Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 42 Meeting Bai Zheng for the first time

Chapter 42 Meeting Bai Zheng for the first time
As soon as Bai Zheng finished speaking, Bai Lian and Bai He immediately objected in unison.


When Bai Qingfeng was alive, he was both civilized and military, and he led the army. He left quite a lot of property after his death. Both of them had a lot of this property back then. How could it be possible for them to spit it out now.

"Brother, that Bai Yuxian is just a collateral descendant. We are real brothers. You can't turn your elbows outward."

"That's eldest brother. I know you always pay attention to fairness in everything you do, but fairness also differs from near and far. That Bai Yuxian is just a collateral descendant and is no longer one of our own. We are the real family."


When Bai Zheng heard this, he couldn't help but feel furious.

He is simply short-sighted, always only looking at the little profit in front of him. Now his Bai family is getting worse and worse. If the family does not quickly cultivate a few younger generations who can support the facade, then he will not be able to survive. If they live there, the entire Bai family will probably be doomed.

And once the Bai family is finished, there will be no intact eggs under the overturned nest. Only with the entire Bai family in Wuhou Mansion can the interests of all the Bai family be guaranteed, otherwise everything will be in vain.

But Bai Lian and Bai He couldn't see clearly these things. Even if Bai Zheng said it, they probably wouldn't agree with it.

Not only Bai Lian and Bai He, but even Mrs. Bai was extremely dissatisfied with Bai Zheng's proposal and couldn't help but speak out at this time.

"Zheng'er, I know that you are always on the right track, but what Lao San said is not wrong. Even if you want to be fair, you must also consider the distance between us. We are a real family. Although Bai Yuxian is good, but After all, it is just a collateral branch, and as the head of the family, you should consider it carefully. If the collateral branch is too strong, it may not be a good thing for my master’s family."

Mrs. Bai looked at Bai Zheng seriously and said: "If you really want to train the future heir of my Bai family, you should be a Yusheng, not an outsider."


"Okay, let's decide like this. If you are really worried about gossip in the house, just reward him with more money."

Bai Zheng wanted to say more, but was directly interrupted by Mrs. Bai.

In the foreign palace, Bai Yuxian's home was full of joy and laughter.

After handling the affairs of the inner palace and forcing Mrs. Bai to express her position, Bai Yuxian and Han Shiyin came out of the inner palace and returned home.

Then Bai Yuxian and Han Shiyin wrote a letter alone in the yard.

The letter was written to Han Shiyin's father, Han Su.

Han Su is currently an official in Lingnan and has been there for several years. Since Lingnan is far away from the capital, the contact between Han Shiyin and Han Su's father and daughter has been through letters for many years.

Now that the relationship between Bai Yuxian and Han Shiyin has been fully disclosed, it is natural for both people to write a letter to Han Su to inquire about Han Su's intentions.

Bai Yuxian naturally had no problem with this marriage. After all, Han Shiyin was as pretty as Xiangling. She was a rich young woman, and her father-in-law was an official.

Not a loss.

Mrs. Zhen didn't have any opinion on this matter. After all, Han Shiyin had no choice in terms of appearance, figure, temperament, cultivation or birth.

Needless to say, Han Shiyin was in a state of excitement after she came out of the inner palace and got the consent of Mrs. Zhen to recognize her as her future daughter-in-law. She spoke to Bai Yuxian and looked at her brother Yuxian almost Brushed.

And Bai Yuxian's performance made Han Shiyin sweetly believe that she had not misjudged the person.

Because Bai Yuxian did not go beyond her in the slightest, saying that she would at least wait until her father replied and agreed before speaking, which was a sign of respect for her.

But what Han Shiyin didn't know was that the reason why Bai Yuxian adhered to the etiquette of a gentleman so much was not because Bai Yuxian was really a gentleman.

On the contrary, Bai Yuxian is completely LSP.

The reason why he behaves like a gentleman at this moment is that his cultivation has not yet broken through the Qi and Blood Realm, and it is not appropriate to leak his essence, otherwise he would have eaten Han Shiyin and Xiangling long ago.

But now he can watch but not eat, so Bai Yuxian can only pretend to be a gentleman. After all, if he gets angry, he will be the one who suffers in the end.

"I've met Mr. Jade Fairy."

At sunset, shortly after Han Shiyin left reluctantly, a servant from the inner palace came to the door to find Bai Yuxian.

"What's the matter?"

"Young Master, I have come here to invite Mr. Yuxian to the inner palace for a brief talk on the orders of the master of the family."

Sent by Bai Zheng.

When Bai Yuxian heard this, his thoughts moved, but there was no surprise. This time he was admitted to the Imperial College, and he reached the sky in one step. He was not just a scholar before, and it was reasonable for Bai Zheng to see him at this time.

"Okay." Bai Yuxian also nodded immediately, then said to his mother and Xiang Ling, and then followed the servant to the inner palace: "Lead the way."

"Master Jade Fairy, please."

"Master, Mr. Yuxian is here."

Not long after, Bai Yuxian followed the boy to a living room in the inner mansion again.

Sitting in the living room is a middle-aged man with a medium build, a slightly chubby face, and a rather friendly face. He is Bai Zheng, the current head of the Bai family of the Wuhou Mansion.

Bai Zheng is now an official of the Tang Dynasty and a minister of the Ministry of Rites, and is a fourth-rank official. As the head of the Bai family, he also inherits the title of the Bai family of the Wuhou Mansion. However, the title is not the original marquis of the Wuhou Mansion, but a baron.

In this world, the titles of the Tang Dynasty are divided into six titles: king, duke, marquis, uncle, son, and male. The king is the highest and the baron is the lowest. The title is hereditary and can be inherited. However, if it is hereditary, the title will automatically be lowered by one level each time it is inherited. For example, initially The title is Marquis, and if it is hereditary and inherited by the next generation, it will automatically be reduced to an earl. Until the title is finally reduced to the point where the baron cannot be reduced, it will no longer decrease or be cancelled.

The title of Wuhou Mansion was originally Marquis, but by Bai Zheng's generation, it had been hereditary for the fifth generation, so the title had become the lowest baron.

However, according to the law of the Tang Dynasty, although the hereditary title will lower the title, as long as the title is not cancelled, the family will not fall. That is, when the Bai family of Wuhou Mansion was first opened, it was a marquis family. After that, although the hereditary title will continue to lower the title, as long as Wu If the title of the Marquis Mansion has not been cancelled, then the Bai family will still be the Marquis family, and the Marquis family will not fall. This can be regarded as a means for the Tang Dynasty to win over the nobles of the Tang Dynasty.And this kind of princely family is undoubtedly the pride of nobles.

"Jade Immortal pays homage to the master of the family." Bai Yuxian saluted Bai Zheng.

"Okay, okay, my Qilin son of the Bai family is here." Bai Zheng also looked at Bai Yuxian, and saw that Bai Yuxian had a jade tree in the wind, and was as humble as jade. He did not have the youthful arrogance and arrogance of being admitted to the Imperial College. The more he looked at it, the more he looked. like.

If his Bai family could have a few more descendants like Bai Yuxian, there would be no need to worry about the Bai family being unhappy.

But thinking about the current situation at home, I can't help but feel a little bitter.

"The master of the house has given you too much praise."

"There is no need to be so polite. We are all from the Bai family. Your father and I are two years older than him at the same time. After all, you should call me uncle." Bai Zheng said again.

Bai Yuxian thought for a moment: "Yes, Yuxian has met his uncle."

"Okay, okay." Hearing Bai Yuxian's words, Bai Zheng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Bai Yuxian could call him uncle, which proved that Bai Yuxian had not reached the level of hating the Bai family, and there was still hope for redemption. Opportunity, he immediately struck while the iron was hot: "In this Imperial College Entrance Examination, as a descendant of my Bai family, if you can be admitted to the Imperial College, it will bring glory to my Bai family and bring glory to the lintel. It is also a happy event for my Bai family. My Bai family has been around for hundreds of years." There is no such happy event."

"As the head of the family, I must reward my merits and punish my mistakes. This time you have brought glory to my Bai family. According to the clan rules, I must reward you. I don't know what you have in mind."

"The old lady has already rewarded Jade Immortal before."

"not enough."

Bai Zheng waved his hand directly. As the head of the Hou Men's mansion, now that a talent in the clan has been admitted to the Imperial Academy, he is only rewarded with a mere 1000 taels of silver. Even he, the head of the family, feels embarrassed.

And if you don't give as much as possible now, how can you win Bai Yuxian's heart back?

"The way I see it, if you bring glory to the family in this Imperial College Entrance Examination, I will ask someone to give you another 1 taels of silver as your reward later. In addition, from now on, you will get another 100 taels of silver every month for your future study, cultivation and family life. Your mother doesn't need to work in the inner government anymore. It is her greatest contribution to be able to cultivate outstanding children like you for our Bai family."

This was an incentive measure for Bai Yuxian that Bai Zheng had thought about before and negotiated with his mother. Originally, what he wanted most was to return the property of Bai Yuxian's family to Bai Yuxian, but he failed to get his mother's consent, and so I can only take a step back and try my best to win this reward.

Bai Yuxian glanced at Bai Zheng in surprise. He didn't expect that Bai Zheng would give him such a big reward, and he could feel that Bai Zheng was sincere, unlike Old Taijun Bai who was sincere even if he was given a reward. There is no way everything is different.

It seems that Bai Zheng really regards him as a descendant of the Bai family and wants to reward and train him from the position of the head of the Bai family. At the same time, he should also want to repair the cracks of the past and bring his heart back to the Bai family.

"Thank you uncle."

Bai Yuxian immediately thanked him.

Naturally, he would not refuse such a great benefit.

As for asking him to kiss the Bai family again, that is naturally impossible. Bai Yuxian had already planned to borrow the resources of the Bai family to grow now, as if he was taking back the wealth that belonged to him back then, and then wait until the time comes when he can become fully fledged. After that, he left the Bai family and opened a new mansion to establish a new Bai family. He was already ready to open another genealogy from himself.

As for the current Bai family, he will not target the Bai family in the future because the Bai family has obeyed the rules over the years and has not continued to bully their orphans and widowers anymore after receiving the money, and he has also kept his promise to ensure their orphans and widowers. For the sake of a stable life.

Of course, Bai Wentao, who has directly calculated against him, must be liquidated.

Seeing that Bai Yuxian did not refuse to accept it, Bai Zheng breathed a sigh of relief again.

But looking at the extraordinary Bai Yuxian in front of him, who has beautiful trees in the wind, Bai Zheng suddenly couldn't help but think of his son Bai Yusheng.

Bai Zheng pondered for a moment and couldn't help but ask: "What do Yuxian think of Yusheng?"

"Master Yusheng was a high school scholar when he was 15 years old. He is not as good as Yuxian, so he is naturally very good." Bai Yuxian was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect Bai Zhenghui to suddenly ask him about Bai Yusheng, and then he didn't hesitate.

Don't ask, it's great if you ask.

Bai Zheng also nodded when he heard this. This is indeed what he is proud of. His son was selected as a scholar at the age of 15. From this aspect, there is no doubt about Bai Yusheng's talent, but when he thinks of these years, Bai Zheng couldn't help but feel worried about the situation, especially today's performance.

"To be honest, Yuxian, I believe in Yusheng's talent, but Yusheng's performance over the years has made me a little worried, especially this incident, which also made me very disappointed. I want to hear from you, Yuxian A real view.”


Bai Yuxian hesitated for a moment, looked at Bai Zheng's face, and saw that Bai Zheng's expression was sincere. He really wanted to ask sincerely and seemed to be aware of Bai Yusheng's current problem.

Finally, he thought about it and said.

"There is no doubt about Master Yusheng's talent, but Yuxian feels that no matter how good the talent is, if you don't work hard, it will be in vain, and in terms of discipline, you still need to be stricter."

"As the saying goes, if jade is not polished, it cannot be used."

"What Yuxian said is exactly what I think."

Bai Zheng nodded in agreement when he heard the words. He felt that Bai Yuxian's words really spoke to his heart. That's what he was thinking now, and he really wanted to discipline Bai Yusheng.

But thinking about his mother, I couldn't help but feel a headache.

But these are Bai Zheng's matters, Bai Yuxian didn't say anything more, and Bai Yuxian actually didn't really have good intentions.

Because Bai Yuxian knows clearly that Bai Yusheng's current situation, even if Bai Zheng wants to discipline him severely, he probably won't be able to discipline him. Unless Bai Yusheng can suddenly realize it one day, Bai Yusheng is already 17 years old, and there is no way he can discipline him. The character has been formed.

The reason why Bai Yusheng said this was just because he wanted Bai Zheng to strictly discipline Bai Yusheng so that he could deal with Bai Yusheng.

If he can't be disciplined, he'll be beaten.

The more difficult it is to discipline, the harder the beating will be.

(End of this chapter)

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