Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 55 Annihilation of the Secret Force

Chapter 55 Annihilation of the Secret Force
With Linde's cavalry speed, it only took more than three hours after leaving Tengshi Town to encounter the bandit alliance brought together by the Poisonous Scorpion.

However, Linde did not attack the bandit alliance. Instead, he checked the status of the bandits' equipment and personnel on a hillside from a distance. Then he bypassed the team of hundreds of people and headed towards the equipment group at the rear. The elite team moved over.

About an hour later, the scouts from the front came back to report that the elite team of 300 people was only one valley away from them.

Linde did not meet them head-on, but took a long detour to the rear of the team.

The person leading this team obviously has experience in leading troops. He knows that when marching, he must send out scouts, and he also knows that he must maintain formation during the march to avoid being attacked by surprise. However, his attention was all on the front and he completely forgot about it. Regarding the security of the rear, not only did no one be sent to the rear to check the situation, but in order to maintain the marching speed, they did not care at all about the difficulty of the rear logistics convoy driving in the mountains, resulting in the logistics convoy being completely disconnected from the army in front.

Although there were dozens of soldiers in the logistics team protecting various baggage, under the sudden attack launched by Linde, they were all unable to withstand the first round of mounted fire, and they were all shot into hedgehogs.

After easily taking down the enemy's logistics team, Lind was very satisfied with the cavalry team's mounted shooting performance. He did not leave the field, but handed over to Raul and Brin to lead the team.

The two executed their circumnavigation cavalry and archery tactics very well, leading the cavalry to circle and shoot arrows outside the enemy's logistics team.

Although some people in the cavalry still cannot shoot well while riding horses, at least the arrows they shoot will not deviate too far. Through the dense covering of arrows, there will always be a few falling on the enemy.

After briefly tidying up the battlefield and taking back the arrows that had been fired, Linde transported all the supplies for the logistics team to the nearby woods, slightly camouflaging them with leaves. After the battle was over, he would send people to pick them up.

Perhaps it was because Lin Deli's rules had left such a deep impression on the riders that they did not snatch anything this time. All the valuable things they found were handed over to Jon for statistics and to be included in the battle achievements.

After a slight repair, Linde continued to lead the cavalry to catch up with the secret army under a certain great lord from behind.

Linde did not attack immediately, but followed behind. The team in front did not notice the danger from behind.

After climbing over a small hill and arriving at a flat land with a slightly flatter terrain, the person leading the team announced to rest on the spot and at the same time sent someone to notify the logistics behind to catch up as soon as possible and prepare food.

As a result, as soon as the man rounded a forest, his throat was pierced by three arrows flying out of the woods beside the road.

After getting rid of the messenger, Linde did not launch an attack immediately, but continued to wait, waiting for the army to completely relax, that would be the time to attack.

This opportunity did not wait for too long, because the previous rapid march had reached the limit of physical strength, and the journey was too smooth without encountering any obstacles, which made the soldiers in this team become careless and lax. After being given the order to rest in place, they sat on the ground completely relaxed, and soon most of the people fell asleep.

Although the commander of this team also cautiously sent soldiers to the nearby highlands to monitor the surrounding situation, Linde sent people to those highlands ahead of them, and directly killed the enemy soldiers when they arrived. Then he put on the clothes of those soldiers, disguised himself as one of them, and secretly told Linde about the situation of the team at the foot of the mountain.

"Remember what I told you?" When the time came, Lind turned to Raul and Brin to remind him.

"Surround the perimeter and shoot arrows, don't hit directly." Raul and Brin repeated.

Lind nodded, turned to look at Jon Bulwe, and asked again: "Do you really want to charge into battle with me? It will be safer to be with Raul and the others."

"Sir, I am your steward and I should be by your side." Jon put on his helmet, drew out the long sword from his waist, and said, "Please don't worry, I have participated in several battles with Lord Roger. , this little scene won’t affect me.”

Seeing this, Linde said nothing more, picked up his helmet, put it on, and ordered to the ten assault cavalry he had carefully selected: "Let's go."

Under the leadership of Linde, the assault cavalry team composed of ten riders who were proficient in horseback combat rushed out of the team and galloped forward along the mountain road. Raul and Brin also immediately led the remaining cavalry and archery teams and divided them into The two teams followed closely.

Because there were only twelve riders, the sound of horse hooves was not particularly loud. When Linde and the others passed through the dense forest under a small hill and came to the team resting at the bottom of the hill, the sentry in charge of the team was still on guard. He didn't notice anything unusual, and even when he saw the cavalry galloping over, he thought it was the logistics team behind him that was delivering food first.

However, when the twelve cavalrymen ran up to them, a sentry noticed the difference in Ke Lai's clothing and saw the weapons in the hands of the overcoming cavalrymen.

"Enemy..." The frightened sentry was about to shout a warning, but an arrow shot directly into his mouth, penetrated his head, and nailed him to the tree behind.

Linde put the short bow in the saddle's bow sheath, quickly drew out the knight's sword from his waist, drove the horse, and rushed into the crowd who were still resting and completely unresponsive.

Linde's sword swing was extremely fast, and the blade of the sword also had the illusion of distortion due to its extremely fast speed. The impact of the galloping horse and the power of the sword itself easily split everything in front of him and around him.

The cavalry who followed Linde formed a fan shape and harvested those who were not affected by Linde's sword. Everyone who stood in their way turned into corpses, leaving a trail of blood.

"Enemy attack!" The commander of the team who discovered that he was under attack immediately shouted a warning, and quickly identified that Linde only had 12 people. Perhaps he felt that he could deal with Linde and the others, so he drew his sword at the same time and led With the guards and knights around him, he rushed towards Linde.

Soon the two sides were fighting each other, but before the commander could swing his sword, he saw a flash of light passing through his body, followed by half of his body falling to the ground, and then The other knights and bodyguards who were fighting with him fell off their horses one by one. Some of them might not be dead, but they were already unconscious.

The twelve riders led by Linde were extremely fast and without any hindrance. It only took a few minutes to cut up the 300-man team like cutting a cake, leaving a trail of blood and nearly a hundred corpses. Lying on the ground, including all the knights and officers who could command this team, this was also the purpose of Linde's personal charge.

The soldiers in this team were all stunned. After they woke up from their sleep after hearing the enemy attack warning, before they had time to figure out what was going on around them, Linde's twelve cavalry had already passed through the team, and they were used to When they searched for their respective captains and commanders, they saw nothing.When the chaotic people took out their weapons to prepare for defense, arrows were shot from all directions, penetrating their leather armor and piercing into their bodies. Some were lucky enough to raise their shields in time to block the arrows in front of them. But they soon discovered that it was useless to just block one side. Arrows came from all directions. They could get lucky once, but as long as they made a mistake, they would be injured or killed.

Because of the loss of their commander, they were unable to form an effective defensive position. Each one of them focused on their own defense. However, this defense was full of loopholes and could not effectively resist the incoming arrows.

Raul and Brin faithfully carried out Lind's orders, perfectly demonstrating the effect of training on horseback shooting during this period.

They are like a pack of wolves besieging their prey. They move quickly around their prey and shoot arrows at them continuously. Because the prey are all crowded together, they don't even need to aim too much, they just need to pull. Just open the bow and shoot the arrow quickly.

Soon no one in the 300-man team who was surrounded by cavalry stood up anymore, and the cavalry only used more than one bag of arrows.

"Stop, stop!" Raul and Brin shouted orders at the same time. Then everyone put down their short bows and put them into the bow pouch next to the saddle. Then they picked up the angle hammer hanging on their waist, slowed down their horses, and started walking one by one. Their faces were full of excitement, waiting for the next order.

For anyone, this can be regarded as an amazing victory. Facing three hundred heavily armed troops, they wiped them out without any harm, which gave them a sense of accomplishment that they had never experienced before.

Some people who were originally suspicious of Linde's constant forcing them to train in horseback riding and archery all expressed their belief in Linde now. They originally admired Linde's superior strength, but that was just admiration for his personal strength. They were still full of doubts about whether Linde, who was a hunter, knew how to lead troops in war. But now that doubt has completely disappeared. They only have admiration and respect for Linde in their hearts.

At this time, Linde also led the people who had just finished charging to the edge of the position. He calmly looked at the corpses in front of him and ordered in a calm tone: "Clean the battlefield."

After hearing the order, everyone was stunned, because in their memories, after winning such a big victory, those adults would make some grand speeches, but Linde behaved so plainly, as if such a big victory was achieved. Victory is as simple as drinking water and eating.

"Didn't you hear me say that I was cleaning the battlefield?" Linde frowned, looked at the people around him, and ordered again.

After everyone heard this, they got off their horses one after another and began to clean the battlefield, recover arrows, pull off the leather armor of the corpses, and help those who were not dead to rest in peace.

Because Linde had specially trained to clean the battlefield, and asked one of them to clean and two to protect him, so even if someone pretended to be dead and tried to fight back when the cavalry approached, someone would find him immediately and launch a fatal blow.

"No, don't kill me! I am Burt Farwell, and my father is Rhys Farwell, the great merchant in the West. My father will definitely be willing to pay the ransom for me." Burt Farwell pretended to be dead. He rolled to avoid the falling angle hammer and begged for mercy loudly.

Linde's order was to clean up these people completely, so the knights ignored his plea for mercy. Two of them had already held him down, and the other raised the angle hammer in his hand, preparing to smash his head.

"Wait." At this time, Jon Bulwe suddenly stopped the soldiers, turned to look at Bert Farwell lying on the ground, and said in surprise: "Fat Boy Bert? Why are you here? here?"

"Jon?" Bert also looked surprised, and then said happily: "Seven Gods, hurry up, let them let me go."

"Let him go," Jon Bulway ordered.

Several riders looked at each other, and one of the middle-aged men looked at Jon with a serious look and said: "Lord Linde's order is to clean up everyone, everyone, including your friend, Jon Sir, you are just a business officer and have no right to order us to do things."

Only then did Jon remember the rules set by Linde, and realized that the order he had just given had violated the rules, so he immediately changed his words and said: "I am not ordering you, I just hope that you will not do anything to him for the time being. I am now Just go and ask for Lord Linde’s orders.”

Several people looked at each other and nodded.

Jon signaled to the panicked Bert, and then ran towards Linde. Soon he came to Linde, saluted Linde, and said: "Sir, there is someone among these people who you may It can be used.”

Lynd looked at Jon and said, "That man is your friend."

"No, the relationship is closer, they are relatives and friends." Jon immediately explained: "That person is Bert Farwell, the second son of Rhys Farwell. Rhys Farwell is the former Earl of the Farwell family in the West. The legitimate son of Lord Ralit Farwell, but because Lord Ralit Farwell offended Duke Tywin in some matters, after his death, the title was given to a branch, and Sir Rhys Farwell was banished. .”

"Exiled? Exiled to the South?" Linde guessed.

Jon nodded and admitted: "Yes, Sir Rhys Farwell has lived in the South for a long time and got married and had children. His wife is my aunt, and Bert Farwell is my cousin."

"Now your cousin has become a member of the secret army of the Western Territory," Linde frowned and said, "You should know very well that if I let your brother go, then the news of our annihilation of this Western Territory army will be lost. It is very likely that the news will reach the ears of Lord Tywin. How do you think Lord Tywin will react when the time comes?"

"No, no! Sir, I am sure that Bert joining this army was just an accident. Their family has no good impression of Duke Tywin." Jon quickly explained: "Although Sir Rhys received the pardon four years ago, he returned to The Falwell family, but he never stayed in the Falwell family for a long time, or even stayed in the Westerlands for a long time. He spent most of his time at sea, because he did not dare to let Lord Tywin know that he still had any influence on the Lannister family. There is hatred.”

At this time, Brin also came over and said: "I have also heard the name of Rhys Farwell, a famous sea merchant in the Western Territory. There are many land merchants in the Western Territory, but sea merchants can achieve his level. Very few." As he spoke, he moved closer to Lind and said, "Didn't Moose say that it was difficult for him to buy suitable things? Maybe we can..."

Lind thought for a while, nodded and said: "Bring that Bert here, I hope he survives and won't cause us any trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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