Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 7: January in a hurry, martial arts energy and blood

Chapter 7: One month in a hurry, martial arts energy and blood
In the days that followed, Bai Yuxian still stayed at home every day, reading and practicing in the courtyard.

Two hours a day are spent practicing martial arts, five hours are spent studying hard, and the remaining time is spent eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom.

The speed of martial arts training has not changed at all. After practicing for two hours a day, you will get a steady improvement of 20 points in cultivation, and an improvement of 10 points in one hour. The progress of obtaining the [Warrior] destiny is also fixed at 2 points per day, and 1 point in one hour.

However, when it comes to studying, Bai Yuxian's efficiency has doubled after he obtained the fate of "Scholar". He can clearly feel that it is obviously easier for him to study now. He even has a feeling that his knowledge is improving every day. Increased sensation in quick lift.

Moreover, Bai Yuxian clearly discovered that after obtaining the blessing of [Scholar] Fate, the speed of obtaining [Inspiration] Fate has also increased. In many cases, the previous [Inspiration] Fate could not obtain 1 in a day. Points of progress value, but now he can get at least 1 point of progress value of [Inspiration] every day, and even occasionally can get 2 points of progress value.

Bai Yuxian speculated that it was the blessing of [Scholar] destiny that improved his understanding of knowledge and accelerated the efficiency of acquiring knowledge, thus greatly increasing the probability of his own quick thinking and inspiration.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for him, and it also makes Bai Yuxian more motivated.

With such a golden finger, he can live forever.

At the same time, in the Wuhou Mansion, after more than half a month, the news that Bai Yuxian had started practicing martial arts had spread in the Bai family, which once again aroused a lot of discussion.

There are also some harsh and malicious remarks with bad intentions.

It is said that Bai Yuxian turned to martial arts because he was worried about failing the next college exam. Bai Yuxian fainted before because he was worried about failing the college exam and the pressure was too much.

Many people even directly gloated about the misfortune, as if they were waiting to see a joke, as if they were certain that Bai Yuxian would fail the next hospital examination.

Although Bai Yuxian has been staying close to home during this period, she is not completely unaware of these comments made by the Bai family, and is really deaf to what is going on outside the window.

However, Bai Yuxian did not pay attention to these remarks.

In this world, there will never be a shortage of jealous people who can't see the good in others, and just wish that everyone in the world would be worse off than him.

Bai Yuxian never pays much attention to this kind of people, because this kind of people are destined to be from the same world as him from the beginning. The facts in the future will definitely slap the narrow-mindedness of this kind of people in the face.

Villains are always jealous and don't see the good of others, but gentlemen know how to constantly strive to improve themselves and emulate the strong.

Time always passes quickly when people are concentrating on doing things.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month passed quietly and it entered August.

At this time, Bai Yuxian was in the courtyard.

【Ding!A hard work, a reward. You practice hard for an hour and get +10 cultivation. The current practice progress is: "Mingzun Martial Classic·Qi and Blood Chapter" [First level: 1000/1000];]

【Ding!One effort, one gain. If you practice hard for an hour, [Warrior] will gain +1 progress in destiny, and the current progress is [100/100];]

After more than a month of training, the progress of the first level of "Ming Zun Martial Arts: Qi and Blood Chapter" and the progress of obtaining the [Warrior] fate were finally fully satisfied by the White Jade Immortal Gan.

The moment when Goldfinger gives the prompt [Ming Zun Martial Arts Chapter: Qi and Blood], the progress of the first level of cultivation is full.


Bai Yuxian suddenly felt that the blood in his body suddenly boiled uncontrollably, as if the blood in his body came to life.

Then it buzzed.

Bai Yuxian felt as if the blood in his body erupted like a volcano for an instant, and then the hot blood exploded and flowed all over his limbs and body.


It feels like the whole person is soaked in a comfortable hot spring all at once, and the whole body is soaked in it from the inside out, as if it has undergone a full-body baptism from the inside out.

Extremely comfortable.

The whole process lasted for nearly a moment.

Then it slowly calmed down.

But after calming down, Bai Yuxian instantly felt as if his whole person had been reborn. He felt that his body was full of power, and his entire body seemed to have completed a transformation and evolution. His condition was indescribably good. At the same time, at this moment he I feel that I can still clearly feel the blood in my body, and feel the flow of my blood in my body, like a warm current.

With the flow of this warm blood, it also continuously provides power and strength to your body.

"Martial arts energy and blood!"

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but clenched his fist in excitement, feeling the surge of power in his body and his physical fitness that had been greatly improved after the breakthrough.

Then the information panel was called up——

Name: Bai Yuxian;

Cultivation: The first level of martial arts energy and blood;
Kung Fu: "Mingzun Martial Arts Chapter: Qi and Blood" [Level 0: 2000/[-]];
Fate: scholar [green], warrior [green], inspiration [acquiring: 50/100], scribe [acquiring: 160/1000];
The original column of cultivation has changed from nothing at the beginning to the first level of martial arts qi and blood. This undoubtedly means that Bai Yuxian has completely entered the martial arts and set foot in the martial arts qi and blood realm. Although it is only the first level of martial arts qi and blood, it has also been completely completed. getting Started.

The practice progress of the "Mingzun Martial Code: Qi and Blood Chapter" in the Kung Fu column has also changed from the original first level to the second level. However, compared to the first level, the breakthrough cultivation value of the second level has doubled. From the original 1000 to 2000, the current progress is still 0.

Finally, in terms of destiny, at the same time as the cultivation breakthrough, Bai Yuxian's [Warrior] destiny acquisition progress was also at full value, and Bai Yuxian successfully acquired it. [Martial Artist]: Green destiny, slightly weakening the breakthrough barrier of the martial arts realm, and increasing the efficiency of martial arts practice by 3 times.

As a result, Bai Yuxian now has two green fates: [Scholar] and [Warrior], and he happens to be one of civilized and one martial.

The remaining [Inspiration] and [Scribe] fates that are still being acquired have also seen a significant improvement in their progress values ​​over the past month.

[Inspiration] The progress value of Fate has reached 50. According to the current speed, it should be available in more than a month.

The progress value of [Scribe] has also reached 160, but it is still a long way from being obtained.

"Finally a breakthrough, then it's time to go to the martial arts hall."

But before that, I still need to take a shower and change clothes.

Because Bai Yuxian discovered that after his martial arts breakthrough and entering the Qi and Blood realm, his body also had a layer of sticky internal impurities like grease, which was very sticky and smelly.

After a while, Bai Yuxian quickly took a shower and put on clean clothes. After saying something to his sister Xiangling, Bai Yuxian walked towards the martial arts hall.

It was at sunset. In a pavilion of the inner palace, Mrs. Zhen had just finished her day and was about to return. She was pestered by several women who asked questions with apparent concern.

"Sister Zhen, Brother Xian has been practicing for some time. How is your situation recently?"

"I would say that Brother Xian is the same. I came up with this idea as soon as possible. The college entrance examination is coming soon. The college entrance examination should be the most important thing. How can I be distracted at this time."

"That's right, Sister Zhen, you have to advise Brother Xian well about this. Besides, cultivation is not something that happens overnight. If Brother Xian really wants to practice, he should start early. In this way, if he can get started with martial arts before , you can also enter the martial arts hall and enjoy the cultivation of the resources of the clan, without spending money at home, otherwise, if this poor scholar and rich martial artist really wants to practice martial arts, how can ordinary people afford it?"

"No, what I'm most afraid of is that when the time comes, I won't be able to learn martial arts well, and I won't be good at writing, and will fail at both ends. That's the most uncomfortable thing."

"When manpower is exhausted, talent is the most important thing. If you think about everything, it is often easy to achieve nothing."

"Sister Zhen, please give Brother Xian some good advice. It's already August, and the academy examination is coming next month. Brother Xian, don't let Brother Xian fail to pass the academy examination because he didn't learn martial arts. That’s what it is.”

Several women were chattering away, and on the surface they seemed to really care about Zhen and Bai Yuxian, but if you look carefully at their eyes and faces, you can see the disdain in their eyes.

I also want to learn martial arts while studying literature.

I really think I have both civil and military skills.

I think it's true that I wanted to turn around and learn martial arts because I wasn't sure about the academy exam.

Several women thought with disdain.

Zhen just smiled and didn't say much. Ever since the news about Yuxian's martial arts training spread a month ago, these people have often pestered her to ask about the situation. On the surface, they seemed to be concerned, but deep down in her heart, she knew very well that These people hope that if Yuxian is not good at writing or martial arts, then they will laugh at her.

At this moment, an abrupt but gentle voice suddenly sounded at the door.


Bai Yuxian's figure suddenly appeared at the door.

"Jade Immortal."

"Brother Xian?!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of Bai Yuxian, Zhen and several women present were stunned.

"Jade Immortal has met all the aunts."

Bai Yuxian politely said hello to several women and bowed.

"Brother Xian, this is it."

Several women looked at Bai Yuxian in confusion, wondering why Bai Yuxian suddenly appeared here.

"Yuxian, why are you here?" Madam Zhen also asked, looking at her son. However, after spending time together for a long time, she felt keenly that there seemed to be something different about Bai Yuxian today. He seemed to be particularly energetic. , giving her a feeling of vitality.

"Going back to mother, I was preparing to go to the martial arts hall. I happened to hear the voices of mother and aunts passing by, so I came here."

"Go to the Wutang. Why is Brother Xian going to the Wutang?" Several women looked at Bai Yuxian suspiciously.

"It's nothing, it's just that the training during this period of time has finally paid off. I was lucky enough to enter the Qi and Blood realm before I started martial arts. Calculating my age, I still have about ten days to surpass it, so I plan to go to the martial arts hall and apply to enter in the future. Practice in the martial arts hall.”

Bai Yuxian still said calmly.

The faces of several women froze when they heard the words, and their voices sounded as if someone had strangled their necks.

Zhen couldn't help but look surprised for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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