Chapter 70 Two Letters

"There's a reply from Highgarden." Nymeria walked in happily from the door and placed the letter in her hand in front of Lind.

On the sixth day after the letter about the discovery of the silver mine was sent via the fleet to Highgarden, the letter from Highgarden was also answered. It was still the old method. The raven was sent to Bitter Bridge and then the letter was delivered quickly.

After Nymeria received the reply, she immediately sent it to Linde without even reading it.

Linde picked up the letter that had not yet been unsealed, opened it and looked at it, frowning slightly.

"What? Highgarden didn't give him the right to mint coins?" Nymeria asked after seeing the change in Lind's expression.

Linde did not answer, but handed the letter to Nymeria and let her read it.

The content of the letter is very simple, with only three lines, and each line tells one thing.

The first line says that the Duke agreed to grant the right to mint money to Tengshi Town, but now he must know the size of the silver mine, and Highgarden has contacted the city and sent a relevant bachelor to Tengshi Town to assist Nymeria in mining and mining. Coin matters.

Obviously, the High Court also intends to have a hand in the silver mine. Even if they cannot control the silver mine, they must at least obtain certain rights in the minting of coins, which is directly related to their interests.

And they are not taking these benefits in vain. They will notify the Seven Kingdoms and the Iron Throne in an official letter about the discovery of the silver mine. This means that they will take all the pressure from the West.

The second line of text once again emphasizes to Nymeria the importance of shipping on the Mander River, and hopes that Nymeria can increase the number of ships, etc.

Although the Rose Avenue has returned to normal caravan traffic and is patrolled by cavalry, there is still the threat of bandits, and transportation takes much longer. Unless it is only targeting the lords' territories along the Rose Avenue, otherwise, For goods shipped directly to Highgarden, it is more efficient to go from Tengshi Town to the water route.

The High Court also received a lot of tax revenue from the opening of this waterway, which made the High Court pay more attention to this route and even proposed to spend a sum of money on ship construction and dock expansion.

Neither Lind nor Nymeria considered this proposal, because this waterway is the foundation of Tengshi Town's prosperity, and other forces are naturally not allowed to interfere.

As for the last line, it was related to Linde. The letter asked Linde to arrange his affairs in Tengshi Town as soon as possible and return to the High Court before the end of this month. This was also the reason why Linde frowned.

"No, how can you leave now? Absolutely not." Nymeria directly tore up the letter in her hand and said, "We will pretend we did not receive this letter."

Seeing Nymeria's childish behavior, Lind couldn't help but smile and said: "This letter was not sent by a raven, but by a messenger. It will be useless even if you tear the letter."

"How about we get rid of that messenger?" Nymeria said with a ruthless look on her face.

Lind shook his head and said: "This has nothing to do with the courier. Even if you kill one courier, High Court will send someone to deliver the message again. Can you kill all the couriers? In that case, High Court's No matter how stupid you are, you will know there is something wrong here.”

Nymeria's face was gloomy and she pondered for a moment. As if she had made a major decision, she took a deep breath and said to Lind: "Let's get engaged! As my suitor, you Lind Terra, be engaged to me."

When Nymeria said these words, other people in the office, such as her two female attendants, such as Bert and Maester Ives who were still waiting to report on the progress of the bridge repair, and the personal guards at the door all looked at them in shock. Nymeria, Nymeria's face looked as red as if she had been burned, and blood was ready to bleed at any time.

Lind was completely stunned when he heard Nymeria's words. He did not expect that Nymeria would suddenly ask to be engaged to him, which made him not know how to deal with it for a while.

Although at first Linde only regarded Nymeria as a collaborator, a partner who could help him accumulate original capital, as they got along with each other during this period, Linde did develop a deep appreciation for Nymeria, a straightforward woman. Somewhat favorable.

Just marrying Nymeria, becoming the husband of the lord of Tumbling Stone Town, or even accepting Nymeria's resignation and becoming the lord of Tumbling Stone Town. This has always been the last option on his list of considerations, which means that his other options Only after his plan failed completely would he consider marrying Nymeria.

The reason why he didn't consider it was not only because he was extremely confident in his abilities, but more importantly, Tengshi Town was only suitable for those who were established and not suitable for anyone with a pioneering spirit.

The geographical location of Tengshi Town has determined that there is basically no possibility of expansion here. At the same time, the location is special, and the surrounding lords will never allow a powerful lord to control this territory.

Because Nymeria is a woman, even if Tengshi Town becomes very powerful, the surrounding lords will underestimate the strength of Tengshi Town due to discrimination and misunderstandings against women, and will not think that Tengshi Town is a threaten.

But Linde is different. If he takes control of Tengshi Town, then the surrounding lords, even High Court, will probably have concerns about him.

At this time, seeing Linde not responding for a long time, and the surprised looks from the people around her, the blush on Nymeria's face turned into embarrassment and annoyance, and she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into. impulse.

Just when Nymeria was about to bury her head immediately and leave this extremely embarrassing place, Lind stood up, took her hand, and then motioned to the other people in the room to let them leave. .

"You really surprised me today," Lind motioned Nymeria to sit down, and then said to Nymeria very directly: "I have a good impression of you. If I were asked to choose a wife now, it would definitely be It's you."

When she heard that Lind had a good impression of her, Nymeria couldn't help but smile on her face, but she also heard that Lind had not finished what he said, and the unfinished part was definitely not what she wanted to hear.

"But I can't marry you." Linde said something that made her unhappy as she expected.

"The reason!" Nymeria was not angry, but looked at Lind very seriously and asked.

Lind didn't hide anything, he told Nymeria part of his plans and ambitions, and he also detailed the disadvantages that would arise if he and Nymeria were combined.

Nymeria's face gradually returned to normal, and she thought seriously about Lind's plan and the various disadvantages they would encounter after combining. Although she did not want to admit it, she also felt that she had been a little impulsive just now.Now calm down and think about it carefully, she does have a good impression of Linde, and there is even a hint of admiration for the strong in her good impression, but it is still too early for her to marry Linde.

"Pretend I didn't say what I just said, and you have to forget it." After Nymeria thought about it, she took a few deep breaths, suppressed the embarrassment in her heart, and tried her best to appear calm, and said.

"Yes, Lord Earl." Lind nodded in response.

Nymeria asked in a deep voice: "What should I do now? You are going to be transferred back to Highgarden. Do you want to give up on everything here and leave it to me?"

"I think we all misunderstood." Linde picked up the torn letter from the ground, pieced the last sentence together, looked at it carefully, and said, "It seems that I am alone in High Court. Go back and the cavalry team will all stay here to continue their mission of suppressing bandits."

Nymeria guessed: "Are they going to change someone to come over and take away your credit?"

"It's possible, but I think the possibility is very small." Linde shook his head and analyzed: "After all, you are the lord of Tengshi Town, and my cavalry team needs your permission to do anything here. , The powerful people in Highgarden may be good at fighting for power, but they are not so stupid as to think that just sending one person here can take over everything, and the Tyrell family will not allow such a breach of promise to happen."

As he spoke, he paused again, and then said: "But we can't be on guard. Before I leave, I will hand over the people of the Gravel Tribe to you. In addition, I will take Jon away, Bert, and I will cancel his affairs." As an officer, let him take a temporary post in your territory. Scar Eye's second cavalry team is composed of mercenaries. I will let him lead people to join your garrison and serve as a ranger temporarily, leaving only the initial Tilly in the military camp. The cavalry team assigned by your family is led by Breen."

"Well, I know what to do?" Nymeria nodded and said: "If Highgarden really sends someone to replace you, I will make that person disappear. Anyway, there are so many bandits here, unexpectedly Death is a normal thing."

Lind did not object to Nymeria's harsh words. In fact, if the Tyrell family really sent someone else to take over his task of suppressing bandits, then he would really have to do something.

When Nymeria left, she very seriously emphasized the importance of keeping confidential information confidential to those in the room, and even emphasized the severity of the punishment for leaking confidential information.

Although Nymeria is usually a peaceful person, at that moment no one thought that Nymeria was just joking, and everyone took the initiative to forget about the scene in the room just now.

There are still more than ten days left at the end of the month in the letter. For Linde, the time is quite sufficient, because it only takes four or five days to reach High Court by going down the Mander River. Linde has enough time to make arrangements. various matters.

Although the letter simply asked him to return to Highgarden without specifying what was going on, he felt that it might take him a long time to return to Tengshi Town this time, so he needed to put all the details together. This matter was arranged as detailed as possible. Almost every officer and captain under his command was called over by him individually to give instructions on various matters after his departure.

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner according to Lind's plan. He spent a day arranging things and planned to spend a few more days to clean up the bandits nearby and reduce Nymeria's burden after he left.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and a letter from King's Landing made his originally ample time a little tense.

This letter was sent by Varys, and the content only asked him to go to King's Landing. There was no other additional content, but Lind could guess that it should be related to weapons and armor made of Valyrian steel.

It has been almost half a year since I talked to Varys about using Valyrian steel to make weapons and armor. Varys has not sent any follow-up news. It seems that there are some troubles in reforging Valyrian steel. , and he also had other things to do, so he didn't write to King's Landing to inquire about the situation.

Now that Varys has sent a message, there are only two possibilities. One is that the recasting of Valyrian steel failed, or it was successful.

Because it would take several days to travel to and from King's Landing without sleep, day and night, so after receiving the letter, Lind did not waste any time. After talking to his men and Nymeria, he rode with three people. Left Tengshi Town.

Glory wanted to follow, but was stopped by Linde. He asked Glory to move around other savage tribes around Tengshi Town to increase their deterrence, lest these savage tribes would come out to cause trouble after Glory followed him south.

As Linde expected, he rode three horses per person, changing horses without changing people on the way, and traveled all night.

Even though the road from Tengshi Town to Rose Avenue has been restored, and there is no need to go around the rugged mountains, it still took almost three days to reach King's Landing, and two horses had already collapsed from exhaustion on the road, leaving only The next one reached King's Landing, almost reaching its limit.

Before Lind could think about how to go back, the little bird sent by Wallis to wait at the city gate had already found him and took him directly to a small villa next to Night Shadow Street.

Night Shadow Street is close to the Red Keep. From here to the hillside of Aegon Hill are the residences of the Red Keep's powerful people. Now a child who obviously comes from Flea Bottom and an unknown man wearing a cloak and weapons have entered this area. It is very strange. Striking, Lind couldn't figure out why Wallis would arrange to meet him in such a place.

After entering the villa, Linde did not see Varys immediately. He should still be in the Red Keep at the moment.

After about half an hour, Wallis hurried over. After seeing Linde, he saluted and said, "Sir Linde, we are almost half a year old..."

Lind interrupted Wallis's words and said seriously: "Lord Wallis, after I received your letter, I immediately set off from Tengshi Town. I traveled day and night. It took three days and three nights and I was exhausted. The best war horse in the bay, come here to see you, please stop talking nonsense to me and tell me directly why I came to King's Landing?"

"Don't be anxious, sir. Please come with me." Wallis led Lind into a small house, then opened a cabinet, pushed open the secret door inside the cabinet, and led Lind down the stairs behind the secret door. Came to a basement.

The basement is not very big. It looks like it should be a warehouse for storing food. There are still some sundries piled here. It feels like no one has come in for a long time.

Wallis walked to the corner and pushed a few sundries away, revealing the things underneath.

I saw that it was a corpse, a frozen corpse. Judging from the clothes on the corpse, it should be a servant.

If there was a freezer here, Linde would not be surprised by the appearance of this frozen corpse. But the problem is that this is King's Landing. Even though the autumn rainy season has passed and winter is coming, it is still very hot here, let alone ice. No, not even snow.

But now, a frozen corpse without any signs of melting appeared in front of him, which made Lind feel a little incredible.

(End of this chapter)

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