Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 56 Easy Solution

Chapter 56 Easy Solution
"Are you Bert Farwell?" Lind asked, looking down at the short and fat knight in front of him.

"Yes, sir." Bert responded, lowering his head.

Linde sat on a stone, pointed to a stone next to him, motioned for Bert to sit down as well, and said, "Tell me the purpose of your army."

Bert looked at Jon and saw him nodding to indicate that it was okay, then sat down opposite Lind, and then carefully replied: "The order we received is to follow the bandits of the Scorpion Society and wait for the opportunity."

"What time?" Linde continued to ask.

"I don't know about this. Only Sir Toron Lefford knows about it, but now..." Bert turned his head and looked at the old Sir who had been split into two pieces by Lind in the distance. There was a trace of sadness in his eyes and he said: "I should be speechless now."

"Has your army been the only one sent to the Western Region?" Linde asked again.

"We are the only one now," Bert replied.

"You mean there will be other armies coming from the West in the future?" Jon couldn't help but interjected and asked.

Bert nodded and said: "When I left, I saw several armies gathering, but I don't know if they were sent here."

Jon asked again: "How big is the army?"

Bert looked at his cousins ​​and said: "When we left, the several armies that gathered were similar to ours, but they are still gathering. The final army will be formed, and the number of people should be much larger than ours."

Lind frowned. This news is not good news for Lind. If Duke Tywin really continues to send troops here, and the number is still increasing, then Duke Tywin is not just testing. , but really want to capture Tengshi Town.

Although after the battle just now, Lind was confident that he could deal with the bandits here, and he was also confident that he could deal with a small group of lords' army, but if Duke Tywin used the troops of various nobles in the Western Territory, then he would only be able to retreat.

However, he thinks this possibility is unlikely, because Tengshi Town belongs to the Reach after all. If the Western Territory sends out troops with great fanfare, it will eventually lead to a war between the Western Territory and the Southern Territory. This is definitely something that the Iron Throne will not allow. .

Therefore, Duke Tywin gathered the army probably for other things. Due to the lack of sufficient intelligence, Lind was unable to make any effective judgment. This also gave him the idea of ​​establishing an intelligence network, but he knew very well that it was too early now. .

Linde asked again: "How many spies from the Western Region are in the bandit groups convened by the Poisonous Scorpion?"

"I don't know much about this. Only the old knight knows this." Bert replied.

Lind looked at Bert and asked, "Why did you join this army? With all due respect, Lord Bert, you don't seem to be good at fighting."

"The Farwell family needed a few people to join the army, and I was unlucky to be chosen." Bert shrugged helplessly and said, "If I hadn't joined the army this time, I would have gone to Old Town to study by now. City."

"Are you going to study in the city?" Linde asked.

Bert answered truthfully: "Yes, I have loved reading since I was a child and want to be a bachelor."

Hearing Burt's words, Lind suddenly thought of a person named Samwell Tarly. The two were similar in stature and personality, and were equally interested in knowledge.

"When things here are over, I will let you go to the school city to study." Lind made a decision and said: "However, before that, you can only stay with me. Burt Fawell has temporarily Dead, do you understand?"

Bert knew that he would not die, a happy smile appeared on his face, and he was so excited that he thanked Linde for his kindness.

Jon was happy that his cousin could survive and stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder.

Linde added: "However, I don't keep idle people here. Before you leave, you need to do something for me. For the time being, you can be my steward together with Jon!"

Bert was stunned for a moment, then quickly responded: "Yes, sir."

Lind added: "By the way, you don't seem to know who we are yet. Jon, take him down, introduce our situation, and tell him what needs to be done."

"Understood, sir." After Jon heard this, he took Bert aside and introduced their situation.

In fact, the moment Bert saw Jon, he already knew that this team was from the Tyrell family, but he didn't know Lind's identity. Even when Jon introduced Lind's name, he had a look on his face. At a loss, there was no big noble named Terra in his memory.

In fact, he had lost contact with the outside world a few months ago. He had always stayed in the army, either in the military camp or on the road, so he knew nothing about what was happening in the outside world, let alone Lin Lin. Germany is a legendary figure whose reputation has spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms.

It wasn't until Jon carefully recounted Lynd's experience that he truly realized that Lynd did not belong to the old aristocratic family he knew. At the same time, he was also surprised by Lynd's luck.

Yes, Burt was surprised by Linde's luck, not Linde's strength.

He has read a lot of books, and he has also read a lot of legends and biographies of the Seven Kingdoms from ancient times to the present. And any book he has read, no matter how exaggerated the author is about the protagonist in the book, is It was never so exaggerated that a commoner with a hunter background could be canonized as a knight by the king in just a few months.

And more importantly, Lind was qualified to lead troops on his own just after he became a knight. And from the little information revealed by Jon, it is not difficult to see that the Tyrell family attaches great importance to Lind and even gives him considerable autonomy, such as You can recruit your own soldiers, allow expansion of a certain amount of troops, etc.

Even the old nobles in High Court may not have such great power, but Linde now has it, which makes him extremely curious about Linde.

Originally, he regretted that he could not go to the academy to study immediately, but now all the regrets in his heart disappeared. Going to the academy to study was not as interesting as directly observing the rise of a legendary figure.

Cleaning up the battlefield was quickly completed. All the items that could be taken away, from the leather armor and clothing on the body to the weapons and equipment, were all exposed. Only naked corpses were left on the ground.When Bert saw this scene, he couldn't help but said: "Sir, this is really unseemly. At least they should leave a piece of clothing on them."

"I am very poor now, and I will not let go of any materials I can use, and..." Lind looked at Bert calmly and said: "Everyone is mortal, since he came to this world naked. , and let them leave naked, which is very appropriate."

After saying that, he ordered Bryn Hewen to lead his first cavalry team to transport the loot together with the supplies of the previous logistics team to the Tengshi Town stronghold. He continued to lead the army to pursue the bandit alliance in front. .

"Sir, are your number too few? There are 700 bandits?" Brin said worriedly.

"That's enough. They are just bandits, and they are bandits whose courage has been broken. The Guards have enough manpower." Lind shook his head, and then turned to Jon and Bert as if he thought of something, Said: "You just follow Brin to transport the loot. You don't need to participate in the next battle."

"Yes, sir." The two men responded quickly.

"Let's go." Linde looked at the guards who were ready to go and ordered.

As the order was issued, the cavalry that had just rested, led by Linde, quickly moved towards Tengshi Town along the traces left by the bandit alliance in front.

The team was moving very fast, and logically it should only take an hour to catch up with the slowly walking bandit alliance in front of them.

However, Linde seemed to be in conflict with the land itself. Ever since he entered the land, it had been raining continuously, hindering his march. Now when walking on the road, he would encounter flash floods from nowhere, and he had to choose After taking a detour and wasting several hours, they finally caught up with the bandit alliance in the evening.

Now this place is less than five miles away from Tengshi Town, separated by two hills. The bandit alliance did not attack Tengshi Town overnight. Instead, they stayed here to recharge their batteries and eat all the remaining food. , prepare for a big fight tomorrow.

The leaders of these bandits were somewhat capable. Before they were stationed, they knew to send sentries to the surrounding mountains to prevent sneak attacks.

It's a pity that the people they sent out were not as diligent as they thought. After several days of marching and the shortage of food, these people were already very tired. After guarding for a while, they all found them one by one. He found a place to rest and waited for the people below to bring him food. This rest was an eternal rest.

After getting rid of these sentries, Linde stood on the hillside and looked at the situation below. Although the sky was a little dark, he could still clearly see the situation at the foot of the mountain. He saw the bandits sitting on the ground scattered, even unloading their weapons. After taking off the equipment, they were completely relaxed and defenseless, just like the previous team.

How could Lind let go of such a good opportunity? As he led the cavalry down the hillside, the same scene appeared again a few hours later. The same group of unprepared people, the same valley with a similar shape, and the same ending. , the only difference is that he did not wipe out all these bandits.

It's not that he can't annihilate all these bandits who have lost all fighting spirit, but he needs some words and someone to publicize his arrival. He needs to make the bandits and savage tribes entrenched in this area feel fear, so that They listen to themselves calmly.

"What a glorious victory. I have been a soldier in the Tyrell family for almost ten years, and I have never seen such a clean and tidy battle." Raul gasped, wiping the blood on his face with his hand, and looked at Looking at the battlefield in front of him, he praised.

"That's because you have seen too few wars." Linde did not show too happy expression and said: "These are just some defeated armies defeated by Lord Tywin, a group of ragtag people. Before they took up arms, They are just ordinary farmers and civilians. Although they are large in number, they have no fighting power. They are not as good as the previous army. They are barely enough to threaten some villages with few people, but..."

Perhaps feeling that it was not worth mentioning, Linde did not continue and asked instead: "How many people did we lose?"

"Two people died and [-] people were injured," Raul said.

Linde was stunned and asked: "Two people died? How did they die?"

Raul said with some embarrassment: "It's a stupid way to die. I didn't sit properly on the saddle, fell off, and was trampled to death by the horse behind me."

Linde was silent for a moment and said: "Remember to train harder. I hope that in the next battle, no one will fall off his horse and be trampled to death by his own people."

"Yes, sir." Raul bowed his head and said.

These bandits have reached the end of their rope. Except for the people of the Poisonous Scorpion Society who still have some valuable things on their bodies, others only have weapons in their hands that are of some value, but these weapons need to be re-smelted before they can be used again.

Although Linde looked confident and sure of victory, he had no idea about the battle that would follow from Tengshi Town, because this was the first time he led an army to fight, not only in this life, but also in The same was true in previous lives.

Until now, he gradually let go of his hanging heart. Now everything is developing much better than he expected. His attempt at mounted archery was very effective. Although some flaws were exposed in the battle, such as the short bow was not strong enough to penetrate Through the shield, another example is that the size of the saddle is not suitable for freeing the hands.

However, these are all technical problems that can be solved by finding skilled craftsmen.

The most important thing now is the issue of army expansion. He needs cavalry and archery tactics to reach a certain scale before they can really work. The attack power generated by his current more than 100 people is far from enough. He needs to expand to at least about 500 people. Only by being able to maintain the coverage of arrows can they have sufficient lethality.

However, there are really few suitable soldiers. The savage tribes, mountain people and bandits who are entrenched here may be able to conquer and recruit them, but that will be a matter for the future. Now he needs to find a source of soldiers that can be recruited immediately.

"Maybe those people in the valley..." Linde thought of the people in the valley outside Tengshi Town. Those people were indeed suitable sources of soldiers who could immediately participate in the battle after being recruited, but their identities were a big problem. , until the issue of their identity is resolved, Nymeria Fudley cannot contact them, and he cannot contact them either. After all, he now represents the Tyrell family.

While Lind was clearing the battlefield, Breen's First Cavalry had returned to Tengshi Town. They passed in front of Tengshi Town with cartloads of loot, transported it to the ruins of the old castle, and then armored them piece by piece. and weapons were moved to a temporary warehouse converted from ruins.

"Have they won?" The old bachelor stood on the hillside and looked at the trophies in surprise.

"Something is wrong?" Nymeria Fudley's eyesight is much better than that of the old bachelor. She can clearly see that among the trophies transported, many of the armors are complete standard armors and the weapons are also very sophisticated. Like the weapons and equipment a group of robbers should have.

"Perhaps we should ask them..." The old bachelor was about to give advice when he saw a fast horse rushing down the hillside not far away and rushing towards Tengshi Town, "Sir, yes Vic.”

Upon hearing this, Nymeria immediately ran down the hillside and came to the entrance of the village. Just as the man drove his horse nearby, the moment he saw Nymeria, he got off his horse and panted, saying: "Sir, All destroyed, all those thieves were wiped out."

(End of this chapter)

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