Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 92 Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi

Chapter 92 Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi
"Miss, Mr. Yuxian is here."

In Tianxiang Tower, Liu Hongxiu also quickly learned the news of Bai Yuxian's arrival, and her whole face could not help showing excitement.

Because Bai Yuxian has not been here since the last night of romance at the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival, and it has been more than a month.

For more than a month, Bai Yuxian did not come again, and the longing in Liu Hongxiu's heart had already flooded like a tide.

If she hadn't found out through inquiring that Bai Yuxian was studying hard and had no time to care about him, she might have been unable to help but wonder whether Bai Yuxian had forgotten her or had no intention of taking responsibility.

Even so, she couldn't help but want to take the initiative to find Bai Yuxian more than once, but she was afraid of disturbing Bai Yuxian and making Bai Yuxian unhappy.

"Have you seen Mr. Yuxian? Did Mr. Yuxian say anything?" Liu Hongxiu asked impatiently.

"Xiaoyu has not seen Mr. Yuxian, but just now Mother Zhang told me that she asked Mr. Yuxian for the young lady. Mr. Yuxian said that he would come to see you tonight after drinking with friends."

"That's good."

Liu Hongxiu breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Bai Yuxian still remembered her, then she seemed to have thought of something and hurriedly gave instructions.

"Go and prepare the bath. I want to take a shower and change clothes."


At the same time, Master Li quickly received news of Bai Yuxian's arrival, and then came directly to Liu Hongxiu.

"Sister, you still remember the agreement you made with your sister last time."

"Young Master Yuxian is unparalleled in both civil and military skills. I'm afraid my sister can't handle it alone. Let me help her."
Bai Yuxian followed Li Bai to the seventh floor of Tianxiang Tower.

As soon as I arrived upstairs, I saw two familiar people.

Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin.

"Haha, Brother Bai, I asked why Brother Li is late today. It turns out that he went to find Brother Bai. Come and have a drink together. We said goodbye in the evening at the last New Year's Eve Poetry Festival, but we haven't seen each other for a month. Brother Bai has been drinking, so he must not come back drunk tonight."

"The scene of Brother Bai and Brother Li fighting over poems that night is still vivid in my mind."

Seeing Bai Yuxian, Cui Zongzhi and Su Jin immediately greeted him with smiles.

"Brother Cui, Brother Su."

Bai Yuxian also smiled and held hands with the two of them.

At the same time, in addition to Cui Zongzhi and Su Jin, there were seven people present, five of whom Bai Yuxian also knew, because they were all supervisors of the Imperial College, and these five people were also present at the Tianxiang Tower gathering after the last Lantern Festival Poetry Festival. .

"Brother Zhou, Brother Wang, Brother Cai, Brother Sun, Brother Zhao."

Bai Yuxian bowed his hands to the five people again.

"Brother Bai."

The couple greeted each other warmly.

Then Bai Yuxian looked at the last two people.

The last two people were an old man in his 50s who looked a bit slovenly and gave off a wild feeling, and a middle-aged man dressed as a scholar and elegant in temperament.

"Come on, Brother Bai, let me introduce you. These two are Zhang Xu, Zhang Changshi and Wu Daozi whom I told you about on the way."

Li Bai introduced Bai Yuxian.

But it was clear that the last two people in front of him were not Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi.

"I have heard the names of Zhang Changshi and the Wu family for a long time. We have been friends with each other for a long time. Today, Yuxian finally gets to meet you two. It's a pleasure to meet you." Bai Yuxian immediately raised his hands and saluted.

"You're welcome, Mr. Bai. We have heard Mr. Bai's name for a long time and have been friends for a long time. We finally meet him today."

"I have long heard that Your Majesty praised Bai Jun for his talent and beauty. He is as beautiful as a banished immortal coming to earth. When we meet him today, he will be even more famous when we meet him."

The two of them also returned the greeting to Bai Yuxian enthusiastically.

Nowadays, Bai Yuxian is well-known in the capital and has long been a famous figure in the capital. Especially the praise of Emperor Li Longji to Bai Yuxian at the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival in the past has become famous all over the world. Naturally, the two of them are no strangers to Bai Yuxian.

The name Bai Junzi is also the reputation Bai Yuxian had in Beijing after the Lantern Festival Poetry Festival in the past.

Because Emperor Li Longji also praised Bai Yuxian for being a gentleman at the Yuanxi Poetry Festival, and Bai Yuxian now has the Junzi Sword and Junzi Jade gifted by the emperor, especially the Junzi Sword, which is the only one in the world.

Therefore, Bai Yuxian now also has the reputation of Bai Junzi in Beijing.In addition, Bai Yuxian also has a reputation as a banished immortal. This reputation came from Bai Yuxian's younger brother Du Fu.

Nowadays, Du Fu has almost become Bai Yuxian's loyal little fan. When he meets everyone, he says that Bai Yuxian is not a mortal, but a banished immortal from heaven. For this purpose, he even wrote several poems to Bai Yuxian. It is widely circulated in Beijing.

"Zhang Changshi and the Wu family are overly praised. Their reputations are not worth mentioning."

Bai Yuxian said modestly again, so the two parties were officially acquainted.

The subsequent intersection is simple.

It is actually very easy for literati to get along with each other. There is a saying that they cherish each other.

Especially when they were drinking, Bai Yuxian soon became familiar with Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi. Although the three of them were very different in age, it did not prevent them from becoming friends forever.

Soon after learning that Bai Yuxian was also studying calligraphy and painting recently, the three of them had more common topics, and Bai Yuxian immediately took this opportunity to ask the two for advice.

When it comes to calligraphy and painting, Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi are undoubtedly the top figures.

After all, the grass sage Zhang Xu and the painting sage Wu Daozi are both top figures who have left their names in history.

Bai Yuxian informed the two of them about his current situation in calligraphy and painting, and the two of them were indeed worthy of being famous calligraphers and painters. After hearing about Bai Yuxian's situation, they understood where Bai Yuxian's bottleneck was and gave some advice.

"It seems that Bai Junzi is only half a step away from being a real master in calligraphy and painting."

Later, Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi asked Bai Yuxian to write a book and draw a painting.

Bai Yuxian immediately followed the instructions and wrote a calligraphy and a picture of water lilies.

Li Bai, Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin and others also came over curiously and looked at Bai Yuxian's calligraphy and painting.

"Brother Bai's work has become popular among everyone." Cui Zongzhi marveled.

"I didn't expect Brother Bai's calligraphy and painting skills to reach this level." Others couldn't help but sigh.

There were all learned people present, and they could naturally see that the calligraphy and painting skills of Bai Yuxian in front of them were already in the style of everyone, and quite worthy of everyone, but if you look closely, you feel that they are still a little bit behind.

"Bai Junzi's calligraphy and painting have won three points from everyone, and he is only half a step away from being a true master."

Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi also gave positive evaluations. Through Bai Yuxian's calligraphy and painting, they can thoroughly judge Bai Yuxian's attainments in calligraphy and painting at this time. Indeed, he is only half a step away from becoming a true master of calligraphy and painting.

Then the two of them told Bai Yuxian without hesitation.

The way for everyone lies in the spirit, and pays attention to an artistic conception that has both form and spirit.

Some of this kind of thing is difficult to describe in words, and some of it belongs to the category of metaphysical ideas.

If you want to become a true calligraphy and painting master, you must have your own artistic conception, form your own way of calligraphy and painting, and become your own style.

When we reach the realm of calligraphy and painting, whether it is written words or paintings, they have both form and spirit, just like paintings. All truly master works will give people a lifelike feeling, rather than The simple emptiness has its form but no spirit. People will know it is a simple painting at a glance.

Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi pointed out to Bai Yuxian that if he wants to take the final step to become a true master of calligraphy and painting, he must understand his own way of calligraphy and painting and rely on perception.

At the same time, in terms of calligraphy and painting, even if they are all calligraphers and painters, they are good at different calligraphy and painting. For example, although Zhang Xu is a calligrapher, he is best at cursive script, while some calligraphers are best at running script, and Wu Daozi's He is best at landscape painting.

The two also advised Bai Yuxian that if he wants to become a master of calligraphy and painting, he must also find out what he is good at.

Later, in order to give Bai Yuxian some guidance, Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi each wrote a cursive calligraphy and a painting for Bai Yuxian on the spot.

Looking at the calligraphy and paintings of the two of them, Bai Yuxian also felt that he had some enlightenment for a moment.

[One effort, one gain, diligently practice calligraphy and painting, observe and copy everyone’s works and get guidance from everyone, gain enlightenment, calligraphy and painting +2000;]

[One effort, one reward, you practice calligraphy and painting diligently, observe and copy everyone’s works and get everyone’s guidance, and you will have enlightenment. [Zen Heart] Fate Acquisition Progress +20]

At this time, deep in Bai Yuxian's consciousness, the golden finger's information prompt also sounded.

Bai Yuxian was suddenly shocked.


The guidance and exchange between Zhang Xu and Wu Daozi had an effect on me.

In this way, he can continue to speed up the progress of obtaining the [Zen Heart] destiny.

(End of this chapter)

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