Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 81 Follow-up

Chapter 81 Follow-up
In the Wuhou Mansion, on the stage of the inner palace, the play has reached its climax.

But at this moment, Mrs. Bai and others under the stage were no longer interested in the stage.

Everyone is waiting for the final result of the New Year's Eve Poetry Festival, or in other words, for the result of Bai Yuxian, whether he succeeds in winning the title.

Although this New Year's Eve Poetry Festival was not a formal imperial examination, it was held by the emperor himself. Moreover, the emperor led hundreds of civil and military officials to the venue in person and set up ranking rewards.

The meaning represented by this is naturally extraordinary all of a sudden.

If you can win the ranking reward at the meeting, it is undoubtedly a thing that is enough to make you famous. Even if you can win the first place and be received by the emperor and leave an impression on the emperor, it can be said to be a glorious one, and it will be a good influence for future entrants. The benefits of becoming an official are even more unimaginable.

Finally, while everyone was waiting anxiously, the news of the final results of the New Year's Eve Poetry Festival came back, and the few boys sent there ran back excitedly.

The excitement on his face could barely be concealed.

"Good news, great news, Mr. Jade Fairy won the first prize at the poetry festival."


In the field, everyone who heard this couldn't help but stood up suddenly, and even the drama on the stage stopped.

"Are you telling the truth? Brother Xian really won the championship?!" Mrs. Bai was the first to ask.

"Back to the old lady, this matter is absolutely true. We saw everything with our own eyes, and everyone present also saw it."

"Young Master Yuxian won the first prize in the third round of the final selection with the words "Qingyu Case·Yuanxi". He received the Junzi Sword and Junzi Jade from the emperor. He was also personally received and praised by His Majesty."

"Your Majesty praised Mr. Yuxian for being as gentle as jade, as talented as a literary tune and as beautiful as a banished immortal coming to earth. He also said that he would remember Mr. Yuxian."

The few boys who came back were talking happily, and they were almost overwhelmed with excitement. After all, Bai Yuxian was the son of the Bai family of their Wuhou Mansion.

This time, Bai Yuxian won the first prize at the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival and was praised by the emperor. What an honor it was. They, the servants of the Bai family, all felt honored.

After hearing what the young man said, the scene was filled with excitement, especially Han Shiyin, Xiangling, Yuzhu, Qingmei, Xiaotao, and Xiaolan, who almost jumped for joy.

"Brother Yuxian is really awesome."

Bai Xue, Bai Yue, Bai Qian, Bai Qian, Bai Lan and others couldn't help but show expressions of joy, first shocked, then happy, and at the same time there was a trace of unspeakable admiration and admiration.

As the saying goes, a talented man loves a beautiful woman, but conversely, how can a beautiful woman not love a talented man?

Moreover, all the girls were at the age when they were just starting to fall in love, but Bai Yuxian was the perfect match in every aspect.

Even the beautiful young woman Bai Feifeng couldn't help but feel a surge of love in her heart at this moment, and Han Shiyin and Xiang Ling, who were looking happy, also became more and more envious.

Bai Yusheng felt like mourning his heir for a moment.

Mrs. Wang's face was so stiff that she couldn't even laugh.

Originally, I wanted to praise Bai Yuxian today because Bai Yuxian would be embarrassed at the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival, but I never expected that Bai Yuxian would win the first prize all the way and even be praised by the emperor.

One can imagine what level Bai Yuxian's reputation will reach after tonight.

At least among the younger generation, Bai Yuxian has definitely reached the top.

Watching the person she didn't like move up step by step, Mrs. Wang felt even worse than killing herself.

Mrs. Bai also felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She only felt the five flavors, but it was much better than Mrs. Wang. At least she could maintain the smile on her face and praised her.

"It's a great honor to be received and praised by His Majesty in person. Brother Xian is really becoming more and more promising."

"Yes, Brother Xian is really promising. Our entire Bai family in Wuhou Mansion is following You Guang."

Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Mi also followed suit, and then praised Mrs. Zhen for a while. At the same time, they couldn't help feeling envious and jealous in their hearts.

Zhen was also pleasantly surprised and couldn't help but smile.

"By the way, is Brother Yuxian back?" Han Shiyin couldn't help but ask.

"Not yet, but I'm afraid Mr. Yuxian won't be able to come back tonight. When we came back from the event, we saw many people surrounding Mr. Yuxian."

The boy who came back said again.

Han Shiyin nodded when he heard this. Although he was disappointed that he could not see Bai Yuxian as soon as possible, he was not too surprised. Then he asked about the specific lyrics of "The Sapphire Case·Yuan Xi".

The few boys who came back were already ready to copy.

Han Shiyin couldn't wait to take it, and then read it immediately.

"The east wind blows thousands of flowers and trees at night, and even blows down, and the stars are like rain; BMWs and carriages fill the road with fragrance, the sound of phoenix flutes moves, jade pots turn with light, and fish and dragons dance all night. Moths and snow willows have golden wisps, and laughter is full of hidden fragrance; "I searched for her a thousand times in the crowd, but suddenly I looked back, and there she was, in a dimly lit place." "I searched for her a thousand times in the crowd, but suddenly I looked back, and there she was, in a dimly lit place. This sentence of Brother Yuxian is so beautiful."

When Bai Yusheng, who was already mourning for his concubine, heard this, his face instantly became depressed.

Could he write such poetry and articles?

I'm afraid I won't be able to write it for the rest of my life.

Involuntarily, Bai Yusheng began to doubt himself for the first time.

Originally, although Bai Yuxian suddenly rose like a meteor, deep down in his heart, Bai Yusheng never felt that he was weaker than Bai Yuxian.

Even though he had lagged behind Bai Yuxian before, in Bai Yusheng's opinion, the main reason was that he had slacked off in studying over the years and was not as good at working as Bai Yuxian. If he worked hard, it would not be easy to catch up with Bai Yuxian.

But now, Bai Yusheng had doubts about himself for the first time.

Can he really catch up with Bai Yuxian?

Bai Yusheng sat on the chair a little slumped, but at this moment, no one except Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang paid attention to him.

Even Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang, looking at Bai Yusheng's slumped appearance, didn't know what to say besides being worried.

Is it necessary to console Bai Yuxian by saying that he was just lucky enough to win the first prize at the New Year's Eve Poetry Festival?

This is something that they have to consider whether it will be against their will or not. The impact of saying it and whether Bai Yuxian will be angry are all things they have to consider.

Nowadays, Bai Yuxian's popularity in the Bai family is getting stronger and stronger. Especially tonight, the emperor personally bestowed the Junzi Sword and Junzi Jade, and the emperor personally received and praised her directly into the emperor's heart. Absolutely no one will doubt it anymore. After tonight, Bai Yuxian The Immortal General became famous all over the capital and became a famous figure in the Tang Dynasty. Among his peers, even those who are the legitimate sons of princes and princes may find it difficult to match him.

Such a young talent who is at the peak of his career and whose future is boundless cannot be easily offended because of how hard he thinks.

"To report to the old lady and Mrs. Zhen, there is someone outside the door asking to see you. They say they are coming to summon you on behalf of Mr. Yuxian."

After a while, another boy from the main entrance came quickly from outside the hospital under the leadership of the steward to report.

"What did Yuxian say?" Zhen asked.

"Brother Xian sent word that he might not come back tonight because after the New Year's Eve Poetry Festival, my friends invited me and it was hard to refuse, so I went to Tianxiang Tower for a drink."

Mrs. Zhen nodded when she heard this, without saying anything more and without any intention of blaming him.

Tianxiang Tower is the most famous fireworks place in Chang'an. Naturally, both Zhen and others present knew everything about it, even Han Shiyin and Xiangling.

However, upon hearing this, there was no blame in his heart.

As the saying goes, there is no talented person in this world who is not romantic.

What's more, Bai Yuxian performed so well tonight at the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival, and could even be said to be a shining star.

In this case, Bai Yuxian went to Tianxiang Tower with his friends to have a drink to celebrate and enjoy.

Besides, visiting flowers, drinking, and having fun are also the ways of communication among talented people. This aspect will definitely be inevitable if Bai Yuxian becomes an official in the future.

So at this moment, when they heard that Bai Yuxian had gone to Tianxiang Tower, neither Han Shiyin nor Xiang Ling had any angry thoughts in their hearts.

"I wonder who is with Brother Xian?" Mrs. Zhou, who had been silent, said.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look curious.

"I heard that those who went to Tianxiang Tower with Mr. Yuxian tonight, in addition to Prince Wang Yanlin and Mr. Song Xiuwen, who were already good friends with Mr. Yuxian, were also Mr. Cui Zongzhi, the son of the Minister of Libu, and Mr. Su. There are more than 20 people in total including his son, Mr. Su Jin, Mr. Su, Mr. Wei Qing from the Duke of Wei's Palace, and the Young Master from the Marquis of Jing'an, all of whom are fellow students of the Imperial College like Mr. Yuxian."

Xiaosihui reported.


Mrs. Zhou couldn't help but gasp when she heard this, and even Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Wang couldn't help but look moved.

Because the people the boy mentioned are all the powerful and powerful officials in the capital, especially people like Cui Zongzhi and Wei Qing, the son of the Minister of Civil Affairs and the legitimate son of the Duke of Wei. These are all the top dignitaries in the Tang Dynasty today. .

As the saying goes, a person's status depends on the social circle he is in.

And now Bai Yuxian has friends with these people. One can imagine Bai Yuxian's current status.

All the people talking and laughing are famous people, and there are no idle people coming and going!

(End of this chapter)

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