Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 12 The college exam is approaching, and the villain is plotting

Chapter 12 The college exam is approaching, and the villain is plotting


The familiar feeling of breakthrough came over me again.

In an instant, Bai Yuxian felt that the blood in his body seemed to be boiling, and then it was like a fire erupting, spreading to his whole body, limbs and bones in an instant, making his whole body feel like he was soaked in a hot spring from within. It was like completing a baptism and transformation outside.

The whole process lasted for a while, and finally everything calmed down. Bai Yuxian suddenly felt that his entire physical body seemed to have taken another leap, and both his physical strength and other aspects had skyrocketed.

Bai Yuxian then called up Goldfinger's information panel. At this moment, his personal information panel had changed to——

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Name: Bai Yuxian;

Cultivation: The second level of martial arts Qi and blood;
Kung Fu: "Mingzun Martial Arts Chapter: Qi and Blood" [Level 0: 3000/[-]];
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The martial arts cultivation level has successfully broken through to the second level of Qi and Blood. The "Ming Zun Martial Code·Qi and Blood Chapter" has also broken through to the third level. At the third level, the cultivation value of "Ming Zun Martial Code·Qi and Blood Chapter" has also increased by 1000 again. It became 3000.

"With 3000 cultivation points, at my current cultivation speed, I can gain a total of 150 points by practicing for five hours a day. Calculating, I can achieve another breakthrough in 20 days."

In addition, there are still more than 20 days before the academy examination, which means that before the academy examination, his cultivation can further reach the third level of qi and blood.

Bai Yuxian then looked at the progress of obtaining the three fates of [Inspiration], [Scribe], and [Martial Crazy] that he had triggered but had not yet obtained.

In the past half month, the progress of obtaining the three fates has also improved significantly.

Among them, the one with the greatest improvement in the progress value is undoubtedly the [Martial Crazy] destiny, followed by the [Scribe] destiny, and the smallest improvement is the [Inspiration] destiny, but both the [Scribe] and [Martial Crazy] destiny are blue. Although the Fate is improved the fastest, the required progress value is ten times that of the Green Fate, so it will take a long time to obtain it. On the other hand, the [Inspiration] Fate, although the improvement is the smallest, But because the progress value of obtaining it is low, it is not far away from obtaining it but it is the fastest.

Judging from the current progress of [Inspiration], he should be able to obtain it before the official start of the college examination. It will definitely be a huge bonus for his college examination.

Looking at the information on the information panel, I can feel the rapid improvement in martial arts cultivation and knowledge during this period.

Bai Yuxian is also very ambitious and motivated, especially for the next college examination.

He must also pass the next college examination, and he must pass it with sufficiently good results, because only in this way can he become a junior student.

After becoming a junior student, he was eligible to take the Imperial College Entrance Examination held by the Hanlin Academy one month after the college examination.

And if Bai Yuxian passes the Imperial Academy entrance examination and enters the Imperial Academy, it can be said that Bai Yuxian's current status is a leap from the dragon's gate.

To put it bluntly, the status of a student of the Imperial College is not even inferior to that of an ordinary Jinshi. If one can do well in the Imperial College, it will even be higher than that of an ordinary Jinshi.

Because the Imperial College is such a special place, its status is extremely high. It is the highest institution of learning in the Tang Dynasty. Those who can enter it are either the truly talented and talented people who have passed the examination, or they are the princes, grandsons, or the descendants of outstanding princes and nobles. , and the master who pulled out at random was always a high official in the court, and the teaching assistants were at least bachelors of the Hanlin Academy.

Even the emperor often visited the Imperial Academy to inspect and take part in the activities, and even occasionally gave lectures when the mood struck.

Therefore, the supervisors of the Imperial College of the Tang Dynasty also have a title -

Protégé of the Son of Heaven!

Under such circumstances, one can imagine how lofty the status of the supervisor of the Imperial College is.

To put it bluntly, any university that Bai Yuxian went to in his previous life, in terms of status, was his younger brother in front of the Imperial College of the Tang Dynasty in this world.

If the imperial examination is the gateway for scholars, then the Imperial College is the real gateway for scholars. Many of its benefits and advantages cannot be compared with the imperial examination.

If Bai Yuxian can really be admitted to the Imperial Academy, he will definitely enjoy an extraordinary status even in the entire Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty, let alone the Bai family.

Therefore, for Bai Yuxian, the next college examination is only secondary to his most important goal.

It's the Imperial College!After completing the breakthrough, Bai Yuxian immediately entered into cultivation again.

At the same time, in another part of the martial arts hall, several people with somewhat evil eyes were secretly watching Bai Yuxian from a distance, led by the official Bai Wentao.

In the past half month, Bai Wentao took the initiative to invite Bai Yuxian twice. Because now everyone in the government said that Bai Yuxian was both civil and military, he thought that subduing Bai Yuxian for his own use would be a good subordinate, but in the end he didn't want Bai Yuxian to be a good subordinate. He actually rejected him three times in a row.

This also made Bai Wentao, who had always been narrow-minded and arrogant, even more angry.

Just a lowly sideline.

Normally, those direct descendants would look down on him, but today, even a lowly collateral descendant would look down on him, and he really thinks he is a person.

You ungrateful animal.

"Master Tao, this Bai Yuxian is so disrespectful that he dares to refuse Master Tao's kind invitations again and again."

"If you give me something shameless, Mr. Tao, why don't you deal with him directly?"


The few bastards following Bai Wentao couldn't help but look at Bai Yuxian with evil eyes.

They were also dissatisfied with Bai Yuxian. They felt that Bai Yuxian was a bit shameless when he refused her repeatedly. Bai Wentao showed unprecedented respect for Bai Yuxian's repeated invitations. This also made them feel a little uncomfortable.

Bai Wentao has never paid so much attention to them.

"What can you do?"

Bai Wentao really had the idea of ​​dealing with Bai Yuxian at this moment. He had a narrow-minded and arrogant character. In his opinion, he had given Bai Yuxian enough face by actively recruiting Bai Yuxian, but the other party dared to do it again and again. Rejecting him clearly means not taking him seriously.

Of course, it is definitely not that easy to deal with Bai Yuxian, at least not directly.

After all, Bai Yuxian has now entered the martial arts hall as a beginner of martial arts. He has passed the county examination and the government examination and is about to participate in the next college examination. He already has a certain status in the clan and is not so easy to change.

The few losers following Bai Wentao suddenly rolled their eyes when they heard this.

Suddenly, one of them's eyes lit up as if he thought of something.

"Yes, Mr. Tao, I have thought of a way to not only deal with this White Jade Immortal, but also to kill his heart."


When Bai Wentao heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he looked at the loser who was speaking.

The dog-legged man immediately said: "Master Tao, you don't know. This Bai Yuxian also has a younger sister named Xiangling. She is born with a natural beauty and is as beautiful as a flower. She is worth more than the other ladies in the inner palace. What do you think? If Master Yu knows about this."

Bai Wentao's eyes suddenly brightened.

The Young Master Yu mentioned by the dogleg is Bai Yu, who is also the legitimate son of the Bai family and the son of Bai Lian, the second master of the inner palace. This man is greedy for money and lustful, and usually uses his status as the legitimate son of the Bai family to dominate. If he knows that Bai Yuxian is a collateral line If his son has a pretty sister, Bai Yu will definitely find ways to get her without even thinking about it.

If Bai Yuxian were to give her sister to someone like Bai Yu, one can imagine how heartbreaking it would be.

But if Bai Yuxian doesn't give it, that would be even better. With Bai Yu's usual style, a lowly collateral descendant of Bai Yuxian dares to disobey his will, seeing that Bai Yu doesn't deal with Bai Yuxian.

Great plan!
(End of this chapter)

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