Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 77 Queen of Thorns

Chapter 77 Queen of Thorns
While Linde and Fertimo were talking about things in the room at the Golden Rose Court, Linde was also being talked about in the Highgarden Gardens.

Those noble ladies had left under the order of the Queen of Thorns, and only the Tyrell family and a few close personal maids remained in the garden.

After lighting candles and a bonfire in the garden, the servants withdrew into the distance, while the castle guards stood guard nearby to prevent anyone from eavesdropping.

"What happened to the bear hunter Lind?" Queen of Thorns Orianna Redwin looked at Duke Metz who had just arrived after the meeting and asked expressionlessly: "You asked him to suspend his mission and put him He recruited him from Tengshi Town, but he didn't see him. He only sent Fotimo to tell him, and he even arranged for him to be in the military camp. What do you want to do? Has anything happened recently that made you so inflated that you forgot about it? "

The Queen of Thorns is very thin, only slightly larger than two children among the people in the garden. Her voice is not very loud, but her words are extremely clear, and everyone can hear them clearly. When she speaks, she will produce a sound. This invisible power overwhelmed everyone present, except for the granddaughter Margaery Tyrell who was not affected.

The power brought by the Queen of Thorns all year round made the Duke of Metz extremely nervous, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Mother..." Duchess Ellery was about to explain to her husband.

"Shut up, Ellery, shut up." The Queen of Thorns scolded the Duchess mercilessly, and said in a deep voice: "I am teaching my son, this inflatable fish who likes to inflate when he is a little angry, no Tell me, just stand aside and don’t say anything." After that, she looked at Duke Mace again and said in a deep voice: "Answer me now, Mace Tyrell, what were you thinking at that time?"

The Duke of Metz lowered his head and whispered softly: "Mother, that's just an ordinary knight who has just been canonized by the king."

The Queen of Thorns stood up from her chair, walked to the Duke of Metz, glared at him, and scolded: "Are your ears deaf? Didn't you hear the cheers outside the wall? Didn't anyone tell you today? What happened in the outer city this afternoon? You still dare to say that it was an ordinary knight. Has your brain been eaten by the White Walkers? "

The Duke of Metz lowered his head even lower, and the people around him also lowered their heads, not daring to take another look.

The Queen of Thorns sat back on the chair and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, tell me, why did you recruit Lynd Terra back to Highgarden?"

The Duke of Metz whispered: "Vilas is going to Dorne. I was worried that he would be in danger, so I called Knight Linde over to protect Vilas."

"You also know that he was recruited by you to protect your son and your heir," the Queen of Thorns said in a slightly slower tone: "Shouldn't you try your best to win over such a person? Why should you ignore him? Aren't you worried? He was resentful because of your neglect, so didn’t he try his best to protect Vilas?”

"He would never dare!" A trace of panic appeared on the Duke of Metz's face, and he said harshly: "He is just a knight, if he did this..."

The Queen of Thorns couldn't help cursing again: "Why do you still think that Lind Terra is just a knight? Is what I just told you nonsense? It was the idiots around you who pried your head open. , and then continue to stuff some feces into your brain? You have read all the information about him, and you know how high his prestige is in Tengshi Town. In your eyes, such a person is just a knight?"

The Duke of Metz still insisted: "After all, he is not the Earl of Tengshi Town..."

Before she could finish speaking, the Queen of Thorns grabbed a roll of letterhead on the table and threw it at Duke Metz, saying, "This is a piece of information you randomly discarded from Tengshi Town. Give it to me now." Read it carefully."

The Duke of Metz was stunned, picked up the letter, and read it quickly, and the expression on his face became serious.

The Queen of Thorns almost gritted her teeth and said: "Before returning to Highgarden, Count Nymeria Fudley of Tengshi Town proposed to him. Although he refused, as long as he expressed his willingness to marry Count Nymeria again, Then he can naturally become the Earl of Tengshi Town. Do you think such a person is still an ordinary knight?"

The Duke of Metz was silent for a moment and did not answer the Queen of Thorns' question. Instead, he asked another question, "Why did he refuse?"

"I also want to know why." The Queen of Thorns also showed a rare look of doubt on her face.

The wife of a member of the Tyrell family suddenly said: "Maybe Count Nymeria is too ugly, so..."

The Queen of Thorns glared at the noble lady angrily and said, "Is there anyone uglier than the one in your family in the world? There are people in your family who are vying to marry someone with the status of Count Nymeria. So what if I'm ugly?"

The lady immediately lowered her head and did not dare to speak back.

The Queen of Thorns looked at Duke Metz again and said, "Do you think I am angry that you despise Sir Lynde Terra just because of his influence in Tengshi Town?"

"Isn't it?" Duke Metz asked in confusion.

The Queen of Thorns asked in a deep voice: "Let me ask you, how long has Sir Lynd Terra joined our Tyrell family?"

The Duke of Metz was stunned and replied: "How many months?"

"Well, a few months, less than half a year." The Queen of Thorns nodded and continued to ask: "Then what was his identity before joining our Tyrell family?"

"Hunter," the Duke of Metz quickly gave the answer, "It is sung in the song of the bear hunter."

The Queen of Thorns asked: "Then tell me, since the emergence of the Seven Kingdoms, how many people with hunter status have been able to achieve the achievements of Lynd Terra in just a few months?"

As the Queen of Thorns asked the question, everyone present fell silent. Everyone was thinking about the legendary figures recorded in the books they had read. After thinking hard, they all realized that Lind seemed to It is unique.

"I have lived for a long time and have met many legendary figures, but I have never met anyone like Lind Talon." The Queen of Thorns said solemnly: "Even if a person like this cannot become a friend, we should not Become an enemy, not to mention he is a knight of our Tyrell family. Isn’t this worthy of your initiative to win over? Remember, arrogance has never been the character of our Tyrell family. If you often look down, you can see yourself shortcomings."

The Duke of Metz didn't know whether he heard it or not. After a moment of silence, he said, "I will go see him tomorrow."

"No need, I've asked Vilas to go tomorrow." The Queen of Thorns shook her head and said.

"I want to go too!" Margaery Tyrell stood on the stone chair and said, "I want to see the big cat."

"I'm going too." Loras also said.

"Okay, you may as well go." Queen of Thorns nodded.Seeing that the matter was over, the Duke of Metz found an excuse to leave, and the Duchess went with him.

After the couple left the garden, they did not go back to their room immediately. Instead, they took a walk to the sacred trees in the High Garden.

This sacred forest is located on the west slope of the inner ring area of ​​the High Garden. The dense and tall weirwoods block most of the front of the high church at the back. There are three heart trees in the forest that were planted by Greenhand Garth himself. The other surrounding trees are more lush and taller, with fiery red leaves like a ball of flame. Even people outside the city wall can see the crowns of these three heart trees through the city wall.

"Elerie, how did you feel about meeting that Lind Terra just now?" Duke Metz suddenly asked his wife beside him.

The Duchess carefully recalled how she met Linde, and said, "He is a very calm young man. I heard that he is only fifteen or sixteen years old, but he doesn't look like him. He feels like he is in his 30s or [-]s."

"He does look very mature," Duke Mace nodded and said, "You know what? He didn't give me the impression of maturity, but of lack of awe. When I saw him at the camp outside King's Landing, I was I can't feel any emotion of awe in my body, the way he looks at me is not much different from the way he looks at a servant. I am the Duke of Highgarden, his lord, shouldn't he be in awe of me?"

"That's why you don't like him, is that right?" said the Duchess.

"It has something to do with this," the Duke of Metz admitted the Duchess's guess, and added: "But it is not the most important relationship. What really makes me disgusted with him is that he feels very much like Randyll... That Tully guy.”

"Lord Randyll Tarly?" The Duchess was stunned, then recalled the scene when she saw Lind, shook her head and said, "It doesn't look like him. He doesn't look like him at all?"

The Duke of Metz added: "I'm not talking about his appearance, but the temperament he has."

"Temperament?" The Duchess thought about it again, nodded, and said, "There is indeed some resemblance."

The Duke of Metz said helplessly: "One Randyll Tarly is enough for me. I don't want to find another Randyll Tarly to torture myself."

Seeing the Duke of Metz like this, the Duchess couldn't help but smile, reached out to hold her husband's hand and said, "Although Lord Tully's character is a bit rigid, his advice to you has never been wrong. You should I'm so lucky to have such a conscientious vassal."

The Duke of Metz curled his lips, obviously not agreeing with the Duchess's words.

At this time, the two people had arrived in front of the three heart trees. They stood in front of the trees and prayed to the heart trees according to ancient rituals.

Although the Tyrell family believes in the Seven Gods, they do not reject the old gods. They still use some ancient rituals and etiquette related to the old gods.

After praying to the heart tree, the Duke of Metz said somewhat abruptly: "Do you think he is a good match for Jenna?"

"Jena?" The Duchess couldn't help but was stunned and said, "Didn't mother already find a marriage partner for Jenna? I remember it was Sir Jon Fossoway of New Barrel City."

The Duke of Metz explained: "My mother just had this idea and has not yet formally contacted New Barrel City."

"No." The Duchess shook her head and said: "The marriage to New Barrel City is related to the stability of the Reach, and it is also related to whether you can suppress the Red Apple Fosoway family. There cannot be any mistakes. And although it has not happened yet Contact New Barrel City, but my mother has deliberately spread this matter among the ladies. I am waiting for New Barrel City to hear the rumor and send Sir Jon Fossoway to propose marriage. You want to do it now Marrying Jina to someone else will make the Green Apple family think it is a humiliation to them, and then they will unite with the Red Apple family, which is not a good thing for you."

"Well, you are right, it cannot be changed." The Duke of Metz nodded in agreement with the Duchess's analysis and asked: "Is there any other marriageable woman in the family..."

The Duchess interrupted him and said, "Wait a minute, why do you want to marry Sir Lynde so much? Don't you dislike him?"

The Duke of Metz muttered: "Didn't you see my mother's attitude just now? She admires that Lind Talen very much. I'm worried that she will lose her mind and put Margaery..."

"Are you crazy? How old is Margery?" The Duchess looked at her husband with a strange look on her face, and said slightly hurtfully: "And even if you are confused, your mother will not be confused. Linde Don’t worry about Jazz’s affairs, leave it to Vilas!”

The Duke of Metz curled his lips and said nothing more.

Looking at her husband, who had some mediocre talents, the Duchess sighed softly, then randomly picked a topic and asked: "Have you thought about where Sir Lynde will choose after he completes the mission of suppressing bandits north of Bitter Bridge?" Manor and village as his reward?”

The Duke of Metz shook his head disapprovingly and said, "Why are you thinking so much now? Hasn't he not finished it yet? And he may not finish it yet."

The Duchess asked back: "You have read so much intelligence from Tengshi Town. Do you think Sir Lynde may fail?"

Although he is unwilling to admit it, the Duke of Metz knows very well that it is only a matter of time before Linde finally completes the mission. Even if the guys around him who are jealous of Linde secretly do evil, they will only delay the completion of the mission and cannot prevent the final outcome. result.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, the Duke of Metz said: "How about finding a manor and village nearby? Having someone like him around can make people feel more at ease."

The Duchess sighed and no longer had any hope in her husband's ability to judge. She directly pointed out: "Have you forgotten what happened in the outer city in the afternoon? Mother just said that it was his first time in High Court. With such a great influence, if he can continue to live here for a long time..."

There was no need to say any more. Even the Duke of Metz could understand what was going to happen next. His expression became serious. After thinking seriously for a moment, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something. , smiled and said: "Do you still remember that our family has an enclave on the other side of the Crimson Mountains?"

"Opposite the Crimson Mountains?" The Duchess thought for a moment and said, "You mean the land opposite Weil City?"

"Yes." The Duke of Metz thought he had a good idea and said, "I can use that piece of land as a reward. That piece of land is much larger than a manor and village."

"My lord, you are really smart." The Duchess seemed not to think that Lind would agree to such a reward, so she said something ironic. However, the Duke of Metz didn't seem to hear that it was an irony, and he began to think about the feasibility of this matter. .

(End of this chapter)

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