Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 412 Migration chores

Chapter 412 Migration chores
"Don't you issue a decree to warn those guys? They are a little too unscrupulous." In the Prime Minister's Tower, Daenerys, whose belly was slightly pregnant, looked at a report that had just been sent with a gloomy face and said angrily.

Lind took the report and read it. The content inside was very simple. It was that the Florent family of the Cider Hall took advantage of the Tyrell family's move to occupy Highgarden and called themselves the Duke of Highgarden and the Reach. guard.

Lind put down the report in his hand, thought for a moment, and asked, "I remember it took four days for the Tyrell family to finally complete their migration?"

"Yes," Daenerys nodded and said, "You even went to Highgarden with Margaery specifically for those three trees."

"Since there is no owner in Highgarden, there is no big problem in allowing the Florentine family to occupy it, as long as they do not affect the migration." Linde smiled and said indifferently: "Not to mention the Florentine family. The Lun family has been waiting for this day for thousands of years, so it is not a big problem for them to enjoy the pleasure of being the Lord of Highgarden in the end. "

As early as when the Gardener family notified the Reach, the Florentine family had already set their sights on Highgarden. However, with the identity and bloodline of the Gardener family, the Florentine family could not find any fault, so they could only be careful. keep it.

Later, the arrival of Aegon the Conqueror led to the annihilation of the Gardener family. At this time, the Florentine family thought that their family's blood was so noble that they would be able to succeed the Gardener family as Lord of Highgarden. However, Aegon the Conqueror turned out to be very smart. The Tyrell family, the stewards of the Gardener family, became Lords of Highgarden, dividing the entire Reach.

Although the Florentine family also knew that this was Aegon the Conqueror's plan to divide, they were willing to throw themselves into the trap. Now for hundreds of years, the conflict between the Florentine family and the Tyrell family has never stopped. It was only in recent years that the relationship had eased slightly, and the two families had even entered into marriage alliances.

Now that the Florentine family has discovered that they can fulfill the long-cherished wish of their ancestors without spending a single soldier, they will naturally not miss this opportunity. Therefore, when the Tyrell family completely moves out of Highgarden, the Florentine family will follow suit. On the heel, occupy the high court.

As for claiming to be the Lord of Highgarden and the Guardian of the Reach, they are just paying lip service to it. They should also know very well that they can only occupy Highgarden temporarily. It won't be long before they will migrate to the continent of Sothoryos. From their You can get a glimpse of their thoughts by not submitting any official documents to the Iron Throne to change their titles or titles.

"The situation has changed," Linde handed a document to Val.

I don't know whether it was because he had fulfilled his ancestor's long-cherished wish that caused his spirit to dissipate, or whether it was because the weather was too cold and caused physical problems. In short, he fell ill after returning to Riverrun from the north, and died of the illness half a month later. In Riverrun, there were some problems leading to Catelyn Tully's relocation.

"It's dark again!" Feeling the light outside gradually dimming, Daenerys couldn't help but frowned and looked at the crystal window next to her.

The relocation of noble lords from the continent of Westeros to the continent of Sothoryos is not an ordinary matter. It is not just a matter of picking up your luggage and getting on the boat. Especially for those big lords with strong foundations, it will take a long time to completely complete the relocation. time.

At this time, several attendants came in and lit all the lights in the room, making the room as bright as day.

Compared with Val, who has adapted to the etiquette and customs of the Seven Kingdoms, and even started to dress like a noblewoman, Tormund has obviously not adapted to the current life. He is still wearing an animal skin coat, but with a few more. The gold jewelry made him look like a nouveau riche.

In fact, the Florentine family was not the first to do this. After Sansa completed the migration and moved everyone in Winterfell to the continent of Sothoros, Roose Bolton led his troops to brave the blizzard. , went north to Winterfell, captured it, and then claimed to be the Duke of Winterfell and the Guardian of the North.

"You can migrate at any time," Va'er replied immediately, but he was a little confused: "Didn't you say you wanted the last few batches of us to migrate?"

Also due to the increase in the population of Sothothros, Nymeria's administrative center has been transferred from Na Sa to New King's Landing, and the Old Man of the Rhoyne River has also completed a group migration, crossed the sea, and is in New King's Landing. The Yihe River next to the city was settled, and because the old people in the river moved into the Yihe River, the water quality of the Yihe River became clearer, and some dangerous aquatic creatures were driven to farther and more remote places. Now the Yihe River water transportation has become The most important material transportation pipeline in the empire's territory.

Although the guardians of the Seven Kingdoms migrated to the continent of Sothoryos, a huge power vacuum appeared in the Seven Kingdoms, but the noble lords in the power vacuum were not in the mood to fight for power. Their only idea now is to find ways to make their family names as popular as possible Near the top of the migration list.

If Linde issued an announcement telling everyone that the long night was approaching and eternal winter was coming, there were still many people who did not believe Linde's words. However, as the night got longer and longer, those who were still waiting and watching had already I was frightened and immediately signed up to migrate.

For more than a year, the entire continent of Westeros was caught in a wave of migration. In order to speed up the progress of territorial expansion, Linde expanded the pioneering group seven times during this year, and the number of people expanded from more than 20,000 to 5. More than 100,000, coupled with the migration of the Black Cave to the Sothoros continent, a large number of research on various dangerous creatures in the Sothoros continent have made various breakthroughs, which has accelerated the development of the territory a lot, and has gradually adapted to the migratory population. increase.

"Wait a minute," Linde stopped an attendant who was leaving, took out a roster from the side, quickly signed his name on it, stamped it, handed it to the attendant, and said, "Immediately transfer this Give this list to Lord Samwell Tarly and Lord Jon Snow. This is the list of immigrants this time, and tell them that the treatment on the road will be the same as before. In addition, call Lord Val and Tormund."

"Yes! It's dark again!" Linde also looked at the crystal window, and then quickly turned his attention back to the document in his hand.

"Your Majesty, what brings you to us?" Val and Tormund came to the Prime Minister's Tower and greeted Linde.

In fact, he didn't wear these gold jewellery because he liked them. Instead, he found that wearing these gold jewellery on his body could attract many thieves and robbers, which gave him the opportunity to vent his violent emotions with a legitimate reason.

Val took it and looked at it, his face became a little gloomy. He saw on the document that several groups of thieves disguised as free people soldiers took advantage of the garrison to assist in the migration and attacked several villages in the Reach, killing several people. Hundreds of people.

For a territory like Winterfell with few assets and few people, it took Sansa more than two months to move, and it took the Tyrell family of Highgarden more than a year to complete the move. , they even started to relocate later than the Eagle's Nest and Riverrun. Now among the entire Seven Kingdoms, only Casterly Rock has not yet been relocated.

"How are your people preparing?" Linde asked the two of them.

Val quickly explained: "Your Majesty, this kind of thing is only done by a few people, not us..."

"I know it was done by a few people, so I asked you to migrate in advance instead of sending troops to suppress it." Lind pointed at Wa'er and said, "You are responsible for the migration." Then he pointed at Tormund and said "You are responsible for cleaning up those who do not follow the rules. I want to see their heads placed outside the king's gate tomorrow morning. Do you understand?"'

"Yes, Your Majesty." Knowing that Linde would not change his decision, the two of them immediately nodded in agreement. When they turned to leave, they could not help but curse the troublemaking freedmen soldiers in their hearts. Daenerys said very directly: "You should have sent them away long ago. This is already the fourth case."

"Is it like you sent away the Roaring Warrior?" Linde counterattacked very cleverly without raising his head.

Daenerys curled her lips and said nothing more.

As Lind said, the Roaring Warriors who came to Westeros with Daenerys were just like the free folk warriors from beyond the Great Wall. They made trouble everywhere and were killed by Linde more than a hundred times before they became honest. He got up, but he didn't get anywhere, and he still heard some farce-like things one after another, so Daenerys had to send these people away to avoid completely annoying Lind.

The two of them stopped chatting and quietly reviewed the documents in their hands. The attendant came twice in the middle, took away the reviewed documents, and brought new documents to the two of them for processing.

"Why do you have so many things to deal with? It seems like you can never finish them." Daenerys put down the quill in her hand, rubbed her sore hands, and said.

While modifying the handling method in the document, Lind responded: "I have sent the Royal Council to New King's Landing. Jon and the others will stay at Miracle Port. More than half of the members of the Political Council have moved to Sothothros. Now all the affairs of the Seven Kingdoms are pressing on us, so things are naturally very busy.”

Daenerys suggested: "Where's Margaery? Margaery and her team of parliamentarians should be called over to help us handle these matters."

"No!" Linde shook his head and said, "Margaery wants to merge the spirituality of the Three-Hearted Tree and Green-Hand Gals. It's best not to disturb her during this period."

Seeing that Lind rejected her proposal, Daenerys said nothing more. At this time, a dragon roar suddenly came from the window, and then Rhaegar, Aegon and Viserys were seen flying from the side of the tower. However, Daenerys couldn't help but put down what she was doing, pushed open the balcony door, walked to the balcony regardless of the wind and snow outside, and looked at the giant dragon flying freely in the sky.

Lind also got up and walked to the balcony. When he passed the coat rack, he took off a cloak. When he walked to Daenerys, he put it on her. He controlled the surrounding wind and snow to bypass Daenerys and reminded her: : "You should pay attention to your health and don't catch a cold."

Daenerys smiled, touched her belly, then looked at her three-headed dragon, and then asked with some confusion: "I remember Rhaegar and his dragons and Augustus and their dragons were born. The time gap is not big, so why is there such a big difference in growth rate? Are Leiga and their bodies okay? "

As time went by, the growth rate of Daenerys's three dragons quickly became extremely obvious. In just one year, they had grown to be almost the same size as an adult dragon, while Augustus and their dragons The dragon is just a young dragon about the size of two horses. The difference is so obvious that even a blind man can tell the difference.

The casters of the Black Cave were interested in the growth and changes of the dragon, so after Daenerys came to King's Landing, she applied to observe and record the growth data of the dragon. Lind approved the application and specially arranged some people He studied the dragon's bloodline and other things, but in the end, apart from figuring out that the dragon was a magical creature, he never came up with anything else useful.

Linde said with relief: "You don't have to worry, there should be no problem with their bodies, and they will live a long time, at least much longer than human lifespans."

A smile appeared on Daenerys's face. In the eyes of others, these three giant dragons were just her pets or tools, just like the hunter's hounds, but in her own heart, these three giant dragons were her family and her This can be seen from the fact that the names of her own relatives were given to the three-headed dragon.

After the three giant dragons played in the air for a while, they landed on the dragon cave platform, where there was food specially prepared for them.

When Lind and Daenerys saw the dragon falling, they did not stay on the balcony any longer. They returned to the house, closed the door, and added some more firewood to the fireplace to make it burn brighter.

Just when the two of them returned their attention to the documents on the table, someone knocked on the door outside the room, and then opened the door and walked in without waiting for Linde to tell him to come in.

Just when Linde was about to scold the visitor for being rude, after seeing the visitor clearly, he immediately changed his tune and asked, "Have you woken up? How do you feel now?"

The person who entered the room was none other than Little Rose Margaery Tyrell, but she was very different from the previous Margaery. Even when she served as Speaker and held meetings, she She is wearing a decent and gorgeous lady's clothing, which makes people awe-inspiring at the first sight.

But now Margaery is dressed more like a child of the forest. The clothes on her body are completely made of some kind of bark woven clothes, and the accessories on her head have become branches of some kind of plant. She feels like a Like a forest witch.

In addition, Margaery's appearance has also undergone some changes. The most obvious change is that there is a three-heart tree pattern on her forehead and her eyes have turned green.

After Margaery came in, she closed the door and said, "I feel very good now. I have seen many things clearly, and I also saw the words that brother Vilas left for me."

"Master Vilas left you a message?" Linde asked curiously: "What message?"

Margaery shook her head and had no intention of telling Linde. Then she said in a deep voice: "I saw something when I was traveling around the world using the Green-Hand Gals Spirit. You may want to pay attention to it."

"What's the matter?" Linde asked.

Margaery looked at Lind, then at Daenerys, and said: "The Dothraki sea is covered with ghost grass. The Dothraki people thought that the end was coming, so they decided to betray Her Majesty Queen Daenerys. Plunder and sacrifice the southern coastline."

(End of this chapter)

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