Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 54 Quartering Permit

Chapter 54 Quartering Permit
Faced with the Red Viper's request for a fight, Linde did not hesitate and agreed directly. After all, after obtaining the swordsmanship of the Lost Knight, he had never really fought with anyone to understand what his current strength was. level, and the Red Viper, as the No. 1 spearman in the Seven Kingdoms and even the entire world of ice and fire, was the perfect opponent for him to test his strength.

After tying the horse to a wooden stake, Lind asked Glory to go away, then came to the Red Viper and took out the two knight swords from his waist.

And the moment Linde drew out the knight's sword, the relaxed look on Red Viper's face disappeared instantly, his eyes became extremely sharp, his body was slightly lowered, and the spear in his hand was constantly changing the way he held it. The footsteps are also moving quickly, as if looking for an opportunity to make a move.

At the same time, Nymeria, who had just come out of the tavern, did not return to her lord's tower. Instead, she came to the edge of the village with a premonition, and happened to see Lind and the Red Viper confronting each other in an open space outside the village.

Although Nymeria had heard the Bear Hunter's Song and felt that Lind was a powerful warrior, she did not think that Lind could defeat the Red Viper.

Just a few days ago, she fought against the Red Viper, and she had defeated dozens of malicious suitors. She was unable to fight back in the hands of the Red Viper. The Red Viper was like playing tricks on a person who had just learned to pick up a weapon. She dealt with every attack as easily as a child, until she fell down completely tired.

That day, she knew how big the gap was between herself and the Red Viper. She also knew that the legends and stories related to the Red Viper were not stories. Compared with the story of the Red Viper, the stories in the Bear Hunter's Song were not. Obviously there is a lot of difference and a lot less.

While Nymeria was recalling her fight with the Red Viper, the confrontation outside the village never broke.

The Red Viper constantly changed his gun-holding movements and moved his position, looking for Linde's weaknesses.

However, he found that Lind was just standing like this with his sword, looking full of loopholes, but these loopholes made him feel full of murderous intent. He felt that no matter how he attacked through the loopholes, he would face a torrential attack.

But he knew that if the confrontation continued like this, his fighting spirit would be completely suppressed, and he might not be able to cause any danger to Linde if he took action at that time.

So, he chose the safest method, pointing directly at Linde, stabbing him with the spear, using the length of the spear to gain the upper hand, and it was also a test.

However, almost at the same time as he made the attack, Lind's body also began to move, and as if he knew his attack method in advance, he moved a step diagonally at a very fast pace just to avoid the spear attack. At the same time, he used his right hand to The knight's sword also made a stabbing movement like a spear, stabbing towards the Red Viper's chest.

The length of the knight's sword itself, plus the length of the arm, is not much worse than the length of a spear. The Red Viper did not expect that someone could use one hand so easily to use the knight's sword that normal people need both hands to barely dance.

In order to avoid the thrusting sword, the Red Viper had to dodge and roll quickly, just in time to avoid the thrusting sword tip.

This dodge seemed a bit embarrassing, but in fact, while he was rolling, he also retracted the spear in his hand, followed by a lunge, and stabbed towards Linde's thigh again.

However, Linde's movements were more agile and he jumped up directly, rolling half a circle in the air with unconventional movements. At the same time, the two knight swords in his hands also slashed towards the Red Viper.

The falling knight's sword had a huge attack range, and Lind's movements were so fast that the Red Viper had no time to dodge. He had to raise his spear with both hands to try to block the blow of the knight's sword.

Although the steel gun body of this spear could not be cut off by the knight's sword, the huge force of the chop still bent the gun body and deformed it. The huge force was transmitted along the Red Viper's arm to his body, causing He had to kneel on the ground, and his sore arms could no longer make any defensive movements. He could only watch helplessly as two knight's swords were crossed on his neck.

Linde did not hold the two swords on the Red Viper's neck for too long. He quickly moved the sword away, retreated, sheathed the sword, and then stood there quietly, waiting for the Red Viper to return to normal.

Although he was sure to lose, the expression on Red Viper's face was still full of disbelief. Before fighting Linde, he never thought that he would lose, let alone that he would lose so completely and so quickly.

He carefully recalled the swordsmanship performed by Linde. It was not a particularly mysterious swordsmanship, it was just a simple thrust with a straight sword and a slash with two swords. And he, the Red Viper, who was the best spearman in the Seven Kingdoms, lost to this. On simple moves.

However, the Red Viper is a Red Viper after all, and he quickly analyzed the reason.

Although the swordsmanship performed by Linde is very simple, Linde's speed and strength are far beyond normal people. In particular, he can hold two knight swords and roll in the air to perform swordsmanship. He has never seen this kind of attack method. Pass.

In addition, he can be sure that even if he now knows the opponent's attack method, he will probably lose quickly if they fight again. After all, in terms of speed, strength and moves, the opponent is much stronger than him, and they are no longer on the same level. Unless he uses poison, it is almost impossible to defeat the opponent.

"Who taught you swordsmanship?" Red Viper stood up from the ground, threw the damaged spear aside, and then asked Lind.

"Warrior." Linde made a prayer gesture to the Seven Gods.

Red Viper raised his eyebrows with a speechless expression, turned around and left without asking any more questions.

Watching the Red Viper leave, Linde had a satisfied smile on his face. With the Red Viper as a test standard, he already knew that with his own strength, he no longer needed to fear any opponents on the frontal battlefield. The only thing he needed to worry about was other people. Means, such as poison.

Lind turned around and mounted his horse, pulled the reins, and was about to leave. At this time, he saw Nymeria on the hillside in the village, who was overlooking the side. He bowed slightly towards Nymeria and saluted, and then He clamped his horse's body and drove towards the dense forest in the distance.

At this moment, Countess Nymeria, who was standing on the hillside, was still immersed in the shocking emotion. She had no idea that the Red Viper had lost, and lost so completely, which made her wonder if she had seen a vision. The illusion, this shocking emotion stood on the hillside for a long time and never calmed down.

"Sir, there's news from over there again." At this time, an old man dressed as a bachelor without a chain around his neck walked up to Nymeria and said seriously: "It seems they are a little impatient. , have already adopted a threatening tone, and I already have some suspicions that before the so-called bandits arrive, they will dress up as bandits and rob us."

"No, Bachelor Ives, the bandits will come. They are already very close to us." Nymeria said seriously: "Distribute the weapons! At least they can resist when they encounter danger. .”

"Yes, my lord." The bachelor sighed and turned to leave.

"Wait, maester." Nymeria stopped the old maester again and said, "Draft a document authorizing the bear hunter Lynd of the Tyrell family to use the old castle as a bandit suppression base for a period of four years."

"The Tyrell family?" The old bachelor was stunned for a moment, then saluted Nymeria and left.The next day, after receiving Nymeria's document authorizing the use of the old castle as a stronghold, the scouts sent by Linde discovered the current location of the Bandits Alliance and other information.

The Bandit Alliance is currently about fifty miles northeast of Tengshi Town. They are moving very slowly and do not conceal their whereabouts. It is expected that it will take about a day or so to get here.

At the same time that Linde's scouts discovered these bandits, other people also discovered the whereabouts of these bandits, such as Tengshi Town and those hiding in the valley.

In addition, the scout team also discovered that there was another force following the hundreds of bandits. There were about 300 people in total. They were equipped with long conflict cards and wore leather armor. They were well-equipped and marched in the same way. It's the way the army marches, but they don't have any badges or other marks on their bodies, so it's hard to tell where they come from.

However, this is not particularly difficult for Linde to guess. After all, there are only a handful of great lords in the surrounding area who have the ability to train such a well-equipped secret army. In addition, coupled with the fact that he is interested in Tengshi Town, then The identity of the great lord has already appeared on the paper.

"Scar Eye, you lead the [-]nd Cavalry and the logistics team to build a garrison camp in the ruins of Old Tengshi Town." Lind handed the permission order in his hand to Scar Eye, then turned to the craftsman supervisor of the logistics team and asked : "How are the preparations for the arrows going?"

The head craftsman replied: "Sir, it is enough for each person to have four bags of arrows, but only three bags are made of iron arrowheads, and the remaining one bag is made of stone arrowheads."

"Where's the short bow?" Linde asked again.

"Each person can equip two."

"Take them all." Lind ordered, then turned to look at Brin, Raul and others and said, "Go tell them that we are going hunting."

As Linde's order was issued, except for the people of the Second Cavalry, everyone else equipped all the arrows that could be equipped. Each person was equipped with two short bows and one long bow. In addition to wearing a In addition to the dagger, he is also equipped with a horn hammer specially used to break armor.

Originally, Linde planned for everyone to be equipped with a moderately heavy scimitar or broad-bladed sword, but making either a scimitar or a broad-bladed sword was very cumbersome and time-consuming, requiring a large number of craftsmen, and using It takes a long time of practice to get started, otherwise it will be difficult to cause direct damage to enemies wearing armor.

Therefore, Linde canceled the sword and changed it to an angle hammer that was easier to make and use. For ordinary people, there is almost no threshold for using the angle hammer. They can just hit people with it. Even if they are wearing armor, they will be hit. An angle hammer will be injured if hit, and when riding a war horse and using an angle hammer, you don't need to swing it too much to cause great impact and damage.

After being equipped, Linde led the more than 100 cavalrymen and rushed out of the dense forest where they were temporarily stationed, and galloped towards the bandit alliance.

Because Linde did not hide anything, people in Tengshi Town and the valley outside Tengshi Town saw the departure of Linde's cavalry.

The people in the valley were shocked because they had no idea that such a group of well-equipped cavalry was hiding so close to them.

The people in Tengshi Town were confused and didn't understand why Linde would leave after getting permission to establish a stronghold.

However, as Scar Eye led his people to establish a stronghold in the ruins, Tengshi Town confirmed that Lind was not leading the team to leave.

Although she had a foreign aid like Lind, Nymeria did not intend to rely entirely on Lind. She still mobilized people in the village and quickly formed a team of 200 people.

Although the equipment on these 200 people is left over from the Dance of the Fire Dragons period, it is still as good as new. It seems that the lords of the Fu Deli family have maintained it. In terms of quality alone, it is definitely not inferior to The standard equipment of any great lord's family.

In addition, these 200 people are not entirely farmers. It is obvious that Nymeria consciously trained these people in the past to have a certain degree of combat power, at least it seemed that way.

Almost at the time Nymeria was mobilizing the people, the people from the other side of the valley sent someone to summon her again, saying that as long as Nymeria accepted them as people, they were willing to fight for Nymeria.

However, to their disappointment, Nymeria ignored their summons at all, as if they didn't exist.

At noon, at the foot of a hillside dozens of miles away, a team of 300 people marched slowly toward Tengshi Town along the path trodden by their predecessors.

Except for a few people on horseback, all the others in the team were infantry. These infantrymen seemed to have undergone strict training. They all walked with their heads buried and no one spoke.

In the team, Bert Farwell adjusted his somewhat collapsed saber belt, then took off his heavy inner chain armor and threw it to his entourage. He only wore a light leather armor on his body, and then quickly followed Get on your own team.

As the second son of Sir Rhys Farwell, he was originally one of the horse riders. Unfortunately, he was so unlucky. When he was climbing over a hill, his horse suddenly lost control when it encountered something unknown. , fell to the bottom of the cliff. If he had not jumped off the horse in time, he might have also fallen off the cliff.

Originally, the people in the team didn't like him very much. When they saw his misfortune, they wanted to step on him, let alone ride with him, so he had to walk on his legs like everyone else.

Having never gone through such a march before, he was exhausted before walking for too long. He had to take off all kinds of sundries on his body. Even at the end, the plate armor and chain armor used for protection were replaced with He bought a leather armor used by ordinary soldiers, and had followers and soldiers to support him as he marched, so that he could barely keep up with the team.

The old knight Toron Lefford, who was simply responsible for leading the team, had a good relationship with the Farwell family. After seeing that Bert's physical strength had reached the limit and the rest of the team also showed tired looks, he ordered Stop traveling, rest where you are, and eat.

Burt, who was exhausted to the limit, thanked the Seven Gods and couldn't wait to lie down on the ground. Then he asked his followers to fan him and his men to block him from the sun.

Perhaps because of extreme fatigue, he quickly fell into a deep sleep. He didn't know how long he slept. He suddenly heard a cry, and then something heavy hit him. He quickly opened his eyes and was impressed. What he saw was his own frightened face, with an iron arrow passing through his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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