Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 32 I want money, and I also want people.

Chapter 32 I want money, and I also want people.

At night, I looked at the maid Qingmei beside Han Shiyin who had returned, especially the small box in her hand that contained gold, silver, jade and other money.

Bai Yuxian fell into deep thought.

Although there is no specific breakdown of this money, if it is converted into silver, it amounts to several thousand taels at least. For him now, it is definitely a huge sum of money, and it is enough for him to do many things.

Bai Yuxian's idea now is that he wants this money, and even Han Shiyin from now on, but he doesn't want to show it.

What should I do?
Looking at the expressionless Bai Yuxian who suddenly fell into silence, Qingmei thought that it was just as her lady said, Bai Yuxian's self-esteem was hurt and Bai Yuxian was angry, so she quickly said again.

"Don't get me wrong, Mr. Yuxian. The lady said that these money were lent to Mr. Yuxian. When Mr. Yuxian gets rich from the imperial examination and high school, it will not be too late to pay it back."

When Bai Yuxian heard this, he immediately felt relieved, thinking that it would be easier if he said this, and immediately pondered again.

"Sister Shiyin is interested. Now that I am practicing martial arts, I really need money. Since Sister Shiyin is sincere, I won't be too polite to shirk it. However, with such a large amount of money, there are still necessary procedures. In this way , wait for me to write an IOU, and Miss Qingmei will bring it back to Sister Shiyin, so this money will be considered as my loan to Sister Shiyin, and I will definitely pay it back twice as much in the future."

Well, hundreds of millions and hundreds of millions.

After saying that, Bai Yuxian quickly turned back to the yard, wrote an IOU, handed it to Qingmei.

Seeing Bai Yuxian neatly write out the IOU, Qingmei felt moved in her heart, thinking that the young lady had indeed seen the right person. Mr. Yuxian was really a gentleman, much better than those greedy and lustful men.

No, comparing those dog men with Mr. Jade Fairy is simply an insult to Mr. Jade Fairy.

"Okay, then Mr. Yuxian, I will go back and report to the young lady."

"Please convey my thanks to Sister Shiyin on my behalf."

Watching Qingmei leave, Bai Yuxian also turned back to the courtyard.


As soon as she turned around and returned to the courtyard, she saw her mother Zhen.

"Miss Shiyin is the granddaughter of the old lady, and I heard that Bai Yusheng has always had a soft spot for Miss Shiyin. The old lady seems to have this intention as well. Please pay more attention." Madam Zhen looked at Bai Yuxian, with a feeling in her heart. A little proud and a little worried.

"Don't worry, mother, the child will be careful and careful. Besides, the child only borrowed this from sister Shiyin." Bai Yuxian grinned.

Still borrowed.

I’ve already called Sister Shiyin, why don’t you still plan to do it?

I think you want money and people.

When Mrs. Zhen heard this, she rolled her eyes at Bai Yuxian angrily, thinking that even a mother like me would be too embarrassed to point this out.

As the saying goes, a wise child is like a mother, so how could she not see what kind of attention Bai Yuxian paid to her.

"You have grown up and have your own thoughts when doing things, but remember that you need to think twice before doing anything, and remember not to hurt the people who really care about you."

"What mother teaches is that children must remember it."

At this time, Xiangling also came out of the inner courtyard and told him that the medicinal bath was ready.

After taking a medicinal bath, Bai Yuxian continued to read at night.

【Ding!A hard work, a hard work, you study hard and gain +40 knowledge;]

As he read again at night, Bai Yuxian's knowledge steadily increased again. Xiangling sat beside him as usual and helped light the lamp. Bai Yuxian brought water to Bai Yuxian when he was thirsty.

It feels really good to read at night with red sleeves and Tianxiang.

And while Bai Yuxian was reading quietly at night, the inner palace was in a state of chaos again.

After learning that his beloved sister Shiyin not only went to Bai Yuxian but also gave most of his private money to Bai Yuxian, Bai Yusheng couldn't help but burst into tears again.

As for losing his temper, Bai Yusheng is obviously already very good at it.

First, he cried, then made trouble, and then hanged himself.

Then when Mrs. Bai arrived, she tried to throw her companion Baoyu. When she was finally stopped, she threw herself into Mrs. Bai's arms and cried bitterly.

And Mrs. Bai has always doted on Bai Yusheng's baby, and firmly believed that Bai Yusheng was the future of their entire Bai family.Seeing Bai Yusheng so aggrieved and crying, it was so good that her heart was aching from crying. She immediately asked about the situation and learned that the reason was because Fairy Queen Bai Yu couldn't help but feel angry. She had said to Bai Yu last time in the garden. I had no good impressions of Xian at all, but I didn’t expect that this time it would be because of Bai Yuxian.

But now that Bai Yuxian has fame and is still a junior student, and has also obtained a quota to participate in the Imperial College entrance examination held by the Hanlin Academy, she does not dare to punish Bai Yuxian easily, otherwise, if Bai Yuxian really passes the exam next month and becomes a What should the Imperial College students do?

Besides, if Bai Yuxian really wanted to be punished for this matter, she would not be justified if Bai Yuxian was angry and went to the government just because of his fame.

But how could he give up when his precious grandson was crying so sadly and suffered such injustice?

In the end, Mrs. Bai directly scolded Han Shiyin and ordered Han Shiyin to be banned from leaving the inner palace for a month. In addition, Han Shiyin's maid Qingmei was made to kneel for an hour. Han Shiyin also cried in grievance for half the night.

"This old lady Bai."

The next morning, the news of Han Shiyin's punishment spread throughout the Wuhou Mansion. Bai Yuxian also got the news and couldn't help but shake his head.

Mrs. Bai is indeed too partial to Bai Yusheng, but the more she is like this, she will only make Bai Yusheng more and more useless. At the same time, the hearts of people in the inner palace will become more and more scattered, and they will only become more alienated from Bai Yusheng. .

No wonder Bai Yusheng became like this.

If we really talk about talent, Bai Yusheng is definitely not bad. After all, he was selected as a scholar at the age of 15. There is no doubt about this talent. If he is well cultivated, Bai Yusheng may really become a talent and become the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion. future pillars.

But unfortunately, today's Bai Yusheng, unless he can realize his enlightenment one day, is basically useless.

However, Bai Yuxian doesn't care whether Bai Yu is born or not. It has nothing to do with him anyway. For him, the most important thing now is to continue to work hard to improve and strengthen himself. If the resources of the Bai family can be used, he will use them as much as possible. When he After he truly grows up, he will definitely go out and reopen the mansion.

Bai Yuxian planned three stages for her future life.

The first stage is the latent cultivation stage. In this stage, you will continue to work hard in both civil and military affairs, and then pass the civil and military examinations to gain fame, until you can truly become an official and establish yourself in the Tang Dynasty.

In the second stage, after completing the first stage, gaining fame and standing in the court, continue to work hard to climb up, and strive to become a military governor before the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion, establish control of one's own forces, and strive to become princes and ministers.

In the third stage, after the Anshi Rebellion broke out, they acted according to the opportunity, fought for the throne, and conquered the world.

Bai Yuxian felt that he might be a bit rebellious. Even before he became an official, he had already thought about how to seek government and usurp the throne in the future.

But having said that, if you have the ability and the opportunity.

A man is born in heaven and earth, how can he live in a state of depression for a long time?

During the day, he practiced steadily in Wutang for another five hours a day, and then returned home at sunset to prepare for a medicinal bath.

But today's medicinal bath Bai Yuxian has been upgraded.

The originally one-silver-pair medicinal bath was upgraded to a ten-silver-pair medicinal bath.

The money that Han Shiyin sent him last night amounted to several thousand taels, which was enough to support his use of a ten-silver-pair medicinal bath.

In fact, there are better medicated baths that cost a hundred silvers per pair, but after thinking about it, Bai Yuxian decided to use the ten-yin ones for the time being. After all, although Han Shiyin gave him a lot of money this time, it was only a one-time use after all. Once it's over, it's gone, and he still doesn't have a stable source of money.

For higher value medicinal baths, wait until you get more money later, especially when you have a stable way to obtain money.

A medicated bath worth ten silver dollars is not bad at all.

Soon, Xiangling prepared the medicinal bath, and Bai Yuxian couldn't help but look forward to it.

I hope he won't be disappointed with the effect of the medicinal bath worth ten silvers.

In the end, Bai Yuxian was not disappointed with the effects of the ten-yin-pair medicinal bath. The entire medicinal bath increased his cultivation by 250 points, which was more than what he could gain from normal practice in a day. A lot higher.

If we add in the 150 cultivation points he has steadily gained through practicing every day, then in the future he can gain 400 cultivation points every day by soaking in a medicinal bath worth ten silvers a day.

And the cultivation level he needs to break through to the fourth level of martial arts energy and blood is only 4000 points.

Seeing this effect, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but smile instantly.

"Sure enough, a woman will affect the speed of my cultivation, but a rich woman will definitely not."

Then the next day, Bai Yuxian's cultivation level broke through and he reached the fourth realm of martial arts energy and blood.

(End of this chapter)

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