Chapter 74

The High Court is located on a hill beside the Mander River. The entire castle is built layer by layer along the hill. This castle was not completely built at the beginning. It was built since the Gardener family settled here. For thousands of years.

The last time it was built was when the Tyrell family took over Highgarden hundreds of years ago. The hills where Highgarden was originally located were all built up, and it was impossible to build new buildings higher up. However, the Tyrell family still stood on Highgarden Hill. A circle of land was surrounded at the foot, and a circle of walls and towers were built. The enclosed part was filled with trees, and the trees formed maze gardens.

In the minds of the nobles and lords of the Seven Kingdoms, the most majestic building is the Great Wall in the north. Anyone who has seen the Great Wall will sincerely sigh its majesty, but when it comes to the most gorgeous castle, All anyone can think of is Highgarden. Any lord who has been to Highgarden will lament that his castle is simply a slum.

Flowers, trees, and vines cover the entire interior and exterior of the High Court Castle. The white marble city walls emit a faint light under the sunlight through the green plants. Various aromas from the plants permeate the High Court all year round, making everyone People feel that they are one with nature.

There are rumors that when Highgarden was first built, the Gardener family prayed to all the old gods and received blessings from the old gods. As a result, Highgarden always had good weather and was surrounded by countless farmland and orchards. If you stand on the tower of the Highgarden wall, Looking around, even to the limit of sight, it is impossible to see the edges of farmland and orchards.

Hundreds of villages are scattered on this land. They enjoy the harvest after every work. The concept of hunger does not exist here. As long as you have hands and feet, you can eat enough. Therefore, in the eyes of many people, this is the world. Promised Land.

The area from the northwest wall of Gaoting to the Mandeb River is the outer city of Gaoting. The Marina Bridge crosses the Mandeb River and is directly connected to here. The dock area, commercial district, tavern district, etc. can be seen in other towns. You can also see urban areas here, but there are no slums.

The dock area of ​​Gaoting is very large. Almost all the areas near the river belong to the dock area. A rough count has at least more than 30 docks.

But even with so many docks, when Linde's ship arrived here, it still couldn't find a place to dock. It could only stay on the river for a while, waiting for a ship to finish loading and leave, before it could dock. On the dock.

Linde stood at the entrance of the cabin and looked at the city in front of him. He couldn't help but admire the beauty of this city. Moreover, this city also reminded him of Beauclair Castle in Toussaint, another city he saw in the game in his previous life.

Although the appearance of the two castle buildings is very different, the feeling given to Lind is so similar.

"You don't have to wait for me. Go back as soon as the cargo is loaded and unloaded! It will take a while for me to return to Tengshi Town." After putting on the armor, Linde ordered the captain.

"Yes, my lord," the captain responded.

"Sir, your arrival should cause quite a stir, right?" At this time, Jon looked at Glory standing up on the cargo in the cabin and couldn't help but worry.

Lind understood what Jon meant. He turned around and looked at Glory, who couldn't wait to leave the cabin. He was also wondering if it was a mistake to bring Glory here, but when he thought about how he would lose his spirit because of the distance between Glory and Glory, contact, then things could be worse.

Now Linde could only let nature take its course, so he ordered: "Lead the way! You are familiar with this place."

"Should we find a place to live first, or should we go to the castle to see the Duke first?" Jon asked.

Linde said casually: "Of course I'm going to see the Duke."

Jon nodded to express his understanding, then walked out of the cabin and walked onto the brick pier on the wooden planks.

Linde walked out of the cabin with glory and jumped directly to the dock.

Before Glory's limbs landed, a burst of panicked screams came from the dock area, and then people on the dock were seen running around like crazy. Some people even jumped directly into the water and headed towards Swim away from Linde.

Although they had foreseen such a scene just now, the fact that it actually happened still made Lind and Jon feel dumbfounded. As the culprit, Glory had no idea how much trouble he had caused. Lying on the ground and stretching, I wanted to get rid of all the discomfort I had felt during the past few days on the boat.

The Rose Family's garrison guards were also very responsible. When there was a commotion here, two teams of 30 garrison soldiers rushed over from the street at the end of the pier with spears.

However, when they rushed to the dock where Linde was located and saw clearly the cause of the commotion, all of them were so frightened that their hands and feet were weak. However, their duty, belief and sense of honor still supported them in holding the spears in their hands and maintaining their strength. The battle continues.

Looking at the performance of these Rose Family garrison warriors, Linde couldn't help but sigh: "The Rose Family's ability to secure the position of guardian of the southern border seems to be more than just being good at maneuvering."

Jon stepped forward at this time and said loudly to the captains of the two teams of guarding warriors: "Suno, Conti, have you two guys forgotten me since I haven't been back for only a few months?"

When the two captains heard the familiar voice, they immediately recovered from their panic. Their eyes shifted from Glory to Jon, and then they exclaimed in unison: "Master Jon, why are you?"

"Why can't it be me?" Jon and these two captains can be said to be old acquaintances. Before he became Roger's steward, he had been the captain of the Guards for several years. The two men in front of him had once It's his men.

"Master Jon, what is that?" One of them pointed at Glory and asked in a panic.

"That is Lord Linde's pet Glory. The Duke knows about it. You don't have to worry. Lord Linde will not hurt anyone at will in Glory." Jon introduced the situation: "This time Lord Linde received the invitation from the Duke. Return to High Court with the order, and I will accompany you as the steward."

"Lord Linde?" The two of them were stunned for a moment. Only then did they see Linde standing next to Glory.

Although they had never heard of anyone named Linde among the big shots in Highgarden, the gorgeous armor he wore was enough for them to confirm that he was definitely a big shot they couldn't afford to offend.

However, even if the two captains did not recognize Lind, there were several soldiers in the garrison who had been hanging out in the tavern all year round who immediately realized who Jon was talking about.

They asked curiously: "Master Jon, is Lord Lynd the bear hunter? Did he really kill 100 people in King's Landing a few months ago?"

After hearing the questions from their men, the two captains also realized who Linde was.

"Master Jon, Lord Fotimo has ordered that Lord Lynd should take him to the castle immediately after he arrives." Someone immediately told Jon the order from above, but he was a little embarrassed and said, "However, Fotimo Lord Mo has never mentioned such a giant beast, Master Jon, are you sure it will not be dangerous?"

Jon patted his chest and said, "I promise there will be no danger. Just lead the way and disperse the crowd to prevent anyone from getting too close." After hearing this, the two people immediately agreed that it was okay and led the people to disperse. When Linde comes, he will lead the way.

At this time, the people who had fled in panic also discovered that the giant beast that jumped off the boat did not make any attack movements, and there was a person standing next to the giant beast, which felt like a captive animal. beast.

For a moment, curiosity overcame fear, and they couldn't help but move closer to the dock, hid in some corners or houses, looked outside, and whispered about the giant beast and the heavily armored knight next to it. identity.

At this time, some people also recognized Jon's identity. After all, Jon was quite famous here, and they seemed to know what Jon's current position was. Then they saw Jon facing the heavy armored knight. attitude, which allowed them to quickly deduce the identity of the heavily armored knight.

When Lind led Glory and followed the guards leading the way towards the entrance gate of the castle, some people who liked the song of the bear hunter very much and guessed Lind's identity stood in the houses on both sides of the road. , shouted towards Lind: "Bear hunter! Bear hunter!"

Linde heard the shouting, looked over there, and waved without stopping.

Lind's actions undoubtedly recognized his identity, and he even underestimated his reputation in High Court.

Wine, poetry, and knightly legends are always the themes of Highgarden. From the noble lords to the common people, they all like these romantic things.

The Bear Hunter's Song is undoubtedly the most fascinating song in the past few decades, and some even think it is the most fascinating song in the past 100 years. More importantly, the Bear Hunter's Song has completely broken the pattern of all poems sung now, and has formed a new style. A new system of poetry.

The bard living in Highgarden spared no effort to study the composition of this song, studying every note, and even developed into the Bear Hunter Chanting School in just a few months.

Unlike the bards who focus on the songs of the Bear Hunter's Song, ordinary people pay more attention to the content of the Bear Hunter's Song.

When Lind was still on his way to King's Landing, the Bear Hunter's Song had already reached Highgarden and became the most sung song in Highgarden Tavern. The reputation of Bear Hunter Lind had already spread in Highgarden at that time. opened.

Later, when Duke Tyrell led the participants in the tourney back to Highgarden, the story about the bear hunter Lynd was continued again. In the royal forest, he received a cub from the shadow lynx as a gift, participated in the tourney and completed a hundred kills. Stories that only appeared in legends, such as being knighted by the king after defeating the king, now appeared around them, and this legendary figure was from the Reach, which made them even more excited.

Ordinary people in Highgarden regard Bear Hunter Lind as their idol, especially after learning that Bear Hunter Lind has accepted the task of suppressing bandits from Duke Tyrell, and is suppressing bandits north of Bitter Bridge, and is hanging around in Highgarden. Many of the wandering knights have already begun to want to go north of Bitter Bridge to find Linde's team and follow him.

Afterwards, Linde annihilated thousands of bandits, assisted the Lord of Tengshi Town in rebuilding Tengshi Town, and restored the upper reaches of the Mander River. News of the arrival of the long oar boat reached Highgarden, and the reputation of the bear hunter Linde became louder.

Now the news that the bear hunter Lind has appeared in the outer city of Highgarden spread quickly in the dock area, and along with this news spread the glory of the giant beast that came with Lind, and many people rushed there. The street wanted to see what the bear hunter Lind was like, but when they learned that Lind had already gone to the castle entrance, the crowd rushed towards the castle entrance again.

When we arrived at the square at the entrance of the castle, it was already crowded with people. Even the roofs of some houses were full of people. Eight outer city guards were responsible for blocking the crowds and preventing them from getting too close to Glory. This also made Linde, who was standing at the entrance of the castle waiting for a reply inside, more eye-catching.

Before meeting Lind, everyone had their own opinion on what the bear hunter Lind looked like, but now they saw Lind wearing the suit of the Lost Knight, with the giant shadow lynx standing next to him, all of them Everyone thinks this is in line with the legendary figure mentioned in the Bear Hunter's Song.

At this time, I don’t know which bard who was doing something good suddenly played the song of the bear hunter. Other bards who were watching the excitement also joined in one after another, and then ordinary people also sang the song they were familiar with. The lyrics, although the sound is messy, sound majestic and make people's blood boil.

"Why did you kid make such a big fuss when you first came here...ah, what is this?"

After receiving the notice from the castle guard, Fertimo rushed over. Before he reached the castle gate, he heard the song of the bear hunter sung outside the castle. When he turned around the gate, he couldn't help but scolded him, but he still couldn't help but Before he finished speaking, he saw the huge Glory standing in front of him. He was immediately startled, took a few steps back, and instinctively put his hand on the long sword at his waist.

"Sir, I haven't seen you for a few months, but you are still so energetic." Linde took a step forward, stood in front of Glory, and saluted Fotimo.

"Linde, are you Linde?" Fotimo heard a familiar voice coming from the dragon crown helmet. He looked at the knight in gorgeous heavy armor in front of him. His eyes fell on the long sword emblem at the hem of the armor, and he was surprised. road.

Lind took off his helmet, held it in his hands, and said, "Yes, Lord Fortimo."

"Where did you get this armor?" Fortimo pointed to the armor on Linde's body in shock and asked.

No wonder he was so surprised, because he had never seen such a full-body armor. Whether it was the gorgeous style or the plate armor covering the whole body, he had never seen it before. If it hadn't been for Linde just now Taking two steps in front of him, he even doubted whether he could still walk wearing such a heavy suit of armor.

"A friend helped me build it." Linde replied vaguely.

Fertimo didn't ask which friend it was. He suddenly thought of something, pointed at Glory and said, "Is it your shadow lynx cub?"

"Yes." Linde nodded.

Fertimo gestured to the size of Glory after he last saw it, and said, "How many months did it take to grow this big?"

"Maybe he ate too much." Linde responded with a smile.

Fertimo's face immediately showed an expression like "Are you kidding me?" and just when he was about to ask other questions, the cries of bear hunters and bear hunters suddenly came from the entrance square of the castle.

"Come in first! If you continue to stay outside, we don't know how much noise will be made." Fotimo looked at the chaotic situation of people pushing back and forth in the square, and immediately ordered the guards to open the city gate and let them in. Linde will enter the castle first.

Sure enough, after seeing Linde and Glory enter the castle and the castle door was closed again, the inexplicable enthusiasm of the people quickly subsided. However, the crowd did not disperse, but stayed in groups talking about what had just happened.

(End of this chapter)

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