Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 68 People are most afraid of comparison

Chapter 68 People are most afraid of comparison【】

Wuhou Mansion, the Inner Mansion, after breakfast and dressing up, Han Shiyin and Qingmei walked out of the other courtyard towards the outer manor.

I happened to meet Bai Xue in the corridor.

Bai Xue is slightly younger than Han Shiyin.

"Sister Shiyin."

Seeing Han Shiyin, Bai Xue couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise. In the past, Han Shiyin, Bai Xue and several other ladies from the inner mansion lived together in the inner mansion, so their relationship was naturally relatively close.

However, since Han Shiyin and Bai Yuxian confirmed their relationship and went to the outer mansion every day, the two of them had not seen each other for a long time, so Bai Xue couldn't help but feel a little surprised when she saw Han Shiyin at this moment.

"Sister Snow."

Seeing Bai Xue, Han Shiyin was also a little happy, and both of them stepped forward to hold each other's hands.

"I haven't seen my sister for a while."

"I haven't seen my sister for a long time."

As they spoke, both of them couldn't help but sigh. Although Wuhou Mansion is just a mansion, it is not small at all, especially the inner mansion and the outer mansion. They are basically like two worlds on weekdays. Even if they are in the same mansion, if you don't deliberately It's very difficult to meet up with each other.

"Sister, are you going to the foreign government again?" Then Bai Xue looked at Han Shiyin's dress and asked involuntarily, guessing Han Shiyin's intention.

"Yeah." Han Shiyin didn't hide anything, and acknowledged it openly. Anyway, her relationship with Bai Yuxian has been made public for a long time and has been approved by her father. She can be aboveboard and there is no need to hide.

And there is no need to continue to go to the inner palace to take care of Bai Yusheng because of Bai Yusheng's anger.

Thinking of Bai Yuxian, Han Shiyin couldn't help but show a happy look on her face.

She felt that the luckiest thing about her in Wuhou Mansion was meeting Bai Yuxian.

Seeing the happy look on Han Shiyin's face, especially thinking of Bai Yuxian's handsome face and her current prosperity, Bai Xue couldn't help but feel envious in her heart and said.

"I really envy Sister Shiyin that she can find a husband like Brother Yuxian and be with her every day."

"Actually, brother Yuxian is very busy every day. He needs to go to the martial arts hall to practice during the day and study at night." Han Shiyin said, explaining Bai Yuxian's daily situation.

When Bai Xue heard this, she became even more envious. Bai Yuxian was so busy. Doesn't this also represent Bai Yuxian's hard work and excellence?

And although Bai Yuxian is busy, she can still be together every day, nurturing each other, staying with each other for a long time, and she no longer has to suffer in the inner palace.

Thinking about her current situation in the inner palace, Bai Xue's eyes couldn't help but turn red, and she couldn't help but want to cry.

"What's wrong with Sister Xue?" Han Shiyin quickly asked with concern.

"Sister Shiyin doesn't know something. Ever since Sister Shiyin and Brother Yuxian got together, cousin Yusheng's temper has gotten worse and worse. Shi Chang loses his temper at every turn."

"But every time she lost her temper, no matter what the reason was or who was right or wrong, grandma would always just blame us and not take care of Yusheng cousin."

Bai Xue couldn't help but burst into tears. Han Shiyin didn't ask if she was okay, but the grievance in her heart became even more unbearable when she asked.

Han Shiyin suddenly fell silent after hearing this.

She had stayed in the inner palace for so long and spent many years with Bai Yusheng, Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Wang and others. How could she not understand this situation?

Bai Yusheng has a bad temper and is a completely spoiled child. He must obey him in everything, otherwise he will lose his temper if he doesn't go his way.

And Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang doted on Bai Yusheng in every possible way.

Every time Bai Yusheng lost his temper, it was always someone else who was blamed and punished.

Bai Qian and Bai Qian are okay, because they are Bai Yusheng's biological sisters and Mrs. Wang's daughters, so they will basically not be punished every time Bai Yusheng is angry.

But the remaining maids Bai Yue, Bai Xue, Bai Lan and other maids will suffer.

Especially for maids, it is common for them to be punished by kneeling and beaten.

But Han Shiyin couldn't say anything about this and could only comfort Bai Xue.

Then Bai Xue told Han Shiyin that today Mrs. Bai asked them to go to the plum garden to appreciate plum blossoms and try to enlighten Bai Yusheng, but Bai Xue didn't want to go.

"Sister Shiyin, how about I go with you to Brother Yuxian's place in Waifu?" Bai Xue suddenly suggested.

Han Shiyin was immediately startled and quickly stopped her.

"Sister Xue, please don't talk nonsense. Brother Yuxian and I have already arranged a marriage, so it's okay to go to Brother Yuxian's place. But Sister Xue, you are still a girl who has not left the court. If word spreads, people will gossip about you."

"Sister Shiyin and I are not looking for Brother Yuxian alone." "Even so, if grandma knows about this, I'm afraid she will be angry and scold you again. Grandma prefers Cousin Yusheng to Brother Yuxian. It’s not like I don’t know.”

Han Shiyin shook her head.

Bai Xue was speechless this time.

Because Han Shiyin's words struck a chord with her, if she really went to Bai Yuxian's place with Han Shiyin, her grandmother would be angry immediately, and she would definitely have to be punished.

"Sister Xue, there is no need to think too much. If you really don't like Cousin Yusheng, just go and say less. Say less and make fewer mistakes."

Finally, looking at Bai Xue walking towards Meiyuan in a melancholy way, Han Shiyin couldn't help but feel a sense of joy in her heart.

I am glad that I met Bai Yuxian and escaped from the inner palace, otherwise Bai Xue would probably be a reflection of her now.

But looking back at Han Shiyin's leaving figure, Bai Xue couldn't help but feel envious in her heart.

In the past, she didn't feel anything in the inner palace. Although she was often punished and wronged because of Bai Yusheng's anger, she felt that it would be over if she tolerated it.

But after Han Shiyin and Bai Yuxian confirmed their relationship and basically left the circle of the inner government, and no longer had to suffer the same anger as them, Bai Xue felt that the grievances in her heart seemed to be becoming more and more unbearable.

Especially compared to Han Shiyin.

Look at Han Shiyin's happy life now, spending time with her loved ones every day, and Brother Yuxian is still so beautiful and outstanding.

Look at yourself now and still have to be criticized in the inner palace from time to time.

In the past, we were also sisters who were criticized together.

Life now is almost a world between heaven and earth.

Bai Xue almost felt more and more aggrieved as she thought about it. She even thought from time to time that Sister Shiyin could marry Brother Yuxian, why couldn't she herself.

Although she is slightly inferior to Sister Shiyin in terms of appearance, she is not much different and she is definitely a tall beauty.

Moreover, he is big!
If I were with Brother Yuxian, I wouldn't have to suffer from the anger in the inner palace all the time.

The more he thought about it, the more grievances and thoughts became in Bai Xue's heart.

What people fear most is comparison.

In the past, when Bai Yuxian had not yet risen, Han Shiyin and they had always been angry with Bai Yu in the inner palace. Over time, they had become accustomed to it, so they got used to it.

But now, after Han Shiyin and Bai Yuxian got together, Mrs. Bai and Bai Yusheng didn't dare to care about Han Shiyin. The difference was immediately apparent.

And once this gap is compared, it is difficult not to make people's mentality unbalanced.

Full of grievances, Bai Xue came to Plum Garden.

Then, as Han Shiyin said, say less and make fewer mistakes. Anyway, you do whatever you like, and I will just be there, saying nothing and doing nothing.

"Xiaoxue, what happened to you today?"

Everyone in Meiyuan also noticed Bai Xue's abnormality today. Bai Yue couldn't help walking to Bai Xue and asked in a low voice.

The two are also biological sisters, born to Mrs. Zhou, and Bai Yue is older than Bai Xue.

Facing her own sister's inquiry, Bai Xue finally stopped keeping silent. After all, she was her own sister, and the two sisters usually had a deep relationship.

"Sister, when I came to Meiyuan before, I met Sister Shiyin. Sister Shiyin is much happier now than when she was with us in the inner mansion."

Bai Xue told about her encounter with Han Shiyin and Han Shiyin's situation, and Bai Yue fell silent immediately.

Bai Lan, who heard the conversation between the two sisters not far away, also fell silent.

On the other side of the waifu, Han Shiyin also found Xiangling, and then saw that Xiangling hadn't gotten up yet and was sleeping naked in Bai Yuxian's room, and she suddenly understood everything.

"Sister Shiyin."

Seeing the arrival of Han Shiyin, Xiangling, who was still half asleep, suddenly woke up, her pretty face flushed, and she was a little flustered.

Han Shiyin suddenly couldn't help feeling a little sad.

It's obviously a relationship between three people, so why not take her in the car.

However, this sadness only lasted less than half a moment. Soon as the topic started to change, the conversation between the two sisters started to get crazy 404.

(End of this chapter)

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