Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 405 2 vs. 1, I have the advantage

Chapter 405 Two versus one, I have the advantage

"It's over!" At this moment, the same thought came to everyone on the boat.

The Redemption Sisters and Silent Monks on the ship bowed their heads in prayer, and bursts of light emanated from them, forming a shell of ice that enveloped the ship they were on and the ships around them.

Almost at the same time that the ice shell enveloped the ship, the extremely cold light gathered in the ice dragon's mouth also spurted out and landed on the ice shell.

However, a miracle happened. Although the ice shell was very thin, the extremely cold light emitted from the ice dragon's mouth could not break away the ice shell. Instead, it made the ice shell much thicker, increasing the ice shell's strength in disguise. defense.

The ice dragon seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and stopped spraying the extremely cold dragon flames. Instead, it flew directly towards the ice shell, slamming its entire body onto the ice shell, and forcefully smashing the ice shell open. A gap.

The moment the ice shell was smashed open, all the Redemption Sisters and Silent Monks who participated in the prayers felt a backlash of power. Their heads felt like being pricked by needles, even though they had experienced more pain than this. The trial, but the sudden pain still made their vision darken, and then a feeling of dizziness occurred, and they could no longer maintain the state of prayer.

Without the support of follow-up power, the ice shell could no longer produce defensive power, and the crack became larger.

I saw the ice dragon flying up again, and then suddenly falling downwards, trying to completely break the ice shell.

But when the ice dragon fell halfway, a huge shadow like lightning hit the ice dragon's neck heavily, sending the ice dragon flying out. It rolled several times in the air before it stabilized its body and was caught. A huge gap was dented where it hit, and silver-blue blood seeped out from the gap and fell onto the snow below the ice dragon.

After receiving the order, the Sisters of Redemption and the Silent Monks immediately ordered all ships to stay away from the coastline to avoid being involved in the war and distract Lind.

Although these solid ice are the ice dragon's protective layer, there is still a layer of distance between the ice dragon's real body scales, but the falling lightning can penetrate the solid ice and fall directly into the ice dragon's body, causing the ice dragon to A hobby that keeps making painful noises.

And the ice dragon has to face not only Diltos, but also Linde who is hidden in the dark clouds. When Diltos is entangled with the ice dragon, Linde controls the lightning condensed in the dark clouds and keeps moving towards it. The ice dragon bombarded it, causing the ice on the surface of the ice dragon's body to break into pieces, forming deep pits.

"Diltos, don't chase!" Linde, who was flying in the clouds, could easily see that the ice dragon had lost its will to fight, so he stopped Diltos, who wanted to pursue, and fell back from the clouds. Diltos's back.

During this process, the ice dragon did not attack Lind, not that it did not want to attack, but the sudden attack by Lind and Diltos just now caused it a lot of damage. It just took advantage of this opportunity to Let the wound heal.

Moreover, the core extreme cold power of the ice dragon is fatal to most creatures, but it does not pose much of a threat to Diltos, who also possesses the power of freezing.

But now that the Ice Dragon has returned to the inland, and it is the land outside the Great Wall, it is equivalent to entering its home field. Diltos will also be affected by the chaotic magic power of this area, and the overall combat power will inevitably be weakened. Under this condition, they will be at a disadvantage.

Although the ice dragon is much more powerful than Diltos, its attack method is too simple, and its large size and slow movements are like a slow-moving person encountering a fly that keeps flying around. , unable to produce an effective attack.

In this way, after one person and two dragons were fighting on the sea for a while, the ice dragon seemed to realize that it was now completely passive and being beaten. If it continued, it would only make its situation worse, so it burst out violently. A force formed a strong blizzard, and after pushing away the struggling Diltos, he turned directly in the air, flapped his huge wings quickly, and flew towards the Frost and Snow Fang Mountains.

The Sisters of Redemption and the Silent Monks on the ship had all performed sacrificial rituals, and their bodies were imprinted with the runes of the Unknown King. When they prayed to Linde, Linde could also feel what was happening around them. , and then knew that the ice dragon was coming.

"Set sail immediately and stay away from the coastline." During the confrontation, Lind ordered through the Rune Mark of the Unknown King to the Sisters of Redemption and the Silent Monk.

Almost at the same time, Linde and Ice Dragon took action directly. Ice Dragon relied on its huge body to wrap up countless extremely cold ice crystals and directly hit Linde and Diltos.

On the other hand, Diltos has as many as four kinds of powers, three of which can cause a certain amount of damage to the ice dragon. Even if each attack does not cause much damage, all the attacks fall on the wounds left on the neck. At this time, the accumulation of damage can still make the ice dragon feel pain.

I saw that this shadow was none other than Linde and Diltos who had just flown over from the West Bridge.

Linde also saw through the Ice Dragon's plan, and he also did not take the opportunity to attack, because he knew very well that if he attacked now, the fleet below would be unlucky, so he was also waiting for the fleet to enter a slightly safer deep sea area. .

Linde was not surprised that the ice dragon attacked the patrol fleet on the frozen coast. In fact, after learning that the fleet in the Shivering Sea was attacked, he guessed that the ice dragon would also attack the fleet on the west coast, so he He would immediately ride Diltos to the frozen coast and save the patrol fleet from the ice dragon in time.

Although both of them were waiting, they did not wait any longer. Each of them was preparing for a fight later. For example, some ordinary-looking ice crystal snowflakes fell next to the ice dragon, which shimmered under the light. Yes, but in fact each of these ice crystal snowflakes contains the power of extreme cold, and ordinary people will be frozen into ice cubes if they get a little bit of it.

However, at this moment, the ice dragon didn't care about the wound on its neck. Its cold eyes were always staring at the shadow that hit it just now.

Linde used the power of the Storm Dragon Rune to gather the surrounding clouds, and soon accumulated a dark cloud covering the entire area, and among the dark clouds, streaks of lightning flashed across it, followed by The thunder was like a war drum, making the atmosphere of the confrontation below increasingly tense and intense.

Although judging from the situation of the battle just now, the ice dragon does not seem to be affected by the power of restraining the White Walkers in the ocean, but in fact the power contained in the ocean still suppresses the ice dragon. It always flies high in the sky and never comes close to the sea. You can imagine.

At the same time, Linde flew up from Diltos's back without hesitation, and flew into the dark clouds at high speed. Diltos, who lost Lind's control, became more flexible, with four wings respectively. Fanning formed four layers of protective layers with different strengths around his body. While using the protective layers to resist the extremely cold ice crystals, he also used his extremely fast speed and flexible body to easily avoid the impact of the ice dragon, and with it, Circling in the air.

And more importantly, Lind didn't know if there was only one ice dragon. He only knew from the elf Penan that the White Walker Queen could transform into an ice dragon. He had no idea about the number of ice dragons that lived in the land of eternal winter. Don't understand.

Lind returned to the fleet and after asking about the damage, he asked the fleet to no longer patrol near the coastline. Instead, it moved to the Ice Bay near the mouth of the Ruhe River, using Bear Island as a base to observe the situation outside the Great Wall, if necessary. You can support Xiqiaowang at this time.

And he returned to West Bridge View and found that the group of corpses that had just been cleared on the cliff opposite West Bridge View had recovered. However, this time he did not clean up again. Instead, he went to West Bridge Watch and told the commander of the night watchman stationed there about the situation. He asked the commander to regularly throw wildfire cans on the hill there to clean up the groups of people gathered there. Wights, don't give the White Walkers time to build giant trebuchets.

In addition, Lind also left Diltos here at West Bridge to help the people here defend against the White Walkers. At the same time, he also asked the Gluttons who were resting in the Iron Islands to take over the tasks of the previous patrol fleet and patrol the ice. Patrol the sea near the frozen coast and monitor the ghouls on the frozen coast.

After arranging the defenses on the west coast, Linde walked alone along the newly built road at the foot of the Great Wall towards Castle Black. However, when he passed through Ice Scar City, he was stopped by someone who had been arranged by Vilas at the intersection. down.

After the night watchman stopped Linde, he immediately saluted and said, "Your Majesty, Lord Vilas asked me to wait for you here. He has something important to discuss with you."

"Discuss with me?" Lind hesitated for a moment, then entered the ice cave alone and came to Vilas. Then he looked at the situation inside the ice cave and asked: "Where are Bran and Reed siblings? "

Villas was silent for a moment and said: "They are where they should be."

Linde was stunned when he heard this, and said with a gloomy face: "They are going outside the Great Wall now?"

Vilas nodded.

Linde looked at Vilas and asked: "I ordered all passages of the Great Wall to be blocked. How did they get through the Great Wall?"

Vilas answered truthfully: "There is a very ancient secret passage in the labyrinth at the bottom of the Great Wall. They passed through the Great Wall through this secret passage."

Lin En's heart tightened when he heard this, and he immediately asked: "Can the White Walkers bypass the Great Wall through this secret passage?"

Vilas said with great confidence: "This secret passage is fatal to White Walkers and corpses. If they really take this secret passage, it might save us a lot of trouble."

Regarding the confidence shown by Willas, Lind was noncommittal. He continued to ask in a deep voice: "Why? Why do Bran and the others go to the outside of the wall when they know that there are already all White Walkers and corpses outside the wall?"

Willas was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "Our estimate was wrong, and the sacrifices that should be made cannot be reduced. Otherwise, the White Walker Queen would not be able to jump into the trap on her own, and this war will continue. It will last for a long time, and may even last until the extreme cold weather moves south. In that case, it will be really difficult to eliminate the White Walkers, so we take a risk and let the White Walkers know our current weaknesses. Once they see our weaknesses, they will attack. It will be more violent and active, and then I can wait for these ghosts to run into the trap and catch them all."

"You are using Bran and Reed siblings as sacrifices!" Linde's face turned ugly and he asked in a deep voice.

"No, it's not me. He wanted to be the sacrifice himself. Meera Reed and Jojen Reed also volunteered." Vilas shook his head and defended himself: "If your Majesty doesn't believe it, , you can ask sisters Ella and Yala.”

Only then did Lind remember that he had not seen the sisters Ella and Yala in the ice cave, so he asked: "By the way, where are the sisters now?"

Vilas explained: "At this time she should be training the new abilities she got from the Great Wall in the Arcanum."

"New ability?" Linde hesitated and asked, "What ability?"

"I don't know either." Villas sighed: "She is more suitable to be the node of the Great Wall than me. If my current position is replaced by her, even if the Horn of Winter remains intact, I am afraid it will be difficult to shake the Great Wall. . It’s a pity that it’s too late and I can’t give up my position now.”

Lind was sure that Vilas did not know the situation of Ella and Yara, so he did not ask further, and instead asked: "Tell me the location of the entrance and exit of the secret passage, and I will send someone to seal the secret passage." ”

Although Vilas showed that it was absolutely impossible for a White Walker to enter the Great Wall through the secret passage, Lind was unwilling to pin this matter on Vilas, because he could feel that Vilas had already It is completely different from the Vilas of the past. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is two people, so he cannot completely trust Vilas.

Vilas seemed to have noticed Linde's thoughts and did not object. He honestly told Linde the location of the secret passage.

This secret passage happened to be near the Nightfort, and was connected to the underground warehouse and well of the Nightfort. It was a natural underground fissure. It was later discovered and transformed into a maze of secret passages, and many mechanisms were placed inside to prevent anyone from passing through. This secret passage crosses the Great Wall of Impasse.

Because this secret passage was built too secretly, after the fall of the Nightfort, the specific location of the secret passage became unknown. Vilas was able to discover the secret passage after merging with the Great Wall.

After Linde obtained the location of the secret passage, he was ready to go back and find someone to seal the secret passage.

"Please wait a moment, Your Majesty," Villas immediately stopped Linde and said, "Bran's trip to the outside of the Great Wall will definitely make the plan succeed. When the time comes, Bran's collaborators will also take action. I hope Your Majesty When……"

Lind directly pointed out Willas's thoughts and said: "Do you want me to go outside the wall at that time, cooperate with those people, and join forces to kill the White Walker Queen?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Vilas did not hide anything, nodded, and added: "I will also take action when the time comes."

"You will also take action?" Linde frowned when he heard this, thought for a moment, nodded and said: "When the time comes, please inform me! I will take action. I hope your plan can really succeed."

After saying that, he stepped out of the ice cave without waiting for Vilas to give any reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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