Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 410 The Queen Returns

Chapter 410 The Queen Returns
Fisherman Jarman had just woken up from a deep sleep. He picked up the kettle on the table and poured cold water on his head to wake himself up quickly. Then he casually wiped his face and ran out towards the mud door. Run to the pier outside.

In order to celebrate His Majesty Lynde leading the Night Watch and other warriors to defeat and eliminate the legendary White Walkers, King's Landing held a grand banquet on the day His Majesty the King returned. There was a large amount of wine and unlimited food, and the entire King's Landing was Caught in a carnival.

Although the celebration has ended, in the next half month, many nobles, especially officials dispatched from the Summer Hall, will hold banquets in the tavern to show their respect and admiration for His Majesty the King.

Therefore, during this period of time, Jarman always hung out in various taverns to drink. Although there were a few things that went wrong, he was generally successful. Just like last night, Lord Moose from Summer Hall destroyed the entire Herring Tavern. Under the contract, a banquet was held, and he managed to get in, and almost drank a glass of wine produced on Qingting Island.

Jarman really hopes that this kind of life can last forever. Unfortunately, this is impossible because he has no money in his pocket. If he doesn’t go to sea to fish, he will starve. That’s why he plans to go today. At the dock, find a fishing boat as a hired hand.

However, when he arrived at the pier, he was stunned by the scene in front of him. He saw that the pier was crowded with people. Everyone was crowded on the street. Even the surrounding rooftops were full of people and a large number of equipment. Excellent guards guarded various key locations and carefully observed everything around them.

All the places where ships were docked on the Blackwater River have been cleared. Whether they are fishing boats or cargo ships, they have all been driven to the upstream area. Two warships that should have appeared in the Blackwater Bay have blocked the river, preventing any ships from approaching. Empty pier.

The streets leading into the city from the wharf were also cleared. Both sides of the road were lined with elite soldiers of the God's Chosen Corps, and the mud gates entering the city were also removed to ensure that the road was unimpeded.

Although Jarman could not see the situation in the city, looking at the situation in front of him, the scene in the city should be similar to the situation in front of him. This made him curious and asked the people around him: "Why is there such a big movement? Who wants this?" Come?"

When he finished speaking, the golden robes responsible for maintaining order and safety around him immediately looked towards him and looked at him with scrutiny.

"Lord Oberon, Lady Margaery, aren't your majesties here?" After nodding to everyone, Nymeria looked at the people around her and asked.

The stranger watching the excitement did not notice any unusual reaction caused by Jarman's question. He responded truthfully: "The two queens, their princes and princesses from the continent of Essos are coming. "

Red Viper immediately replied: "Something happened on the Great Wall yesterday, and Your Majesty is going to deal with it."

When the two queens appeared, the surrounding crowd cheered with cheers such as Long Live Queen Nymeria and Long Live Queen Daenerys. At the same time, a burst of dragon roars came from the distance, and then eight-headed dragons were seen. Giant dragons of different colors flew over from afar and hovered in the sky. At this time, Diltos also flew from the dragon lair, leading the eight dragons to fly over Winterfell.

After hearing this, Jarman showed a look of surprise, and at the same time he stood up on tiptoes curiously, wanting to see what was going on ahead.

After all safety preparations were made, the servants also moved the specially made carriage from the ship, hitched it to the best war horses, and was driven by two gladiators wearing full armor. A group of strong gladiators disembarked from the ship. Surround the carriage.

At this time, Red Viper led the members of the Royal Council and Little Rose led the members of the Ruling Council and waited outside the square. When the carriage stopped and Nymeria and others got out of the car, they all came forward to greet them.

The warship responsible for protecting security first docked at the pier. A large number of soldiers in exotic costumes disembarked from the warship and checked the security around the pier again. Although the commander in charge of security, the Golden Robe Commander, was a little dissatisfied with this and thought that this It was distrust in his ability, but it didn't show on his face. Instead, he followed the instructions and checked it again carefully, because he knew very well that if something really happened, then he would not only lose his position, but More likely to lose your head.

In the process of re-examining safety hazards, the Golden Robe Commander followed the advice of the captain of the Queen's Guards and emptied all the people on the roofs, sent people to guard all the houses with two-story buildings, and asked the Golden Robe Commander to clear them out. The road was then pushed out a certain distance to both sides, so that the road was widened enough to allow carriages to pass, and at the same time, two or three horses could be protected on both sides.

When most people's eyes were attracted by the dragon, Augustus and Myrcella walked off the ship holding hands, followed by four little ones including Caterina, Caesar, Alexander, and Elizabeth.

After everyone got in the car, the convoy slowly drove onto the opened road. Nymeria and Daenerys opened the car windows and waved to the cheering people outside.

Everyone did not wait too long. From the entrance of the Blackwater River in the distance, they saw mighty battleships sailing into the Blackwater River. A large number of pterodactyl knights flew out from the battleships to patrol the Blackwater River. On both sides of the strait, a gorgeous battleship protecting a four-story cabin in the middle of the fleet slowly moved towards the dock.

Most of the people present were as curious as Jarman about the two upcoming Queens, Princes, and Princesses, because except for Her Majesty Queen Nymeria, many people had seen her, and others had only heard of her name. No one was seen.

At this time, Nymeria, wearing a special battle armor dress, stepped off the ship, followed by Daenerys, who was wearing ancient Valyrian clothing.

In this way, the motorcade started from the Mud Gate and ended at the Steel Gate, circled around the inner city wall ring road, and then drove to the Red Fort Square.

Nymeria frowned and asked, "What else is happening on the other side of the Great Wall? Is it the Free Folk Tribe?"

Among the crowd, some people with ulterior motives saw the convoy approaching and wanted to move forward, but before they could take a few steps, two or three people surrounded them and directly stuck them in the middle. All parts were pressed with sharp weapons, and if there was any slight movement, they would be inserted directly into their vital points, causing them to completely lose resistance.

"Yes!" Red Viper nodded, then looked around and said, "This is not the place to talk. Your Majesty, the prince and princess should go in first and then talk!"

Nymeria nodded and walked into the Red Keep surrounded by everyone. When they entered the former King's Hall that had been converted into a political hall, Daenerys suddenly stopped and looked at the original Iron Throne. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Margaery explained: "Your Majesty the Emperor, the Iron Throne has been sent to Dragonstone. If Your Majesty Daenerys wants it..." "No need! It's just an outdated chair!" Daenerys was relieved. He smiled, and then continued to walk towards the Queen's Hall with everyone.

After arriving at the residence arranged for them, Nymeria signaled that everyone could leave, leaving only a few important ministers such as Red Viper and Little Rose, and then asked Linde what matters he had gone to the Great Wall to deal with.

Red Viper explained the situation seriously. The tribe of free people who were originally settled in the gift land saw that the White Walkers had been eliminated, so they were unwilling to move to other places. Some wanted to return to live outside the wall, and some took advantage of the chaos. They fled to the Northern Territory, and most of the troops in the Northern Territory were at the Great Wall to assist the Night Watch and other troops in handling the aftermath of the war. Therefore, there were not many manpower in the Northern Territory. These wandering free people tribes caused a lot of trouble to the Northern Territory. Some trouble.

After receiving the report from the North and the Great Wall, Lind immediately rode the lava dragon Neltharion to the North to resolve the matter.

After understanding the situation, Nymeria said nothing, and instead asked about the preparations for the Imperial Ceremony.

Although Linde is not very interested in celebrations such as the establishment of the empire and the enthronement of the emperor, and thinks that just informing everyone in the form of an official letter is enough, in the hearts of others, he still hopes to organize it in a big way. After all, after experiencing a war like the Great Wall of Despair, the people of the Seven Kingdoms really want to relax, and there will be another great migration in the near future, and all kinds of things will come like a tsunami. If If you don’t relax now, it will be difficult to have the opportunity to relax in the future.

In addition, Nymeria and Daenerys also felt that the establishment of an empire should not be decided in such a hasty way. At least a grand celebration should be held so that all members of the Tyran Empire royal family can be seen in public. Just show off in front of me.

Therefore, Linde could only compromise and leave all relevant matters to Margery.

Margaery quickly reported the report: "Everything is ready. The lords from all over the world have gathered in Winterfell. On the Essos continent..."

Nymeria interrupted Margaery and said: "The people over there will go to Na Sa. After the ceremony in King's Landing is completed, another ceremony needs to be held on Na Sa."

"Grand Maester, is this the latest map of the entire empire?" Augustus suddenly stood aside and asked Grand Maester Pycelle who was waiting quietly beside him.

Grand Maester Pycelle lowered his body, showed a flattering smile, and said: "Yes, it is a map of the entire empire drawn by a large number of bachelors in the city some time ago after gathering information from all parties."

"Yes, very good." Augustus nodded, but soon changed the subject and said, "It's a pity that the drawing was wrong."

Everyone in the room was stunned when they heard this, and couldn't help but look at the map of the entire empire.

Although Augustus' tone sounds very relaxed, the matter is very serious. You must know that this map of the entire empire will be displayed on the bulletin boards of every town and territory in Westeros and Essos. The purpose is to let everyone in the territory know how powerful the Tyran Dynasty is and how huge the territory is. However, if the map is drawn incorrectly and displayed publicly, it will undoubtedly cause considerable damage to the reputation of the Tyran Dynasty and the Tyran Empire.

"Augustus, what are the wrong places on this map?" Nymeria asked with a very serious expression.

"There are many errors in this map. The map does not include Loras in the north and the old Kingdom of Ifverlon. I remember that that area was already under the jurisdiction of the empire before Braavos was conquered." Gustus pointed to the north end of the map, then pointed to the south end, and said: "The ruins of Valyria have not been included in the map. This really shouldn't be done. Don't the bachelors in the city know that it has already been there?" Was it captured by my father? There was also a problem with the map of Slaver's Bay. What about the islands in Slaver's Bay? And the Dothraki Sea was not mapped. After my mother and Aunt Dany conquered Slaver's Bay, The large and small khalasar of the Dothraki Sea have already surrendered to Aunt Dany. This land should be marked on the map. In addition, Great Morak Island, Vaal Island, Little Morak Island, and the mainland of Sothoros. The Feilongjiao Peninsula, the Manticore Islands in the east, Thunder Island, and even Yaxia further east are all unmarked. In this way, almost one-third of the empire's land on this map is unmarked, and the entire empire is unmarked. Who drew the map, what materials were used, and what was the purpose behind it?”

Augustus' words made Grand Maester Pycelle break out in cold sweat on his forehead. In the end, he was so frightened that his legs became weak and he sat down on the ground. He was speechless for a long time.

"Has this picture been circulated?" Daenerys asked.

"Several copies have been circulated." Red Viper couldn't help but smile bitterly, because he was the only one in charge of this matter, but he didn't think it was something important at the time, so he didn't do any more checks and asked someone to redraw it. Several relatively perfect copies were made, and then people were sent to various places to protect the territorial cities where the Duke was located.

"Immediately send someone to recover the map and redraw it. Let..." Daenerys made a decision immediately. Then when she mentioned the person in charge, she looked around and finally landed on Augustus. Said: "Since it was you, Augustus, who discovered the problem, you should be responsible for it!"

Augustus quickly wanted to refuse and said, "Ah? How can you leave this matter to me..."

Nymeria looked at her son, who had grown a mustache, and said in a deep voice, without giving him a chance to defend himself: "That's how it's settled. If you do well, you'll be rewarded. If you don't handle it well, you'll be punished."

Augustus's face became a little ugly. He originally just didn't like Grand Maester Pycelle and others. He found a mistake and wanted to teach them a small lesson, but he never thought that things would develop so far that he himself would be punished. Got around.

Myrcella who was on the side also seemed to have noticed the clues. She couldn't help but smile, and then said with a hint of sadness: "Your Majesty, I want to go back to the Western Territory to take a look."

Nymeria looked at Myrcella and knew that she wanted to visit the graves of Jaime and Cersei, so she did not refuse, saying that she would arrange for someone to escort her to the West later, and also asked O Gustus went along on behalf of the imperial family.

(End of this chapter)

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