Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty


486 Chapters Ongoing Status

In the first year of Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty, Li Taibai was enshrined in the Hanlin Academy. Bai Yuxian traveled through time and came to this world. He thought it was the historical style of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but afte


In the first year of Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty, Li Taibai was enshrined in the Hanlin Academy. Bai Yuxian traveled through time and came to this world. He thought it was the historical style of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but after learning about the situation, he found out that it was the mythical style. Yang Guifei's dance captivated the world. He could understand it. , but what the hell is Li Taibai opening the Heavenly Gate with his sword, and what the hell is Gao Shi breaking mountains and rivers with one shot...
Bai Yuxian felt that this world was not normal. Why did the historical style that I promised suddenly become a mythical style?
Fortunately at this moment——
【Ding!One effort, one gain. If you study hard for an hour, you will gain +20 knowledge;]
【Ding!One effort, one gain. If you practice hard for an hour, you will get +10 cultivation;]
【Ding!A sacrifice, a reward, you practice hard for an hour, trigger the [Warrior] fate acquisition condition, the acquisition progress +1, the current acquisition progress is [1/100];]
【Ding! ...]
【Ding!One point of effort, one point of gain, you get the golden fate [Sword Immortal] to get clues...;]
[Sword Immortal]: Golden destiny, a sword coming from the west, a flying fairy from the sky, you are the fairy among swords, you can master any sword technique in the world at a glance, your sword skills will be greatly improved, and your sword technique training efficiency will be increased a hundred times; 】
Seeing the golden finger that came online in time, Bai Yuxian's frown instantly relaxed.
This is normal.

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