97 Marriage
The entire city of Divine Grace was in a sensation. The cause of the sensation was not the martial arts tournament that was being held, but the fact that Lind, the knight bear hunter from the Reach, had tamed the two king wild horses in the Divine Grace Mountains, and also killed the wild horses. The king's horses were taken over.

The more than 200 wild horses are all high-quality war horses, not to mention the two extremely powerful horse kings. Even Vilas can't help but be jealous of Lind's harvest, let alone the Dornishmen.

Immediately, many Dornish people gathered at the gate of the camp in the Reach, asking Lind to exchange their Dornish horses, especially the two mustang kings.

Faced with the rogue behavior of these people, Linde just asked the Red Viper to give a response, that is, as long as he defeated him in a duel, the winner could take away the Mustang King and the horses, but there was a prerequisite for participating in the duel. That means one hundred gold dragons must be paid.

Although one hundred gold dragons is not a small amount, enough for ordinary people to live a wealthy life, the value of the Mustang King and the horses is even higher. Just two Mustang Kings cost at least thousands or even tens of thousands of gold dragons, not to mention more than 200 A fine mustang.

As a result, some Dornish nobles and lords directly hired knights and warriors to challenge Linde. Even though they had heard of Linde's reputation and knew that the Red Viper had been defeated by Linde, they still wanted to try their luck.

As a result, it is conceivable that these Dornish nobles and lords were all giving money to Lindbergh. In these duels, Lindbergh did not even draw his sword in many cases, and solved the battle directly with his fists. Even if he drew his sword, When he got the sword, he only pulled out a half-blade sword on his back. He didn't even use the Peacemaker's two-sword swordsmanship, let alone the Homeless Knight's swordsmanship.

At the beginning, some people wanted to set up gambling bureaus based on these duels and make a good fortune. However, after one or two competitions, everyone who opened gambling bureaus suffered heavy losses, and no one dared to set up gambling bureaus anymore.

Some noble lords who set up gambling games wanted to default on their debts, but they found that except for a small number of ordinary Dornish people whose gambling debts belonged to the Red Vipers, all other gambling debts belonged to the Red Viper and they could not default on them at all.

The outside world thinks that all the gambling accounts belong to Red Viper, but they don't know that the person who actually funded Red Viper is Vilas. When Red Viper has money, he spends it on having fun and doesn't have much cash on him. He needs to be transferred to his fiefdom.

However, it took too long to go back and forth like this. Not to mention the gambling game, even the tournament was over, so he borrowed money from Vilas to participate in the gambling game. The reason why he did not ask other Dornish lords and nobles Borrowing money is to avoid being guessed about his thoughts.

Willas did not refuse, and happily loaned the funds used to bribe the Dornish nobles as lobbyists to the Red Viper, and negotiated a share of the profits afterwards.

As a result, after two gambling games, although the amount of money did not double, it increased by almost [-]%, which was considered a huge profit.

However, the money was still a gambling debt and had not been turned into cash. The Red Viper tried to persuade Vilas to sell him the gambling debt on hand, and he would ask for it from the nobles and lords who were gambling. Vilas can just take the money he has already received and return to the Reach. Of course, the price of the gambling account cannot be based on the above amount. He must at least take a commission from it.

In this way, two of the most powerful people in the Reach and Highgarden argued in a tent over the ownership of a dozen golden dragons, citing scriptures, which was quite interesting.

"Because of me, you have made so much, shouldn't you share some with me?" After Linde returned to the camp after defeating a challenger again, he saw that Red Viper and Vilas were still calculating the value of the gambling account. He raised his eyebrows and said.

Villas and Red Viper looked at Linde in unison, then said nothing, completely ignored Linde's request, and continued the argument just now.

Although Villas and Red Viper have completely different personalities and have only known each other for more than ten days, they have a very good relationship. They are like good friends who have known each other for many years and talk about everything. This good relationship even The Red Viper's mistress Ellaria Sand almost misunderstood the relationship between the two.

The tournament ended quickly. The lance was definitely much more exciting than expected. Both Gars and Red Viper entered the finals. The two fought for seven rounds and broke three lances.

In the end, Gals was too weak to defend himself against the Red Viper's spear, and was stabbed off his horse.

The Red Viper also became the champion of the lance duel as everyone expected, and he also dedicated the laurel wreath to his mistress Ellaria Sand.

Although the tourney is over, the duel over the ownership of the Mustang King has not ended. There are still many people who are either employed by noble lords or knights who sincerely want to keep the Mustang King in Dorne. , continued to challenge Linde, and even later used wheel fighting to consume Linde's physical strength.

It wasn't until the third day of the tourney that Lind spent most of the day defeating more than 100 Dornish knights who challenged him continuously. No one stood up to challenge Lind again, and everyone thought that Lind had become a wild horse. The master of the king is well deserved.

Through these duels, Linde can be said to have made a lot of money, with more than 3 golden dragons filling several large boxes. This also allowed Linde to obtain a very high status in Dorne. Reputation, even if he is a knight from the Reach, but in the face of great strength, the Dornish people will not be stingy with their praise.

Similarly, Willas also used Lind's reputation, accompanied by the Red Viper, to meet and talk with almost all the lords and dignitaries from all over Dorne outside the City of Divine Grace.

I don’t know if it’s because of Willas’s own eloquence and the peace agreement he proposed is tempting enough, or because of the additional effects of the Red Viper, or the impact of Lind’s suppression of the Dornish knights. In short, Willas and the Dornish lords and nobles Our negotiations went very smoothly. Many lords had already agreed to the peace agreement, and the number soon exceeded one-third.

Although Prince Doran has always stayed in the Flowing Water Garden, he has also paid close attention to the movements of Shen'en City. Almost when the number of people who agreed to the peace agreement reached one-third, Prince Dolan's raven flew to Shen'en City. , handed into the hands of Vilas.

In the letter, Prince Doran agreed to cooperate with Willas in implementing the peace agreement to end the thousands of years of enmity between Dorne and the Reach. However, the peace agreement is not just a paper agreement, it must also have something practical. Marriage is The best foundation for peace.

After Vilas received the letter, he found Linde and his consultant bachelor and told them the contents of the letter.

Lind smiled after hearing this and said: "So Prince Doran wants you to marry Princess Arianne Martell, and then let Prince Quentin marry Miss Margaery. This is a good thing! I heard that this Princess Arianne is stunningly beautiful. Your trip to Dorne not only contributed to the peace between the Reach and Dorne, but you also married a Dorne princess back. I think the Duke and Lady will help you. I am very happy that the history books of the city will also record your trip to Dorne, and the title is..."

"Master Linde, please don't joke, we are talking about business now." Vilas interrupted Linde with a depressed look, sighed, and asked everyone: "What do you think we should do about this matter? "Everyone looked at each other after hearing this. Among them, the consultant bachelor who came to Dorne with Willas stood up and said: "Lord Linde's words are correct. This is indeed a good thing. I think you should agree to Prince Doran's proposal. ."

"Not only agree," Ormond Bulwe, another member of the Bulwe family, said: "You should also make an engagement with Princess Arianne as soon as possible. As for Miss Margaery's marriage, she can wait until she returns to Gao. The court will decide later.”

Ormond is Jon's cousin. After Jon privately decided to follow Lynd, the current Earl of Blackcrown City, Greatjon Bulwe, sent Ormond to replace Jon's position in Highgarden. On the trip to Rathdown, Ormon also offered to follow.

The relationship between Almond and Jon didn't seem to be very good. They had basically not talked to each other for such a long time, and even when they were in the same tent like now, they turned a blind eye to each other.

The consultant bachelor and staff Ormon also spoke up, expressing their agreement with their opinions. After all, the conditions offered by Prince Doran can be said to be full of sincerity. Both Princess Arianne and Prince Quentin will be the future of Sunspear. The heir, that is to say the fusion of the bloodlines of Highgarden and Sunspear, will undoubtedly play an excellent role in easing the relationship between the Reach and Dorne. Even if the peace agreement fails in the end, as long as the two parties can marry, Then the fight between the two places can be calmed down a lot.

"I think you'd better think more clearly about this matter." While everyone was in agreement, Linde changed his joking attitude and said very seriously to Vilas: "Sign a peace with Dorne. The agreement is one thing, but the marriage between the Tyrells and the Martells is another matter. Sir Willas, you have to think about this clearly. It is best not to make a decision in a hurry. Go back and discuss it with the Duke and the others. We’ll make a decision later.”

A nobleman who had been whipped said with a displeased look on his face: "Lord Linde, how come your attitude changes so quickly, like a swamp lizard that changes color."

Linde ignored the nobleman's provocation and just looked at Vilas calmly.

Willas also pondered for a moment because of Linde's words, and said: "Bachelor, you wrote back to Prince Doran, saying that I cannot make the decision on the marriage myself. I need to wait until I return to the High Court to inform my parents, and then let them decide." Make the decision. In addition, I would like to express my admiration for Princess Arianne for a long time and hope to invite Princess Arianne to visit Highgarden."

"Yes, sir." The consultant bachelor wrote down Vilas's words.

Vilas then signaled that everyone could leave, but asked Linde to stay alone.After they were alone in the tent, Willas asked with some confusion: "Lord Lind, I don't quite understand what you said just now. Why is the marriage between the Tyrells and the Martells another time?" thing?"

"Lord Vilas, actually you have already figured it out, why bother asking me." Linde looked at Vilas and saw that he was still waiting for Linde's answer, so he sighed and said: "Hebend The land has the richest land in Westeros, with abundant wealth and food. It is also a country of knights, with countless powerful knights. The warriors of Dorne have been famous in the world since ancient times, and the desert has created their tough character. , even if they encounter a king like Aegon the Conqueror, they dare to fight. Their only flaw is the barren land and insufficient logistics. If the Lord of the Reach and the Lord of Dorne marry, then the entire Southern Territory will become extremely powerful. , it is not impossible to sweep the world. At that time, what do you want the Iron Throne to think, and what do you want the other kingdoms to think?"

"Master Linde, you are right, there will indeed be such disadvantages." Vilas nodded and said seriously: "But have you ever thought about it, your worries are only based on the fact that we are not strong enough. If We are strong enough, so strong that they do not dare to act rashly, and if a more powerful and rebellious enemy appears at this time, do we still need to worry so much?"

When Vilas said these words, there was a glimmer of ambition in his eyes. This was the first time that Lind saw Vilas' ambition. Before that, he felt that Vilas was a person with a peaceful personality and no cares. A man of fame and fortune, yet now he found that he didn't seem to know the teenager as well as he thought he did.

Seeing that Linde did not respond to his words, Villas thought that Linde did not understand the meaning of his words, so he handed Linde a letter from Old Town that he had received not long ago.

Linde took the letter and looked at it, with a thoughtful look on his face.

This letter was specially sent by Earl Leighton, who traveled day and night. The content on the letter contained information about the Iron Islands.

When the Iron Islands attacked Old Town that day, Earl Leighton stepped up his intelligence collection on the Iron Islands. As a result, he did not collect any information about the Iron Islands' attack on Old Town. Instead, he collected other interesting information. The Iron Islands were gathering manpower. , prepare for rebellion.

If other people see this news, they may also doubt the authenticity of the news. After all, the strength gap between the Iron People of the Iron Islands and the Iron Throne is too far. Only a madman would do this when the strength gap is so big. Rebellion.

However, Lynd knew very well that the Iron Islands were really in rebellion, Balon Greyjoy proclaimed himself king, and the Ironborn attacked the Westerlands.

Lind guessed Willas's intention and said: "You want to use the Ironborn rebellion to attract the Iron Throne's attention, so that the Tyrell and Martell families can complete the marriage at this time, and wait until the Iron Throne resolves the Ironborn rebellion. Finally, the marriage has become a foregone conclusion, the two families have joined forces, and they can only accept the reality."

Willas nodded slightly, smiled and said to Lind: "Lind, fortunately you are a knight of our Tyrell family!"

Linde said in a deep voice: "The plan is indeed very good, but have you ever thought about what would happen if the Iron Throne, after resolving the rebellion in the Iron Islands, had a great victory, united with the forces of several other kingdoms, and headed south to the river bend at all costs? Earth, how do you want to solve it?"

"No, they won't." Vilas gave a very positive answer, but he didn't seem to tell Lind what made him so sure.

Linde did not continue to ask, but ended the topic and said: "I can only give you advice on this matter. The specific decision on what to do should be between you and the Duke."

"Indeed, my father and I should be the ones making the decision." Vilas looked at Linde seriously and said, "However, if we want the matter to succeed, we need your help."

"Me? Are you kidding? Master Vilas." Linde was stunned and looked at Vilas in confusion. Although he had absolute confidence in his personal strength, he still didn't feel that he had the entire power now. The Influence of Evidence in Westeros.

Vilas shook his head and said firmly again: "No, of course I'm not joking."

(End of this chapter)

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