Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 71 Homeless Knight Set

Chapter 71 Homeless Knight Set

"What's going on?" Lind looked at the frozen corpse and couldn't help but ask Varys who was standing aside.

"This is also a question I want to ask you, sir." Wallis looked at Lind calmly.

Linde frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Wallis took his hand out of his sleeve, pointed to something pressed by the corpse, and said, "Sir, what do you think that is?"

Linde looked over and soon discovered that underneath the frozen corpse were two knight swords. The sword blades were completely suppressed by the corpse, and only the two sword hilts could be seen.

"My knight's sword has been forged?" Linde said excitedly.

"Yes." Wallis looked at Lind and said, "It was forged more than two months ago. I originally planned to send it to you after the full body armor was forged, so I forged it first. I put the sword here. However, your armor is difficult to make. It has been more than two months since I even made a piece of armor, so I decided to send the sword to you first. I came here to pick up the sword a few days ago. At that time, I saw this scene.”

"This body is..." Lind asked.

"One of my servants." Wallis looked at Lind and said, "Fortunately, I asked him to come down and get it. If I had come to get it myself, I would be the one frozen here."

At this moment, Linde could also confirm that the frozen corpse in front of him must be caused by the pair of knight's swords engraved with dragon runes. The reason why the knight's swords did not show such supernatural power at first was probably because the dragon runes had just been engraved on it. Well, it has not absorbed the surrounding magic power and integrated it into the sword body.

After being left for more than two months, the knight's sword had accumulated a certain amount of magic power, but without Linde, a homeless knight, to channel it, all the magic power transformed from the dragon runes was in a state of activation, and finally the first Those who come into contact with the Knight's Greatsword become victims of the Dragon Rune.

In fact, now that the magic power has been completely released, even if Varys touches the two knight swords, he will not be harmed.

However, Linde did not explain to Wallis. Under Wallis's gaze, he walked towards the frozen corpse, bent down and grabbed the exposed hilt of the sword.

Wallis opened his mouth slightly as he watched Lind grabbing the knight's sword, as if he wanted to remind Lind to be careful, but in the end the words of warning were not uttered.

However, when Lind grabbed the knight's sword with both hands, there was still a look of concern in his eyes, and he took his hands out of his sleeves. It seemed that as soon as he found something wrong with Lind, he would immediately push Lind away. .

However, Varys's preparation was destined to be useless. After Lind held the pair of knight's swords made of Valyrian steel, he was not affected at all. However, the moment he pulled the sword out of the frozen corpse, the body The frozen corpse was broken into countless fragments of ice like smashed glass.

Varys couldn't help holding his breath when he saw this scene, and felt a strong shock in his heart. He had seen various mysterious rituals and mysterious powers in the Essos continent, but none of them could match the scene before him. In comparison, even though he hated and hated magic in his heart, at this moment he couldn't help but have the urge to have this kind of power.

Linde was also shocked by the scene of the frozen corpse breaking into pieces, because this scene reminded him of the White Walkers who were harmed by dragon crystals. It seemed that the White Walkers died just like before him.

In the memory of the lost knight, the swordsmanship of the lost knight also has the extraordinary power of cold air freezing, which can freeze people, and even slow down people's movements through the scattered cold air, and continue to hurt people's bodies, but like now, people who have been frozen The effect of his body shattering into so many pieces does not exist in the memory.

"Does the effect of dragon runes also vary depending on the world?" Linde couldn't help but have a question in his mind.

"Lord Linde, are you okay?" At this time, Wallis saw Linde was stunned in place and had not recovered for a long time. He felt a little worried and wanted to push with his hand, but he felt unsafe, so He found a piece of wood on the ground, put it on Lind's back, and asked.

"It's okay." Linde shook his head, temporarily putting aside the doubts in his heart, and then looked down at the pair of knight swords in his hands.

When he got the knight's sword, Linde felt a cold breath passed into his body. It was the same as the resentful soul energy passed from Glory's body, but the intensity was much weaker, and he could not even causing his skin to undergo abnormal changes.

Although the pair of knight's swords in Lind's hands are thicker and wider than the normal knight's sword hanging on his waist, the weight of these two knight's swords is lighter, only equal to The weight of a normal pure steel knight's sword.

The dragon runes designed by Linde are perfectly engraved on the swords of these lost knights, and are integrated with the swords. It is difficult to even feel the concave and convex feeling after touching it with your hands. It is as if these dragon runes themselves grow in the sword body.

This phenomenon is called dragon pattern precipitation, which is a characteristic of the effects of dragon runes and their complete integration with weapons and equipment.

Linde engraved three kinds of dragon runes on the two knight swords, corresponding to ice, hurricane and thunder. Now only the frozen dragon runes have taken effect. As for the other two dragon runes, it should take some time for the magic power to be released. Only through absorption and fusion can they be stimulated one by one.

"Are you satisfied?" Varys asked.

"Satisfied, very good, very perfect!" Linde gave a high evaluation.

"That's good." Wallis nodded and said, "Let's go up first! I have prepared a pair of scabbards for you. Your current scabbard should not be suitable for this pair of swords."

After saying that, he turned around and walked up the same way, and Linde followed.

After returning to the top, Varys asked Lind to wait for a while, and then found a pair of scabbards. These scabbards should be made of some kind of reptile skin. They were just the right size for the pair of Valyrian Steel Knights. Great sword.

Lind then couldn't wait to take off the pair of temporary knight's swords, hung the pair of homeless knight's swords on his waist, then walked out of the room, came to the courtyard in the middle of the small villa, tried to draw the sword, and did After a few simple movements, he put the sword back into its sheath, tried it several times, and slightly adjusted the position of the scabbard until there was no abnormal feeling.

"Thank you! I'm very satisfied with this pair of knight's swords." Linde thanked Wallis again. For Linde, his swordsmanship with the knight's sword is now complete. Now he can't even fight with one enemy. After all, even if he is faced with a siege of 1000 people, he is not afraid at all.

Wallis could see that Linde was really satisfied, and a smile appeared on his face, because the stronger Linde was, the better it was for him. In Wallis's mind, the current Linde was the same as the Linde a few months ago. Virtue has acquired a completely different status.When Linde left King's Landing a few months ago, Varys thought that Linde was just a powerful warrior who had come into contact with mysterious power. But now after seeing the changes in Tengshi Town during this period, he vaguely felt that Linde's potential was not only Just a warrior.

Whether it was destroying Duke Tywin's plan for Tengshi Town, or restoring the Mander River navigation channel, etc., it can be seen that Lind has a very good grasp of political trends.

Although there are still a large number of bandits and savage tribes around Tengshi Town, Wallis vaguely feels that Lind should be able to solve these troubles easily. The reason why these people are kept here may be for other purposes.

In the recent period, what shocked Wallis the most was that Tengshi Town accepted a savage tribe as its territory.

He knew very well about Tengshi Town that Linde must be involved in this matter, and he had never heard of this kind of thing before.

If this kind of thing were placed on the continent of Essos, it would be equivalent to the wise, good, and great masters in Slaver's Bay treating their slaves as ordinary people.

Although this kind of thing seems a bit ridiculous to Wallis, he feels that what Linde has done is somewhat consistent with his ideals, and may even do more than him, which also makes him feel that his The ideal may be realized from Linde, so he gradually sees Linde no longer as an object to be exploited, but as a true collaborator.

Linde asked again at this time: "Lord Varys, can you tell me what problems you encountered in the forging of the armor? I know a little bit of forging skills, maybe I can provide some help."

The Homeless Knight's sword was already so powerful, and he looked forward to the full-body armor made of Valyrian steel.

"It's not that there's a problem with the forging, it's that it can't be forged at all." Varys explained: "When Valyrian steel is made, it determines what this Valyrian steel can be used to make, such as It can only be used to make swords, and it can only be used to make armor. Once used to make other things, Valyrian steel becomes extremely fragile. It is said that this is because some kind of magic spell is added to the making of Valyrian steel. As a result, this Valyrian steel can only be reforged into different items through extremely mysterious reforging techniques."

Lind was stunned and guessed: "I guess the blacksmith I introduced only learned how to reforge swords with Valyrian steel from Qohor, but not how to reforge armor?"

"Yes." Wallis nodded.

Linde said solemnly: "In other words, if I want to continue to build my armor, I need to go to Qohor."

Varys shook his head and said: "You don't need to go in person, sir. I can give the Valyrian steel on hand to a friend of mine in Pentos..."

"Illyrio." Lind said the friend's name.

Varys admitted: "He should have some connections in Qohor. Forging armor with Valyrian steel is not a problem, but..." He hesitated for a moment, looked at Lind, and said, "It's just you. The armor design that was taken out should contain the same mysterious power as these two swords. If I just take it out and hand it over to the craftsmen of Qohor..."

"Are you worried that these will be learned?" Linde expressed the doubts in Wallis's heart.

Wallis worried: "After all, if such a powerful power is mastered by others, it may become a disaster."

"Don't worry, they won't learn anything." Linde said with great confidence.

In fact, when Linde designed the dragon runes on weapons and armor, he added a lot of meaningless content and perfectly integrated the dragon runes into these patterns and symbols. The only thing those Qohor craftsmen could do was complete Mimic all patterns to create a new piece of Lost Knight armor made of Valyrian steel.

Varys also thought about the same question and asked, "What if they use your design to create a new armor."

Lind patted the sword of the Homeless Knight on his waist and said, "Do you think there is anyone else in this world besides me who can use such armor and not die?"

Varys was startled when he heard this, and immediately realized that these weapons and armor were like a fatal curse to them.

After figuring this out, Varys told Lind that he would transport the Valyrian steel on hand to Pentos as soon as possible and ask Illyrio to help find the craftsmen of Qohor to reforge it into armor.

Later, he mentioned that before the armor was finished, he had prepared a temporary set of armor for the lost knight for Linde. This set of armor was made of ordinary steel without any patterns on the surface. It was just a replica of the armor of the lost knight. Just style.

After saying that, he led Lind to the room upstairs. There was only an armor display rack in this room, and a complete set of Homeless Knight armor was supported on the rack.

The whole set of the Homeless Knight designed by Linde is a combination of heavy armor and light armor. In addition to the general arm armor and leg armor, he uses a heavy armor design for the body armor, and he has an additional animal skin cape and family armor. The hem of the emblem, coupled with a cloak, makes the armor extremely heavy, while his helmet is a lightly armored dragon crown helmet, which looks extremely gorgeous.

Seeing this full-body armor, some memories of the lost knight in Lind's mind were immediately awakened and resonated. His inner impulse made him eagerly step forward to remove the components one by one, and then put them on himself.

Because the buckle design of the Homeless Knight Armor is extremely clever, it is completely unlike other knight armors in this world that require the assistance of a knight's attendant to put it on.

Linde moved his body after putting on the armor of the Lost Knight. Although the armor was made of steel and was extremely heavy, it might be difficult for ordinary people to even walk after wearing it. But for Linde's current physical fitness, this The weight doesn't bother him.

I saw that he was just doing some very simple movements at the beginning, trying out the activities of each joint. After confirming that there was no problem, he quickly moved and dodged in this small room, even wearing full-body armor to perform Difficult moves such as mid-air rolls.

Varys on the side was completely dumbfounded. He was the only one who really knew how heavy this armor was. Not to mention anything else, the armor with the cape, hem, and shawl was already so heavy that a strong man would wear it. He was unable to walk normally, but when Linde put on a full set of armor, it was as if he was wearing only a thin piece of cloth. He could easily make various moving movements that normal people could not do, and he was also able to be so agile. , so quickly, which gave him a more intuitive understanding of Linde's strength.

(End of this chapter)

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