Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 98 The Changed Future

Chapter 98 The Changed Future
After leaving Willas's tent, Lind's face became a little gloomy and he looked worried. Jon was also confused when he saw it, and was curious about what Willas and Lind talked about in the tent.

Lynde did not tell Jon, but just asked Jon to pack his bags. Willas should be leaving for Highgarden in the next two days.

After that, he did not go back to his tent immediately, but went to a horse farm temporarily opened for him by Shen'en City. He checked on the two wild horse kings and the wild horse herd. By the way, he also played with Glory who was guarding there for a while. .

Rossos, the man responsible for taking care of the horses, did not find people from the River Bend to take care of the horses, nor did he find people from Dorne. Instead, he hired some Greenblood River orphans.

Although he did this somewhat selfishly, Linde didn't care as long as he took good care of the horses. Moreover, he could also see that the relationship between these Green Blood River orphans and Rossos was unusual. It seemed that Rossos was I want to bring these people with me to follow me.

There were also many Dornish people gathered around the racecourse to watch the Mustang King. After seeing Lind, they all saluted him with great respect. Many of them were Dornish knights and knights whom Lind had defeated recently. The soldiers, although they were defeated by Linde, they still respected Linde very much, but they did not follow Linde due to their status and other reasons.

Lind stayed at the horse farm for a while, and then walked to his tent in the Reach camp. Only halfway, Red Viper stopped him and suggested finding a place to talk.

So, the two came to the Green Blood River, walking and talking like two friends who had known each other for many years.

"It's been so many days, and I haven't thanked you for taking care of Nymeria." Red Viper said abruptly to thank Linde.

Linde said indifferently: "That's what I should do."

Red Viper added: "My current fief originally belonged to Uncle Lewen. If she comes back..."

Lind interrupted the Red Viper and said, "Lord Oberon, you should know what Nymeria is thinking."

The Red Viper said solemnly: "If you have a good relationship with Nymeria, you should persuade her to let her return to Dorne to inherit her property instead of letting her stay there..."

"Your Majesty, if what you want to tell me today is related to Nymeria, then I think there is no need to continue talking." Lind interrupted Red Viper again, and his tone changed. You have to be a little rude.

The Red Viper frowned, was silent for a moment, and said, "What do you think about the marriage between the Martell family and the Tyrell family?"

Lind said calmly: "Lord Oberon, you think too highly of me. I am just one of the many knights of the Tyrell family. I am not qualified to ask about these things. You should ask Maester Baker this question. He He is the consultant bachelor sent by the Duke to Lord Vilas."

"You underestimate your position in the Tyrell family too much." The Red Viper looked at Lind, was silent for a moment, and said, "I should go to Highgarden with Arianne this time."

Lind was stunned, but there was no look of surprise on his face, because judging from Willas's performance just now, he had already sensed that Dorne also hoped to speed up the marriage with the Reach.

"Are you coming with us?" Linde asked.

"Yes," Red Viper nodded, and added: "But instead of taking the water route, we will take the land route, passing through the Prince's Pass."

Lind immediately understood that Sunspear's move should be to show its attitude towards the Dornish lords in the Crimson Mountains. After all, among all the Dornish lords who opposed the signing of the peace agreement with the Reach, they should also be showing their attitude towards the Dornish frontier. The Stormlord of Earth casts a signal.

"Do you really want to marry the Tyrell family?" Lind asked the Red Viper very seriously.

If Sunspear really wanted to marry Highgarden, it should have done so secretly, and then made it public after everything was settled, so that the Iron Throne would be caught off guard and it would be impossible to stop it.

Obviously, if the team passes through the Prince's Pass as the Red Viper said, then King's Landing will soon know about the marriage between Highgarden and Sunspear, and it will inevitably destroy it. This is obviously not conducive to both parties. The marriage of the two.

The Red Viper retaliated by using Lind's words and replied: "You are just a knight of the Tyrell family, and you are not qualified to ask about this kind of thing."

Linde stopped and looked at the Red Viper seriously without saying a word.

Red Viper did not continue to speak and turned around to leave.

Lind looked at the back of the Red Viper, his mind filled with doubts. He didn't quite understand the purpose of the Red Viper specifically asking him to tell him these things. The whole conversation highlighted an inexplicable aspect.

However, even if he didn't know the purpose of the Red Viper, he still saw from some information deliberately revealed by the Red Viper that Sunspear's attitude towards this marriage was not as important as Willas thought, but more important. For example, Sunspear took the opportunity of marriage with the Reach to test the Iron Throne.

If the Iron Throne steps in to stop it, then it can also be used to adjust the relationship between the Reach and the Iron Throne. If the Iron Throne doesn't stop it, they can just make a solid marriage and pull the Reach into Dorne's chariot.

Compared to Sunspear's attitude, Willas seems to pay more attention to the marriage, and has even considered some problems and solutions that may arise before and after the marriage.

Just now, Willas made it clear to Lind that once the marriage between the Reach and Sunspear is formalized, he would expand Lind's manpower, increase investment in Tengshi Town, and build Tengshi Town. Create a military fortress strong enough to serve as one of the important forces to restrain the northern forces.

This is neither bad news nor good news for Linde.

There is no doubt that if Willas's decision is followed, it will definitely disrupt his original plan, but correspondingly, the importance of the Tyrell family will also bring him greater rights. Tengshi Town will also grow rapidly with the full support of Highgarden.

"Has the future changed because of my joining?" Linde couldn't help but murmured in his heart.

In Lind's memory, Willas Tyrell has never been married to Princess Arianne Martell. It is very likely that his trip to the City of Divine Grace was due to participating in the tournament. He broke his leg and became a cripple.

The heir to Highgarden became crippled, which was a heavy blow to the entire Tyrell family. The relationship between the Tyrell family and the Martell family also became increasingly bad, and the disputes between the two places continued for more than ten years. Yes, so there is no possibility of an alliance at all.But now the situation is a little different. Even if there are some problems with Sunspear's attitude, it is undeniable that as long as there is no excessive external interference, there are basically not many problems with the marriage between Highgarden and Sunspear. The alliance with Dorne was also formed, so that the situation in the entire Westeros continent would completely deviate from the trajectory of Lind's cognition and enter an unknown direction.

"Is losing the advantage of the prophet good or bad for me?" Linde couldn't help but have a doubt in his heart.

Just when Linde felt a little headache due to the current chaotic situation, he suddenly heard a crow's cry.

Crows are not common in Shen'en City. Although there are ravens in Shen'en City, their raven nests are not very big. Moreover, at the castle, all the ravens are usually locked in cages and will not be free. Release it.

So when he heard the crow, Lind couldn't help but think of a person, and at the same time, he looked towards the place where the crow was.

He saw seven or eight ravens standing on a weirwood tree not far away from him. Without exception, these ravens all had a pair of blood-red eyes like rubies, and Lind could also see these ravens. There was a trace of black mist-like magic power exuding from the body, and these black mist-like magic powers gathered on the raven's forehead, making it look like it had a third eye.

Lind was already sure at this time that the Three-Eyed Crow was definitely using his green seer ability to look at him through the weirwood, but he didn't know when this was the Three-Eyed Crow, whether it was now, the future, or... In the past, was Bran Stark also around?

There is no doubt that the marriage between the Tyrells and the Martells, and Willas Tyrell not becoming a cripple, these things should have a great impact on the future, otherwise it would not be possible to alert the Three-Eyed Crow and come running over. understand situation.

Linde did not show too much surprise at the appearance of the Three-Eyed Crow, nor did he reveal that he knew about the existence of the Three-Eyed Crow. He just looked at the ravens, then turned and left.

After Linde left, the ravens crowed a few times and then flew away, and everything returned to calm.

Due to the temporary change of route back to Highgarden, the team from the Reach did not return to Sunspear. Instead, they crossed the bridge directly from Divine Grace City, crossed the Greenblood River, and went south to the salt coast of the Gorgenlus family. Here we are waiting for people from Sunspear City to come by boat.

The Gogenleth family can be said to be a die-hard ally of the Martell family. When Prince Doran was young, he was the attendant of the former Earl of Gogenleth and lived here for several years. The current Earl of Gogenleth, Tremond Gogan, The relationship between Genleth and the Red Viper is as close as brothers, so naturally the team received the best hospitality when they came to the Salt Coast.

During this time, the Red Viper also used ravens to notify the lords of some Dornish territories that they would need to pass when going to Highgarden, especially the lords near the Crimson Mountains.

Willas was not idle either. He also used a raven to notify Highgarden, and also notified the lords of the territories he would pass along the way, including those from the River Bend and those from the Stormlands.

For example, Nightsong City in the Stormlands is the only place to pass through the Prince's Pass. Willas wrote a special letter and ordered someone to ride a horse to Earl Byran Cullen in Nightsong City in person to show caution.

After waiting at the Salt Coast for a few days, the team from Sunspear City had also arrived.

In order to ensure the safety of the Red Viper and Princess Arianne, Prince Doran sent more than 2000 knights and warriors from Sunspear, whose size was not much smaller than Willas's team.

At the same time, he also issued a passage order as the Prince of Dorne, allowing Willas's team to pass through the territory of Dorne, giving the thousands of soldiers a legal basis to set foot on the land of Dorne.

Willas moved all the things purchased in Dorne to the ships carrying soldiers, and let these ships from the Rose Trading Company return to Old Town with the escort warships sent by Oldtown and Qingting Island and Linde's Glory. town.

Originally, Linde also thought about sending the Mustang King and the horses to Old Town by ship, and then having someone send them from Old Town to Highgarden.

However, the two wild horse kings were a little attached to him, and they became extremely irritable as long as they didn't see him for a day. When they were in Shen'en City, they kicked down the horse stalls several times, and then led the horses outside Shen'en City. There was a lot of chaos in the village, and it was quiet until Linde arrived.

So Linde finally decided to take the Mustang King and the herd with him.

During the handover of personnel and materials, Princess Arianne also met with Vilas under the leadership of Red Viper, which was considered the beginning of the marriage.

When Willas met Prince Doran at Fallingwater Gardens, he did not see Arianne Martell, because she was living in Prince Llewen's castle with her personal playmates at the time.

Arianne has a very good relationship with Prince Lewen, even better than her father, Prince Doran. She lived in Prince Lewen's castle when she was very young. After Prince Lewen became the Kingsguard, she handed over the castle to him. Gave it to Arianne, who lived in that castle for a long time.

Arianne originally thought that the castle would be hers after Prince Lewin's death, but in the end, Prince Doran temporarily entrusted it to the Red Viper, giving the Red Viper the opportunity to hand it over to Prince Lewin's true heir, Nymeria Fudley. This made She felt very dissatisfied.

This time, Arianne was also extremely reluctant to be used by Prince Doran to marry into Highgarden, because in her view, she had the inheritance rights of Dorne and would be the queen of Dorne in the future, but now she was married to Highgarden. Being one's wife is an unacceptable difference in status.

The reason why she agreed to go to Highgarden was not only to cause trouble on the road and disturb the marriage, but more importantly, she wanted to go to Tengshi Town to meet Prince Lewen's illegitimate daughter and see what she was capable of. Qualified to inherit the castle that belongs to her.

However, what was unexpected was that when she saw Willas Tyrell, she was immediately attracted to this handsome and elegant young man. It could be said that it was love at first sight.

The reason may be related to something Red Viper mentioned casually when he was drunk some time ago, that is, Willas Tyrell and Prince Levene are very similar. This is why Red Viper and Willas hit it off and quickly became good friends. reason.

As for Willas, he also has a very good impression of Arianne. This is not only because Arianne has amazing beauty, but also because Arianne has a completely different enthusiasm and initiative from the ladies of the Reach. His character gave him an unprecedented feeling.

The relationship between the two also heated up rapidly during this period. When they left the Salt Coast and arrived at the next stop, Vance City, the two had already started riding a horse together. Many people saw them kissing secretly, no matter who. It was obvious that the two of them liked each other.

At this time, not only the people in the Reach, but also the people in Dorne felt that the marriage between Highgarden and Sunspear was about to succeed. Even the Red Viper was vaguely looking forward to the marriage with Highgarden, and it seemed that he would not Just testing the Iron Throne.

Only Linde always believed that this marriage could not succeed, because he found that there were many ravens wandering around the team all the time, and it was obvious that someone would not allow this marriage to occur.

(End of this chapter)

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