Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 41 Bai Zheng

Chapter 41 Bai Zheng
It was half past time, and Bai Zheng, who had finished his court in official uniform, returned to Wuhou Mansion with a somewhat happy expression.

Because just after the court meeting, he had already learned that today's results of the Imperial College Entrance Examination were announced. Bai Yuxian, a descendant of the Bai family, had successfully passed the Imperial College Entrance Examination and was admitted to the Imperial College. He would officially become a student of the Imperial College in three days. .

That was the Imperial College. It had been more than 100 years since any of the Bai family's children had been admitted to the Imperial College, and yet they were admitted based on their own talents. What a gift.

In fact, in the past few years, although he has become the head of the Bai family, has been granted many titles and titles, and is extremely prosperous in the eyes of many people, Bai Zheng has always had a kind of worry in his heart.

Because after so many years, since his ancestor Wuhou of the Bai family founded the Wuhou Mansion, the Bai family of the Wuhou Mansion has actually been in decline, especially now, it has reached the extreme decline.

First of all, in terms of military generals, the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion is a powerful military officer, but now the Bai family cannot find a military general in the army. This is definitely a terrible and dangerous thing for a powerful military officer. .

Secondly, in terms of civil servants, although he is now a fourth-rank official in the imperial court and a minister in the Ministry of Rites, he has actually not entered the center of the court at all. Even in the Ministry of Rites, he is somewhat ignored. Many times he feels powerless, because now the Bai family He was the only one in the court, and he was completely alone. Many times he was walking on thin ice.

To put it bluntly, he alone supports the Bai family today. Many times, Bai Zheng is worried that if one day he suddenly collapses, what will the entire Wuhou Mansion and the entire Bai family do? Who else can do it? Supporting the entire Bai family and the entire Wuhou Mansion.

Others in the family may not know it yet, but Bai Zheng, who is now the head of the Bai family and supports the court alone, knows that the current Bai family has actually reached an extremely dangerous situation.

And the most terrifying thing is that the younger generation of the Bai family still has no successors.

Among the younger generations, Bai Zheng has the highest hopes for his son Bai Yusheng, but he has not grown up yet. To be honest, Bai Zheng is also a little worried about his son's situation in recent years. His mother and wife are too Pampered and favored, he was allowed to hang out among the women in the house every day. In the long run, Bai Zheng felt that it was not a good thing, but he had no choice, because every time he said something, his mother would come out to protect him.

Today, Bai Zheng hopes that someone in his family can step forward and help him share his worries or support the Bai family in the future.

Under such circumstances, Bai Yuxian turned out to be admitted to the Imperial College, and Bai Zheng was unhappy.

Although Bai Yuxian is only a collateral descendant, he is still a member of the Bai family after all, and he has the same blood of the Bai family.

Regardless of whether they are direct lineage, direct lineage or collateral lineage, as long as they are members of their Bai family, Bai Zheng is willing to see outstanding descendants like Bai Yuxian, and the more the better.

However, there is another worry about Bai Yuxian and Bai Zheng. That is, after the death of Bai Yuxian's father, the behavior of the clan towards Bai Yuxian and her mother, Zhen's orphans and widowers, was indeed a bit too chilling. They bullied the orphans and widowers and forced Zhen to He took the initiative to donate his family property.

In fact, Bai Zheng didn't agree very much with what happened back then, but at that time, he was not the head of the family after all, so he couldn't change anything at all.

"For the present, we can only try to compensate as much as possible."

Bai Zheng sighed in his heart.




Returning to the mansion, people in the mansion saluted one after another along the way.

Bai Zheng hurriedly walked into the inner palace to meet his mother to discuss how to make amends and win Bai Yuxian's heart back, and then meet Bai Yuxian in person.

As a result, as soon as he returned to the inner palace, he heard his son Bai Yusheng losing his temper in the room and locking himself in the room, throwing and smashing him. His mother, wife and others were anxiously trying to persuade him outside.

"What's going on?!" Bai Zheng frowned instantly.



Seeing that it was Bai Zheng who had returned, the expressions of everyone outside the door suddenly changed. Except for Mrs. Bai, they all saluted, and Bai Yusheng in the room also stopped moving.


Bai Zheng asked directly, looking at the scene, he felt a senseless anger in his heart. How could it be unbecoming for a man to lose his temper and lock himself in the room, throwing and smashing him like a woman?

Soon after being questioned, Bai Zheng learned the specific reason and became furious.

However, he was not angry at Bai Yuxian and Han Shiyin, but at his own son Bai Yusheng.

In Bai Zheng's view, let alone Bai Yuxian and Han Shiyin, they are in love with each other. Even if they are not, as Bai Zheng's legitimate son and the future heir of his Bai family, he looks like this at the moment. Why should a man worry about having no wife? A woman wants to live and die, but she locks herself in a room and smashes her body like a bitch.

Just like that, if you want to inherit the Bai family, what qualifications do you have?

It's just like a lump.


Bai Zheng kicked open the door angrily in an instant, his forehead almost smoking with anger.


Bai Yusheng was also frightened immediately. He looked at Bai Zheng in fear and did not dare to break anything anymore.

"It's embarrassing." Bai Zheng was already furious. Looking at his son who looked like a woman with pear blossoms and rain in front of him, he angrily picked up a chair next to him and tried to smash it over.

"Master." Mrs. Wang's expression suddenly changed.

"Stop." Mrs. Bai also shouted loudly.

Bai Zheng, who was already anxious to take action, suddenly froze in action. He could ignore his wife Wang's words, but it was difficult for him to disobey his mother's words.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to beat your own son to death? Beat my precious grandson to death."

Mrs. Bai glared at Bai Zheng angrily, then quickly walked into the room and held Bai Yusheng in her arms to protect him.

"Grandma." With Mrs. Bai's protection, Bai Yusheng couldn't help crying again.

"Mother, you." Bai Zheng was angry and anxious. He felt that his son would really be ruined if he didn't take good care of him.

"What am I doing? Didn't you see how wronged Yusheng was today? You just don't care as a father, but you actually want to beat your child. Are there any fathers like you?" Mrs. Bai couldn't help but scold her. She said that Bai Yusheng was her treasure and the future of their Wuhou Mansion.

"Yes, sir, don't you see how wronged Yusheng is today, his face is stained with tears. If you don't care, don't blame outsiders, you still want to beat Yusheng. Yusheng is our own child, and he is the future of our Bai family. Ah." Mrs. Wang immediately said distressedly.

Bai Zheng froze in place, and suddenly he couldn't help but feel tired and depressed.

Every time he wanted to discipline him, his mother and wife were so protective of him, especially his mother, and he couldn't go against his mother's wishes.

That's it.

Bai Zheng suddenly felt tired, and his original thoughts of anger and discipline suddenly faded away, and he almost had the urge to give up his job and step down as the head of the Bai family. Whoever wants to do it.

But in the end, Bai Zheng suppressed the emotions in his heart and cheered himself up, because he knew that if he gave up now, no one in the entire Bai family would be able to support him.

"That's all, this matter can be discussed later, but there is one thing that the child needs to discuss with his mother immediately."

"What matters to Yusheng?" Mrs. Bai was not so angry. She was still blaming Bai Zheng for his actions just now. She felt very distressed when she saw Bai Yusheng holding the pear blossoms in his arms.

When Bai Zheng heard this, he felt that the anger he had just suppressed almost came up again, and he suppressed the emotions in his heart and said.

"It's Yuxian's business. Now that Yuxian has been admitted to the Imperial Academy, I think my mother should also know the importance of this matter."

Mrs. Bai's face suddenly stiffened again. If she wanted to say that the person she hates the most right now, it must be Bai Yuxian. However, no matter how much she hates her, she also knows that it is indeed easy for Bai Yuxian to be admitted to the Imperial College this time. She must be careless.

Not long after, in the hall of the Bai family's inner palace.

In addition to Mrs. Bai, Bai Zheng also summoned his other two brothers, Bai Lian and Bai He, and the four brothers, mother and son, gathered together.

"Brother, is there something important that calls us together in such a hurry?" Bai Lian said.

"You all know that Yuxian successfully passed the Imperial College entrance examination." Bai Zheng heard this and looked at Bai Lian and then at Bai He.

"Hey, that's it."

When Bai He heard this, he immediately became angry. He thought it was something important, and the expression on Bai Lian's face suddenly became dull.

Naturally, they already knew about Bai Yuxian's admission to the Imperial College. After all, it was such a big thing, but they didn't pay too much attention to it, and even felt a little annoyed. After all, Bai Yuxian was not close to them, and was just a sideline. Besides, they were not close to them. Even if it is a kiss, as long as it is not their biological child, they may not be happy in their hearts.

"What kind of place is the Imperial College and the importance of the Imperial College students? I don't think I need to say much. You should also know that for a member of the family to be admitted to the Imperial College, this is a major event for our Bai family to honor our family and even our ancestors. So, I called you here this time because I want to discuss with you and your mother in detail how to reward the Jade Immortal. As the head of the family, we must reward the children of the clan who have outstanding performance, otherwise it will be difficult to unite the hearts of the people. "

Bai Zheng's idea is that this time Bai Yuxian is admitted to the Imperial Academy, he must be rewarded, and not less, otherwise it will easily alienate his fellow clan members. Not to mention, the family owed Bai Yuxian's family back then, and if they don't try their best to make up for it now, it will really be a disaster. late.

If you don't want to do everything you can to win over and train such outstanding young people, why don't you push them out?

"I have arranged to give 1000 taels of silver as a reward before this happened." At this time, Mrs. Bai said. Although she did not want to offend Bai Yuxian openly, she also did not want to give Bai Yuxian too many benefits.

"Not enough." This time, Bai Zheng did not follow his mother's wishes and stated his position directly.

And although 1000 taels is a lot, it is really not much, especially for nobles like them. If there is such a descendant in the family who can be admitted to the Imperial College, the reward will be 1000 taels, let alone 1 taels. Not much.

"What do you mean, brother?" Bai Lian and Bai He looked at Bai Zheng.

"My idea is to first return all the land and property of Yuxian's family to Yuxian."

Bai Zheng spoke directly. His idea was to first return to Bai Yuxian all the land and property that his family owned that originally belonged to Bai Yuxian's family, so as to make up for what happened back then, and then give other rewards.



(End of this chapter)

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