, unless the Horn of Winter can really destroy the Great Wall of Despair like the legend, it is basically impossible to break through the Great Wall of Despair through a force attack.

Benero, Melisandre and others next to them also showed satisfied smiles. Although they were a little disgusted with Linde's research on the holy fire attached to the dragon crystal at first, but now after seeing the power of the holy fire dragon crystal, it turns out that Their antipathy has completely dissipated. For them, this Holy Fire Dragon Crystal Arrow undoubtedly demonstrates the power of the King of Light.

The content on the letterhead was very simple. It was that Xiqiaowang encountered an army of ghouls. However, the Chosen Corps, which had been prepared in advance, directly used wildfire to explode the ice of the Ruhe River, exposing the river water. All the ghouls rushing into the Ruhe River were exposed. and the White Walkers were all washed away by the rushing river.

However, now that the White Walkers have noticed the defensive loophole in West Bridge Lookout that can avoid the Great Wall of Despair, they will definitely bypass the Great Wall from here at all costs.

"Your Majesty, there is news from West Bridge." Just after testing all the weapons and Linde and others were preparing to leave the Great Wall, an affairs officer from the Night Watch hurried over and reported.

Linde attached great importance to the defense of Xiqiaowang. Not only did he dispatch a complete regiment of Redemption Sisters and Silent Monks to garrison there from the beginning, but he also later deployed one-third of the Chosen Corps stationed on the Great Wall to garrison in the west. Bridge Watch, coupled with the later deployment of 500 Night Watchmen and 1,000 free people soldiers, made the defense manpower of West Bridge Watch far more than other defense points on the Great Wall.

"The effect is very good." Lind turned to the alchemist in charge of the Ice Crystal City Secret Method and asked: "How is the output of this kind of arrows?"

Because during this period of time, the White Walkers' attacks were always aimed at the Great Wall, which made Lind almost forget about the Great Wall and the defensive loophole of West Bridge.

"Wang Xiqiao?" Linde was stunned and immediately took the letter from the clerk.

Linde nodded and asked the Secret Technique to continue making holy fire dragon crystal arrows during this period. He also ordered the Black Cave to step up the processing of this special dragon crystal arrow, so that the sharpshooters at all defense points of the Great Wall must be available in a short time. They are all equipped with similar arrows.

In addition to sufficient manpower, the allocation of various materials is also very sufficient. In particular, the allocation of wildfires is almost double that of other castle defense points. This allows Xiqiaowang to easily explode the ice of the Ruhe River and destroy the ice in one go. Hundreds of thousands of White Walkers and wights piled on the ice of the Ruhe River were all sent into the sea.

Although Stannis and others now seem to be well prepared for West Bridge and there does not seem to be any need to increase manpower or supplies, Linder does not think so because he feels that the focus of the White Walkers' next attack may shift to West Bridge. Hope, so he still sent an army assisted by seven countries to Xiqiaowang.

The news that the White Walkers went south and attacked the Great Wall had already spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms. After experiencing the initial shock and panic, people's emotions quickly calmed down. The reason for this was because they discovered that this The rumored war about the survival of human civilization did not seem to cause them much trouble. How they lived in the past was how they still live now. That war was outside the distant and desperate Great Wall, and it did not seem to have much to do with them. It’s not just ordinary people who hold this idea, but also more noble lords who think the same way. They even think that Lind’s imposition of the White Walker tax is just to make money from Qiao Li’s quota.

Compared with the White Walkers who are completely blocked outside the Great Wall, they are more concerned about their future position in the new Empire of Terra.

Ever since Lind admitted at the Royal Council that after Queen Nymeria and Queen Daenerys conquered Slaver's Bay, he would integrate all the territories and territories together and establish an unprecedented huge human empire. All and This topic related to the human empire has become the most discussed topic in the Seven Kingdoms and even the city-states on the Essos continent.

For the nobles and lords, the future empire's system is their focus, and what worries them is that news has spread that Linde will build the future empire's system according to the model of the Summer Hall.

As we all know, the biggest feature of the Summer Hall model is that there are no lords, or even knights. All the lords and knights that already exist in the Summer Hall were granted in the past, and the rights of these lords with fiefs have also been greatly weakened, such as Black Port and Well City only have taxation rights, and all other rights are controlled by the Midsummer Hall. For example, although the Stormland Lords can still retain the right to recruit troops, the defense of the entire territory is controlled by the Midsummer Hall.

It is not difficult to see from the situation of these lords that after the establishment of the Terran Empire, if the imperial system is established according to the model of the Summer Hall, the rights in the hands of each lord will inevitably be greatly weakened. In the best case, they will only compete with the Storm Land. The lords are almost the same.

So when the relevant news spread, exchanges between the various territories of the Seven Kingdoms became more frequent, and various discussions were held in the secret rooms of those lords or in some secret place. No matter how they discussed, they could not come up with anything good now. way to solve this problem.

If they had followed the previous approach, they could have organized an army to resist the system formulated by Linde and force Linde to agree to implement the existing system. But now they can't find a reason to form an army and force Linde to force him because of that Tyran The empire has not yet been established, so naturally there is no system to speak of.

And more importantly, they found that even if they formed an army, they would not be able to cause any trouble to the current Linde. Not to mention Linde's army in the Essos continent, the local army of Midsummer Hall alone was enough. Sweeping the Seven Kingdoms.

Therefore, various lords have set their sights on the top lords of the Seven Kingdoms, hoping that these lords can help them speak and put pressure on Linde.

But these lords were destined to be disappointed. They first accepted the royal territory and Dragonstone Island directly controlled by Linde, and then publicly expressed their willingness to cooperate with the future system reform after the establishment of the empire.

Just a few days after the crown publicly announced its support for the establishment and reform of the imperial system, Shireen Baratheon, Warden of the Stormlands and Duke of Storm's End, Sansa Stark, Warden of the North and Duke of Winterfell, and Warden Tommen Lannister, Duke of Casterly Rock, Warden of the River Bend, Mace Tyrell, Duke of Highgarden, Prince of Dorne, and Lord Doran Martell of Sunspear have publicly expressed their support for the future establishment of the empire. system.

Two days later, Catelyn Tully, Warden of the Riverlands and Duke of Riverrun, and Robert Arryn, Warden of the Vale and Duke of the Eyrie, also expressed their support for the imperial system.

Subsequently, territories such as Iron Islands, Bear Island, Old Town, Qingting Island, White Harbor and other territories also expressed their willingness to cooperate with the empire in establishing a new system.

For a time, the vast majority of the great lords were willing to cooperate in building a new Terra Empire system based on the template of the Summer Hall. No matter how unwilling the remaining lords were, no one dared to say anything at this time.

Especially when the news of the conquest of Slaver's Bay spread to the continent of Westeros, everyone knew that that huge empire would be established, and the time of establishment was most likely after the White Walkers were finally defeated.

An inexplicable sense of comfort and mission arose spontaneously, spreading rapidly among the seven kingdoms and even the city-states on the Essos continent. Everyone looked forward to the early establishment of this empire, so that their attention was also focused on it. Falling back on the battle at the Great Wall of Despair.

At this moment, Linde also received the battle report from Slaver's Bay. Although the result was not beyond Linde's expectation, the process was a little twisty.

Nymeria led Lorne to attack Yunkai and Daenerys attacked Meereen very smoothly. With the help of dragons, even if they are just young dragons, they can still help the army break through the city gate faster, not to mention the two sides. There were a large number of slaves in this city who were unwilling to be persecuted and were willing to become internal agents. The two cities were only defended for two days before they were breached by the two queens. At this time, the Chosen Corps and the Miracle Fleet led by Rosso Brun had just Arrive at Astapor and besiege Astapor.

Rosso Brun originally planned to use the period when the two major slave city-states were dedicated to suppress the slave owners of Astapor, create unrest in the city, separate the slave owners' forces, and thereby reduce the difficulty of attacking the city.

However, what he never expected was that after capturing the two slave city-states, Nymeria and Daenerys immediately released all the slaves and began to publicly try and execute the slave owners, except for a very few. Except for a slave owner with a good reputation and some humanity in his work who survived and retained some of his assets, all other slave owners were executed without exception. Those who committed crimes in his family were also executed, and those who did not commit crimes were also executed. People, such as some children, were sent to Great Morak Island to pioneer the empire.

After the news of the two major slave city-states reached Astapor, the Astapor slave owners who had originally planned to surrender immediately became extremely tough. They killed all the slave owners who tried to surrender, and killed all the slave owners with a trace of The rebellious slaves gave up all thoughts of surrender and decided to defend Astapor.

After discovering that it was impossible to easily capture Astapor, Rosso Brun could only use a strong attack to attack Astapor.

Although Rosso Brun has an elite Chosen Corps, and there are also ballistas and trebuchets from the Miracle Fleet offshore to help, and another dragoon regiment composed of the Sons of the Forest is also dispatched after listening, it can be said that he has the absolute upper hand, but The slave owners of Astapor resisted desperately, and even did not hesitate to use a forbidden drug that could forget pain on their slave soldiers who obeyed orders to increase their combat effectiveness, which caused twists and turns in the attack on Astapor.

It wasn't until Daenerys arrived after hearing the news and gathered three dragons to burn down a section of the city wall that a gap was opened in Astapor's defense.

The slave owners found that the city had been destroyed and felt that there was no hope, so they ignited the kerosene buried throughout the city and burned the entire city and the people inside. In the end, only half of the city and half of the ruins remained.

(End of this chapter)

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