Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 15 Bai Wentao breaks his leg, Sun’s plan

Chapter 15 Bai Wentao breaks his leg, Sun’s plan
After finishing everything, Bai Yuxian quietly returned home.

After naming Bai Yu for being exploited during the day, Bai Yuxian went out at night and secretly followed Bai Wentao, judging that Bai Yu would definitely take revenge on Bai Wentao tonight.

As expected, Bai Yu directly sent people to take action against Bai Wentao, and Bai Yuxian took the opportunity to take action and charge a little more interest.

Bai Yu sent someone to break off one of Bai Wentao's legs, so he temporarily broke off one of Bai Wentao's legs, just in time to give Bai Wentao a pair, and the rest would be taken care of after the hospital exam.


On the other side, the people sent by Bai Yu also returned to Bai Yu.

"Is everything done?"

"It's done, I broke one of his legs, and he will be in bed for at least the next few months."

When Bai Yu heard this, he nodded with satisfaction, feeling that the anger in his heart was finally coming out, and sneered.

"A mere bastard actually dares to plot against me. His eyes are really blinded."

"What the young master said is true. Who is Bai Wentao and what is the young master's status? How dare a lowly bastard dare to scheme against the young master? He simply doesn't know how to live or die."

The subordinates immediately followed suit, and then changed their tone as if they had thought of something.

"But now that Bai Wentao has taught him a lesson, as for Bai Yuxian, is the young master really planning to give up like this?"

give up.

Bai Yu naturally didn't want to think about it. He had seen Xiangling's beauty with his own eyes during the day. It could definitely be said that she had a beautiful face and even a heavenly beauty. Especially her pure and sweet temperament, which he had only seen in his life, but she also had a good figure. He has seen such a woman and still has the opportunity to get it, so how willing is he to give up so easily.

However, he was indeed a little wary of what Bai Yuxian said about brothers' wives not to be deceived. After all, it was related to his reputation. Although his current reputation was not very good, it would be different if he robbed the wife of his clan brother.

Moreover, what Bai Yuxian said about the next academy examination also made him a little afraid. If Bai Yuxian really passed the academy examination and gained fame, then Bai Yuxian would not be able to handle it easily, otherwise Bai Yuxian would go to the government by then. If he files a complaint, he will definitely suffer no consequences.

He pondered for a moment.

"Let's wait and see if Bai Yuxian can pass the academy examination."

If Bai Yuxian really passes the college examination and gains fame, then even if he is reluctant to give up, he will have no choice but to give up. But if Bai Yuxian fails, then...
The next day, Bai Yuxian Zhao came to the martial arts hall early to practice as usual.

However, Bai Yuxian was not the first to arrive. Like him, Bai Haowu, Bai Haowu, Bai Qingzhi, Bai Ziyu and other descendants of the Bai family had already arrived early.

Being both disciples of the collateral lineage, they know that life is not easy, so most of the disciples of the collateral lineage who enter the martial arts hall also work very hard in their cultivation.

However, the descendants of the Bai family who arrived early this morning did not practice individually as usual, but gathered together in twos and threes to discuss something.

"Jade Immortal."

"Brother Clan, Qingzi, Ziyu."

Bai Yuxian walked towards Bai Haowen, Bai Haowu, Bai Qingzhi and Bai Ziyu.

The four of them were gathering together and discussing in a low voice, when Bai Yuxian came over and whispered to Bai Yuxian.

"Yuxian, I heard that Bai Wentao was robbed and injured outside last night. His legs were broken. I'm afraid he won't be able to get out of bed for several months."

After saying that, the four of them looked at Bai Yuxian again. When they got the news at first, the four of them were surprised. Then they wondered if it was Bai Yuxian who did it. But after thinking about it, they thought it should be impossible. Bai Yuxian couldn't do it. When he first entered the martial arts hall, his cultivation strength was only at the first level of Qi and blood, but Bai Wentao had already reached the third level of Qi and blood half a year ago. Even if Bai Yuxian had the heart, he could not be Bai Wentao's opponent.

"Oh, and that's good news for me."

When Bai Yuxian heard this, his face did not show any abnormality, but instead showed a somewhat unexpected look of joy.

But he knew the whole thing clearly in his heart, and he also knew that Bai Wentao probably didn't dare to do anything to Bai Yu, so he claimed to the outside world that he was robbed and beaten, but did not dare to say that Bai Yu sent someone.

Seeing Bai Yuxian's appearance, Bai Haowu and the other four had no doubts at all, and immediately started to gloat about his misfortune.

"This is called self-death if you do many unrighteous actions."

Then the five people stopped talking and began to practice separately. 【Ding!One effort, one gain. If you practice hard, you will gain +10 in cultivation;]

【Ding!One contribution, one contribution.】

At the same time that Bai Yuxian began to practice, in a side courtyard of the inner palace.

"Bai Yuxian, Bai Yuxian, it's all him, I want him to die, I want him to die!!!"

On the bed in the wing room of the courtyard, Bai Wentao roared with an almost distorted face, his eyes full of hatred, like an extremely angry beast that wanted to devour anyone.

All because of Bai Yuxian.

Although the person who attacked him last night was sent by Bai Yu.

But if it weren't for Bai Yuxian, how could Bai Yu realize so easily that he was being used by him? And if it weren't for Bai Yuxian, how could he think of using Bai Yu to offend Bai Yu.

So everything is because of Bai Yuxian.

Bai Wentao was extremely resentful. If it weren't for Bai Yuxian, how would he have fallen to this point.

Moreover, Bai Yuxian was just a lowly collateral member, but she dared not give him face and still harmed him to this extent.

If Bai Yuxian is not dead, he will definitely not be able to swallow this breath.

As for Bai Yu, he naturally didn't dare to think too much about offending him. After all, Bai Yu was a direct descendant of the Bai family.

"Mother, I want that White Jade Immortal to die!"

Bai Wentao looked at the plump middle-aged woman in front of the bed.

The beautiful middle-aged woman is Bai Wentao's biological mother Sun, and Sun is Bai He's concubine.

"Okay, mother will definitely not let him have an easy time. Tao'er, please rest in peace and recuperate first. Mother will definitely make Bai Yuxian pay the price for this matter."

Seeing her only son lying on the bed unable to move and his legs broken, Mrs. Sun's heart ached like a knife and her hatred was overwhelming.

That Bai Yuxian was really nothing, and he actually harmed her, Tao'er, to such an extent.

"Didn't he want to take the college exam to gain fame and get ahead? Then my mother would let him fail the exam first."

Sun's eyes turned cold and she began to make calculations in her heart.

The moment she started calculating, she realized that the next college examination was definitely Bai Yuxian's top priority. If she could pass it, Bai Yuxian would definitely be able to stand out and her status in the mansion would rise. Even if she passed Qiu Xian again in the future, If you take the test or the spring test, it will really skyrocket.

For a lowly descendant like Bai Yuxian, the imperial examination was the only way out.

And what she has to do now is to completely cut off Bai Yuxian's way out.

And it is easy for her to do this, and it doesn't cost much at all. She only needs to wait until the day of the college exam, and when Bai Yuxian goes to take the exam, find a way to find someone to stop Bai Yuxian on the road to make him miss the college exam time. Then Bai Yuxian's opportunity for the college examination was completely over.

And as long as Bai Yuxian misses the college examination, there is no need to think too much about his fame. If he wants to take the exam again, he will have to wait at least a year.

But in this year, as long as Bai Yuxian didn't have fame to protect her and was just a lowly affiliate, she had plenty of means to crush him to death.

Thinking of this, Sun made an instant decision in her heart.

You, Bai Yuxian, still want to take the imperial examination, so I will cut off your path to the imperial examination first.

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(End of this chapter)

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