Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 69 Accepting the Influence of the Savage Tribe

Chapter 69 Accepting the Influence of the Savage Tribe

After entering the stone hall, Linde and others were arranged to sit in the auditorium, and then someone took out some food and gave it to Linde and others.

After looking at the food in front of him, Lind looked at the gravel leader Kraft with a hint of surprise.

Kraft said angrily: "Although you call us savages, we are not savages, we are free people, and we also understand the rights of guests."

Linde did not refute, but reached out to pick up some food and ate it. Others also ate some food one after another, establishing each other's guest rights.

Seeing this, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, how do these savage tribes understand the rights of guests? They only know that the guests have eaten the host's food, so they will not attack the host, but they do not know that the food is bread and salt.

Linde's performance had frightened them before. They were worried that Linde would suddenly fall out, so they prepared some food for Linde and the others to establish guest rights.

"Everyone knows why they are here, so I won't say more, just throw stones! White means agreeing, black means disagreeing." Gravel leader Kraft said a very simple sentence, and then walked directly to a place in the hall. Before piling stones, pick up a stone and place it in a pit next to the pile of stones that has been painted with white powder.

Immediately afterwards, the leaders of other families in the Gravel Tribe also stood up, picked up stones, and threw them into the stone pit. Except for a few who hesitated, they all threw white stones into the pit.

Seeing this scene, Linderton was speechless. He didn't expect that a semi-primitive tribe like the Savage Tribe could see this kind of selection method similar to democratic voting. But what he felt in his heart was that this kind of voting should not be anonymous. ?
Not to mention letting the parties involved temporarily avoid it, at least they should create a shield around the stone pit, right?

By putting the voting choice in front of them in such a clear way, do you believe that they will not retaliate against the person who did not vote to agree?
Moreover, Kraft's account of the tribe's surrender to Tengshi Town was too simple, so simple that it was not there at all. It was simply childish to assume that all the family leaders of the tribes present knew what was going on.

If it weren't for the serious expression on Kraft's face, and the fact that no one else around him, including the old shaman, showed any abnormality, and even White Deer Wenda was watching the stone-throwing process seriously, Linde might have thought that Kraft was deliberately using this. This is a way to cause trouble. Now it seems that this may be the way to discuss things within the Gravel Tribe.

Soon the results of the stone throwing came out. Almost everyone voted in agreement, except for the old shaman who symbolically threw the stone into the dark pit where he disagreed.

After getting the result, Kraft sighed, turned around and walked to the stone platform on the side of the hall, picked up a simple stone ax placed on it, then came to Nymeria and knelt down on one knee. , raising this ax with both hands, dedicated to Nymeria.

The others also walked behind Kafu and knelt down towards Nymeria in surrender.

Nymeria didn't expect that things would end so easily. Just now, they were in a tense confrontation at the entrance of the tribe, and they would take action at any time. But after arriving here, in less than 5 minutes, the leaders of the Gravel Tribe had already decided to join. This made all the arguments she had prepared to persuade the leader of the Gravel Tribe useless.

Although she was surprised, Nymeria did not show any hesitation. She took the ax with both hands, raised it high above her head, and read out the lord's oath to all the leaders of the Gravel Tribe, confirming that the Gravel Tribe's The status of a lord and his obligations as a lord, etc.

After reciting the Lord's Oath, the leaders of the Gravel Tribe also read the Oath of Loyalty under the leadership of White Deer Wenda, swearing to be loyal to Nymeria.

After completing the oath, Nymeria handed the stone ax that symbolized the power of the Gravel Tribe to the female attendant and put it away. Then she said according to what she had discussed with Lind in advance: "Since you have become my subjects, I naturally have to take care of you." Okay, now I give you two choices, you decide what to do."

"The first choice is to continue your current life unchanged, but every year you must pay a certain tax based on your head, and send people to join my army to fight for me."

After Nymeria said the first choice, the leaders of the Gravel Tribe shook their heads and said they would not choose it because they saw no benefit from this choice.

"The second option is that I provide you with a suitable settlement and you all move to the new settlement. There is farmland for farming and lakes for fishing. In addition, there is a silver mine there. I will hire people from your tribe to mine silver mines, or I will cooperate with you to mine silver mines.”

As soon as Nymeria finished speaking, the breathing in the hall was obviously a lot faster. The gravel leader Kafu couldn't wait to ask: "How to cooperate?"

Nymeria looked at Lind and said: "The method of cooperation is very simple. The mining of silver mines will be given to your tribe. I will only send supervisors. Ninety-five percent of the output of all silver mines will belong to me, and half will belong to you." tribe."

"Twenty percent, give us [-]%, and we'll do it." Before Gravel leader Kafu could speak, a family leader couldn't help but say.

"Only half." Nymeria said forcefully: "And you are also responsible for the safety of the silver mine."

The family leader wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Kraft. Then Kraft nodded and said: "We agree."

After the Gravel Tribe made their choice, Nymeria briefly discussed the relocation with them. Because she still didn’t know what the situation was like at the relocation site, she needed to send someone from the Gravel Tribe to check it out, so the content of the discussion was very brief. , specific matters need to be discussed after the Gravel Tribe sends people to Tengshi Town.

When Linde and the others left, there were 200 more people than when they came. 100 of them were elites selected by Kafu from the tribal warriors to join Nymeria's garrison, which was regarded as performing their duties as citizens, and the other 100 The people are the spiritual guards sent by the old shaman, specially used to serve Glory, but only in name. The actual person in charge of these 100 people is Linde.

"Is it really okay to leave the silver mine to them?" Nymeria looked back at the hillside where the Gravel Tribe was, and said with a little doubt.

"Don't worry, the Gravel Tribe is very good at mining. In fact, it was because they were so good at mining that they were besieged by the lords of the valley and driven out of the valley. They have been wandering here." White Deer Wenda explained.

"Now you have no other choice." Linde was more direct, saying: "The reconstruction speed of Tengshi Town is too fast, and the money is flowing like water. You have almost spent the money on hand. You should also read Yi The account book brought by Bachelor Fusi. At the current consumption rate, even if I invest my money, it won’t last long. You need to have a fixed and profitable income point. The silver mine is your only one at this stage. choice." Nymeria explained her worries and said: "I don't think there is anything wrong with letting the Gravel Tribe be responsible for mining. I just think the location of the silver mine is too far from Tengshi Town. If a large number of people are sent from the west to attack I’m afraid it will be difficult for us to provide timely assistance to them, can the people of the Gravel Tribe hold on alone?”

"This is indeed a trouble." Linde also nodded and said.

As Nymeria said, if there is a problem with the silver mines on the west bank, the support sent from Tengshi Town will either go around the upper reaches of the Mander River, or use ships to send the support troops to the other side of the river.

One of these two methods will waste a lot of precious time on the road, and the other will risk being attacked by someone on the other side of the river.

Lind thought for a while and said, "It seems that we have to find a way to build a bridge near Tengshi Town."

Nymeria also nodded in agreement. She also knew that if there was a bridge near Tengshi Town to connect the east and west coasts, then she would be able to truly control her territory on the west coast, instead of still allowing Large tracts of territory on the West Coast lie idle.

After returning from the Gravel Tribe, he left all issues regarding the migration of the Gravel Tribe, silver mining, bridge construction, etc. to Bert and Jon. He only had to grasp the general direction.

Nymeria also followed the same example and handed over the matter to Maester Ives. However, due to Maester Ives' current age, she selected some people with certain qualifications from those who came to Tengshi Town to seek a living. Men of knowledge and experience as nobles' squires assisted Maester Ives in these matters.

The fact that Tengshi Town accepted the savage tribe as its subjects did not cause much commotion in Tengshi Town. At most, it just created another person to talk about in the tavern.

Now the thing that attracts the most attention from everyone in Tengshi Town is actually the appearance of Glory. Although many people who have seen Glory before have said things related to Glory's huge figure, the people who listened at that time only regarded it as "Glory". These words are regarded as just bragging, and few people take them seriously.

But now when Glory followed Linde back to Tengshi Town from the Gravel Tribe, those who didn't believe it discovered that those words were all true and were not exaggerated at all.

For a time, there would always be some curious people gathering outside the ruined military camp, hoping to see the figure of Glory through the gaps in the railings of the military camp.

Compared with Tengshi Town, which focuses most of its attention on Glory, the lords and nobles of the Seven Kingdoms in the outside world are more concerned about the fact that the lords of Tengshi Town accepted the barbarian tribe as subjects, and they regard the rumors of Glory. Just like those who have not seen the glory with their own eyes, they just regard it as an unbelievable anecdote.

Regarding the fact that Tengshi Town accepted the barbarian tribe as its subjects, almost all the noble lords viewed this matter with great disdain. They believed that the lords of Tengshi Town were committing suicide and even thought that it would not take long for Tengshi Town to become Tengshi Town's lords. Lords of Stonetown will also become Wildling Lords.

The nobles of the Seven Kingdoms all have the same attitude towards the savage tribes, which is contempt and discrimination. In their eyes, the status of the savages is not even as good as the animals in their hunting grounds. If their subjects poach the animals in their hunting grounds, , they will hang these poachers, but if their subjects kill the savages hiding in their hunting grounds, not only will they not be guilty, they may even be rewarded.

Even if some lords will hire savage tribes to fight in certain wars, these are only temporary employments. Once the war is over, they will immediately break away from the relationship. It is even possible that the employment will be terminated suddenly before the war is over, and then those who will not be employed soon will be dismissed. The savages who had helped them fight earlier were treated as enemies and slaughtered.

Because of this, most of the savage tribes in the territories of the Seven Kingdoms do not believe in the oaths of the lords.

Therefore, when the news about Tengshi Town was also known to the Savage Tribe, their attitude was somewhat similar to that of the lords and nobles of the Seven Kingdoms, except that the target became the Gravel Tribe. They thought that the leader of the Gravel Tribe was so stupid that he believed They believed that the savage tribe could become territorial citizens after hearing the lies told by the lord of Tengshi Town. They seemed to have foreseen the scenario where the Gravel Tribe would be killed by the lord of Tengshi Town after being deceived out of the mountain.

Almost everyone is watching the joke in Tengshi Town, thinking that something will happen to Tengshi Town sooner or later. Even High Court sent several ravens to deliver letters to Bitter Bridge, and then used fast horses to deliver the letters to Tengshi Town. Town, asked Linde what happened.

Lind had no intention of asking Nymeria to explain the matter of regaining the savage tribe and becoming a subject, because these noble lords had preconceived notions, so it was impossible to explain clearly no matter how they explained it.

Therefore, he wanted to divert Highgarden's attention from this matter with other things, and the silver mine was the best bait.

Lind had never thought about letting Nymeria hide the silver mine, because this matter could not be hidden, so it was the right thing to say it first to gain Highgarden's trust.

So, he asked Nymeria to reply to the letter as the lord of Tengshi Town, describing the discovery of a silver mine in the center of the territory on the west bank of the Mander River, and also mentioned that the Western Territory might already know about this silver mine, and also A request was made to the High Court, asking the High Court to grant the coinage rights of Silver Deer in Tengshi Town.

The guardian dukes of the Seven Kingdoms all have their own coinage rights. In addition to casting some currencies that are only circulated within their own borders, such as Highgarden's rose coins, they can also cast gold dragons and silver coins that can be circulated in the Seven Kingdoms and even the continent of Essos. Deer and copper coins and other currencies.

For example, the Lannister family in the West occupies the largest gold mine in the entire Westeros continent. About [-]% of the golden dragons in the entire Seven Kingdoms are produced in the West. The lords of the West headed by the Lannister family have therefore become the Seven Kingdoms. The richest noble in the Great Kingdom, there is a saying that the shit produced by the members of House Lannister is gold.

Under normal circumstances, the right to mint money is in the hands of the dukes of each kingdom, but sometimes there is no corresponding mine in the dukedom, so the right to mint money will also be given by the duke to the lords who have corresponding mines. Of course, the lords still need it. Pay a substantial amount of tax.

Regarding the issue of minting rights, although Nymeria is very smart, due to the problem of vision, she does not have a deep understanding. She just feels that with the right to mint, she does not need to sell the mined silver ore at a low price. You can cast silver deer coins of higher value yourself and use them yourself.

However, Linde knew very well that controlling the power of coinage would control the economy to a certain extent. In many cases, the power of economic weapons may be more powerful than the direct army.

More importantly, when he was corresponding with Rhys Falwell, he learned that several large silver mines had been discovered near Slaver's Bay on the Essos continent, which caused a sharp drop in the price of silver ore in the Free Trade City.

As long as Nymeria obtains the right to mint coins, Rhys Falwell can transport a large amount of silver ore to Tengshi Town and cast it into silver deer. The price difference is pure profit, which is not much worse than mining silver mines to mint coins.

(End of this chapter)

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