Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 80: Gentleman’s Sword, praised by the Emperor! [Chapter 3 is delivered, please subscribe! 】

Chapter 80: Gentleman’s Sword, praised by the Emperor! [Three chapters sent, please subscribe! 】


In front of the Imperial City Tower;

The scene of the New Year's Eve Poetry Festival.

With the arrival of the final round of the third round, the tension on the entire scene reached its extreme.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on the ten figures on the stage.

Soon on the stage, as the remaining ten Baiyuxians stopped writing, the final third round of the New Year's Eve Poetry Festival was about to be announced.

The civil servant in charge of collecting the papers carefully collected the poems and articles written by Bai Yuxian and sent them to the tower.

The final evaluation of the competition rankings was not reviewed and evaluated by the previous Hanlin Academy bachelors, but by the emperor Li Longji on the tower personally reviewed and ranked.

"His Majesty."

The attendant respectfully handed the poem to Li Longji.

"Bring the Bai Yuxian's to me first."

Li Longji said that he was deeply impressed by Bai Yuxian's song "Shengchazi·Yuanxi" in the second round and Bai Yuxian himself.

So at this moment, Li Longji plans to read Bai Yuxian's poems first to see if he can give him some more surprises.

This is really entering the heart of the emperor.

When the civil and military officials heard this, they couldn't help but sigh again, lamenting Bai Yuxian's good luck, and even envied him.

Being able to enter the emperor's heart was something that many of their officials could not ask for. As a result, Bai Yuxian directly entered the emperor's heart just by relying on this New Year's Eve poetry event.

But there is no other way, I really can't envy this kind of thing.

First of all, it is difficult for them to write poems like Bai Yuxian that the emperor likes. Secondly, they don’t have Bai Yuxian’s handsome appearance that even the emperor praises. Secondly, opportunities like this New Year’s Eve Poetry Festival are rare. .


The attendant immediately handed the top piece of poetry directly to Li Longji.

But when he just received the poems passed up from below, he had already placed Bai Yuxian's poems at the top.

Li Longji immediately took it and read it, still chanting.

"The east wind blooms thousands of trees at night, and even blows them down, and the stars are like rain; the carvings of BMWs fill the road with fragrance, the sound of phoenixes and flutes moves, the light of jade pots spins, and fish and dragons dance all night long."

This word is good!
After reading Shangque, Li Longji couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

He likes poetry and naturally has an appreciation for it.

Bai Yuxian's poem contains only a few words, and the bustling scene of the Lantern Festival has been vividly written on the page.

Li Longji immediately looked at Xiangqi impatiently.

Because he knows that the final finishing touch of a poem is often found in the bottom line.

"The moth is a golden wisp of snow and willow, and her laughter is full of hidden fragrance. People have searched for her a thousand times, but suddenly looking back, that person is there, in a dimly lit place."

"it is good!"

"It's a good sentence. People have searched for her hundreds of times. Suddenly, when I look back, that person is there, in a dimly lit place."

After watching the end, Li Longji couldn't help but get excited and couldn't help but shout out.

It was this last sentence that was so amazing, it was the finishing touch, and it hit the G-spot in his heart perfectly.

Looking at this last sentence, Li Longji couldn't help but think of that figure who was alluring the country and the city.

Didn't I just look for her thousands of times in the crowd, and suddenly when I looked back, she was in a dimly lit place?

Seeing the emperor so excited and happy, everyone present couldn't help but glance sideways. At the same time, they couldn't help but wonder what kind of poem could make the emperor so excited, and who wrote it.


Under the city tower, Bai Yuxian felt at ease when he heard the emperor's voice.

He knew that he was almost stable.

At the same time, he also knew that his poem should have hit the G-spot in Emperor Li Longji's heart. After all, Emperor Li Longji now wanted to recruit Concubine Yang into the palace.

The beautiful woman in palace attire standing next to the Emperor Li Longji looked at the poem in Li Longji's hand, and her eyes couldn't help showing surprise. Then she couldn't help but look at the jade-like young man in white under the stage, and her heart was filled with emotion. There was a constant ups and downs.

What an amazing young man.

Li Longji couldn't help but happily read the entire poem several times in a row, and then slowly put it down and looked at the remaining poems.But looking at other poems at this moment, Li Longji only felt that they were boring.

Finally, the final rankings of the top three in this New Year's Eve poetry event were announced.

"In this New Year's Eve Poetry Festival, the top three will be awarded Junzi Jade and Junzi Sword respectively. The final ranking is now announced."

"No. 3 in the top three poems of this New Year's Eve Poetry Festival, Su Jin, "Chang'an Night·Yuan Xi", was given a piece of jade by the emperor."

"No. 2 in the top three poems of this Lantern Festival Eve Poetry Festival, Cui Zongzhi, "Shang Yuan Night No. [-]", was given a piece of jade by the emperor."

"No. 1 in the top three poems of this New Year's Eve poetry event, Bai Yuxian, "The Green Jade Case: Yuan Xi", was given a piece of jade to a gentleman and a sword to a gentleman."

With the announcement of the final ranking, the poems written by Bai Yuxian, Cui Zongzhi and Su Jin, who won the top three, were also publicly read out.

In particular, Bai Yuxian's song "The Blue Jade Case·Yuan Xi" has attracted much attention. Everyone could clearly see the performance of Emperor Li Longji on the tower just now. With the emergence of the ranking, there is no doubt that just now What made the emperor Li Longji so happy must be Bai Yuxian's "Qingyu Case·Yuan Xi".

And with the official announcement of "The Green Jade Case·Yuan Xi", the scene was instantly applauded. There was no doubt about Bai Yuxian's ranking, even Cui Zongzhi ranked second and Su Jin ranked third.

Bai Yuxian won the first place in this New Year's Eve poetry event with his poem "Qingyu Case·Yuan Xi", which is indeed undisputed.

Especially the last sentence.

I looked for her thousands of times in the crowd, and suddenly I looked back, but the man was there, in a dimly lit place.

It's absolutely gorgeous!

"Okay, okay, great words, great words, the only talents in the world are me and Brother Bai!"

Outside the court, Li Bai couldn't help but applaud.

Such a good word can be said to be famous throughout the ages and be remembered for generations to come. Rao, who has always been as proud and arrogant as Li Bai, couldn't help but clap his hands in admiration at this moment.

Li Bai recognized Bai Yuxian's talent.

At this time, rewards were also given out on the meeting stage. Cui Zongzhi and Su Jin each received a piece of exquisite white jade given by the emperor. The word "Junzi" was engraved on it. It was a gentleman's jade and a gift from the emperor.

Bai Yuxian also received a piece of [Junzi] Jade, but in addition, he also received a sword given by the emperor. It is the Junzi Sword and is unique.

The blade of the Gentleman's Sword is inserted into the scabbard, and the scabbard and hilt are beautifully shaped.

"Xuan, Bai Yuxian comes forward to see you!"

After the Junzi Sword and Junzi Jade were given, another voice suddenly sounded from the tower.

Bai Yuxian immediately stepped forward and walked to the center of the platform to bow to Li Longji on the tower.

"Student Bai Yuxian, please pay homage to Your Majesty."

As a student of the Imperial College, he has the status of a disciple of the emperor, so there is no problem for Bai Yuxian to call himself a student at this moment, and it can also bring him closer to Li Longji.

"Your Majesty, this White Jade Immortal is a student of the Imperial College."

On the tower, the attendants around Li Longji immediately reported to Li Longji after hearing Bai Yusheng's claim.

Li Longji immediately understood after hearing this, and immediately looked at Bai Yuxian with increasingly satisfied eyes.

Although the status of a student of the Imperial College as a disciple of the Emperor is usually just in name, if one really catches the Emperor's eye, then this status will undoubtedly be an absolute plus.

"Flat body."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Bai Yuxian immediately straightened up again, but still lowered his head.

Li Longji wanted to take a closer look at Bai Yuxian, and immediately said again when he saw Bai Yuxian lowered his head.

"Look up and let me take a good look."

Why does this sound a bit weird.


Bai Yuxian responded again, and then Bai Yuxian completely raised his head and looked at Li Longji on the tower.

Li Longji also looked at Bai Yuxian. At this moment, he took a thorough look at Bai Yuxian's face and demeanor. He couldn't help but like it more and more, and couldn't help but praise it.

"What a white jade fairy, what a good man like a jade man. As the saying goes, a gentleman is like a jade. Today I finally got to see him."

"Talent is like a literary song coming to the world, and beauty is like a banished immortal coming to the world."

"Bai Yuxian, I will remember you."

(End of this chapter)

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