Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 30: Powerful medicine, rapid progress

Chapter 30: Powerful medicine, rapid progress

"Brother Yuxian, the medicinal bath is ready."

Not long after, Xiangling made a fire and helped cook the medicinal bath.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

When Bai Yuxian heard this, he immediately put down the book in his hand and stood up. He looked at Xiangling and nodded with a smile.

"It's not hard, just light the fire. Brother Yuxian, do you want me to help you take a bath later? I recently learned some body massage techniques from my mother, and I can give you a massage."

Xiangling smiled like a flower. She came back from Bai Yuxian in the morning and learned that Bai Yuxian passed the academy examination and became a scholar. She had been in a state of excitement all day and has not calmed down yet. At this moment, Bai Yuxian wanted to take a medicinal bath. , and also thinking about how hard brother Yuxian is studying hard on weekdays, I also try my best to help relieve brother Yuxian's hard work.

Xiangling undoubtedly meant well, and she didn't think too much about it for the time being. However, Bai Yuxian, who had eaten meat for two generations and was an LSP, naturally couldn't agree.

"In martial arts practice, the qi and blood realm requires consolidating essence and cultivating energy, and guarding Yuanyang closely. It is not suitable to be close to women for the time being. My Xiangling is so beautiful. If I ask Xiangling to give me a bath later, I'm afraid I won't be able to help it. Let’s wait until later to break the power.”

Bai Yuxian smiled and shook his head. Although he was quite confident in his willpower, if he really wanted Xiang Ling to give him a bath, he might not be able to help himself.

Xiangling also immediately realized that she understood Bai Yuxian's words, and her pretty face turned red.

"Then, after Brother Yuxian breaks through the Qi and Blood Realm, Xiangling will help Brother Yuxian take a bath." After saying that, Xiangling trotted away with a red face.

Not long after, Bai Yuxian was soaked in a medicinal bath in the steaming bathtub, slowly circulating the qi and blood in his body.

With the circulation of Qi and blood in the body, Bai Yuxian also clearly felt that there seemed to be a vague warm current entering from the skin and flesh of his body into his body, making his whole body begin to warm up.

At the same time, the cheat message also appeared quickly.

【Ding!One effort, one gain, you get +10 cultivation;]

【Ding!One effort, one gain, you get +10 cultivation;]


Information about cultivation improvement continues to appear, and the speed and efficiency are far higher than the efficiency of his normal practice now. He can now get three cultivation upgrades in one hour of normal practice, each time increasing the cultivation value by 10 points, but now he is immersed in the medicinal bath. If you hit him, you can gain 10 cultivation points in less than half a moment.

The whole process lasted for more than two quarters of an hour, and then the improvement of Bai Yuxian's cultivation stopped. At the same time, the color of the medicinal bath also faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, Bai Yuxian's cultivation level had increased by a full 100 points.

Taking a medicinal bath for more than two quarters increased his cultivation level by 100 points.


Bai Yuxian took a deep breath and looked at the improved cultivation level on the information panel, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

Although this medicated bath was a bit expensive, costing one thousand silver and a thousand dollars to buy such a medicated bath, he was very satisfied with the improvement in his cultivation.

He is now practicing for five hours a day. If he practices normally, he can increase his cultivation level by 150 points. If he adds medicinal bath, he can increase his cultivation level by 250 points a day. In this way, his cultivation speed can be greatly improved.

At the current speed of cultivation, when he waits for the Imperial College Entrance Examination in one month, his cultivation level will even be able to break through two minor realms and reach the fifth realm of Qi and Blood.

No wonder they say it’s always fun to spend money.

Although this medicinal bath is expensive, just the most ordinary medicinal bath costs one thousand silver and one thousand yuan.

But this improvement is very comfortable.

The next day, Bai Yuxian's life returned to normal and he became busy again. However, compared with before, Bai Yuxian's life included a medicinal bath.

There are five hours of practice every day during the day, three hours of night reading and more than two quarters of an hour of medicinal bath at night. The remaining time is for eating, sleeping and other rest time.

Spending money is like water all at once. A medicinal bath costs one silver and one thousand yuan every day, but the improvement it brings is also huge.

After having the medicinal bath, even the most ordinary medicinal bath, Bai Yuxian's martial arts practice speed has once again increased to a higher level.

At the same time in Wuhou Mansion, as Bai Yuxian gained fame through the academy examination, he could clearly feel that the people he met in daily life seemed to suddenly become friendly to him, not only Bai Yuxian himself, but also Bai Yuxian With Zhen and Xiang Ling, their status in the Wuhou Mansion seemed to have been improved invisibly. Everyone they met became kind-hearted, and the yin and yang in the past seemed to have completely disappeared.

Bai Yuxian was also in a good mood about this.

When a man establishes himself in the world, these are not the only things he wants: fame, wealth, and blessings for his family.

Of course, there is also royalty, wealth, money and beauty.At the same time, in the inner palace, contrary to Bai Yuxian's situation, Bai Yusheng's life was not happy.

Because not only was he humiliated by Bai Yuxian in the garden before, but he also found that since that time, neither his favorite sister Shiyin nor the other sisters Bai Yue, Bai Xue, Bai Lan, etc. were often with him. After playing with it, every time he approached me, he would always find an excuse to shirk or avoid me.

This made Bai Yusheng feel even more aggrieved and angry, and he lost his temper several times. Mrs. Bai scolded Bai Xue and others for this, and Han Shiyin was rarely lectured by Mrs. Bai.

But the more this happened, the less Han Shiyin and others wanted to ignore Bai Yusheng.

After all, people's hearts are made of flesh. Mrs. Bai is so partial to Bai Yusheng, and Bai Yusheng is always angry. Every time he shows his temper, they are scolded. Who can bear it if this happens for a long time.

It's okay that I haven't seen Bai Yuxian before. After all, there is no harm without comparison. But since I met Bai Yuxian, when I compare Bai Yuxian and Bai Yusheng, they are even more like the sky and the earth. The more I look at Bai Yusheng, the more I feel Hate.

"Miss, Master Yusheng is here."

In the inner palace, in the other courtyard where Han Shiyin lives, the maid Qingmei comes in to report.

Han Shiyin was dressed in a long pink and white dress with a red jade belt tied around her waist. Her delicate face was lightly painted with pink and white, and her willow eyebrows and apricot eyes were pure and beautiful.

Hearing the words of the maid Qingmei, he frowned immediately. Thinking of Bai Yusheng's behavior in the garden a few days ago and what he did these days, he couldn't help but feel disgust and irritation in his heart.

She found that she really disliked her cousin more and more. He was already a seven-foot-old man, but he still acted like a child who had not grown up. He relied on his grandmother's favor and his status in the Bai family to get into trouble at every turn. Losing one's temper, especially when compared with Yuxian's cousin, is really a comparison between heaven and earth.

She didn't feel much before, but this time with the appearance of Yuxian cousin, there really is no difference without comparison.

She didn't know how she could tolerate this Yusheng cousin before.

"Go and tell Cousin Yusheng that I'm taking a rest."

Han Shiyin thought for a while and said, unknowingly, the name Bai Yusheng was changed from "brother Yusheng" to "cousin Yusheng".

"But Miss, if Master Yusheng loses his temper again without seeing you, I'm afraid the old lady will blame him again." Qingmei couldn't help but worry when she heard this. During this period, because of Bai Yusheng's temper, they There was no shortage of training.

But when Han Shiyin heard this, her temper also rose. If you, Bai Yusheng, want to see me, I must see you. What do you think of me, Han Shiyin? Do you think I am a servant? I must cater to you, Bai Yusheng, in everything.

"If he wants to do it, let him do it."

Half a moment later, Bai Yusheng left the courtyard where Han Shiyin lived. He was completely lost because he found that sister Shiyin really didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Why is this happening? Is it because of that Bai Jade Immortal?

What's so good about that Bai Yuxian? Isn't he just that he's a little more talented than me, he's better-looking than me, and he's a little better at both civil and military skills.
What else does he have besides these.

No, it's impossible. Sister Shiyin definitely still has me in her heart, but she's just angry with me. It'll be fine after a few days when Sister Shiyin's anger subsides.

Yes, that's it. Sister Shiyin's anger will subside in a few days.

After making sure that Bai Yusheng left without losing his temper, Han Shiyin also breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, although she had just said that Bai Yusheng would lose his temper and let him do so, it was just a momentary statement. If Bai Yusheng really wanted to lose his temper again, she would still be a little worried. After all, after living in Wuhou Mansion for so many years, She was still very aware of Bai Yusheng's status in Wuhou Mansion, especially in the hearts of her grandmother.

If Bai Yusheng really wants to lose his temper again, he will definitely have to be trained again.

Thinking of this, Han Shiyin couldn't help but feel a little bitter.

This is living under someone else's roof, even if it's your own grandmother.

With a bitter sigh in her heart, Han Shiyin put away her thoughts and thought about the things she cared about. She quickly looked at Qingmei and asked.

"By the way, Qingmei, how are you doing with the information I asked you to check about Brother Yuxian?"

However, after meeting Bai Yuxian in the garden, Han Shiyin began to ask Qingmei to inquire about Bai Yuxian's information in the house.

She felt that her Yuxian cousin was really extraordinary. He was not only as beautiful as a tree and talented, but also had a mature and steady demeanor that was different from ordinary people. Every word and every deed he said gave people a feeling of being as gentle as jade and as humble as a gentleman. , and when she heard that her cousin, the Jade Immortal, was both civil and military, she couldn't help but be curious and even a little happy, which made her want to know more about her cousin, the Jade Immortal.

And she also liked the poem in the garden that day very much.

It is not planted in the human world. It comes from the middle of the moon. A little fragrance from Guanghan will bloom all over the garden.

She felt that this poem was extremely beautiful. Every time she read this poem, she felt like she was seeing the Guanghan Palace in the sky and the osmanthus flowers in the Guanghan Palace.
(End of this chapter)

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