Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 78 The Secret of Highgarden

Chapter 78 The Secret of Highgarden

After nightfall, Fertimo left the Golden Rose Garden, and Lynde asked Jon to meet his friends in Highgarden instead of staying here to wait for his orders.

After Jon left, he told the guards of the Golden Rose Garden not to disturb him, then closed the door, lay on the bed, and adjusted to a comfortable sleeping position.

As before, he directly gave orders to Glory in the courtyard through spiritual connection, and then entered a state of visual sharing and attached to Glory.

After receiving the order, Glory slipped into the shadows silently, avoided the guards of the Golden Rose Garden, left the Golden Rose Garden, and galloped towards the High Court.

Perhaps because he was exhausted from lying on the boat for several days, after breaking away from his restraints and running outside alone, Glory became particularly active and wanted to run to a nearby farm several times to tease the farmers there.

After being stopped by Linde, Glory ran to roll in a nearby flower field. Although the rose thorns could not cause any harm to it, they would hang on its hair, weakening its hiding ability. Fortunately, there was no one in the wild at night, otherwise Someone will definitely see it, and then perhaps there will be a legend in Highgarden about roses getting tangled up and turning into monsters.

Linde did not stop Glory from venting his excess energy, but just guided him appropriately to prevent Glory from being affected by his wild and ferocious nature and attacking people in the surrounding farms.

After venting for a while, Glory became honest. Under Linde's order, he used trees and rocks to rub off the flowers and branches hanging on his body. Then he followed Linde's instructions and sneaked in secretly. At the foot of the highgarden wall.

The outermost walls of the High Court are all made of marble, with a flat and smooth surface. There are not many places for strength to be borrowed. And unlike the inner city walls, there are no vines hanging on the walls here.

In addition, the high wall also has a slightly protruding round tower built at regular intervals. This round tower is covered with bow and arrow holes. In addition to being used to attack the enemy when they attack the city, it can also be used as a normal place. Make a lookout hole to check the situation on the city wall.

Glory came to the city wall without stopping. The sharp claws hidden in the toes stretched out, then grabbed the marble city wall, pierced into the stone, and then helped Glory as if on the flat ground, at an almost right angle. Moving quickly on the city wall.

Soon the city wall was climbed over, and Glory followed him directly into the shadow of the tree maze, sneaking towards the inner ring city.

Although there are a large number of patrol soldiers patrolling back and forth, to Glory, these patrol soldiers are like nothing. With its completely black fur, it blends into the shadows perfectly. Even if the patrol soldiers pass by, as long as it lies still, it will Unable to discover it.

With his super concealment ability, Glory can move freely around the various surrounding areas of High Court. Linde has seen the situation inside High Court through vision sharing, and also has an understanding of High Court's various defense facilities and castle guards. He even had several plans for breaking into the castle in his mind.

Glory has not entered the interior of some important buildings because its size is too large. Even though it has extraordinary concealment capabilities, this ability cannot completely disappear its body, so it is easily discovered in small places. .

However, even without entering the building, Glory could still find the residences of various Highgarden dignitaries including the Tyrell family through special vision similar to thermal imaging.

Although Lind may not necessarily become enemies with the Tyrell family, it is his habit to be prepared so as not to be in a hurry when something really happens.

After seeing almost the entire Tyrell family, Lind was ready to let Glory back, but Glory seemed to be attracted by something at this time, looking towards the godswood forest in the castle from time to time, but it was blocked by Linde didn't give the order, so it didn't pass.

Linde thought about some rumors about the Godswood in Highgarden, and felt that what attracted Glory should be some of the supernatural powers hidden in the Godswood. Driven by curiosity, Linde also motioned to Glory to take a look at the Godswood.

After receiving the order, Glory couldn't wait to rush towards the godswood, and soon arrived outside the godswood.

Without Linde's orders, Glory had already penetrated into the sacred forest and came to the three heart trees that were said to be planted by Green Hand Gars.

Through the eyes of Glory, Linde saw something different. He saw the three heart trees disappearing and transformed into a giant with antlers and blue skin. He saw this giant lying on the ground, as if sleeping. As it breathed, blue breezes blew out of his mouth, flew into the air, spread in all directions, and then scattered on the surrounding land.

Seeing this scene, Lind also realized that what he saw should be the reason why Highgarden has been able to have good weather and have a bumper harvest no matter what he plants. The three heart trees planted by Green Hand Garth seemed to have turned into Him. The avatar is constantly nourishing this land.

As for the clone of Garth the Green Hand in front of him, Lind feels very similar to the Spark of the Forest Son of the Forest. The only difference is that the spark is an entity, and its power is more solidified and powerful, while the Garth the Green Hand in front of him is just a ball of virtual reality. The energy doesn’t feel so real.

At this time, the spirit of Glory conveyed a strong desire to devour. This desire to devour was even dozens of times stronger than when he saw the resentful soul energy with the dragon soul. It was as if the clone of Green-Handed Gars in front of him was A piece of delicious food full of temptation.

After sensing Glory's devouring desire, Linde immediately issued strong instructions to stop Glory from devouring the Green-Hand Gals clone. However, Glory's devouring desire was too strong and aroused its instinct, causing it to break away from Lind several times. Controlling, wanting to disobey Linde's orders.

Fortunately, Linde issued extremely tough instructions over and over again, and at the same time possessed Glory with his own spirit to soothe his emotions, and Glory was able to get rid of his desire to devour.

However, in order to prevent Glory from being affected again, Linde immediately asked Glory to leave High Court and return to Golden Rose Garden.

Although Lind knew very well that if Glory swallowed the clone of Green Hand Garth, Glory should be able to evolve by leaps and bounds again, but the damage to the entire Highgarden would be irreversible, and the land around Highgarden would definitely no longer be as smooth as it is now. , good harvest every year.

In this way, the Tyrell family will inevitably suffer a great loss in strength. When the time comes, the ancient nobles and lords in the Reach who originally looked down on the Tyrell family will be ready to take action, and the Reach will inevitably fall into long-term civil strife.

Although chaos is a ladder, it depends on where you are.

A nobleman like Littlefinger who is in the palace does not have many available troops on hand, and his position has almost reached the top. There is no possibility of going further, so he naturally needs chaos as a ladder to improve his status.

But for the current Linde, he already has a lot of room for improvement. He has not reached the peak yet. He only needs to follow the steps step by step to successfully improve his status and strength, and all of this is based on the stability of the Tyrell family. , so now if the strength of the Tyrell family is greatly reduced and the Reach falls into chaos, it will only benefit big lords with ancient bloodlines such as Fossoway, and it will be difficult for him to obtain enough benefits in the chaos.

Moreover, the more important point is that Lind is worried that Green-Hand Gals is still alive. After he allows Glory to absorb the clone of Green-Hand Gals, it will attract the attention of this mysterious existence, the ancestor of the Reach.

In all the legends related to Garth the Green Hand, there is no mention of the death of this legendary figure. Instead, he will appear next to legendary figures in different eras. For example, Garth the Green Hand exists in the legends of the ancestors, and He also appears in the later legend of Brandon the Builder, separated by thousands of years.

Thinking about the fact that the children of the forest also have an almost endless lifespan, this green-hand Garth should also have the same lifespan. The possibility of being alive now is very high. The reason why he has not appeared in front of people again may be because the demonic tide in this world has weakened. reason.Although the current Green-Hand Gals may not be as powerful as in the ancient legends, compared to the current Linde, such an almost godly existence is still something he can't avoid.

Glory quickly returned to the Golden Rose Garden, but it was very unhappy when Linde prevented it from enjoying the food, so when it came back, it did not go to Linde for petting or rewards as usual, but lay down directly at Linde's door. , blocking the door as a silent protest.

Linde didn't pay too much attention to it. He knew very well that Glory's temper would come and go quickly, and it wouldn't take long for it to completely forget the reason for its anger.

Sure enough, after a while, Guangrong, who was lying at the door, opened the door with force, came to Lind's side, lay down under the bed, and leaned his head on Lind's arm. It wasn't until Lind touched its head with his hand that it finally Fall asleep.

The next day, Lynd placed Glory on the hill behind the Golden Rose Garden, and he assembled his sword without wearing armor, preparing to let Jon take him for a walk around the outer city of Highgarden.

Yesterday, he just walked along the avenue in the outer city. There were too many people on the road and he didn't take a good look at the prosperity of Gaoting, so he decided to take a stroll in the outer city today to learn about the city's construction plan and prepare for his future city construction. prepare for.

It's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the change. Just when he and Jon were about to leave the Golden Rose Garden, Fertimo brought the three brothers Willas Tyrell to the Golden Rose Garden, and they happened to meet at the gate outside.

Fertimo immediately introduced the two to each other, while Linde and Vilas were also sizing each other up.

Fertimer had often mentioned Willas Tyrell in the past and praised him highly, especially for his amazing talent in lance. If it were not for his status and age, Willas would probably be already He is the consistent winner of the lance duel competitions in various martial arts tournaments in Chenghewan.

Although Villas is only 13 years old now, his figure is no different from that of an adult. However, due to his age, his body is a bit thin. He looks more like a bachelor with his head buried in books than a man who is proficient in swordsmanship and riding. Gun knight.

I don’t know if he was affected by the scene in the godswood last night. The moment he saw Willas, Linde vaguely felt that the Willas in front of him was somewhat similar to the Greenhand Garth clone in the godswood of Highgarden. , this similarity is not a similarity in appearance, but a similarity in temperament.

Villas was also sizing up Lind at the moment. In fact, he was also in the meeting hall yesterday. Fertimo went to the meeting hall to inform the Duke of Metz that Lind had arrived at the High Court and was stopped waiting at the inner ring gate. He couldn't wait to meet the number one swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms, who his brother Garan said was extremely miraculous.

Later, when Fortimo said that the reason for being stopped was because Linde's shadow lynx pet was too huge, he couldn't help but ask how huge it was. Then Fotimo made a gesture and said, While shocking everyone in the meeting hall, it also made him more curious.

Villas has been very fond of small animals since he was a child. He seems to have an extraordinary affinity in this area. Small animals that usually don't like to be close to people like to follow him.

Because of this, he became the best dog trainer, falconer and horse trainer in Highgarden. When he was ten years old, he had already begun to improve the horse breeds in Highgarden. The reason why Highgarden's war horses are now Being able to be so good is all because of the change in his horse breed.

However, he also has some regrets, that is, he has never tamed special animals such as shadow lynx and direwolf.

A year ago, a businessman captured a shadow lynx and sold it to him. He tried to tame the shadow lynx, but failed. Although the shadow lynx did not attack him, it did not show too close to him. He even refused to eat and eventually starved to death in the cage.

He gave the shadow lynx to a knight who was proficient in taxidermy and made it a specimen. The specimen is still placed in his study.

This incident depressed him for a long time, and it was only recently that he gradually recovered.

However, now there is a person who has tamed the shadow lynx, and the shadow lynx is still so unusual, which makes him curious about Linde, and he vaguely thinks that Linde and himself are the same type of person.

It's a pity that although he is the son of a duke, he does not have much say in the council chamber. He was unable to dissuade the decisions of the officials and dignitaries, and he was not able to meet Linde immediately.

Later, the Duchess asked him to see Linde the next day and asked him to apologize for his rude behavior on behalf of his father. He agreed without thinking.

Now that he has met Linde, the protagonist of The Bear Hunter's Song, the rumored first swordsman of the Seven Kingdoms, Vilas is not disappointed because of Linde's relatively ordinary appearance. On the contrary, he is very satisfied with Linde and feels that Linde It fits the image in his mind very well, and also fits the various descriptions of his brother Garland.

When Linde and Vilas were sizing each other up, Margery on the side became a little impatient. She walked up to Linde, tugged on Linde's clothes with her hands, and said, "Sir Linde, your big cat Woolen cloth?"

"Glory is playing in the mountains now," Linde said with a smile, "If Miss Margery wants to see it, I'll call it back."

"Okay, okay! Look at the big cat, I want to see the big cat!" Margery jumped excitedly.

Loras also wanted to jump around like his sister, but he looked at Willas worriedly, and finally resisted the urge and stood aside honestly.

"Sir Linde, where are you going?" Vilas also took over the topic at this time and asked Linde.

Linde said truthfully: "I want to go to the city to have a look. Yesterday I walked too fast and I haven't had a good look at the outer city of Highgarden."

"Let him be your guide to take you around the outer city?" Fertimo pointed at Jon and said with disdain: "Take you to visit the brothel? When he was the guard captain in the outer city, he spent a lot of time sleeping in the bed of a prostitute. , much more time than sleeping in bed at home.”

"Lord Fortimer, I have grown up." Jon regretted his actions when he was young and frivolous, and said with a wry smile.

Vilas suggested: "The outer city is very chaotic in the early morning. If we go back now, we might disappoint Sir Lynde. Let's wait until noon to go together! It just so happens that I haven't walked around the outer city for a long time."

Linde did not refuse and nodded: "I will follow your orders, Lord Vilas."

(End of this chapter)

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