Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 82: Return to Tianxiang Tower, [Elegant Scholar]’s fate.

Chapter 82: Return to Tianxiang Tower, [Elegant Scholar]’s fate.

In Chang'an City, after the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival ended, a total of more than 20 people including Bai Yuxian, Wang Yanlin, Song Xiuwen, Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin, and Wei Qing went to Tianxiang Tower in a mighty manner.

The more than 20 of them were all Imperial College students, but the difference was that they were not all familiar with each other originally.

Although they were both supervisors of the Imperial College, they originally had their own small circles. Bai Yuxian, Song Xiuwen, and Wang Yanlin were originally in a small circle, but the relationship between the others and the three of them was much weaker or even almost non-existent. What an intersection.

Cui Zongzhi and Su Jin had no contact with Bai Yuxian in the first place.

But at this moment, with the help of tonight's Lantern Festival Poetry Festival, a group of people have come together, mainly because Bai Yuxian won the first prize at tonight's Lantern Festival Poetry Festival and was personally received and praised by Emperor Li Longji, which made Bai Yuxian completely famous, and at the same time made everyone People saw Bai Yuxian's talent, ability and value potential, so these people were willing to take the initiative to make friends with Bai Yuxian.

Otherwise, these people may not take the initiative to come and make friends with Bai Yuxian.

If you want others to take the initiative to make friends with you, you must show enough ability and value that people want to make friends with you.

There is no doubt that Bai Yuxian's performance tonight has shown sufficient ability and value.

On the way, he met Li Bai who came to find him again.

Bai Yuxian immediately pulled Li Bai into the team.

After learning about Li Bai's identity, many people in the team complained and despised Li Bai's identity, feeling that Li Bai, the son of a businessman, was not qualified to be with them.

However, because Bai Yuxian seemed to have a good relationship with Li Bai, he didn't say much.

During this period, Du Fu also wanted to join in, but Du Fu was too young. Bai Yuxian thought for a while and decided not to bring him along. A place like Tianxiang Tower was still not suitable for Du Fu, a little boy, until his hair had grown.

And Du Fu did not attend tonight's New Year's Eve poetry event.

"Hey Mr. Bai, Mr. Cui, Mr. Wei, Mr. Wang, Mr. Song, Mr. Su, hurry up, hurry up, gentlemen, please come in."

"Dear guest, please come up to the seventh floor!"

When the group arrived at Tianxiang Tower, they received an unprecedented warm reception, especially from Bai Yuxian. The group was led directly to the seventh floor.

Tonight's Yuanxi Poetry Festival is held by the emperor himself. As the largest brothel in Chang'an City, Tianxiang Tower is naturally paying attention to the situation and has already known the results of tonight's Yuanxi Poetry Festival. Therefore, Bai Yuxian and others have been informed since then. Unprecedented hospitality and high standards of hospitality.

At the same time, Bai Yuxian and others entered Tianxiang Tower at the same time.

In a high-standard wing in Tianxiang Building, Liu Hongxiu couldn't help but stood up from the dressing table and walked to the door when she heard the sounds from downstairs outside.

At this time, the maid Xiaoyu also walked in quickly from outside.


"How about the situation outside, but Master Bai, the White Jade Immortal, is here."

"Yes, miss, it's Mr. White Jade Fairy here."

"Tonight's New Year's Eve Poetry Festival, Mr. Bai is really amazing. He won the first prize in one fell swoop. I heard that even the emperor praised Mr. Bai, saying that Mr. Bai's talents are as beautiful as a literary song and he is as beautiful as a banished immortal. Now outside, upstairs. We are all discussing Mr. Bai next time."

The more Xiaoyu talked, the more excited she became, because she knew that her young lady had long been in love with Bai Yuxian, and she had been waiting for Bai Yuxian to come again for a long time.

Now Bai Yuxian is shining brightly at the New Year's Eve Poetry Festival. Bai Yuxian's performance is so outstanding, doesn't it mean that his young lady's vision is better.

In this way, if my young lady really comes together with Bai Yuxian, the benefits to them will naturally be even more needless to say.

"finally come!"

Liu Hongxiu felt happy when she heard this, and also felt relieved.

Because since the last time Bai Yuxian came to Tianxiang Tower, and she saw Queen Bai Yuxian at a glance, her mind was filled with the figure of Bai Yuxian. During this period, she has been waiting for Bai Yuxian to come again, and then thought about it. Find an opportunity to meet Bai Yuxian and express your feelings.

Originally, she thought that she would see Bai Yuxian again soon after the last farewell, and Bai Yuxian would come to Tianxiang Tower again soon.

After all, their Tianxiang Tower is the largest fireworks place in Chang'an. No matter who they are, as long as they come here once, they will never forget to come back a second time.

As a result, she never expected that it had been more than three months since Bai Yuxian last came to Tianxiang Tower.

Until today, it has been more than three months before I came to Tianxiang Tower again, and it was because I won the first prize at the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival tonight with many friends, otherwise I might not have come.

More than three months.

She waited for more than three months to see Bai Yuxian again.

Who knows how she got through these three months or so, how many times she thought about it day and night and couldn't sleep at night.

Liu Hongxiu couldn't help but feel a bit of resentment in her heart, but she was not angry. Instead, she became more and more enamored of Bai Yuxian and was determined that she had not misjudged the person.Bai Yuxian doesn't like to run to places with fireworks like their Tianxiang Tower like others. Doesn't this represent Bai Yuxian's noble character?

Liu Hongxiu also completely made up her mind that she would never let go of this opportunity again tonight and must seize Bai Yuxian firmly while taking advantage of this opportunity.

Originally, she was considering whether to be reserved or proactive when meeting Bai Yuxian last time.

But now, why is she being reserved? If she is any more reserved, she may not even have the chance to meet him.

"Xiaoyu, go and tell Mama Zhang for me that I will go to the seventh floor to perform a dance for Mr. Bai and the others later."


Xiaoyu hurried out immediately, knowing that her young lady's dance performance was fake, and she wanted to take this opportunity to meet Bai Yuxian.

Liu Hongxiu also hurriedly sat down in front of the dressing table and began to dress herself up.

Half a moment later, Xiaoyu left and returned, but her face looked anxious.

"Sorry, miss, I just got the news that Master Li has also gone to the seventh floor, and it seems that he is also going to Mr. Bai."

With a swish, Liu Hongxiu's expression suddenly changed when he heard this.

Li Shishi just came to Tianxiang Tower from the Teachers' Square some time ago, but with Tianxiang's face that is even better than hers and her cool and outstanding temperament, she quickly became famous in Tianxiang Tower, and Li Shishi Huan Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting are proficient in everything. She is known as a talented girl in Tianxiang Tower today. She became famous faster than she did back then, and her figure is also one of the best in a million.

Although she doesn't want to admit it, if Master Li also goes for Bai Yuxian, it will definitely be a huge threat to her.

Liu Hongxiu's heart suddenly became anxious.

At the same time, I suddenly understood in my heart that the whole city was paying attention to the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival tonight. Bai Yuxian won the first prize in one fell swoop and was even praised by the emperor in person. The news must have spread throughout Tianxiang Tower.

Compared with when Bai Yuxian came to Tianxiang Tower for the first time, Bai Yuxian's fame is now much greater. It can even be said that Bai Yuxian is now famous all over the capital.

Plus Bai Yuxian's conditions.

Now in Tianxiang Tower, I am afraid that apart from her, Li Shishi is not the only one who is eyeing Bai Yuxian.

There are probably not many others who are eyeing Bai Yuxian at this moment.

After all, for women like them who have fallen into prostitution, finding a man they can rely on to redeem themselves and marry them is the only way out.

In this case, naturally the better the man, the more sought-after he is.

It goes without saying that Bai Yuxian is a perfect match in terms of talent, looks and potential.


If I had known earlier, I should have caught Bai Yuxian at all costs the first time.

Liu Hongxiu couldn't help but feel a little regretful in her heart.

But there is no point in thinking too much now, the most urgent task is to take action as soon as possible and catch Bai Yuxian.

She decided that she would wrap up Bai Yuxian tonight even with her two long legs.

This is what I set my sights on first, no one can try to steal it.

At the same time, on the seventh floor of Tianxiang Building, Bai Yuxian found that the golden finger deep in his consciousness seemed to have malfunctioned since he came here and sat down, and the message notification tone never stopped.

[One effort, one gain, lingering in the land of fireworks, being loved by beautiful women, [騒客]’s destiny acquisition progress +1, current progress: 15/100; ]

[One effort, one reward. You linger in the land of fireworks, and you are deeply loved by the beautiful woman. [騒客] The progress of obtaining fate +5, the current progress: 20/100; ]

【One effort, one gain.】

Since arriving at Tianxiang Tower, Bai Yuxian found that the progress of obtaining his [騒客] fate began to skyrocket.

Then it didn't take more than a moment.

【Ding!One pays, one receives. [騒客] The fate acquisition progress is full. Do you want to receive it? 】

That’s it!

(End of this chapter)

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