Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 404 Ice Dragon Attacks

Chapter 404 Ice Dragon Attacks
"Congratulations, Your Majesty, for unifying the continent of Essos!" This is the sentence that Lind has heard the most recently. Ever since the battle report of Slaver's Bay spread on the Great Wall, no matter where he goes, he can learn from the night watchmen, The Chosen Corps and the Hands of the Holy Fire heard such words of congratulations from their mouths. If the Silent Monk could speak, they might also say similar congratulations.

Although the conquest of Slaver's Bay had nothing to do with the war on the Wall, the Night's Watch, the Hands of the Fire and other warriors still felt proud.

In this regard, Linde is happy to see this happen, because this attitude shows that the Volantis, including the Volantis who surrendered not long ago, have gradually regarded themselves as part of the future empire and are happy about the strength of the empire.

However, the joy did not last long, as a battle report from the east coast ruined Lind's mood.

The content of the battle report is very simple. The ice dragon appeared on the Shivering Sea northeast of Hardhome and attacked a Miracle fleet patrolling there. Only three of the twenty warships boarded the Storm God Priests to create strong winds. After speeding up the ship and using dark clouds to block the ice dragon, they were able to escape from the ice dragon's attack. The remaining seventeen ships were all torn apart by the ice dragon and sank into the sea.

Since the establishment of the Miracle Fleet, there has never been such a heavy loss. Lind did not make the news public, nor did he summon Stannis and others. Instead, he summoned Samwell Tarly and other staff, showed them the battle report, and asked for their opinions.

After reading the battle report, everyone looked at each other, and the expressions on their faces became solemn.

Although they had known a long time ago that the ice dragon appeared outside the wall and was a companion of the White Walkers, the ice dragon had not participated in the battle since the war began, which made them subconsciously forget that the White Walkers had such a terrifying person. Power, it was only now that they saw the ice dragon crushing seventeen warships like a toy, that they felt the terrifying power of the ice dragon. The scene of the ice dragon appearing on the desperate Great Wall battlefield emerged in their minds. A trace of fear could not help but arise.

Sam took a deep breath to calm down, and then asked doubtfully: "Your Majesty, there is something I don't quite understand. Why didn't the Ice Dragon destroy the remaining three battleships? Logically speaking, even if there is a storm, With the help of the strong wind created by the priest, the speed of the battleships should not be comparable to the flying speed of the ice dragon. As for the power of the storm clouds, it should not be enough to pose a threat to the ice dragon. It is fully capable of destroying those seventeen battleships. It would be better to catch up with the three warships and destroy them. Why didn't it do that instead of letting the three warships escape? "

A series of questions came out of Sam's mouth, gradually causing the temporary staff present to calm down and think seriously about Sam's questions.

I saw that the woman who said this had a beautiful face, with golden hair that looked like a crown, and gray eyes set in a beautiful face. It did not damage her appearance at all, but made her look a little more strange. Her style, coupled with her almost perfect slender and plump figure, and milky white delicate skin, make her appearance almost perfect. When she appears in the crowd, she will immediately attract everyone's attention.

The Onion Knight sorted out his words and said: "When I was smuggling in the past, if I encountered particularly tight guards, I would find someone to create chaos in advance, trick the guards into coming, and then I could safely transport the goods to the city." As he spoke, he paused and continued: "The Ice Dragon attacked the Miracle Fleet ships with such a big fanfare, and deliberately let three ships go without pursuing them. Could it be because the Ice Dragon wanted to divert our attention? To the waters of the east coast, and then..."

"Is there another possibility, that there is some kind of force that blocks the ice dragon's pursuit?" At this time, a female voice with an accent outside the Great Wall suddenly sounded in the room, and everyone looked at the source of the female voice in unison. As they passed by, many of them even showed admiring looks.

Everyone fell silent again.

"Could it be that Ice Dragon deliberately let those three warships leave to spread its power, create panic on the Great Wall of Despair, and undermine our morale?" someone speculated.

"Impossible." Sam shook his head and said: "Although the ice dragon is powerful, His Majesty also has a giant dragon in his hands. Not to mention the glutton and the lava dragon, just Diltos is already powerful enough to compete with the ice dragon." The dragon's counterattack and the ice dragon's attack on the Miracle Fleet will not have a big impact on our morale."

In fact, Val's brain is slightly worse than Sam's. Compared with the rest of the staff, she has gone far beyond it. The only flaw is that her methods of doing things have too many traces of tribes outside the Great Wall, although those methods are simple. Direct, but not suitable for the current environment. It will take some time for her to be as independent as Sam.

Everyone nodded, indicating that this possibility was very high.

When Linde formed a temporary staff team, Mance Rayder brought Val over and asked Val to join the staff team. His intention was naturally self-evident, and Linde didn't care much about it, as long as Val It is enough that you are smart enough to be competent in various affairs of the staff team.

Sam also quickly caught up with the Onion Knight's thoughts and took over the words: "Then the White Walkers took advantage of our distraction and concentrated their efforts to attack West Bridge. Before we could react, they captured West Bridge and established a line. aisle."

"Then what force do you think is stopping the ice dragon?" Linde asked in a deep voice.

Everyone looked at the Onion Knight in confusion, while Linde sat up straight and gestured: "Tell me in detail."

Val stood in front of Linde and talked eloquently: "I don't know if you have clearly read the battle report. It is not that the Ice Dragon did not pursue the three battleships. After it sank seven battleships, it immediately pursued it. After chasing those three warships for a certain distance, they turned back and sank the other warships. It was mentioned here that when Ice Dragon chased those three warships, it would inexplicably stop attacking every time. Flying away from the three warships, it is obvious that there should be some kind of force preventing it from attacking those three warships."

After a while, Onion Knight Davos said: "Is it because you want to attract our attention?"

This woman is Mance Rayder's sister-in-law, named Val. When Mance Rayder brought her to everyone, no one could believe that such a woman looked extremely noble in both temperament and appearance. The beautiful woman turned out to be a wildling outside the wall. Even a man of noble birth like Stannis looked like a country bumpkin standing in front of her.

"Continue to tell me your opinion." After hearing the new speculation, Linde also looked at Wa'er with interest and gestured to her.

"I really want to say it's the power of the Storm God, but..." Val hesitated and said, "But I don't feel like it. It's more like...the three ships themselves will have an impact on the ice dragon."

After hearing this, Linde was silent for a moment and ordered the detailed information of the three ships to be brought over.

Relevant information was soon sent to Linde. He looked through the information carefully and found that these three ships were all test ships built that year, and the objects tested by these three ships were the mysterious black oil stones. . In order to test various materials that may contain or are known to contain mysterious power, Black Cave has manufactured some test equipment, including weapons, armor, ships and horse gear, etc., and the test objects of these three ships happened to be black oil stones.

The black oilstone used by these three ships came from the ruins of Valyria's Free Fortress, and the test results showed that it had no special effects. In the end, these three ships were incorporated into the Miracle Fleet sequence. Unexpectedly But he was sent to the Shivering Sea to perform a mission, and happened to encounter an ice dragon.

After reading this information, Linde couldn't help but think of Euron and the City of Dead Corpses, as well as the elf named Penan.

After reading the information, Sam thought for a while and said, "I remember that the cornerstone of the Great Wall seems to be this kind of black stone."

Lind quickly issued orders to mine black stones from places with similar black stones such as Iron Islands and Old Town and transport them to the Great Wall. He also sent a message to the Miracle Fleet in the ruins of Valyria, asking them to cooperate with the lava dragon resistance. Sarion mines the blackstone in the ruins.

In addition, he also issued an order to the Stepped Stone Islands, ordering several other warships containing black stones to be sent to the east side of the Shivering Sea, allowing them and the remaining three warships to reorganize a patrol fleet to continue patrolling the east coast. , monitor the movements of the White Walkers
After issuing the order, Lind asked his staff to go down and do their own things, while he rode on Diltos and flew towards the ice-covered coast to the west.

While flying over the west bridge, Linde checked the situation of Frost and Snow Fang on the other side.

As he expected, a large number of corpses had gathered on the high and low hills opposite the Grand Canyon, so many that they covered the entire hillside surface.

When Lind tried to get closer, hundreds of ice crystal spears flew out from the ground, trying to knock Lind and Diltos down.

However, they obviously underestimated the power of Diltos. As Diltos flapped his two pairs of wings, a huge and powerful whirlwind was generated around him, deflecting all the ice crystal spears projected towards him.

Then Diltos spit out a bolt of lightning from the opened dragon's mouth, fell on the hill, exploded instantly, and flattened the top of a hill. The powerful lightning formed lightning chains, and The surrounding ghouls acted as nodes and spread out in all directions, quickly covering several hillsides and Shantou. Thousands of ghouls were struck by lightning, and without exception they were all scorched, and even the ground was scorched black. .

After getting rid of the White Walkers and corpses in a cathartic manner, Lind landed on the lawn near the West Bridge Watch post, and then met directly with several commanders at West Bridge Watch, predicting that the White Walkers would attack here soon. The key points were told to them and they were reminded to deal with it carefully.

Everyone nodded, saying that they would follow Linde's orders and be careful.

Afterwards, Linde checked the various materials stored in Xiqiaowang and confirmed that the stocks of various materials, especially wildfires, were sufficient before leaving Xiqiaowang and flying toward the offshore area near the frozen coast.

Buck Lawn is an Ironborn from the Iron Islands. Unlike most of the Ironborn from the Iron Islands, he never believes in the nonsense that the Greyjoy family believes in that force is better than hard work. He became a pirate and robbed villages and towns on land. He even hoped to become a navigator.

So a long time ago, he had stolen a long-sailed ship and tried to go out for sailing adventure. Unfortunately, he was caught by the fleet of Lannisport just a few days after sailing out, and he was regarded as a pirate. To put him to death.

Fortunately, someone helped him escape from the prison of Lannisport Guard, but unfortunately, the person who helped him escape was his cousin, a complete Iron Island pirate. As a result, he was invited by his cousin , had to become a pirate of the Iron Islands.

Later, as Asha conquered the Iron Islands and became the new Lord of the Iron Islands, he was also incorporated into Asha's Sea Banshee fleet and became the navigator of a ship. In the following years, he established many His achievements and status have continued to improve, and now he has become the captain of a battleship.

The fleet sent to the Frozen Coast this time did not include his ship at first, but he took the initiative to come over because he wanted to see what the legendary Frozen Coast looked like and see what ghosts and corpses were like. What is it.

Now that he has seen what the frozen coast looks like, and has personally used a trebuchet to clear out a field of White Walkers, his wish has been fulfilled. Now his greater wish is to accumulate merit, and after the war is over, he can go to the Holy Redemption Hall in Summer Hall. Don accepted a complete trial of redemption, and then applied to join the Sothoros Pioneer Group, heading to the Sothoros continent to develop territory and satisfy his desire for adventure since he was a child.

"Captain Buck, the flagship requires us to approach the coast, throw wildfire cans at the ghoul gathering area, and clear out the ghouls!" Just when Buck was thinking about how to use the benefits he gained in the war, his boatswain He broke into the captain's room and said quickly.

"Attack immediately." Buck quickly returned to normal and ordered.

As the order was issued, Buck's Old Woman began to approach the coastline. Several cans of wildfire were placed on the trebuchet, ready to attack at any time. At the same time, there were six or seven ships nearby that also made the same move, also in an attacking posture. .

Just when Buck ordered the attack, a dragon roar suddenly came from a distance, and then everyone on all the ships on the sea saw an ice dragon hundreds of meters long with wings spread enough to cover an area of ​​​​the sea. The thick clouds slowly fell, and with its appearance, a fierce cold wind blew from the eternal winter land in the north and blew across the sea. A thick layer of ice shell instantly formed on all the ships, and the stones were thrown. The slide rails and rotating rods of the machine were all frozen, and even a layer of ice formed on the sea, blocking all the ships on the river.

Immediately afterwards, the falling ice dragon flew towards the fleet on the sea at high speed, and opened its huge dragon mouth. Silver-blue light burst out from the dragon's mouth. An extremely cold power was gathering. Once it was sprayed out, , the entire combined fleet consisting of the Miracle Fleet, the Iron Islands Fleet and the Bear Island Fleet will inevitably encounter disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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