Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 33: Rapid progress, the Imperial College entrance exam is coming!

Chapter 33: Rapid progress, the Imperial College entrance exam is coming!


The familiar feeling of breakthrough came over me.

With the breakthrough in cultivation and the surge of qi and blood in the body, Bai Yuxian's entire physical quality and physical strength have once again improved to a higher level.

In the days that followed, Bai Yuxian's cultivation level also improved rapidly. With the help of the powerful medicinal bath effect of Ten Silver Pair, with daily practice and medicinal bath, Bai Yuxian could gain 400 points of cultivation value in one day. .

Such an efficient improvement in cultivation also made Bai Yuxian's entire cultivation improve by leaps and bounds.

Less than thirteen days after Bai Yuxian broke through to the fourth realm of martial arts qi and blood, his cultivation reached another breakthrough, and he successfully broke through to the fifth realm of martial arts qi and blood.

Then half a month later, Bai Yuxian's cultivation level broke through again and reached the sixth level of martial arts energy and blood.

If word of this speed of cultivation spreads, it would probably cause a sensation in the entire Bai family of Wuhou Mansion.

Especially after reaching the sixth level of Qi and Blood in martial arts cultivation, Bai Yuxian's physical strength has reached a thousand kilograms. He can easily lift a thousand kilograms of boulders with both hands, and his strength can withstand a tripod. In terms of pure physical strength, he is now almost the same as ordinary people. The warriors at the ninth level of martial arts and blood are on par with each other.

"The sixth level of martial arts energy and blood!"

After completing the breakthrough, feeling the majestic blood and seemingly inexhaustible strength in her body, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but smile.

Originally, before receiving the gold and silver money from Han Shiyin, with his cultivation speed at that time, he could only break through to the fifth level of martial arts energy and blood in the period before the Imperial College entrance examination.

As a result, thanks to Han Shiyin's financial support, after upgrading the medicated bath, his cultivation level was directly improved to the sixth level of martial arts, Qi and blood, allowing him to directly move up a level from his original cultivation speed.

This is the advantage of a rich woman.

Women will indeed affect the speed of his cultivation, but rich women will definitely not.

According to the current speed, before the end of this year, he can even break through to the ninth level of martial arts energy and blood, and if he upgrades the medicinal bath, it can even be faster.

"According to the current progress of my training, I am expected to compete in next year's martial arts examination."

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but think.

In this world, in addition to the liberal arts examinations, the imperial examinations in the Tang Dynasty also included the martial arts examinations. Although the status of the martial arts examinations was far less high than that of the liberal arts examinations, there would definitely be a lot of benefits if high schools could take the martial arts examinations.

According to the martial arts examination system of the Tang Dynasty, the martial arts examination is held every three years in October after the autumn examination of each liberal arts examination. The age must not exceed 30 years old. First, register in various places and pass the preliminary selection. After passing the preliminary selection, they will come to the capital to participate in the competition selection. , and finally selected one Wu Zhuangyuan, ten Wu Jinshi, and 100 Wu Juren based on their strength.

In terms of scale, the martial arts examination is definitely far inferior to the liberal arts examination, but if you can win the martial arts examination, the martial arts examination, especially the martial arts champion, the benefits are still great.

Especially Wu Zhuangyuan.

According to the situation of the previous martial arts examinations in the Tang Dynasty, if the cultivation strength can reach the Xuangang realm, then there is a great chance to compete for the martial arts champion. If the cultivation strength can reach the peak of the Jin Dynasty, there is a great chance to compete for the martial arts champion. scholar.

After all, there is almost one year left between now and the martial arts examination next year.

In one year's time, Bai Yuxian felt that he might not have the chance to hit the Xuangang Realm, and then compete for the top spot in martial arts.

In addition, there will be autumn exams next September.

First, set a small goal for yourself. Next fall, try to get No. 1 Jie Yuan in the Liberal Arts Examination, and try to get No. 1 Wu Zhuang Yuan in the Martial Arts Examination.

Of course, these are all things for next year, which is still almost a year away.

The most urgent task for Bai Yuxian is to focus on the present.

"It's time to prepare for the Imperial College entrance exam."

Now it has entered October, and there are only three days left before the Imperial College entrance examination is held.

This is an opportunity for him to rise to the top, and Bai Yuxian naturally doesn't want to miss it. As long as he passes the Imperial College entrance exam and becomes a student of the Imperial College, his status will skyrocket, let alone the entire Bai family in Wuhou Mansion. , even in the entire capital Chang'an, it will have an extraordinary status.

Although the status of a supervisor in the Imperial College is not a person of fame, it is not fame, but it is better than fame.Bai Yuxian then called out Golden Finger to check his current specific information.

Name: Bai Yuxian;

Cultivation: Sixth level of martial arts Qi and blood;
Kung Fu: "Mingzun Martial Arts Chapter: Qi and Blood Chapter" [Level 0: 7000/[-]];
After successfully reaching the sixth level of martial arts Qi and Blood, the cultivation level required to break through to the seventh level of "Ming Zun Martial Arts: Qi and Blood Chapter" is 20. According to Bai Yuxian's current cultivation speed, it takes more than half a month and [-] days. It will take less time to break through.

In addition, the progress of obtaining the three fates of [Scribe], [Martial Chi] and [Huixin] has also made great progress. The progress of obtaining the two fates of [Scribe] and [Martial Chi] has exceeded [-], and [Martial Chi] 】The progress of obtaining fate has officially exceeded the progress of obtaining 【Scribe】's fate.

[Wisdom Heart] has the fastest progress in obtaining fate, and has reached more than 300. According to the current progress of obtaining three fates, [Wisdom Heart] will probably be the first blue fate he obtains, and there are three more. It should take about a month to obtain it, followed by the [Martial Chi] destiny, and finally the [Scribe] destiny.

After obtaining these three blue fortunes, Bai Yuxian's martial arts practice speed and reading knowledge improvement speed will definitely usher in another leap.

"Three or four months."

In about three or four months, these three fates will be obtained one after another.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

The Imperial College Entrance Examination held by the Hanlin Academy has officially arrived.

This morning, Bai Yuxian put on a new white Confucian shirt that his mother bought for him a few days ago. He tied a white silver moire belt around his waist, wore moire white cloth shoes, and tied his long hair with a white ribbon. After this new look, his youthful appearance became even more beautiful, as elegant as a young man in troubled times.

Anyone who sees him can't help but sigh at what a handsome young man he is.

"My mother and sister are waiting for my good news at home."

After finishing breakfast, getting dressed and checking the exam token before leaving, Bai Yuxian smiled at his mother Zhen and sister Xiangling.

"Okay, I also wish my son Dapeng to spread his wings and rise to great heights." Mrs. Zhen also smiled and expressed her heartfelt wishes.

"Brother Yuxian can definitely do it." Xiangling also cheered Bai Yuxian.

Bai Yuxian smiled and nodded. With the support of his family's blessings, he felt more motivated and confident in his heart.

After bidding farewell to his mother and sister, Bai Yusheng turned around and walked out of the house no longer.

"Young Master Jade Fairy."

"I've met Mr. Jade Fairy."

"Oh, today is the Imperial College Entrance Examination. We are waiting to wish Mr. Yuxian that he will be admitted to high school."

"Thank you all for your good wishes"

After leaving home, he walked through many courtyards and corridors of the foreign government. Along the way, he met many people from the foreign government, who were extremely warm and polite to him. Most of them also knew that he was going to take the Imperial College entrance examination today.

Since he gained fame in the high school examination a month ago, Bai Yuxian's status in the entire Wuhou Mansion has been visibly improved. Especially in this outer mansion, almost everyone is polite to him. Bai Yuxian didn't put on any airs, he smiled and nodded politely in response.

Soon after leaving Wuhou Mansion, Bai Yuxian rushed directly to Taiyuan University.

The Imperial Academy entrance exam held by the Hanlin Academy is still at Taiyuan University.

However, unlike the college examination, the exam time for the Imperial College Entrance Examination is much shorter. The exam lasts only five hours, almost a day. After the exam, all candidates are not allowed to leave the exam room and need to wait in the exam room overnight.

This is because the test papers for the Imperial College Entrance Examination will be reviewed by the Hanlin Academy overtime the night after the exam is completed, and then the results will be announced directly to the admitted students the next morning.

In other words, if Bai Yuxian goes to take the exam now, he will finish the exam during the day. After the exam, he will have to stay in the exam room overnight, and then wait until early tomorrow morning for the exam results to come out.

Whether you pass the exam and become a supervisor of the Imperial College will be known tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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