Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 13 Bai Yu, take advantage of the situation

Chapter 13 Bai Yu, take advantage of the situation

At noon, Bai Yuxian, who had temporarily finished his training and was about to go to the canteen to eat, glanced at the direction Bai Wentao and others left, with a cold look in his eyes.

With his keen intuition and analysis, Bai Yuxian was almost [-]% sure that Bai Wentao and others might not have good intentions towards him.

When he was just practicing, Bai Yuxian could feel that Bai Wentao and others had been secretly paying attention to him. Although he concealed it, he was still keenly felt by Bai Yuxian. In addition, during this period of time, he had repeatedly Rejecting Bai Wentao's solicitation, given Bai Wentao's narrow-minded and arrogant character, I am afraid that he would have been impatient and angry with him.

In this case, it is absolutely possible for Bai Wentao to be angry and plot against himself. Unfortunately, he is not strong enough and his status is not enough to directly take the initiative to solve Bai Wentao's trouble. For the time being, he can only be more careful.

This is the trouble of not having enough strength and not having enough status, and it is easy to be bullied.

"It's almost time. In another twenty days, the college examination will begin."

For Bai Yuxian, the best way to improve his status in the shortest time is to take the next college examination, and then use the college examination as a springboard to attack the Imperial College. This is definitely the best way for him to improve his status in the shortest time. .

As for cultivation, although his current speed is good, it is somewhat unrealistic to reach a high enough level and have sufficient strength in a short period of time.

"Jade Immortal."

However, just when Bai Yuxian temporarily ended his training and went to the dining hall, Bai Haowu came over. There were three people with him, named Bai Haowen, Bai Qingzhi, and Bai Ziyu. The three of them were also descendants of the Bai family. Among them, Bai Haowen and Bai Haowu is still a brother.

The four of them also had the best relationship with Bai Yuxian in the martial arts hall during this period.

"Brothers, Qingzhi, Ziyu."

Seeing the four of them, Bai Yuxian immediately smiled and cupped his hands. Bai Haowen and Bai Haowu were both older than Bai Yuxian, so Bai Yuxian called them clan brothers. Bai Qingzhi and Bai Ziyu were two years younger than Bai Yuxian.

"Just now we saw Bai Wentao and the others whispering and secretly paying attention to you. But during this period, you have rejected Bai Wentao three times in a row. I'm afraid you have made him angry, and you will probably be angry with him next. It's not good for you, so you should be more careful. If Bai Wentao really dares to do something excessive, he can't handle it alone and he can come to us at any time." Bai Haowu said solemnly in a low voice.

They had also seen the situation between Bai Wentao and Bai Yuxian during this period, and knew that Bai Wentao's character might be detrimental to Bai Yuxian in the future.

"Okay, thank you clan brother and everyone. I will be more careful next time. If I can't handle it, I won't be polite to clan brother and everyone."

When Bai Changsheng heard this, he immediately politely thanked the four of them.

"Well, be careful with everything."

In this way, the two parties separated from each other.

The four of Bai Haowu looked at Bai Yuxian heading towards the dining hall. The reason for reminding Bai Yuxian like this was that after getting along with each other during this period, they felt that Bai Yuxian was indeed good and worthy of friendship, and the other was due to Bai Yuxian's talent. Judging from their attitude towards cultivation during this period, they also feel that people like Bai Yuxian who are talented and self-disciplined and hardworking will most likely succeed in the future, so they also want to build a good relationship with Bai Yuxian now.

After leaving, Bai Yuxian was also thinking about how Bai Wentao would deal with him, and he found out the next day.

"Yu Xian has met Brother Bai Yu."

Bai Yuxian looked at the young man who suddenly came to him, dressed luxuriously and looking like a noble man, but with a look of kidney failure and excessive sexual indulgence. He raised his hands and saluted.

The person who came was none other than Bai Yu, a direct descendant of the Bai family, the son of Bai Erye Bai Lian.

He is also the famous young master in their Bai family. He is a lecherous and sensual man. Although he is married, he wanders around the alleys of fireworks and willows every day. He can be said to be a complete playboy.

The moment she saw Bai Yu, Bai Yuxian's heart sank slightly.

Although Bai Yu is uneducated and has no skills, as a direct descendant of the Bai family, his status is much higher than him. To put it bluntly, the status difference between Bai Yuxian and Bai Yu is equivalent to that in the Bai family. The difference between servant and master.

How could a noble direct descendant of Bai Yu suddenly find him?

Bai Wentao!
Bai Yuxian thought of Bai Wentao almost immediately.

"Haha, clan brother, you're welcome. I've always heard that clan brother is both civilized and martial, and has a beautiful tree. When we meet him today, he will become even more famous when we meet him."

Bai Yu saw that Bai Yuxian was very warm and polite, and at the same time he looked at Bai Yuxian carefully, thinking that this dog really looked like a human, especially that face.

If I had such good looks and body and temperament, I wouldn't need to spend money to find a girl in Goulan. I'm afraid there would be a lot of girls vying for the extra money.

Bai Yu couldn't help but curse in his heart.

To be honest, the moment he saw Bai Yuxian, he couldn't help but feel jealous.

This piece of shit looks so sexy that it makes people jealous.

However, thinking of the purpose of today, he suppressed the jealousy in his heart and showed enthusiasm to Bai Yuxian.

"Brother Clan has given you too much praise. I don't know why Clan Brother came to see Yuxian today. What's the important matter?" "It's something."

Bai Yu suddenly saw the situation and did not hide it. The main reason was that he felt that Bai Yuxian was a low-ranking associate and was not qualified to let him hide her.

"I heard that Sister Xiangling is the younger sister of the Yuxian clan brother."


Bai Yuxian's heart felt cold, and when he looked at Bai Yu's appearance, his thoughts suddenly changed and he thought about the matter roughly.

Bai Yu is a well-known womanizer. Although he already has a wife, he is still lustful and lustful. Although Xiangling is only fifteen or sixteen years old, she is already slim and tall, especially with a pure face. The face that looks extremely sweet and cute when she smiles is even more outstanding. It can be said that it combines purity and sweetness, and its appearance is the best.

Such a girl is seen by a lustful person like Bai Yu, and the consequences can be imagined.

It was probably Bai Wentao who told Bai Yu about this, and then wanted to use Bai Yu to disgust him.

At this thought, Bai Yuxian could not help but feel some murderous intent in her heart, but on the surface she remained calm and her thoughts immediately changed.

"It turns out that the clan brother asked Xiang Ling. Xiang Ling is indeed the clan brother's sister, but this identity is not accurate. To be more precise, Xiang Ling should be the clan brother's fiancée."

"What?!" Bai Yu's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Bai Yuxian in shock.

"Don't clan brother know?" Bai Yuxian looked confused: "Although clan brother and Xiangling are brothers and sisters on the surface, they are not related by blood. Xiangling is the daughter of a former good friend of clan brother's father. Unfortunately, she was seriously ill. Before he passed away, he entrusted Xiangling to my father, and at that time, my brother Xiangling and I had already decided to get married. However, because my brother and Xiangling were still young at the time, we only called them brother and sister temporarily over the years."

"And after this college examination, when the clan brother gets the title, he will officially prepare for his marriage to Xiang Ling. Although this matter has not been publicized in the clan brother's family, it is not a secret."

"Looking at the clan brother's intentions, he must have fallen in love with Xiangling, but a gentleman will not take away someone's love, let alone a brother's wife. A brother's wife cannot be bullied. Wen clan brother is so righteous, so it should be impossible for him to do such a thing. Let’s do it.”

Bai Yuxian looked at Bai Yudao. He knew that it would be impossible for him to be tough with Bai Yu in his current status, but brothers and wives should not be bullied. This is moral justice. Now Bai Yuxian directly said that he and Xiangling had a marriage contract for a long time. If at this time If Bai Yu still wants to force himself, if word gets out, Bai Yu's reputation will be completely lost, and if it really makes a big fuss, the entire Bai family of Wuhou Mansion may turn into the laughingstock of the capital.

In this situation, Bai Yuxian didn't believe that Bai Yu would dare to force him.

At the same time, Bai Yuxian also clearly pointed out the borrowed college examination. If Bai Yuxian really passes the next college examination and obtains the title of scholar, then even if Bai Yuxian is just a collateral disciple, he cannot be bullied casually. , because honors are privileged and enjoy the protection of the court. Once you have a title, even if you make a mistake and want to be convicted, you must be interrogated by the court officials and then have your title revoked before you can be convicted. Otherwise, no one is allowed to lynching a scholar who has a title.

"No. How is this possible?"

As expected, after hearing what Bai Yuxian said, Bai Yu quickly denied it.

Brothers and wives should not be bullied. Although he did not think that a lowly descendant of Bai Yuxian could be regarded as his brother, at least in name and in the eyes of outsiders, they were all descendants of the Bai family and brothers of the same generation. In this case, if he forced If Xiangling, who is already engaged to Bai Yuxian, is reviled, she will lose her reputation as a joke.

Moreover, what Bai Yuxian said about the next college examination did make him a little afraid. If Bai Yuxian really passed and gained fame, then he really couldn't manipulate Bai Yuxian casually.

"Could it be that the clan brother doesn't know about this?" Seeing this, Bai Yuxian gave Bai Yu another step, and then changed his tone and said: "If this is the case, then the clan brother needs to be careful. If the clan brother It was just by chance that I learned that Xiang Ling was fine, but if someone told me so, I would have to be careful not to be used as a weapon by someone with ulterior motives."

"Although the marriage between the clan brother and Xiang Ling has not been made public, it is not a secret in this outer courtyard. Generally, those who know the situation in the clan brother's family also know that Xiang Ling and the clan brother have no blood relationship."

"During this time in the martial arts hall, my clan brother has also aroused the hatred of some people. I am afraid that some people will hide the matter and want to use my clan brother as a weapon."


After hearing what Bai Yuxian said, Bai Yu's entire face suddenly darkened.

Because Bai Yuxian really got everything right.

He knew that Xiangling was not something he accidentally saw, but got it from Bai Wentao.

This bitch actually used him as a knife!
Although Bai Yu is lustful, he is not a brainless fool, and you, Bai Wentao, are just a bastard, but you dare to scheme and take advantage of him.

In fact, Bai Yu knew that Bai Yuxian might not be able to believe everything he said.

But there is one thing that Bai Yu can be [-]% sure of. Combining Bai Yuxian's current words and Bai Wentao's situation of finding him, he is definitely being plotted and used by Bai Wentao.

And this is enough.

 PS: After reading the comments on the two chapters yesterday, I think many book friends have noticed that the background of the Bai family is very similar to the Jia family in Dream of Red Mansions. This is indeed the case here. The background of the Bai family is actually the Jia family in Dream of Red Mansions.

  PS: Originally, I wanted to directly integrate Dream of Red Mansions into it, but after thinking about it, I felt that it would be a bit inconsistent to directly integrate Dream of Red Mansions and the Tang Dynasty. After all, it is already a background of the Tang Dynasty, so I took a step back and set the background of Jia's family in Dream of Red Mansions. After the Bai family, everyone can regard the Bai family as a replica of the Jia family in Red Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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