Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 413 Slapstick Comedy and Inhuman Drama

Chapter 413 Slapstick Comedy and Inhuman Drama
The ghost grass has always had a special status in the hearts of the Dothraki. They regard the ghost grass as a warning of the end. In their legend, the ghost grass will eventually cover the Dothraki Sea and the entire world. At that time, the world will end. will also come.

At night, the ghost grass will emit a faint light. The Dothraki believe that it is the soul light emitted after the human soul is absorbed by the ghost grass. They do not want their souls to be absorbed by the ghost grass after death, so Before the ghost grass covers the entire world, they will carry out a massive robbery to please the flame horses galloping in the sky. In that case, when they die, their souls can be accepted by the flame horses and turned into stars in the sky, forever. The sky is racing.

More than a year ago, after Daenerys and Nymeria teamed up to take Slaver's Bay, they began to move north and began to invade the Dothraki Sea, because her army included a large number of Dothraki khalasar tribes. Therefore, it is not very difficult to conquer the entire Dothraki Khalasar tribe, and the fighting method is also very simple. Usually the three-headed dragon leads the way with dragon flames, followed by her roaring warriors and the Unsullied Legion.

After wiping out the four most powerful khalasars in the Dothraki Sea, the khalasars in the entire Dothraki Sea had lost their fighting spirit, and finally chose to surrender to Dan under the witness of Vaes Dothraki's Doshkarin. Nelise.

Although the Dothraki surrendered, the Dothraki khalasar did not suffer much loss. Even though Daenerys mobilized a large number of Roaring Warriors under her command, there were still a large number of Dothraki on the Dothraki sea. Rak warrior.

When the ghost grass began to grow in the Dothraki Sea, prophecies of doomsday began to spread in various khalasas, and there were a lot of encouraging words, and some khalasar bandits even bribed Doshkarin to let them False prophecies were made, which ultimately led to the Dothraki rebellion.

On the seventh day after Margaery made the reminder, the official news reached King's Landing. However, by this time, Daenerys was no longer in King's Landing. Also leaving with Daenerys were her three children. Head dragon, Neltharion, Diltos.

Half a month later, new news came from Slaver's Bay. This time the news was about the defeat of the Dothraki.

Although the Dothraki's betrayal was sudden, their defeat was also swift.

The Dothraki who chose to betray had just gathered in Vaes Dothraki when ten giant dragons ignited the entire Vaes Dothraki with dragon flames, and along with these dragons came Terra. The Imperial pterodactyl dragoons and their wildfires.

If the Dothraki rebellion was a farce, then the rebellion in the Vale was pure comedy.

However, what they did not expect was that there was an informer among them, and the informer hoped that by informing, he could migrate early. What was even more interesting was that there was not just one informant, but all the participants were informants. Even the person who proposed the sneak attack on Seagull Town was the same. His original proposal was to use this opportunity to frame other noble spirits in the valley and show his merit to Linde.

In addition, Robert Arryn was too young to convince the public, so the nobles of the valley were divided into separate affairs, like a piece of scattered sand.

In just half a day, Vaes Dothraki, which gathered more than thirty khalasar tribes, was burned to a white ground. Even the various statues of gods they had snatched from various places over the years were burned and melted. Like a melted candle.

However, over the past year or so, no matter how stupid the person is, they can still feel the changes in the climate. With the migration of the guardian dukes of the North, West, Reach, Dorne, Stormlands, and Riverlands, a large number of noble lords have They also began to migrate. Even several valley lords such as the bronze Yohn Royce whom they were familiar with gave up their territories and moved to the continent of Sothothros with Robert Arryn. Only then did they panic. , before registering with Junlin City.

During the White Walker War, Linde levied a White Walker tax, and the nobles of the valley had to pay it under pressure, but they were already very dissatisfied. Later, Lind announced that the White Walkers might break through the Great Wall and asked the southern countries to prepare to migrate to the Essos continent. The nobles of the valley did not care about their preparations, believing that even if the White Walkers broke through the Great Wall, the valley would be protected by the steep Moonlight Mountains and would not be harmed.

A hunting team composed of roaring warriors under the Imperial Queen Dragon Queen shuttled across the boundless grasslands of the Dothraki Sea, catching fish that slipped through the net. Except for a few Dothraki khalasar who escaped to the snow-covered mountains in the north. In addition, the rest of the Dothraki Khalasar were all captured and taken to Slaver's Bay, and sent in batches to the empire's developed territories on the Sothoros continent to serve as slave labor.

In the end, the White Walkers were successfully eliminated, and other kingdoms except the Valley wasted energy and financial resources on making a lot of useless preparations. This made the nobles of the Valley think that their decision was extremely correct, and they were even less concerned about Lind's orders.

Feeling that if they continued to stay in such a harsh environment, they would probably die within a year or two, so the noble lords of the valley decided to unite to attack Seagull Town.

However, they soon discovered that all ships sailing on the sea, whether they were warships or merchant ships, were all requisitioned by the Terra Empire. Except for cargo ships that ensured the flow of supplies and patrol fleets that ensured maritime security, all other ships were used. Due to migration, there is no idle ship.

The nobles of the valley have always been somewhat incompatible with the new Terra Dynasty and Terra Empire, and except for a few nobles such as Bronze Yohn Royce, the nobles of the valley chose to follow Linde's various policies. The nobles in the valley all felt that they were of noble status and obeyed Linde's orders in secret.

As a result, Lind later announced that the long night was coming and eternal winter was coming, and everyone would migrate to the legendary continent of Sothoros. Except for the bronze Yohn Royce, the valley nobles did not consider following at all, so they did not arrive in time. Register.

As a result, some people wanted to take a boat and migrate to the continent of Sothoros.

However, even if they register now, they will be sent to the end of the list. They need to wait until people from other places have finished migrating before they can move to the valley. Calculating this, it may still take one or two years. What's more important is that the further they go, the more they move. After migration, the territories that noble lords can grant will become smaller and more remote.

Not long ago, an earthquake suddenly occurred in the valley. The earthquake directly caused the collapse of the Eagle's Nest City, and caused a collapse zone to appear in the middle of the Moonlight Mountains. The southward cold wave, which was originally blocked by the high mountains of the Moonlight Mountains, penetrated through this collapse zone. , poured directly into the valley, causing a month-long snowstorm in the valley, causing casualties not only among ordinary people, but also among the nobles.

In addition, all port cities have been requisitioned by the empire. As one of the five earliest port cities in Westeros, Seagull Town is naturally one of the requisitioned port cities. Therefore, even if the noble lords of the valley want to move on their own initiative, There are no ships or docks for them.

Therefore, when they were called together, they were easily captured by the God's Chosen Corps and informed of their situation. They also moved ahead of schedule as they wished, but not as noble lords, but as noble lords. The criminals who were stripped of their noble status did not migrate to the mainland of Sothoros, but to Ax Island, which has a relatively harsh environment. It was a prison island specially designated by Linde.

Because of the extreme cold weather invading the valley, the valley is no longer suitable for living, but the people in the valley are not yet eligible to migrate, so Linde temporarily moved all the people in the valley to the river bend to live temporarily, waiting for their turn to migrate. , and then send them away.

The migration on the continent of Westeros is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the migration on the continent of Essos is also proceeding. However, not all the people on the continent of Essos are from the Terra Empire. Although Nymeria and Dan Nelith occupies a large amount of land, but not all the people on these lands have surrendered to the Terra Empire. For example, ethnic minorities such as the Cimmerians, Zocoras, and Gips still maintain their living habits and ethnic affiliations. . Nymeria and Daenerys also ignored these people and ignored them wandering around the territory as long as they did not cause trouble.

However, as the extremely cold climate continued to advance southward from the Shivering Sea, and the ghost grass spread in the Dothraki Sea, these ethnic minorities also noticed the abnormality and began to move south one after another, causing considerable damage to the cities along the southern coastline. pressure.

For this reason, Nymeria's approach was very direct. She sent envoys to the tribes where these ethnic minorities gathered and brought them a message: surrender or be destroyed.

As a result, except for a few very stubborn tribal leaders who directly killed the messenger, everyone else chose to surrender and then accepted Nymeria's reorganization. As for those few stubborn tribes, they eventually disappeared from the world.

However, ethnic minorities such as the Cimmerians, Zocoras, and Gipps are all humans and can be dealt with fairly easily. The real trouble is the hairy people from the inland Silver Coast and the people from the northern Dothraki near the Shivering Sea. Forest walkers and centaurs from the eastern Dothraki sea, these are non-human races.

The hairy people are more like a branch of the giant race. They are much taller than ordinary humans, but much shorter than the stone giants. They are somewhat similar to the hairy giants outside the Great Wall, except that they are more intelligent and civilized. It's also much higher.

The Forest Walkers are somewhat similar to the Sons of the Forest, except that they are much taller than the Sons of the Forest, and do not possess the same magical power as the Sons of the Forest. However, each of them is very good at bows and arrows, and they are also very handsome in appearance. On the contrary, they feel the same to Linde. There is something similar about the ancient race that did not become the White Walkers.

As for the centaurs, they are real centaurs, not warriors on horses. There have always been legends of centaurs in Westeros and Essos, but people who heard these legends sneered at them and thought The people who spread these legends simply regarded some warriors on horses as centaurs.

However, when an army of 500 centaur warriors appeared near the city of Vaes Dilf in the middle of the Dothraki Sea, everyone was stunned and informed the matter immediately. Daenerys stayed in Qarth.

Because of the language barrier, after Lind learned the news, he asked the Children of the Forest to negotiate with these non-human races. The results were mixed. Fortunately, these non-human races did not want to fight with them, but wanted to join them. As they moved south with them, it was obvious that they should have felt the arrival of the extremely cold weather.

What is worrying is that they are not the only ones, but many people, many non-human races living in seclusion in the inland Silver Sea, northern forests and Bone Mountains, numbering as many as two to three hundred thousand.

If there were only 2 to 300,000 ordinary people, the Terra Empire could still digest it, but 2 to 300,000 non-human races, and many of them eat several times as much as ordinary people, which inadvertently increases the burden of food storage. burden.

"If all these inhuman races are accepted, how long can the current reserves be maintained?" Linde's current steward, Samwell Tarly, asked.

"Four months." Sam replied, looking down at the ledger in his hand.

Linde was silent for a moment and then asked: "I remember that the third batch of reclamation towns started planting broadleaf cassava six months ago?"

Sam quickly looked through the account book in his hand and replied: "Yes, and there have been two harvests, and the output has reached the estimate. Half of the land opened up in the New World is now growing broadleaf cassava."

Lind was silent for a moment and then ordered: "Written a reception order and ask Daenerys to take in those non-human races and then break them up and transport them to different towns in the pioneer land. The empire will provide them with two months of food rations and they will be responsible for it." After two months of farming, 70% of the produce belongs to them and 30% is taxed.”

Sam hesitated and said, "But the condition of their return is to stay together."

Lind shook his head and said: "My order is the final condition. If they don't agree, they will stay on the continent of Essos. If they resist, they will be destroyed."

"Understood, Your Majesty." Sam said nothing more after hearing this. He quickly drafted several identical instructions, then asked Lind to stamp them and send them to Qarth and New King's Landing via the letter falcon.

After handling these matters, he stayed by Linde's side to handle other affairs.

After receiving Lind's order, Daenerys followed the instructions and met with representatives of all non-human races and proposed Lind's conditions.

At first, neither the shaggy nor the centaur agreed. Only the forest walkers and some non-human races protected by the forest walkers hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

But as the weather became bad again, neither the shaggy man nor the centaur could bear it anymore. Some of them tried to show their strength to Linde through war and forced Linde to bow his head.

As one can imagine, all the attacking armies were quickly defeated under the double blow of dragon flames and roaring warriors. In the end, the shaggy man and the centaur, as well as the non-human races with them, agreed to Linde's request. proposal, willing to accept imperial reorganization and distribution.

(End of this chapter)

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