Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 409 Trivial matters after the war

Chapter 409 Trivial matters after the war
While the Seven Kingdoms, the Free Trade Cities, the Kingdom of Lorne and Qarth and other areas controlled by Lind were cheering for Lind to lead mankind to defeat the White Walkers and save the world, Lind was in the well-preserved Queen's Gate Castle. Count the losses with the surviving affairs officers and officers.

"Don't report one by one, tell me the total losses of each regiment." Linde said in a deep voice while sitting in the military camp tent of the God's Chosen Corps, looking at the survivors.

Although Samwell Tarly had a broken arm and drank the Potion of God's Choice to heal the injury quickly, the pain and weakness from blood loss still existed. Pale and exhausted, he forcibly cheered up and prepared the specific details. The military losses were reported in detail.

Although the actual fierce battle only lasted a few hours, the final losses were very high.

The collapse of the Wall resulted in nearly all the Fire Hand casualties, halved the Night's Watch casualties, and the Freemen lost thousands.

In the subsequent offensive and defensive battle of the gap, the Chosen Corps stationed at the Great Wall suffered as many as 70% casualties. The Sisters of Redemption and the Silent Monks directly reduced the strength of one regiment. The follow-up troops supported by the Seven Kingdoms originally participated in the battle as logistics troops, but the result was also After filling them all in, only more than a thousand people survived.

The Night's Watch Legion and the Free Folk Soldiers remained normal for a period of time after the war because of the power of the Black Oil Stone. However, after the power of the Black Oil Stone disappeared, their injuries exploded instantly due to the suppression of the supernormal power. In addition, the Black Oil Stone's super power on the body The overload stimulation eventually caused the body to be completely damaged in a short period of time, resulting in a large number of casualties. In less than two days, all the Night Watch Legion and Free Folk soldiers participating in the frontline battle died. Without exception, only the Night Watch Legion was left. There are less than 300 people, almost expelled.

After listening to the report, everyone fell silent. Although they all knew that the losses in this war were difficult to estimate, they were still shocked and sad after hearing the specific figures. After all, those who died were fighting alongside them. comrades in life and death.

Linde was silent for a moment, then turned to the representative of the secret law institute and asked, "Where are your losses?"

The dark sorcerer of the secret law reported truthfully: "Ella and Lord Yala fell into a deep sleep, but their bodies were not seriously harmed. Some of the other spell casters suffered backlash. It is not known whether they lost their spell casting ability temporarily or permanently. Vera Mr. Si has volunteered to become a sacrifice..."

Just when Lind was about to ask, a knight from the valley hurried in. After saluting Lind, he said sadly: "Your Majesty, Lord Brynden Tully has just passed away."

Although Lind has used the best medicine to treat it, the toxin of the ice spider is very powerful. It seems that it is not only a physical toxin, but also mixed with other extraordinary powers, so it has not been able to be cured. Since last night, Blackfish Brin When Deng fell into a deep coma and the toxins started to lose control, Linde had already expected that the old Heiyu might not be able to hold on any longer.

"You should have nothing to do here. Several ships have docked at Eastwatch. You will leave by ship tomorrow and return to Summer Hall." Linde said in a deep voice: "In addition, transport Vilas's body back. The rune necklace was frozen, kept, and given to the Duke of Metz."

Jaime Lannister and Cersei Lannister also died under the siege of the White Walkers. Their bodies had been sent to the west coast by Lynd, and they were sent to the West for burial on Bear Island ships.

In this battle, in addition to the huge losses of ordinary soldiers, other generals and officers also suffered huge losses. Stannis Baratheon and all castle commanders and Night Watch officers, Mance Rayder and all tribal leaders and Almost all of the warrior captains died in the battle. Now the Night's Watch is led by Jon Snow as the temporary commander and assisted by Samwell Tarly, while the Horde Alliance is led by Mance Rayder's sister-in-law Var and the Giant. Nemesis Tormund co-leads.

In this war, the assistance from Willas, Ella, and Yala is not unimportant. If Ella and Yala hadn't communicated with the Great Wall Black Stone to stimulate the bodies of the Night Watch and the free people through extraordinary power, allowing them to survive for a period of time. Turning into a berserker who is not afraid of death or harm, the Great Wall may have completely fallen before Linde takes action.

Lind thought for a moment and then ordered: "I will return to King's Landing in the next few days. I will leave it to you to clean up the battlefield. I will send people to assist you. Be sure to collect the bodies of every soldier. Get up, I will build a Heroes Tomb for them at the former site of the Great Wall of Despair.”

"Yes, Your Majesty." Everyone said in unison.

Val and Tormund also looked puzzled, and asked the chosen son of God: "What happened over there?"

Just when Linde was about to announce the end of the meeting, a chosen son of God hurriedly walked in and said with a serious expression: "Your Majesty, something happened to the tribe of free people who gave the land."

Sam replied: "Jon...well, the Lord Commander has taken their bodies to Winterfell. He said that he would personally deliver the bodies of Lord Bran, Lord Meera and Lord Jojen to Lord Sansa and Lord In Lord Holland’s hands.”

After hearing the news, Linde was silent for a moment. Although this was not the first time he heard such bad news, it still made him feel a little sad.

Brynden Tully led the army supported by the Seven Kingdoms, without the blessing of any extraordinary power, to forcefully block the White Walker army in the gap of the Long Car Tower until the final victory, and he himself was also fighting with In the confrontation between the White Walkers, the White Walkers' mount Ice Spider was bitten.

The Chosen Son of God then told everything he knew.

After hearing the words of the chosen son of God, everyone stood up from their chairs and glared at Val and Tormund in the tent.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The caster responded.

Lind sighed. Originally, James shouldn't have died. The implant Lind put in him was enough to keep him alive under the siege of the White Walkers. However, after Cersei died at the hands of an elf White Walker, he was completely He had no idea of ​​living anymore, and finally died beside Cersei as he wished.

If Willas had not voluntarily become a sacrifice and summoned a powerful being from outside the sky, it would have been impossible to suppress the controller of the White Walkers, the God of Winter, with the arrival of the Lord of Light alone, because the God of Cold, in addition to his own powerful divine power In addition, it also has the long night and eternal winter climate generated by the rotation of the world. This can be said to occupy the right time and place. Even the complete form of the Lord of Light R'hllor may not be able to compete with it, let alone the arrival of just one. Incarnated.

Lind asked again: "Where are the bodies of Bran Stark and Reed's siblings?"

Because of the huge casualties, the combat power near the Great Wall was severely imbalanced. For a period after the war, many people were worried about what would happen to the tribe of free people settled in the grant land. Until Sansa received the order, she led With the troops from the north coming to support and replenishing some manpower, those people felt at ease.

In fact, those people's worries were not unreasonable. After the Great Wall defenders suffered heavy casualties, especially the news that the free people were almost completely wiped out, spread to the free people tribes in the grant land, some people spread rumors that the Night Watch Corps deliberately killed the people during the battle. The free people's soldiers pushed to the forefront of the battle, causing such heavy casualties, and then encouraged the remaining warriors in the free people's tribes to form a coalition to support the Great Wall defenders and attack when they were weak. As long as the Great Wall defenders were annihilated, the entire North No one in the world, or even the Seven Kingdoms, can resist them, and they can take the opportunity to occupy the entire Seven Kingdoms.

"These savages really have no faith at all and dare to rebel at this time!" Someone immediately jumped out and asked: "Your Majesty, please let me lead the remaining troops to quell the rebellion." Someone took the lead, and many people stood up one after another. He stood up and expressed his willingness to go to the gift land immediately to quell the rebellion.

Val and Tormund's expressions became extremely ugly. Although they wanted to say that the free tribes would not rebel. This was just a rumor, but they knew the character of the tribes beyond the wall very well. These tribesmen would definitely rebel. They will seize every opportunity to strengthen themselves, and now that the defenders of the Great Wall are so weak, it is definitely a good time to rebel.

Tormund immediately stood up and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, please allow me to lead the remaining free people fighters to fight the rebellion in the Grant Land. I, Tormund, will definitely give your Majesty an explanation."

Lind looked at Tormund and said: "You are going alone. Val will go with you. In addition, I will give you two thousand soldiers of the Chosen Corps. I hope you will not disappoint me."

Hearing Linde's words, not only Tormund and Val were stunned, but other officers and generals were also stunned. Everyone said that it was not safe to let Tormund and Val go away like this, and at least one person should be left here as a guard. hostage.

"This matter is settled." Linde ignored everyone's concerns and forcibly passed the two requests.

As the meeting ended, Val and Tormund led the free folk warriors and the Chosen Sons regiment towards the direction of the grant land.

Two days later, they arrived at the free people's tribal settlement in the grant land, and soon took control of the tribe's real power, and began to arrest the people who incited people to rebel in the tribal settlement this time, and soon caught several The mastermind.

Although the future prospects described by these people who instigated rebellion are very attractive, the majority of the free people tribes are still sane people. Before these people could unite and rebel against Var and Tormund, they began to arrest them. These people were quickly arrested and sent directly to the Great Wall of Despair to be handled by Linde without causing too much trouble.

The reason why Val and Tormund didn't kill these people directly was because they were worried that Linde would misunderstand them and silence them.

Linde, who had a lot of things to do, didn't put much thought into punishing these people and directly left it to others to deal with.

As a result, these free people who incited or planned rebellion were raised high above the fire pit where the corpses were burned, and were roasted to death bit by bit.

As Sansa led the northern army to come here for support, all the troubles calmed down. After explaining some things, Lind also rode Deltos back to King's Landing.

On the day they returned to King's Landing, King's Landing held a grand victory celebration to celebrate this epic victory. The entire King's Landing, from the noble lords to the common people, even the clergy of the church, Linde is no longer called His Majesty the King, but His Majesty the Emperor or His Majesty the God Emperor, because in the eyes of most ordinary people, Linde is no different from a god.

Linde did not specifically correct these names. It was considered a tacit understanding. He temporarily put down what he was doing and participated in the carnival.

"Your Majesty, the details of the empire establishment ceremony..." After participating in the carnival, Linde summoned the main nobles, lords and ministers and held a royal meeting. At the meeting, Grand Bachelor Pycelle couldn't wait to hold a book The thick ritual book stood up and wanted to introduce to Linde the details of the empire establishment ceremony and Linde's enthronement ceremony.

However, Linde raised his hand to stop him from talking, and said in a deep voice: "The empire establishment ceremony will be kept simple. I have no intention of making it grand. I will just inform various places through official letters. In addition, I will have someone prepare the current empire boundary map. Just put it on public notice boards everywhere to let our people know how big the empire’s boundaries are.”

"Yes, Your Majesty." Everyone could see that the decision made by Linde would not be changed easily, and no one would disobey his will on such a matter.

Afterwards, Linde asked everyone very seriously: "I told you to prepare for the migration before. How far are you now?"

Everyone was stunned, with puzzled looks on their faces.

At this time, Garlan Tyrell asked: "Your Majesty, haven't we already defeated the White Walkers? Why are we still migrating?"

Lind looked at the people who were at a loss and couldn't help but sigh, and said truthfully: "Although the White Walkers have disappeared, the long night and eternal winter will still come, and after this battle, the cold god in the eternal winter land has been completely destroyed. Wake up, the long night of winter may come sooner than expected.”

"How could this happen?" Everyone felt confused and hesitant about the news.

Lind then answered everyone's questions and told them in detail how he killed the White Walker Queen that day. For example, Willas sacrificed himself to summon extraterrestrial beings, and the red-robed monk used the Lightning King Beric Dondarrion as a carrier. , let the King of Light come, the two entangled with the Cold God in the land of eternal winter, and expelled each other. Bran Stark and the Reed family siblings used themselves as bait to summon a natural god to kill the Cold God. He chose and incarnated the White Walker Queen and was trapped, and finally he delivered a fatal blow to the White Walker Queen.

Although Linde's narration was straightforward and his own plain tone made the whole story sound devoid of any ups and downs, to everyone's ears it far surpassed any epic story they had ever heard. After all, even if it was In ancient mythology, there are very few scenes where gods directly go into battle. But now they can hear the person involved describing a divine war with their own ears, and the person involved is also a member of the divine war. This makes people present once again think about it. During the carnival celebrations, people called Linde the "God Emperor".

"Your Majesty, what should we do next?" Red Viper asked.

Linde thought for a while and ordered: "After announcing the news of the establishment of the empire, it was announced that the long night and eternal winter are coming. People from various places submitted migration lists to their lords and officials, and the empire will divide them in the new land according to the migration lists. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to leave the land, you don’t need to pay attention to them, and don’t force them. If they want to stay, let them stay, including the lord.”

"Yes, Your Majesty!" everyone responded in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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