Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 76 New Year’s Eve Party【1】

Chapter 76 New Year’s Eve Party【[-]】【】

Although Bai Yuxian and Li Bai had just met each other, they felt very attracted to each other. They chatted until sunset in the afternoon and left each other's contact addresses before saying goodbye.

Li Bai currently lives in an inn in the city, and Bai Yuxian also left Li Bai the address of Wuhou Mansion.

From the conversation, Bai Yuxian also understood the purpose of Li Bai's visit to Chang'an——

Become an official!

Li Bai, who is now in his 20s and about the same age as Bai Yuxian, is full of ambition and ambition and wants to become an official to show his ambition.

However, the journey to becoming an official was not smooth for Li Bai, because although the situation of Li Bai in front of him and that of Li Bai in the official history of Bai Yuxian's previous life were slightly different, the overall situation was quite similar.

Li Bai was the son of a merchant and was born into a merchant family.

As for businessmen, their status in the world of the Tang Dynasty was extremely low.

And there is one thing that is even more fatal for Li Bai if he wants to become an official, that is, merchants cannot participate in the imperial examination.

Li Bai was the son of a merchant, so he was naturally a merchant.

Even though Li Baibai was very talented and experienced, he still had difficulty putting it to use.

For Li Bai, the only chance to become an official was to get the appreciation of a big shot and then vouch for Li Bai and recommend him to the court.

Therefore, for many years, Li Bai has been traveling all over the world, and during this period he also took the initiative to visit many important people, hoping that he could be appreciated by the important people and help him recommend him to the imperial court.

But unfortunately, this road is even more difficult than the imperial examination.

To this day, Li Bai has not been able to find anyone willing to vouch for his recommendation to the imperial court.

So Li Bai came directly to Chang'an this time, hoping to find someone in Chang'an to help recommend him to the court or even the emperor.

As long as someone can vouch for him and recommend him, Li Bai is confident that with his wealth of knowledge, he will be able to show his ambition and be valued by the emperor.

Today's Li Bai is still full of ambitions and is determined to become an official. He is not the Li Bai who wrote "Able to crush one's eyebrows and bend one's waist to serve the powerful".

Li Bai's talent is undoubted, but if he wants to become an official, to be honest, Bai Yuxian is not optimistic about Li Bai's official career.

Because of Li Bai's character, he was destined to have a difficult time in his official career.

Li Bai is the kind of person with a casual and free-spirited temperament, who would rather bend than bend. However, this kind of character is destined to be incompatible in the officialdom.

However, although Bai Yuxian knew these words in his heart, he would definitely not say them out loud. After all, he and Li Bai had only just met each other for the first time and had a close friendship, and Li Bai was also bent on becoming an official. If he said these words, he would not be innocent. Does your stupidity offend anyone?

Moreover, the Tang Dynasty in this world cannot be completely equated with the Tang Dynasty in the previous life. Who can say for sure what will happen in the future.

After parting ways with Li Bai, Bai Yuxian did not stay outside any longer and went directly back to Wuhou Mansion's home, preparing to take a good night's rest tonight to recharge and prepare for tomorrow's New Year's Eve Poetry Festival.

To be honest, after just getting acquainted with Li Bai, Bai Yuxian was a little lucky for this New Year's Eve poetry event.

Because of Li Bai's identity as the son of a businessman, Li Bai was unable to participate in the New Year's Eve Poetry Festival, and failed to pass the registration at Taiyuan University.

Otherwise, if Li Bai participates in the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival, if Bai Yuxian wants to win the first prize at the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival, Li Bai may be his biggest opponent.

After all, when it comes to poetry and talent, looking at the two generations of Bai Yuxian, ancient and modern, no one dares to say that he can surpass Li Bai.

Even as a copycat, Bai Yuxian couldn't guarantee whether he could beat Li Bai.

"Brother Yuxian."

When I got home, Han Shiyin and Xiang Ling were both there. The two girls were recently learning female red embroidery.

Han Shiyin embroidered mandarin ducks playing in the water.

Xiangling is embroidered with double lotuses. "Son."

The two maids, Qingmei and Yuzhu, saluted loudly, and then hurried outside the courtyard to order other servants to prepare a medicinal bath for Bai Yuxian.

While preparing for the medicinal bath, Bai Yuxian also sat down next to Han Shiyin and Xiang Ling, watching the two women embroidery and talking with them.

More than half an hour later, the sky turned completely dark.

Bai Yuxian came to the study after taking a medicinal bath. She didn't plan to read any more tonight, so she planned to read for an hour or so before going to bed early to recuperate and prepare for tomorrow's New Year's Eve poetry event.

However, for Han Shiyin, Bai Yuxian still did not break through the last level. After all, after breaking through that level, the change from a girl to a woman is still huge. Anyone who has been there can basically see it.

Anyway, it was already meat in his bowl, and Bai Yuxian didn't want to leave a bad impression on his father-in-law because he was in a hurry.

Besides, as long as your brain works, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

And there is also Xiangling.
The next day, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month of the second year of Tianbao.

New Year's Eve festival.

After nightfall, the ten-mile Tongtian Street in Chang'an is filled with lanterns like daylight, tourists like weaving, the sound of phoenix and flute, and the dancing of fish and dragons.
In front of the Imperial City Tower, the scene of the New Year's Eve Poetry Festival was crowded with people and the Imperial Guards were standing everywhere.

Groups of armored Imperial Guards surrounded the city tower and the center of the venue tightly.

In the central open space in front of the city tower, there is a temporary high meeting platform, half as high as the city tower, with white jade steps on all sides.

Downstairs in the imperial city surrounded by imperial troops on the left side of the meeting platform, Bai Yuxian, Wang Yanlin, and Song Xiuwen were together, looking at the high-rise meeting platform in front of them and the surrounding situation.

At the same time, there were many people around the three of them, all in groups like the three of them. There were about 100 people in total.

These people are all qualified to participate in the New Year's Eve Poetry Festival.

Among the more than 100 people, Bai Yuxian and the other supervisors of the Imperial College accounted for almost half.

The atmosphere in the venue was solemn. Bai Yuxian and others hardly spoke. They were patiently waiting for the arrival of the emperor and the official start of the grand event. Even if they occasionally talked, they mostly kept their voices down.

Outside the venue surrounded by the Forbidden Army, there was a bustle of people. From a distance, only heads of people could be seen, and the streets in the distance were already full of people in the pavilions and corridors.

About half an hour passed like this.

Tread Tread—

Amidst the sound of rapid footsteps and armor on the tower, a group of Yulin troops appeared, and then a loud sound that echoed throughout the scene was heard from the tower.

"His Majesty is here!"

When the voice fell, I saw a tall figure wearing a dragon robe and walking like a dragon and tiger walking from behind the Yulin Army. Surrounded by many servants and civil and military officials, he appeared and walked from the tower. Finally, he stopped in the middle of the tower and looked at Scanning the entire scene like a dragon's eyes.

"Greetings to your Majesty, long live your Majesty! Long live! Long live your Majesty!"

Everyone at the scene immediately knelt down and worshiped in unison to the tall figure wearing a dragon robe on the tower.

But it turned out that the person who came was not the current Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Longji.

"Flat body."

Li Longji also spoke, his eyes scanning the crowd, like a lofty emperor looking down on all living beings.

Its voice is not loud, but when it falls in people's ears, it gives people a sense of divine power. It is self-powerful without anger, and makes people feel awe and dare not show any disrespect.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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