Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 93 Sisters are united

Chapter 93 Sisters are united
After confirming that Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi's advice was effective for him, Bai Yuxian became even more eager to consult and communicate with them.

The whole night began with the two of them spending time drinking together with calligraphy and painting, either writing a book or painting, and the three of them communicated in a lively manner.

As for Bai Yuxian's eagerness to learn and seek advice, Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi were also delighted. After all, Bai Yuxian is now a famous young gentleman in the capital and praised by the emperor himself. They can give guidance to such a famous young scholar in the capital in their areas of expertise. The two of them were naturally very happy, and it would be a face-saving and fulfilling thing to spread the word.

Moreover, Bai Yuxian's attainments in calligraphy and painting are indeed extraordinary, and he is only half a step away from becoming a real calligraphy and painting master. If they can point out a calligraphy and painting master, the two of them will naturally be very willing.

Li Bai, Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin and other people nearby were also influenced by the three people. Seeing the lively discussion and exchange between the three people, they all joined in. As a result, the group of people directly discussed calligraphy and painting for most of the night.

"Xiaoyu, is Mr. Yuxian still upstairs?"

At the same time, in the wing of Tianxiang Building, Liu Hongxiu was always paying attention to the situation of Bai Yuxian on the seventh floor, and would send her maid Xiaoyu to check on her from time to time.

"Here you are, miss."

"So what's the situation up there? What is Mr. Yuxian doing?"

"Master Yuxian is discussing calligraphy and painting with Zhang Changshi and Wu. I heard from Mr. Li Bai that Mr. Yuxian seems to be studying calligraphy and painting recently."

"painting and calligraphy."

Liu Hongxiu's expression changed when she heard this. She remembered that Master Li was as proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she couldn't help but look at Master Li who was standing by.

"I remember that in addition to playing the piano, my sister is also accomplished in calligraphy and painting. I wonder how my sister's calligraphy and painting compare to those of Zhang Changshi and the Wu family."

When Master Li heard this, he couldn't help but smiled and shook his head.

"Sister thinks too highly of me. If it comes to piano skills, I still have the confidence to call myself a master. But when it comes to calligraphy and painting, compared with real masters like Zhang Changshi and Wu, my sister is far behind."

Because the sister agreement has been completely reached and it is confirmed that they will be sisters who will carry the same gun in the same camp from now on, so Master Li did not hide anything in front of Liu Hongxiu at this time.

Although everyone in Tianxiang Tower now says that she is proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting.

But Mr. Li knows his own proficiency best. If it comes to piano skills, Mr. Li believes that he is definitely worthy of everyone's praise.

But apart from the piano skills, she can only be regarded as proficient in the remaining chess, calligraphy and painting. She can be said to be proficient at most, but she is still far away from being a real master.

Liu Hongxiu nodded when he heard this, not too surprised by this.

Just like herself, in addition to dancing, she also dabbles in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but in terms of attainments, compared to her own dancing, it is far behind, far from being on a par with her.

After all, there are shortcomings and strengths, and it is not easy to practice a certain aspect to the extreme.

It’s too difficult to be omnipotent.

That night, Bai Yuxian directly took Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi to ask for advice and discuss calligraphy and painting until late at night.

Until late at night, Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi were really drunk, and everyone else was basically drunk too. Only Bai Yuxian and Li Bai were left standing.

In the end, the two had no choice but to look at each other, smile and then dispersed.

"Miss, Mr. Yuxian is here."

In the elegant pavilion of the wing where Liu Hongxiu was, the maid Xiaoyu ran back excitedly to report to Liu Hongxiu.

After the cocktail party dispersed, Bai Yuxian also came directly to Liu Hongxiu.

"Bai Lang."

Seeing Bai Yuxian arriving, Liu Hongxiu could no longer suppress the longing in her heart. She immediately ran up and threw herself into Bai Yuxian's arms, hugging Bai Yuxian tightly.

Bai Yuxian also instantly sensed Liu Hongxiu's thoughts. Thinking that she had not been here for more than a month since the relationship was established, her face softened and she said softly.

"I was negligent. I should have come to see you earlier. It's a shame for you."

Listening to Bai Yuxian's gentle and caring words, Liu Hongxiu's heart suddenly felt warm. She instantly felt that all the waiting during this period was worth it, and she quickly shook her head again.

"Hongxiu does not suffer, but Bailang does. Hongxiu knows that Bailang has great ambitions and practices hard every day. Compared with Hongxiu, Bailang works much harder. Hongxiu is also willing to wait and accompany Bailang all his life, as long as he Bai Lang has Hong Xiu in his heart, and if Youxia can come and see Hong Xiu, Hong Xiu will be satisfied."

After saying that, Liu Hongxiu couldn't help but press her side face tightly against Bai Yuxian's chest, smelling deeply the faint body fragrance of Bai Yuxian that is rare for men. The body fragrance of Bai Yuxian smelled very good, and she just felt... At this moment, the world is quiet.

"Fortunately, I met Qing's peach blossom noodles. From then on, there will be a warm spring in the fields."

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but said softly again.

Translated, it means I am lucky to know you.

And hearing Bai Yuxian's touching words of love, Liu Hongxiu, who loved Bai Yuxian deeply to the core, was even more moved. "Shiro."

Bai Yuxian's left hand gently held Liu Hongxiu's slender water snake waist, feeling the slenderness and smoothness of the waist. The other hand also instantly sensed Liu Hongxiu's flood of longing and affection for her.

But just when Bai Yuxian was about to take further action.

"Shiro, wait a minute, I have a surprise for you tonight."

Liu Hongxiu suddenly grabbed Bai Yuxian's right hand, her face flushed, and she exhaled like a blue moon.


Bai Yuxian looked at Liu Hongxiu suspiciously, and then he saw a figure wearing white clothes, with a cold temperament and a beautiful face slowly walking out from behind the screen in the room.

"Master, I have met Mr. Bai."

"Master, Miss."

Bai Yuxian was stunned for a moment, looking at the beautiful figure coming out from behind the screen in the room, it was clear who she was if it wasn't Li Shishi.

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but look at Liu Hongxiu suspiciously.

Do you think this is the surprise you gave me?
Liu Hongxiu's pretty face has a peach color that never fades, and her beautiful eyes are shy and timid, as if she is a little embarrassed.

"Bai Lang, my master and I are like sisters. We also fell in love with Bai Lang at first sight. Moreover, we are also pure servants. I am willing to serve Bai Lang with me from now on. I only ask Bai Lang not to give up."

After Liu Hongxiu finished speaking, Master Li also walked up and saluted again.

"When we said goodbye last time, Shishi has already fallen in love with Mr. Bai. He has made up his mind not to marry anyone other than Mr. Bai in this life. He only asks Mr. Bai not to give up on Shishi's low status. Shishi is willing to serve Mr. Bai together with Sister Hongxiu from now on. ."

After speaking, Master Li slowly untied the white clothes around his waist, and the white clothes slipped off his shoulders, revealing his jade-white shoulders and delicate collarbones.

Really old shoulders and cunning.

"Bai Lang, Master is sincere, just agree." Liu Hongxiu next to him advised again.

"I hope Mr. Bai will not give up and show mercy." Master Li also said.

Bai Yuxian didn't say much, but showed his attitude with actions.

With a gentle grasp of his hands, he picked up Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi, one on the left and the other on the right, and then walked towards the bed.

this night.

The sound of the beautiful woman playing the flute is faint, and the spring breeze blows through the Yumen Pass several times.
A night of spring supper.

When I woke up the next day, I looked at Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi on the left and right.

Bai Yuxian only had one idea.

The bed seems a bit too small. It was a little hard to move when there were three of us last night. When I get married and move out of Wuhou Mansion, I must first get myself a big enough bed.

Get a big bed that can sleep a dozen people together.

And be strong.

It's time to get up and go back.

Then looking out the window at the dawn, Bai Yuxian muttered to himself again.


Feeling Bai Yuxian's movements, Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi also woke up slowly, looked at Bai Yuxian who was about to get up, and called out delicately.

"Bai Lang."

When Bai Yuxian heard the sound, he couldn't help but look at the two women. However, when he saw the scenery of Nai Xue under the quilt of the two women, the movement he had just stood up was frozen as if a spell had been cast.

And then until the sun rises three poles.

Only then did Bai Yuxian really get up from the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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