Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 54 The Way to Make Money

Chapter 54 The Way to Make Money
a few days later;
Inside Chang'an City;

In front of a newly opened study at the end of the street.

"Brother Wang, Brother Bai, and Brother Xiao Du, what do you think of this place?"

Song Xiuwen stood in front of the study door with some pride and asked Bai Yuxian, Wang Yanlin and Du Fu who were nearby.

The layout of the study is antique, quiet and elegant, and the walls inside are decorated with various poems, calligraphy and paintings, giving people a sense of bookish literature at a glance.

There is a plaque on the door of the study with the four characters "Linyuan Study" written on it.

This study was also opened by Song Xiuwen. As soon as it opened today, Bai Yuxian, Wang Yanlin, and Du Fu were invited together.

"The house is in a human environment, without the noise of cars and horses. It's a good place." Bai Yuxian praised it without hesitation.

However, his words are not completely flattering. The place chosen by Song Xiu Wenxuan is indeed good. It is located at the end of Chang'an Main Street, which is not far away from the bustling city, but without the noise of the busy city. The location of the study is excellent.

"Brother Bai said what I wanted to say first."

After Wang Yanlin heard Bai Yuxian's words, he joked, and everyone laughed immediately.

Now more than a month has passed, and the relationship between Bai Yuxian, Wang Yanlin, and Song Xiuwen has become closer and closer, and they get together for a long time.

If the three of them interacted with each other out of utilitarianism at the beginning, now the three of them can be said to be true classmates and good friends.

In addition to Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen, the relationship between Du Fu and Bai Yuxian is also getting better and better.

Mainly in the Imperial College on weekdays, because of his age, it is difficult for other people in the Imperial College to treat Du Fu as a peer. Even though Du Fu is a young genius, they can't help but treat him as a child.

After all, when it comes to geniuses, those who can enter the Imperial College are not geniuses outside. Even those princes, grandsons, and children of princes and nobles who enter without passing the exam are at least outstanding people who are qualified to enter.

To put it bluntly, even those who entered the Imperial College without passing the examination were not mediocre.

Only Bai Yuxian treated Du Fu as a peer, so Du Fu was willing to communicate with Bai Yuxian in the Imperial College.

Over time, the relationship will naturally grow.

Then the four of them walked into the study together, and Song Xiuwen introduced the entire study to Bai Yuxian and the others in detail.

The main reason Song Xiuwen built this study was because he liked it. In addition, he also did some study business such as poetry, calligraphy, painting, and novels.

After visiting the study, Bai Yuxian, Wang Yanlin and Du Fu each wrote a calligraphy and painting for the study and gave it to Song Xiuwen as a gift for the opening of the study.

Song Xiuwen, who received the three people's calligraphy and paintings, immediately ordered people to hang the calligraphy and paintings directly on the most conspicuous wall of the study.

Song Xiuwen believes that these three calligraphy and paintings may not be very eye-catching now, but in a few years or more than ten years, their value may be beyond imagination.

"By the way, Brother Bai, you said before that when my study opens, you will write a novel and collaborate with me in my study. I remember this. I have been looking forward to Brother Bai's masterpiece for a long time. When will you get it?"

Then Song Xiuwen looked at Bai Yuxian Dao again.

But half a month ago when he said he was going to open his study, Bai Yuxian said that after his study opened, he would write novels and come to his study to cooperate with him in selling them.

When Wang Yanlin and Du Fu heard this, they immediately became interested and looked at Bai Yuxian.

Both of them knew about this matter, and were also very curious about Bai Yuxian's novel.

When Bai Yuxian heard this, he immediately smiled and took out two manuscripts that he had prepared long ago.

"It has been prepared for a long time, but this article is a little colorful, but I don't know if it will catch Brother Song's eyes."

Colorful pen!

Song Xiuwen's eyes brightened when he heard this.

He liked this so much.

"Then I'll have to read it carefully."

After speaking, Song Xiuwen quickly took the manuscript from Bai Yuxian's hand and started reading one of them, then his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Brother Bai is indeed a man of great literary talent and talent. He is both talented and beautiful. His writing is so penetrating and penetrating. Hiss--"

"Let me see! Let me see!"

Wang Yanlin on the side couldn't help it when he saw this. He grabbed another manuscript from Song Xiuwen's hand, and after looking at it for a while, he couldn't take his eyes away, especially after seeing the illustrations above. He directly blamed Bai Yuxian.

"Well, Brother Bai, you have this ability, but you didn't tell us earlier and show it to us."

It’s so uninteresting that you have this skill and didn’t show it to your brothers earlier.

Wang Yanlin expressed strong condemnation.Du Fu, who was standing by, looked at the two of them and listened to their words, his heart felt like a cat's paw.

"I'll take a look too."

However, Song Xiuwen and Wang Yanlin both refused righteously.

"Brother Du, you are too young to be able to grasp the situation. You can't open this door yet. Let us do it."

Bai Yuxian looked at Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen speechlessly.

These two people made him write as if he were a little imperial uncle.

What he wrote was not about the little emperor uncle, but about literature and art. It was a story about the two famous male protagonists, Ximen Daguan and Wei Yangsheng, that he had carefully adapted. The plot needed to be dramatic and deep.
Although there are some colorful strokes, they are only needed for art. But if you say this is the little emperor's uncle, it is superficial. This is art.

For this purpose, Bai Yuxian also carefully prepared some illustrations, which he used in the style of Korean comics from the previous life.

As for what Korean comics are.

All I can say is that everyone who understands understands, but forget it if you don’t understand.

Bai Yuxian's purpose of doing this is also very simple, just to make money.

This is also the reason why Bai Yuxian chose the two well-known male protagonists, Ximen Daguan and Wei Yangsheng.

Because he believes that these two novels are definitely enough to attract readers without losing their literary art, especially the exquisite Korean comic illustrations above, which are definitely the pioneers in today's Tang Dynasty.

After making a name for himself with these two novels, the subsequent novels will be simple. He can just write the outline or idea of ​​the novel, and then pay someone to be a writer. After all, he can't spend too much time on it. .

And with the memory of his previous life and so many novels from his previous life, he only needs to wait until he becomes famous before writing an outline and creatively hiring people.

When the time comes to find some poor scholars, I believe some people are willing, and there is absolutely no need to worry about writing skills. Those who can be admitted as scholars have no doubt about their basic literary skills.

Linyuan Study opened by Song Xiuwen is undoubtedly his best partner. After all, he is a classmate and friend, and Song Xiuwen's identity and background are enough to ensure that Linyuan Study's development business will not be suppressed.

In fact, Bai Yuxian has thought of many ways to make money during this period of time.

The first thing that comes to mind is naturally business, but when it comes to business, let’s not talk about other things, just time. How can he have so much time to take care of business? He doesn’t even have enough time to practice and study on weekdays.

For Bai Yuxian, his ideal way to make money is one that does not require him to spend too much time and energy while still making money.

It would be best if he didn't have to do anything and a lot of money would automatically come to him every day.

So after this period of time, Bai Yuxian felt that the most suitable way to make money at the moment was to write novels and cooperate with Linyuan Study opened by Song Xiuwen.

First, use Ximen Daguan and Weiyang Sheng to make Linyuan Study famous, and then directly hire writers to work on the outline creative.

"Brother Bai, what's behind?"

After a while, after preliminarily reading Bai Yuxian's manuscript, Wang Yanlin and Song Xiuwen couldn't help but look at Bai Yuxian with unsatisfied thoughts.

After reading the entire first draft, they found that Bai Yuxian's novel really had something to it.

It needs literature and literature, art and art, plot and plot, and depth and depth. The most important thing is to understand men, especially the illustrations. It’s amazing.
"Brother Bai, you and I have been friends for so long, and I have never asked you to help me with anything. But this time, I have a favor and you must help me. Give me more of your illustrations. I want the whole set."

Wang Yanlin looked at Bai Yuxian with eager eyes.

"Brother Bai, the same goes for me." Song Xiuwen nodded with deep understanding.

Bai Yuxian suddenly looked at the two people speechlessly.

After getting acquainted with each other, the two LSPs really made no secret of it, and at first they pretended to be polite in front of him.

"We'll talk about this later. Brother Song, let's talk about cooperation first."

"Yes, yes, let's talk business first."

Song Xiuwen immediately nodded again and then remembered the business. At the same time, he was also thinking that after cooperating with Bai Yuxian, he was afraid that he would not be able to see it.

The cooperation between the two was extremely fast, and they almost reached an agreement within a few words.

Song Xiuwen directly offered Bai Yuxian generous terms of [-]% profit.

For Song Xiuwen, he actually doesn't care whether he can make money by opening this study, because he is not short of money, unless it is an unimaginable big number. Now that Bai Yuxian is interested in cooperating, as a classmate and friend, he is still As a student of the Imperial College, he naturally wouldn't mind giving Bai Yu a generous contract to sell his favor.

Since Song Xiuwen had given such good conditions, Bai Yuxian naturally had nothing to say and directly reached a cooperation with Song Xiuwen.

(End of this chapter)

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