Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 31 The North Wind is Xiaoxiao, Snowflakes Are Fluttering

Chapter 31 The North Wind is Xiaoxiao, Snowflakes Are Fluttering

Time is like running water, passing by quietly.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye, and Bai Yuxian's life once again entered a state of diligent study. Her cultivation, knowledge, and destiny acquisition progress were steadily improving every day.

Especially for martial arts cultivation, with the blessing of daily medicinal baths, the speed of improvement can be said to be rapid.

But at this moment, a person who surprised Bai Yuxian suddenly appeared at the door.

"Miss Shiyin?"

At sunset that day, Bai Yuxian, who had just returned home from practicing in the martial arts hall, couldn't help but look in surprise at Han Shiyin who came to the door dressed as a lady in gauze.

Why did Han Shiyin come suddenly?

He was suspicious in his heart, but on the surface he recovered quickly and bowed politely.

"I've met Miss Shiyin."

Han Shiyin is the granddaughter of Mrs. Bai. She is very beautiful, well-behaved and talented. She is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, so she is deeply loved by Mrs. Bai. Moreover, her father is also a court official with a high official position. However, because his father was dismissed by the court He was sent to Lingnan to serve as an official and his mother died of illness, so Han Shiyin stayed in Bai's house in Wuhou Mansion in these years.

Although she was staying, because she was deeply loved by Mrs. Bai, Han Shiyin also had a high status in the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion. Besides Bai Yusheng, Mrs. Bai loved Han Shiyin the most.

Behind Han Shiyin was a slim, fair-skinned and beautiful girl who looked to be about fifteen or sixteen years old. She was Han Shiyin's personal maid Qingmei.

Looking at Bai Yuxian in front of her, especially the first time she had such close contact face to face, Han Shiyin suddenly couldn't help feeling nervous, especially when she looked at Bai Yuxian's handsome face and dark eyes as deep as stars up close. , she felt that she was afraid to look directly, and she hurriedly said after hearing Bai Yuxian's words.

"Brother Yuxian, there's no need to be so polite. Just call me Shiyin."

"The etiquette cannot be discarded. I wonder if Miss Shiyin suddenly came to Yuxian's house today. What's the matter?" Bai Yuxian said.

Han Shiyin's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she suddenly became a little shy and hesitated when speaking. She whispered as if she was a little embarrassed.

"Shiyin wrote a poem recently and would like to ask Brother Yuxian for help in correcting it."

After saying that, his eyes were a little afraid to look at Bai Yuxian.

In fact, she mainly wanted to come and have contact with Bai Yuxian. Poems and everything were just excuses.

Bai Yuxian saw Han Shiyin suddenly become shy, and suddenly understood.

Girl Huaichun is always a poem.

This is especially true for a young and talented girl like Han Shiyin.

From the previous meeting with Bai Yuxian in the garden, we can basically tell that Han Shiyin is basically a relatively young girl, and this kind of girl is actually the best to seduce if you find a way.

As long as you are handsome enough and have some talents that can arouse the other person's resonance and stimulate the G-spot in the other person's heart, it is basically easy to win over a girl like this.

In her previous life, Bai Yuxian had been involved in the literary and art circles before she got married. With her ceiling-level looks and a little bit of talent, she almost became a celebrity in the literary and art circles. She was a well-known artistic male god in the literary and art circles. It's not that he couldn't hold it anymore in the end, so he could wander inside until he lost contact.

Of course, the premise is that you need to be handsome, which is also the most important thing.

But in terms of appearance, there is no doubt about Bai Yuxian's appearance. No matter in the previous life or in this life, he doesn't know what his opponent is.

There is no doubt that Han Shiyin suddenly came to the door this time. Looking at the shy look in front of him, I am afraid that he unknowingly attracted Han Shiyin in the garden before.

If Bai Baoyu, Bai Yusheng, knew about this, the north wind would blow and the snowflakes would fall again.

Thinking of a certain scene, Bai Yuxian suddenly couldn't help but laugh in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface.

"So that's what happened, but now that the Imperial College entrance exam is coming soon, Yuxian still needs to prepare for the exam with all his strength, and he has to study later. I'm afraid I won't be able to help Miss Shiyin for the time being."

However, although Han Shiyin's thoughts have been guessed.

But Bai Yuxian doesn't have time to have sex here now. He doesn't even have enough time to practice and study. He also helps Han Shiyin to correct her. How can he have so much time?

Women will only affect the speed of his cultivation and study.

Han Shiyin was stunned when she heard this. She had come over with the poem she had written today with great expectations, thinking that she could get in touch with Bai Yuxian, but she didn't expect that Bai Yuxian refused directly.

Qingmei behind Han Shiyin was also stunned, not expecting this result at all.

"It's the sudden tone of poetry that disturbs cousin Yuxian. I won't do it anymore. Qingmei, let's go."

When she came back to her senses, Han Shiyin suddenly burst into tears. After saying this, she turned around and wanted to leave. She couldn't help but feel sad and aggrieved. She had come here happily, but she didn't expect Bai Yuxian to refuse so decisively.

Paid by mistake.

Good guy, I was a Yuxian brother just now, and now I have suddenly become a Yuxian cousin.

Bai Yuxian thought, and then called Han Shiyin.

"Sister Shiyin, wait a minute." The title also changed to Sister Shiyin.

Han Shiyin, who was still feeling aggrieved, couldn't help but feel dissatisfied when she heard Bai Yuxian's voice. She stopped in her steps and turned her head to look at Bai Yuxian with aggrieved and stubborn face. "How could I not know about Sister Shiyin's thoughts, but poetry is originally a pleasure for leisure time, but now, I have not accomplished my achievements, I am poor, and I have the breeze on my sleeves, so how can I have more luxury?"

"How dare you enter the prosperous world if you are poor; how dare you mislead a beautiful woman if you have the breeze on your sleeves."

After saying this, Bai Yuxian cupped her hands towards Han Shiyin.

Han Shiyin's heart suddenly trembled, especially when she looked at Bai Yuxian, who was dressed in a poor dress, she felt that her heart was about to melt.

It turns out that Brother Yuxian has me in his heart, but after all, Brother Yuxian is not me. He has been well-dressed and well-fed since he was a child.

Then think about the information about Bai Yuxian that I learned during this period.

It was because of my lack of consideration that I didn't think about Brother Yuxian's situation at all.

Instantly, a feeling of shame emerged from Han Shiyin's heart, and she couldn't help but look at Bai Yuxian guiltily.

"Brother Yuxian, I."

"Sister Shiyin, don't think too much. I know what sister Shiyin wants, but now that my achievements have not been completed, I really have no time to do anything else. Today I can only live up to sister Shiyin's good intentions."

Han Shiyin quickly shook her head: "No, it's because Shiyin was abrupt today and failed to think things through."

"If I can pass the Imperial College Entrance Examination next month and Sister Shiyin is still interested, I will discuss poetry with Sister Shiyin."

"Okay, then after the Imperial College Entrance Examination next month, Shiyin will come to see Brother Yuxian again. Shiyin also believes that with Brother Yuxian's talent, he will definitely be able to pass in one fell swoop."

The expression on Han Shiyin's face suddenly turned into surprise again, and then she happily took Qingmei back to the inner palace.

Seeing Han Shiyin leaving happily, Bai Yuxian also had a smile on his face, with only two words in his heart.

Take it.

This goes without saying for a young girl like Han Shiyin, especially a young girl with clear eyes and a stupid and inexperienced girl.

Although women will affect the speed of his practice and study now, can he grasp it first and save it for later use?

Mature men all know to keep fish for spare tires.

What's more, in this world where three wives and four concubines are legal, it is even more important to raise fish ponds.

On the other side, Han Shiyin also returned to the other courtyard where she lived in the inner palace with great joy, and immediately couldn't help but write down what Bai Yuxian just said.

How can a poor man dare to enter the prosperous world? How can the breeze on his sleeves mislead a beautiful woman?

beautiful woman.

Looking at this sentence, especially the word "beauty" at the end, Han Shiyin just felt like it more and more. She thought that Brother Yuxian was really full of talent, and every sentence he said was so beautiful.

Moreover, he is so mature and stable, and so beautiful. I am afraid that there is no other man as good as Brother Yuxian in the whole world.

By the way, poverty.

Over the years, Brother Yuxian must have lived a very hard life, and he also had to practice martial arts. I heard that practicing martial arts requires money.


Han Shiyin quickly opened the drawer, then dragged out a small box from under her bed, then took out a lot of gold, silver and jade items in the small box and packed them in another small box. .


Qingmei looked at her young lady's actions in astonishment.

Han Shiyin paid no attention to it and handed it to Qingmei after packing the selected gold, silver and jade items.

"Qingmei, take this to the outer courtyard and give these to Brother Yuxian."

"If Brother Yuxian doesn't accept it, just say that I lent it to him temporarily."

Considering that doing so might hurt Bai Yuxian's self-esteem and Bai Yuxian refused to accept it, Han Shiyin made another explanation.


Qingmei answered and took it and immediately walked out of the other courtyard and rushed to the outer mansion. However, just a few steps out of the other courtyard, she met Bai Yusheng who was looking for Han Shiyin.

Noticing Qingmei's hurried look and the heavy small box in her hands, Bai Yusheng couldn't help asking. After some questioning, Qingmei couldn't resist the pressure and told the truth, letting Bai Yusheng know that Han Shiyin had gone to the foreign government to find Bai Yu. Now Xian wants Qingmei to send money to Bai Yuxian.

Bai Yusheng, who was originally elated and thought that Han Shiyin's anger should have subsided after so many days, felt as if he was struck by lightning again. He felt the north wind whistling and snowflakes falling again.


(End of this chapter)

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