Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 94: Half a month later, get the [Zen Heart] fate

Chapter 94: Half a month later, get the [Zen Heart] fate

"The spring night is short and the day is high, and the king will not go to court early from now on."

"No wonder they say Wenwen Township is the Tomb of Heroes. This king is like this, let alone us mortals."

At three o'clock in the morning, when Bai Yuxian got up from the bed and put on her clothes with great perseverance, she couldn't help but sigh, especially when she looked at the charming two girls Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi on the bed.

This is really killing people.

"Hehe, Bai Lang studies so hard on weekdays. He needs to rest and relax occasionally." Hearing this, Master Li smiled charmingly and said with a charming voice: "Why don't Bai Lang stay here today, and my sister and I will take care of you?" Shiro."

Normally, Li Shishi looks like a goddess when looking at Qing Leng Chu Chen, but after the relationship is fully established and she becomes a woman, she looks completely opposite.

"No, if you don't leave, I'll be sucked dry by you two little goblins."

Bai Yuxian shook his head. Moreover, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. He was worried that if he really indulged, it would be difficult to stabilize his mind in the future.

And now he is not at the age where he can enjoy himself in peace and contentment.

"Then Bai Lang likes little goblins?" Li Shishi asked again. He climbed up and rubbed his pretty face against Bai Yuxian's arm.


Bai Yuxian slapped Li Shishi's buttocks, directly creating a layer of fleshy waves visible to the naked eye, which was full of elasticity.

"Okay, don't continue the heat. You were tired last night, so continue to have a good rest. I will make time to come and see you in the future. You guys, don't continue to show your face. After the martial arts examination in October this year, I will I will redeem my life for you and marry you."

"You don't have to worry too much about the redemption and the money."

During this period, I also got a preliminary understanding of the situation of people redeeming themselves from Tianxiang Tower by asking Bai Yuxian.

It is not an easy task to redeem the life of the woman you like from Tianxiang Tower. First, you need a large amount of money.

In Tianxiang Tower, if you want to redeem a woman, the starting price is 1000 taels, and the more beautiful and famous the woman, the more money you need to redeem her.

Especially the top oirans like Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi started with tens of thousands taels.

Such a large amount of money is simply not something that ordinary people can afford, and even if they can afford it, Tianxiang Tower may not be willing to redeem it for you.

After all, if stunning courtesans like Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi continue to stay in Tianxiang Tower, they can definitely earn more money for Tianxiang Tower.

Therefore, if you want to redeem the woman you like from Tianxiang Tower, you need not only a large amount of money, but also a certain identity.

As for the women in Tianxiang Tower making money to redeem themselves, that is basically a delusion. Let’s first talk about whether you can make that much money. Even if you can, Tianxiang Tower may not allow you to redeem yourself.

On the other hand, if you have enough identity, it will be easier to redeem a woman in Tianxiang Tower, and the price will even become cheaper.

Therefore, Bai Yuxian plans to wait a few more months after the autumn examination in September and the martial arts examination in October before redeeming Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi. By that time, his status should be able to rise a lot, so redeeming the two women will also change their lives. It's easier and doesn't cost as much.

Otherwise, if Bai Yuxian redeems the lives of the two girls now, the redemption will definitely be possible, but the price is probably not tens of thousands taels, so don't even think about it.

Let alone whether Bai Yuxian could afford such a large amount of money, even if he could, he would be poor, and forget about the medicinal bath for martial arts practice.

So before the martial arts examination, let Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi stay in Tianxiang Tower.

Moreover, Tianxiang Tower is also safe, and with his current reputation, even if Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi are allowed to stay in Tianxiang Tower, there will basically be no one who looks at them.

Even if you come to Tianxiang Tower to drink with Li Bai and others in the future, you will have a fixed place to sleep in Tianxiang Tower at night and be cared for.

Before leaving, Bai Yuxian walked to the bedside and picked up the two girls, one on the left and the other on the right. He kissed each of them on their lips and comforted them with a soft promise.

"Leave the rest of your life to me."

"Bai Lang."

Hearing Bai Yuxian's gentle words of love and promise, the two women couldn't help but be filled with sweet emotions.

They thought that Bai Yuxian's words were a lie to them, but as long as they were willing to lie to them for the rest of their lives, they would admit it.
By the time Bai Yuxian walked out of Tianxiang Tower, the sun was already high in the sky.

However, the scorching sun in early February did not make people feel hot. Instead, it felt warm and comfortable on the body.

"Brother Yuxian."

Soon after returning home, Han Shiyin and Xiang Ling were admiring flowers in the yard. Bai Yuxian stayed with the two girls for a while, then changed into clothes and walked to the martial arts hall again to start today's practice.

I still practice during the day and practice calligraphy and painting at night.At the same time, Bai Yuxian also began to look for his own direction of calligraphy and painting based on the guidance of Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi.

In terms of calligraphy, Bai Yuxian chose running script because he personally likes running script. The words in cursive script are too sloppy and he is worried that he will not recognize what he writes. Regular script is too particular about regularity and is not suitable for him. Only running script is between regular script and regular script. Between cursive writing.

In terms of painting, Bai Yuxian chose figure painting after some thought, especially the beauty painting among figure paintings. He prefers to paint beauties, after all, they are pleasing to the eye.

In this way, Bai Yuxian has chosen his own area of ​​expertise in calligraphy and painting.

For calligraphy, choose running script.

For paintings, choose beauty paintings.

Moreover, when it comes to choosing beauties for painting, Bai Yuxian happens to mostly use ready-made real-life models, such as Han Shiyin, Xiang Ling, Liu Hongxiu, and Li Shishi, who are not stunningly beautiful, and each has his or her own unique temperament.

In addition, after being introduced to Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi by Li Bai, Bai Yuxian often came to them to communicate and seek advice.

So unconsciously, another half month passed.

Time to enter March.

In the spring of March, the grass grows and orioles fly, and the weather becomes completely warm.

During this half month, Bai Yuxian often visited Tianxiang Tower with Li Bai, Cui Zongzhi, Zhang Xu, Wu Daozi and others.

However, the main reason why Bai Yuxian went to Tianxiang Tower was to ask Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi for calligraphy and painting lessons.

Of course, in addition to this, in-depth communication and relationship building with Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi in the second half of the night will naturally not be left behind.

The relationship between Bai Yuxian, Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi has also been completely spread in Tianxiang Tower.

Bai Yuxian can be said to be envied by countless people. After all, Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi are the most famous in Tianxiang Tower today. As a result, both of them were captured by Bai Yuxian. There are a few men who can't help but envy them, namely Li Bai and Cui Zongzhi, Wang Yanlin, Song Xiuwen, Su Jin and others all have sour white jade immortals.

The other women in Tianxiang Tower were extremely envious of Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi.

After all, for women like them, it is the greatest blessing to find a man they like and can rely on, not to mention a man like Bai Yuxian who is almost the best match in terms of status, appearance, talent and other aspects.

Even the entire Bai family of Wuhou Mansion knew about this matter, including Bai Yuxian's own mother Zhen, Han Shiyin, and Xiangling.

However, no one from the entire Bai family or the Zhen family, Han Shiyin, or Xiang Ling said anything about this.

Since ancient times, talented people love beautiful women. There are a few talented people who are not romantic, as long as they know how to measure.

At this time, after half a month of continuous study and consultation with Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi, Bai Yuxian finally took a crucial step in his calligraphy and painting attainments, comprehending his own unique way of calligraphy and painting, and then stepped into the world of calligraphy and painting. Everyone ranks in calligraphy and painting.

At the same time, the acquisition of [Zen Heart] destiny was finally filled up by Bai Yuxian.

[One effort, one reward. If you practice calligraphy and painting diligently, you will finally understand the art of calligraphy and painting. Calligraphy and painting +100000;]

[One effort, one gain, you practice calligraphy and painting diligently, and finally realize the art of calligraphy and painting, [Zen Heart] Fate Acquisition Progress +97;]

[One effort, one gain, [Zen Heart] Fate acquisition progress is full, do you want to receive it? 】


Without any hesitation, Bai Yuxian immediately received the [Zen Heart] destiny.

I couldn't help but feel a little excited in my heart.

Because he obtained the [Zen Heart] destiny, he could immediately combine it to obtain the [Martial Saint] destiny.

With the acquisition of [Zen Heart] destiny, the specific effect information of [Zen Heart] destiny also appeared in front of Bai Yuxian and took effect.

[Zen Heart]: Blue destiny, greatly improves calligraphy and painting talent, slightly improves mental understanding.

At the same time as receiving the [Zen Heart] fate.

[Ding, one effort, one gain, [Martial Saint] Fate synthesis acquisition conditions are met, whether to synthesize it or not. 】


(End of this chapter)

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