Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 96 Taming a Horse with a Long Sword

Chapter 96 Taming a Horse with a Long Sword
"Every time I see this scene, I can't help but feel like I've seen a miracle." Standing on a big rock, Rossos couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the scene in front of him.

I saw a clear and huge lake in the center of the valley surrounded by gravel mountains. The lake was surrounded by lush green grass. A herd of more than 200 wild horses played on the grass, looking peaceful.

This kind of scene would not be a rare sight if it appeared in some plain areas or gentle hilly areas, but the problem is that it is at the top of a group of mountains, and there is no snow on the surrounding mountain tops. The entire mountain range has not had any for thousands of years. It had rained. Under such circumstances, such a huge lake appeared here. It is no wonder that Rossos would call it a miracle.

However, there was no secret to this miracle in Lind's eyes, because he could see at a glance the reason for the formation of this lake, and why it had not rained in the Shen'en Mountains for so many years.

The reason is very simple. This valley is surrounded by mountains, and the surrounding mountains also contain a magic power. This magic power has a funnel effect on this area, directly gathering the sky. The water vapor was sucked down, bypassing the process of forming rain after cooling, and directly gathered together to form a lake.

There are several restricted areas like this in the entire Shen'en Mountains, and their location covers almost most of the Shen'en Mountains. The water vapor in this area has been drained, so how can it still rain?

In addition, Linde guessed that there should be an underground river in the lake, so that the excess water in the lake can be drained out through the underground river, so that the lake water will always remain the same size.

Although Linde saw through the secret of this restricted area, he did not explain it to Rossos, because even if he explained it, Rossos might not be able to understand it and would only do useless work, so he focused entirely on The target of this trip was the two king horses among the horses.

As Sir Rees and Rossos said, these two wild horses are indeed taller and stronger than other wild horses around them. The overall look is very similar to the Shire horses that Lind had seen in his previous life.

However, unlike the Shire horses, they run very fast. It is difficult for ordinary wild horses to keep up with them, and their endurance is also very amazing. Linde stood here and watched them for almost an hour, and they never stopped. They were all running and playing, showing no signs of fatigue.

"Stay up there and don't move." Linde braided the prepared rope into a noose, then gave an order to Rossos, and at the same time issued an order to Glory to drive away the horses.

After that, he jumped off the rock and got into the grass about half a man high. Glory also jumped off the rock, got into the grass, and lowered his body to go around the back of the horses.

The moment he entered the grass, Linde also knew why grass could grow in this area. This was because the surrounding magic had returned to the same normal level as outside. This also made Linde wonder whether this phenomenon was natural. It was formed just like the legend. This was the place where the Green Seers performed sacrifices.

Although Lind tried his best to hide his figure and did not get too close to the horses, he inevitably left an obvious trace in the grass when he moved.

If you were at the height of an ordinary horse, it would be difficult to see such abnormal traces of grass. Even if you saw the horse's brain, you would not understand what was going on. But the Mustang King is not the same. It is not difficult to tell from various previous rumors. The Mustang King has amazing intelligence and cannot be treated as an ordinary beast.

The two wild horse kings were very alert. They saw the unusual movement in the grass almost at the same time, and they let out a horse cry in unison. All the horses immediately stopped eating and playing, and their bodies became tense.

Although Linde was low in the grass and his sight was blocked by the grass, he could still tell from the slight movements of the horses outside that he might have been exposed.

However, he did not stand up, but continued to move slowly in the grass, deliberately creating traces of grass to attract the attention of the Mustang King.

At the same time, Glory had moved to the rear of the horses silently.

At this time, a mustang king hooted again, and all the horses began to gather around the mustang king, as if they had received an order, and headed towards Lind's location.

Linde also saw the changes in the horses through Glory's sight, and guessed that the Mustang King wanted to lead the entire herd of horses to stampede towards him. In the eyes of the Mustang King, no matter what was under the grass, it could not withstand the horses. Stampede.

Seeing this, Linde immediately gave an order to Glory. Then he saw Glory lying in the grass and immediately let out a roar, rushed towards the nearest wild horse and threw it to the ground.

The sudden appearance of Glory instantly disrupted the order of the entire herd. Not every wild horse has the courage of the Wild Horse King. When natural enemies appear and attack them, their instincts instantly gain the upper hand and flee in panic, even if The wild horse king neighed but did not listen.

On the other side, Lind saw the horses in chaos, and the Mustang King's attention was all drawn to Glory. He immediately stood up and rushed towards the slightly larger Mustang King. At the same time, the noose prepared in his hand was also Thrown away while running.

Linde's lasso skills came from the Homeless Knights. Although most of the Homeless Knights mainly fight on foot, they are also good at mounted combat, and they can also capture wild horses to serve as war horses. The lasso is a method of taming horses. Basic skills are of course not a problem either.

With the Mustang King unprepared, Linde's noose easily caught the horse's neck, and as Linde pulled, he quickly closed it, tightening the noose to prevent it from falling off.

Although Lind easily captured the neck of a mustang king, this did not mean that he had captured the mustang king. The horse training had just begun.

The moment his neck was tied, Mustang King reacted immediately and ran with all his strength towards an open space.

The force generated by Mustang King's running instantly straightened the rope and passed it to Lind's hands along the rope. Even though Lind was prepared in advance, he still couldn't resist the pulling force. His whole body was pulled up, and then he was pulled by the rope. Drag and slide forward.

At the same time, the other wild horse King also rushed towards the dragged Linde with great cooperation. When he was about to reach Linde, he jumped up high and stepped hard on Linde's back with his huge horse hooves. past.

Linde inquired about many failed cases of capturing the Mustang King, including the cooperation he encountered now, and as many as a dozen horse catchers died due to this combination.

However, Linde was not one of those horse catchers after all. He had already prepared a countermeasure to the coordination of the Mustang King, so when the Mustang King jumped up and attacked him, he decisively let go of the rope. At the same time, he quickly rolled his body to avoid the horse's hooves that fell from the Mustang King. When the Mustang King just fell and his body had not yet stood firm, he jumped up, turned over in the air and landed on the Mustang King's back. .

Feeling that he was being ridden, the Mustang King immediately jumped violently, trying to shake Lind off.

However, Lind's legs were tightly clamped, and no matter how hard the Mustang King jumped, he could not throw him off.

Just when the Mustang King was about to fall to the ground, roll on the spot, and use his weight to crush the person on his back, Lind took out the Homeless Knight sword from his waist and leaned the sword directly against the Mustang On the king's neck, the magic power contained in the Thunder Dragon Rune was stimulated, and a stream of electric current was transmitted from the sword, which penetrated into the body of the Mustang King, making it quiet instantly, and the muscles all over the body were also stimulated by the electric current. He was shaking under control, unable to resist at all.

This is the unique horse training method of the Homeless Knight. If he is wearing the real Homeless Knight armor, then there is no need to use the power of the dragon rune on the Homeless Knight's sword, but directly through the power of the dragon rune on the Homeless Knight's armor. , he can tame it the moment he gets on the Mustang King.Linde also did not expect that the first time he used the power of the dragon rune was not to kill enemies, but to tame horses.

To prevent the electric current continuously generated by the Thunder Dragon Rune from causing destructive damage to the Mustang King's body, Lind resealed the dragon rune in time and removed the Homeless Knight's sword from the Mustang King's neck.

However, he did not take back the sword of the Lost Knight, but was ready to attach the sword to his body at any time in case he failed to tame the Mustang King at once.

However, the effect of the Homeless Knight's method of taming the horse was much better than Lind expected. After he moved the sword away, the Mustang King's body was no longer stimulated by the electric current, and after regaining control, the Mustang King no longer acted like before. He resisted fiercely, but stood there honestly.

At this time, the other wild horse rushed towards Linde, opened its mouth, and bit him.

However, although its movements are fast, they are not as fast as those of Glory.

I saw Glory rushing out of the grass, swooping down, and throwing the Mustang King to the ground, then opened his mouth and bit the Mustang King's neck.

Just when Glory was about to launch a fatal attack on Mustang King, Linde passed the order to Glory in time, and Glory immediately stopped the attack and jumped away from Mustang King.

The frightened Mustang King got up from the ground. Before it could recover from the panic, Lind had already jumped over from another Mustang King and sat on it. At the same time, the Lost Horse King in his hand The sword stuck to its neck as expected.

Everything went very smoothly. The wild horse king was once again obeyed by the power of the dragon rune, and he let Linde sit on his back.

Lind put the Homeless Knight's great sword into its scabbard, jumped back on the back of the slightly smaller mustang king, and then led the other mustang king whose neck was caught in a noose, towards the man standing on the top of the boulder. Rossus walked away.

Rossos stood on the boulder and watched the process of Lind conquering the Mustang King. His face was full of shock. He was not only shocked that Lind easily conquered two Mustang Kings that countless Dornishmen had not been able to conquer in the past. Even more shocked was Linde's method of conquering the Mustang King.

Threatening a horse with a sword was an unheard-of method of training a horse. Moreover, this ridiculous method of training a horse was actually successful in the end, and the effect was very good. This made him doubt his past knowledge, and he couldn't help but feel that I was thinking: "Can a horse really recognize the threat of a weapon to itself?"

With doubts, Rossos jumped down from the stone, walked towards Linde, and soon came to Linde.

At this time, he also recognized the wild horse King that attacked him and kicked him seriously.

The appearance of the two mustang kings is very similar, with only a slight difference in size. The larger one has a prism-shaped white hair on its forehead, while the smaller one has completely black fur. The other two horses They are both mares, and they appear to be biological sisters.

To be able to give birth to such a pair of wild horses that are far larger than the same kind, the parents of this pair of wild horses are probably not simple, but they should be dead now, otherwise, it would not be the turn of the sisters to take charge of the horse herd.

Rossos looked up at the Mustang King with white hair on his forehead. Although the injury on his chest was still aching, he still couldn't help but wanted to reach out and touch the Mustang King to fulfill one of his wishes.

However, even though the Mustang King was tamed by Linde, he still would not get close to anyone. When he saw Rossos approaching, he rushed forward, knocking the unsuspecting Rossos to the ground, and then raised up The horse's hooves are about to trample down.

However, Linde discovered Mustang King's attack in time. When Mustang King raised his hoof, he pulled hard on the rope of the lasso and pulled Mustang King's body to the other side, so that the horse's hoof did not fall on Luo. On Soth's body.

"Rosos, are you okay?" Linde looked down at Rossos lying on the ground and asked.

"It's okay! Sir, I'm okay!" Rossos quickly got up from the ground, looked at Mustang King with lingering fear, and said, "Sir, shall we go back now?" As he said that, he looked at the darkening sky. Said: "It's better to stay here for one night and leave again at dawn tomorrow."

"No, let's leave now." Linde quickly made a decision and looked around with a serious expression on his face.

Although this mountain lake and grassland gives people a sense of peace and tranquility, and there seems to be no danger, Linde doesn't like it very much. He always feels that there is an inexplicable sense of disharmony here. In order to avoid any extraneous things, , leaving immediately is the most correct thing to do.

Just as Lind was riding a wild horse and leading a wild horse toward the maze of huge gravel outside, he suddenly seemed to hear something and turned around to look behind him.

The herd of wild horses that had been scared by Glory and fled in all directions gathered together again, and followed the wild horse king, seemingly following the tamed leader.

Looking at these more than 200 wild horses, Lind couldn't help but smile. He felt that this trip to Dorne was really a good deal. He no longer needed to wait for the horses from Reese to gather together before he could form a new cavalry team.

Soon, Linder rode the Mustang King and led the group of wild horses away from this peaceful grassland.

Not long after they left, a wild horse ran out of nowhere. It seemed that it had been frightened and got lost in the surrounding gravel maze, and it had just escaped.

It ran to the grass and did not see its companion walking around blankly. Finally, it seemed to be a little thirsty and went to the lake to drink water.

However, just as it lowered its head and took a sip of water, a huge figure suddenly emerged from the lake, opened its mouth, and instantly bit the wild horse and dragged it into the lake.

After a while, the lake returned to calm, and everything around it returned to its original state, still the calm grassland.

(End of this chapter)

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