Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 75 Roses and Flowers

Chapter 75 Roses and Flowers

Fertimo asked Jon to take him to the guard room at the door temporarily, and then led Lind inside alone.

"Master Fotimo, what is going on, why..." Just as they passed the entrance and exit of a tree maze, a middle-aged man wearing armor came out of the entrance and exit of a maze, looking serious as he walked. asked.

Because there was a corner at the exit of the maze, the middle-aged man only saw Fotimo walking in front, but did not see Linde and Glory following behind. He didn't see them until he walked out of the corner.

Then the middle-aged man's reaction was the same as that of Fotimo just now. He immediately froze on the spot, swallowed the words that came to his mouth again, and put his hand on the weapon.

"Lord Aigon Leavell, let me introduce to you. This is the bear hunter Lynde Terra I mentioned before." Seeing the middle-aged man's panic expression, Fortimo's face showed a look of confusion. Smiling, he then stepped aside and introduced the middle-aged man and Linde to each other: "Linde, this is the captain of the Duke's bodyguards. All the castle guards and close bodyguards in High Court are under his jurisdiction. He and Luo Lord Jael is in charge of the two armed forces inside and outside the High Court, and is the most trusted subordinate of the Duke."

"Lind the Bear Hunter?" Aigon Levell looked at Lind in gorgeous armor in surprise, then looked at Glory, and for a while he still didn't fully come back to his senses.

"Lord Ai Geng." Linde bowed his head and saluted.

"Lord Linde." Aigon Leavell quickly realized that he had been rude just now, and immediately returned the courtesy. It was obvious that he should be a very traditional knight.

"Aren't you over there in the garden? Why did you come here?" Fortimo asked.

"What else could it be for?" Aigon Leavell pointed at the castle gate and said, "The guards just reported that a large number of people gathered in the square outside the castle gate. It feels like a riot."

"A riot?" Fortimo couldn't help but laugh, then turned to look at Lind, and said: "The first time you came to Highgarden, you caused a riot. This is an unprecedented thing, and it will definitely be recorded in Lomis. In the Maester's Chronicle of Highgarden."

While Fortimo was teasing Lind, he told Captain Ai Gen what happened outside the castle just now, and Captain Ai Gen was completely stunned.

Although he knew that the Bear Hunter's Song was very popular in Highgarden, he did not expect that it would cause such a big commotion. Even if the Duke returned to Highgarden for a parade that day, there would not be such a big commotion.

"You go to the garden and explain! I will take him to see the Duke." Fortimo said again.

"Yes." Ai Gen then remembered that the ladies and ladies in the garden were still uneasy about the misunderstanding caused by the guard. He needed to tell the truth and appease the emotions of those ladies.

So, he immediately turned around and entered the maze again, took the shortcut and walked towards the castle garden.

Fertimo continued to lead Lind to the castle above. Many guards and servants around him looked at Glory following in horror, and discussed carefully as they walked over.

Fertimo suddenly said seriously: "The noise you made today is too big. Someone will definitely use this as an excuse to attack you. You don't need to pay attention to it. They are just jealous of what you did in Tengshi Town during this period." results."

"I understand, sir." Linde nodded.

"It is not difficult to see from the situation just now that you have a high reputation in High Court. Although it is only temporary, it will definitely make the Duke unhappy and make him scruple. Therefore, after completing this escort mission, it should make him You immediately return to Tengshi Town to continue the mission of suppressing bandits, and even if you complete the mission, the manor and village as a reward should not be near Highgarden," Fortimo suddenly stopped and turned to look at Linde He Guangrong said meaningfully: "This should be the result you want to see, right?"

Linde smiled and said: "Everything will be subject to the Duke's arrangements."

"That's right. Everything is subject to the arrangements of the Duke." Fortimo nodded and continued to lead Lind forward.

The two of them soon arrived at the inner wall of Highgarden. This wall was taller, thicker, and more beautiful than the outer wall, because this wall was covered with vines and planted at the base. There are countless red roses and golden roses, and you can smell a fragrant fragrance when you get close to the city wall, making people feel that this is more like a garden than a city wall used to defend other places.

At this time, the guards responsible for the security of this city wall were standing at the door in strict formation. They looked at Glory with obvious fear in their eyes, but they tried their best to maintain a serious expression on their faces.

Fertimo signaled Lind to wait for a while, then stepped forward to talk to the guard.

Linde was like anyone who saw this city wall for the first time, looking around curiously. In fact, the memory of the Peacemaker affected him, making him look for the weak points of the castle as soon as he saw it. point, and began to simulate the process of attacking the castle in his mind.

Since acquiring the memory of the lost knight, the memory of the lost knight has become the leader of foreign fusion memories, but the influence of the memory of the Peacemaker has not disappeared. Some habits generated by the memory are still affecting Lind, such as seeing It was natural for the castle to think about how to break it.

At the city gate, Fortimo's negotiation did not go smoothly. Although there was no problem with Linde's identity, Glory was too terrifying. The guards were worried that Glory would enter the inner city and suddenly go crazy and hurt the dignitaries in the inner city, so they only allowed When Linde enters, Glory must be tied up with a chain and placed in the outer ring area.

However, Fertimo knew very well that it was the most dangerous thing to let a giant beast like Glory leave its owner. What's more, he had seen Glory chew through the iron cage when he was still young. Now that he had grown so huge, he didn't want to I thought that an ordinary iron chain could tie it down, but if it was not tied down and it bit off, it would go crazy because of being restrained and bite people everywhere in the outer ring area, with disastrous consequences.

Because the powerful wives and young ladies of Highgarden are now playing in the gardens of the Outer Ring District. If Glory's madness hurts them, I'm afraid even he can't escape the blame.

"Wait here for a while. I'll go see the Duke first." Fortimo said to Linde, pointing to a small garden not far away specifically for visitors to rest, and motioned for him to sit there first. As soon as I sat down, I entered the inner ring city through the opened small door.

While Lin De was thinking about how to break through the city wall in front of him, he led Glory to the small garden and found a marble pavilion to sit down. Glory also lay down next to Lind in boredom, leaning his head against Lind from time to time. Thigh, let him touch yourself.

After sitting for a while, Linde suddenly heard a movement from the bush maze behind him, and then he saw a three or four-year-old girl who looked like a doll, crawling out of the gap at the bottom of the bush, with a look of pride written on her face. color.

However, when she saw Linde sitting in front of her, she couldn't help but froze, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across her face. She quickly cleaned up the dust and fallen leaves on her body, then gave Linde a standard noble lady salute and said: "Good afternoon, Sir." "Good afternoon, Miss." Lind nodded to her.

When the little girl was about to pick up her skirt and walk away, she saw Glory lying at Linde's feet. Unlike the panic and fear of others when they saw Glory, her face was more filled with surprise and curiosity.

Then, the little girl came over very boldly and wanted to reach out and touch Glory, but Glory seemed to have had a premonition and immediately twisted his body to avoid the little girl's hand, then turned his head and threatened the little girl. He bared his teeth and roared.

The little girl was not frightened at all, and still wanted to reach out and touch Glory, and Glory's violent personality made it want to bite the little girl.

However, Lind reached out his hand and put it on Glory's head in time. At the same time, he blocked the little girl's hand with his other hand and said, "Glory doesn't like to be touched. It will make it feel very uncomfortable. It feels like a beast. When they feel uncomfortable, they want to bite."

The little girl nodded as if she understood, and did not force herself to touch Glory. Instead, she sat down next to Linde, looked at Glory curiously, and asked, "Is its name Glory?"

"Yes." Linde responded casually.

The little girl asked again: "Is it a shadow lynx? I have seen a specimen of a shadow lynx given to brother Willas by Sir Barn before. It is very similar to it, but it is much smaller and the fur color is not much."

"Yes, it is a shadow lynx." Linde answered the little girl's question while looking at her with a deep look in his eyes.

From the name Willas Tyrell given in the previous interview, Lind was already certain that this little girl was probably Little Rose Margaery Tyrell.

In previous forums, there were many similar votes for favorite female characters in Game of Thrones. Most of the top three were Dragon Mother, Little Rose and Beauty. Little Rose even ranked first more times than Game of Thrones. The absolute protagonist, Long Ma.

However, Linde didn't like Little Rose very much. The reason he didn't like it was not because Little Rose was keen on intrigues, but because he always felt that a person like Little Rose was fake, and her words and deeds were all fake, as if her actions, language, and... Everything such as her attitude towards things was designed in advance so that she could sit on the throne of the queen.

However, in a sense, what Linde did before was not much different from Little Rose. The Bear Hunter's Song, the Martial Arts Tournament, Tengshi Town, etc. were all for the purpose of gaining higher rights for himself. The difference is that all of this is led by himself, while everything about Little Rose seems to be controlled, and this controller is the Queen of Thorns.

"Can you show me the helmet? Sir." A child's attention is easily diverted by other things. When the little girl saw the helmet of the Homeless Knight held by Lind under his arm, she couldn't help but be curious. asked.

Linde handed over the helmet in his hand, and the little girl hugged it with both hands, trying to pick it up, but it was too heavy and couldn't be picked up, so Linde could only hold it and let her look.

"Is this a dragon?" the little girl asked, pointing to the flying dragon crown on top of the helmet.

"Yes." Linde nodded.

"The craftsman you hired is very careless and even made such an important crown wrong." The little girl said seriously: "This dragon has four legs, the real dragon has two legs. I read it in the collection of Maester Moras's books. I’ve been to the picture of the dragon.”

Linde did not refute the little girl's words, because she was right. The dragons in this world indeed only have two legs. But in the border area where the Homeless Knight is, the dragons have four legs, and the two-legged ones can only be regarded as sub-dragons. The difference between humans and monkeys is like the difference between humans and monkeys, they are two completely different species.

Seeing that she had discovered a mistake and corrected it, the little girl had a proud look on her face.

"Margery, you are such a shameless person. We agreed to walk through the maze to see who comes out first, but you shamelessly got into it..." At this time, a little boy ran out from the exit not far from the tree maze and looked around. When he saw the little girl sitting in the pavilion, he immediately ran over and accused her loudly. However, when he ran closer and saw Glory, his whole body froze for an instant, and he swallowed back what he wanted to say, his eyes full of fear.

"Come here, Margery, it's very dangerous there! Come here!" Although he was extremely scared, the little boy still mustered up the courage to take a few steps forward and waved anxiously to the little girl.

"It's okay, Loras, as long as you don't touch Glory, and Glory doesn't bite anyone." The little girl waved to the little boy as if she and I were very familiar with Glory. When she saw that he didn't come over at all, she was disdainful. Said: "Loras, you are so cowardly."

"I'm not a coward!" The provocation method was very useful for the little boy. He suppressed the fear in his heart and walked step by step to the pavilion. Then he stood between the little girl and Glory, pretending to be an adult. He lifted his chest and saluted Linde: "Good afternoon, Sir."

"Good afternoon, Master Loras." Lind returned the greeting.

Perhaps because he felt that glory really wouldn't hurt anyone, the fear in the little boy's heart quickly dissipated, and he was immediately attracted by the Lost Knight suit on Linde, and asked several questions about the armor, and also He made up his mind that when he grew up, he would build a set of armor even more gorgeous than the suit of the Lost Knight.

"Ah!" Perhaps the little boy and girl had not appeared for a long time. The servant responsible for taking care of them came over anxiously. The moment they saw Glory, they all screamed in panic, but they were afraid of disturbing Glory, so they immediately opened their mouths. Cover.

Then a group of noble ladies came here under the guidance of servants and saw the scene in the pavilion. Their reactions were similar to those of the servants. Only one noble lady with silver hair and gorgeous clothes did not show panic and was careful. She saw Lind sitting aside and seemed to understand something.

After signaling to everyone not to panic, she walked towards the pavilion. Although the ladies who had been following her were frightened, they followed her towards the pavilion.

"Good afternoon, Sir Lynde. I just heard Lord Aigen mention you. I was very curious about how big the beast he mentioned was. I didn't expect to see it so soon." When the noble lady came to the pavilion, the very decent Lynde said.

"Mother." The little boy and the little girl both said to the lady at the same time.

Lind also immediately understood the identity of this noble lady, stood up from the stone bench, saluted the noble lady using the etiquette he had learned in King's Landing, and said: "Good afternoon, Duchess."

(End of this chapter)

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