Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 69 From today, stop drinking!

Chapter 69: From today on, quit drinking! 【】

At nightfall, Bai Yuxian ended today's practice.

He spent the whole day practicing the "Jiyi Sword Code" in the martial arts hall for five hours.

At the same time, after practicing in broad daylight, Bai Yuxian finally confirmed one thing, that is, his swordsmanship talent is absolutely amazing.

As long as he practices swordsmanship, he can quickly enter that mysterious and mysterious state of enlightenment, which will rapidly improve his swordsmanship. He can increase his swordsmanship by 1000 points in one hour.

After just five hours of practice today, Bai Yuxian has reached the third level of the "Jiyi Sword Code". If he practices for three more hours, he can even break through the third level.

"Jiyi Sword Codex" [Third level: 2000/5000].

This is the current progress of Bai Yuxian's practice of "Jiyi Sword Code".

"Jiyi Sword Codex" requires 1000 points of swordsmanship to break through the first level, 2000 points of swordsmanship to break through to the second level, and 5000 points of swordsmanship to break through to the third level.

[Swordsman]’s destiny acquisition progress has also been increased by five points to [5/100].

Bai Yuxian also didn't expect that he actually had such an amazing swordsmanship talent. I'm afraid that few people in the world can match it.

"If this is the case, then I will adjust my time for practicing and studying. I will focus on swordsmanship for the time being and improve my swordsmanship as soon as possible."

The main focus is on swordsmanship, followed by martial arts. If you study, you can take it easy in a short period of time.

After the swordsmanship has improved, we will make arrangements according to the situation.

And with the improvement of martial arts cultivation, my current physical fitness and mental state are getting better and better, my energy and energy are getting stronger, and my time for rest and sleep can actually be reduced, so that I can squeeze out more time for use. Improve yourself through your own practice and study.

With thoughts in mind, Bai Yuxian also finished today's practice and returned home.

"Sir." When they saw Bai Yuxian coming back, the maids and maids in the courtyard saluted one after another, with a kind of adoration in their respect.

Nowadays, Bai Yuxian is at the height of his power, and his reputation and status in Wuhou Mansion are getting higher and higher. Although he lives in the outer palace, even the old lady Bai in the inner palace is afraid of her.

It is the so-called seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister.

The higher the status of Bai Yuxian in the Wuhou Mansion, the status of their servants will naturally rise with the tide, and they will be proud of it.

Bai Yuxian smiled slightly and nodded, then walked into the house.

"Brother Yuxian."

Soon Xiangling and Han Shiyin heard the sound and came out to greet them.

She is a new wife, and because she was a little lustful last night, and Bai Yuxian's combat power is indeed not something Xiang Ling can handle alone, Xiang Ling is still a little unnatural when she walks.

However, after completing the transformation from a girl to a woman, Xiangling's already beautiful face became more and more delicate, and her original pure and sweet temperament now became more charming like a young woman.

Han Shiyin couldn't help but feel a little resentful in her eyes, and at the same time she felt a little itchy in her heart.

During the day, she heard Xiang Ling talk about it so beautifully and wonderfully that she felt a little unbalanced and wanted to give it a try.

Bai Yuxian felt Han Shiyin's resentment, and she understood it in her heart. She stepped forward, stretched out her hand and gently took Han Shiyin into her arms, and joked softly.

"Who made my sister Shiyin angry today? She acts like an angry little daughter-in-law."

"Hehe, sister Shiyin is jealous. I think brother Yuxian ate sister Shiyin tonight, otherwise sister Shiyin wouldn't know why she would be jealous."

Xiang Ling immediately smiled and revealed.

"Ah, I don't. Sister Xiangling, you are so shameless."

Han Shiyin, who was still a little resentful, suddenly turned red in the face and felt extremely ashamed.

I thought to myself that Sister Xiangling was really able to say such things, and Qingmei and Yuzhu were still there next to her. It was really embarrassing for me.

However, she was still looking forward to it, and her beautiful eyes peeked at Bai Yuxian shyly.

"It's cold outside, let's go inside first."

Bai Yuxian smiled and said without saying anything for the time being. He led the two girls into the house and sat down. He held Han Shiyin on his lap, put his face close to Han Shiyin's ear, blew softly and laughed softly.

"Sister Shiyin would like to sleep with my brother in the same bed tonight." "Yeah-!"

Han Shiyin, whose blushing face had not completely faded away, suddenly turned even redder, so tender that she was almost dripping with water.

The girl was shy and could not bear Bai Yuxian's straightforward teasing.

I was so embarrassed and anxious that I didn't know what to say.


Seeing Han Shiyin's blushing face, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but laugh, stopped joking, and said with a smile.

"But even if Sister Shiyin is willing, it's not possible yet."

"Sister Shiyin is different from sister Xiangling. Sister Xiangling has grown up and lived with me since childhood. Even if I cross paths with sister Xiangling before marriage, as long as I guarantee that sister Xiangling will not get pregnant before marriage, no one else can say anything. What."

"But Sister Shiyin is different. Although the relationship between Sister Shiyin and me has been approved by my uncle, we have not yet had a relationship. If we stay overnight at this time, it will ultimately damage Sister Shiyin's reputation and make people gossip, and uncle I’m afraid they won’t be happy either.”

"Brother Yuxian, you are so bad."

Han Shiyin immediately understood after hearing this. Bai Yuxian's words just now were obviously meant to tease her.He couldn't help but pick up his small fist and punch Bai Yuxian twice on the chest.

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel a little moved in my heart. Brother Yuxian was still thinking about taking care of her reputation at this time. If it were any other man, with her beauty, he would have wanted to eat her clean.

But I couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

After all, according to Bai Yuxian's plan, he would actually marry her and Xiang Ling, but it would take nearly a year until next year's autumn examination and the martial arts examination.

How could she wait for such a long time?

It would be fine if Brother Yuxian and Sister Xiangling haven't crossed over yet, but Brother Yuxian and Sister Xiangling have already.

And Sister Xiangling said it so beautifully.

We get along with each other day and night. From now on, you will have sex, and I can only look at Brother Yuxian and Sister Xiangling. How can I bear this?

Isn't this suffering?

Thinking of this, Han Shiyin couldn't help but feel sad again.

It's so hard!

Just when Han Shiyin was secretly distressed, Bai Yuxian's gentle voice sounded in his ears again.

"However, although the last step cannot be overcome, if sister Shiyin is willing."

Bai Yuxian leaned into Han Shiyin's ear again and whispered.

Hearing Bai Yuxian's words, Han Shiyin's original melancholy mood instantly dissipated, her pretty face immediately turned red visibly, and her eyes began to blur.

Bai Yuxian is a serious scholar.

Han Shiyin is also a rare talented woman, and both of them love reading and learning.

So that night, the two of them also spent half the night talking about reading and studying.

But the main ones are Baiyuxian Sect and Han Shiyinxue.

Because although Han Shiyin is a talented woman, her knowledge is still seriously lacking in some aspects, and she needs Bai Yuxian to teach her well.

Han Shiyin studied very seriously.

After learning about the taste of marrow, Han Shiyin began to pester Bai Yuxian to read and study every night.

This goes on for seven days.

After studying hard for seven consecutive nights, Bai Yuxian also felt his own degradation and finally made up his mind.

"Beauty has made me so depraved. From today on, I will stop drinking!"

(End of this chapter)

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