Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 53 Follow-up exercises

Chapter 53 Follow-up exercises——
Name: Bai Yuxian;

Cultivation: Ninth realm of martial arts Qi and blood;
Kung Fu: "Ming Zun Martial Arts Chapter Entering Strength" [First level: 0/10000];
After obtaining the follow-up skills of "Mingzun Martial Code".

The information in the exercise column of the White Jade Immortal Golden Finger panel information also changed accordingly. The exercise information of "Mingzun Martial Code: Entering Jin Chapter" is displayed, and also includes the subsequent practice progress.

"Ming Zun Martial Arts: Entering Jin Chapter" is also divided into nine levels, corresponding to the nine small realms of martial arts entering Jin.

Because the technique has just been obtained and has not yet been practiced, Bai Yuxian's current practice progress is still [Level 0: 10000/[-]].

Later, when he reaches a breakthrough in the first level of practice, it will also mean that his martial arts cultivation has completely broken through the Qi and Blood realm and stepped into the martial arts realm, becoming a warrior in the first realm of martial arts realm.

There are five major realms of martial arts practice, and each realm is a qualitative change.

If one can break through the Qi and Blood Realm and enter the martial arts realm, then even if one has achieved some success in martial arts practice, his strength will also undergo a qualitative leap, and he can become a small general even in the Tang Army.

What's even more surprising to Bai Yuxian is that the cultivation value for breaking through the "Mingzun Martial Code: Entering Jin Chapter" martial arts entering Jin is only 10000 points.

"With 10000 cultivation points, at my current cultivation speed, I can break through in half a month."

Originally, Bai Yuxian thought that in order to break through from the Qi and Blood Realm to the Entering Strength Realm, the required cultivation level would probably increase exponentially.

Unexpectedly, it only required 10000 cultivation points, which was only 1000 points more than the previous cultivation points required to break through the ninth realm of Qi and Blood. This growth was exactly the same as that of the previous realm of Qi and Blood.

Could it be that the cultivation value required to break through each level of "Mingzun Martial Code", whether it is the Qi and Blood Chapter or the Entering Strength Chapter, only requires an increase of 1000 points of cultivation value on the basis of the previous level?
Bai Yuxian thought it was impossible.

He guessed that perhaps the cultivation value to break through from the Qi and Blood Realm to the Strength Realm now only requires 10000 points, but it still seems that the cultivation value has only increased by 1000 points.

But once you break through the Qi and Blood realm and step into martial arts and enter the Jin realm, the increase in cultivation level required for each realm improvement after entering the Jin realm will definitely not be this small amount.

Bai Yuxian thought for a moment and then didn't think much more.

No matter what the specific situation is, he will naturally know everything after he breaks through the Qi and Blood realm and enters the martial arts realm in half a month. It is useless to think about it now.

"After I gain strength in martial arts, it's time for me to practice weapons and martial arts."

A warrior's specific combat power cannot be completely equated with his cultivation level.

In addition to cultivation, weapons and martial arts are also an important part of a warrior's specific combat power.

Because weapons and martial arts can allow warriors to better display their strength.

Generally speaking, cultivation is the minimum guarantee for a warrior's basic strength, but weapon skills can increase the upper limit of a warrior's strength.

Moreover, powerful and profound weapon skills can even increase a warrior's basic strength limit several times or even more.

Previously, Bai Yuxian's cultivation level was low and time was tight on weekdays, so he did not choose to practice weapons and martial arts.

But if his martial arts practice breaks through to the realm of martial arts, then he will definitely need to practice a weapon skill to improve his specific combat power.

Otherwise, if you suddenly encounter an enemy and fight, you will be at a huge disadvantage.

And if he remembered correctly, the Bai family had a swordsmanship that was at the top of the magical realm.

It's called "Jiyi Sword Code".

This swordsmanship, like the "Mingzun Martial Code", was passed down from Bai Xianwu, the first generation of Wuhou who founded the Bai family's Wuhou Mansion.
At sunset, Bai Yuxian returned home from the martial arts hall after finishing his training for the day.

"Brother Yuxian."

At this time, Han Shiyin came over with a joyful look on her face, a trace of unconcealed excitement in her expression, and two letters in her hand.

"Daddy replied."

However, after Bai Yuxian and Han Shiyin confirmed their relationship and wrote a letter to Han Shiyin's father Han Su, now more than a month later, Han Shiyin's father Han Su finally responded to the letter from Lingnan.

Lingnan is too far away from Chang'an, and transportation and communication in this world are inconvenient, so the letter delivery is extremely slow, so much so that Han Shiyin's father, Han Su, only replied today.

However, the content of the reply made Han Shiyin very excited and happy, because her father wrote back and agreed to the matter, and also expressed his great joy and approval for the matter in the letter. "Seeing how happy Sister Shiyin is, I think my uncle has already approved our marriage."

Looking at Han Shiyin's expression, Bai Yuxian also guessed the content of the letter.

But there is no surprise. After all, he has a bright future after being admitted to the Imperial College, and Han Shiyin is in love with him, not to mention that he has the support of Mrs. Bai on the surface.

Yes, this is what Bai Yuxian and Han Shiyin wrote in their letters, and Mrs. Bai also approved of this marriage.

In this case, Han Shiyin's father would basically agree as long as nothing unexpected happened.

"Well, Daddy is also very happy that I can be with Brother Yuxian. This letter is written by Daddy to Brother Yuxian."

Han Shiyin happily walked up and responded, handing a letter in her hand to Bai Yuxian. This letter was written specifically for Bai Yuxian by her father.

After handing the letter to Bai Yuxian, Han Shiyin leaned into Bai Yuxian's arms and nestled against Bai Yuxian's chest.

After more than a month, as the relationship was officially established, the feelings between the two people also increased day by day, and now they are already in love.

Smelling the faint girlish fragrance coming from Han Shiyin's body and feeling the softness on her body, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but look down at the heavy granary where Han Shiyin had grown.

Han Shiyin and Xiang Ling both have great reasons.

At first glance, it is clear that he will become a great person in the future.

Suppressing the restlessness in her heart, she thought that if she waited a little longer, she would no longer have to be a monk in half a month. Bai Yuxian took the letter and started reading it.

"If my uncle can agree to this, then I will be completely relieved."

"Well, from now on I can be completely at ease with Brother Yuxian, and no one can stop me."

Han Shiyin also nodded in agreement.

She also thought so in her heart. With her father's personal approval, she would no longer have to worry about being with Bai Yuxian in the future, and no one in the entire Wuhou Mansion would be able to stop her.

Bai Yuxian opened the letter and read it. There was a lot of content in the letter, but the overall content could be roughly divided into two parts. One part was a compliment to Bai Yuxian, and the other part was about Bai Yuxian and Han Shiyin, expressing his agreement with them. I am willing to leave Han Shiyin in his care and ask him to take good care of Han Shiyin and treat her well in the future.
In addition, he also mentioned the specific marriage between Bai Yuxian and Han Shiyin, and asked what Bai Yuxian meant.

Bai Yuxian could tell from the letter that his future father-in-law was indeed very fond of his future son-in-law.

Bai Yuxian had indeed considered the matter of marriage.

He plans to wait until next year's autumn examination and martial arts examination to gain fame and even official position before marrying Han Shiyin, and also Xiangling.

It just so happens that next year he will be 20 years old and win the championship.

Bai Yuxian immediately expressed his thoughts to Han Shiyin.

Han Shiyin's pretty face turned red immediately, feeling shy and happy at the same time as she spoke.

"I listen to Brother Yuxian."

"Okay, I'll discuss it with my mother that night and write back to my uncle."

That night, Bai Yuxian discussed the matter with his mother and Xiang Ling.

Zhen agreed without any questions.

Needless to say, Xiangling will do whatever Bai Yuxian says.

To put it bluntly, Xiang Ling's heart has already become the shape of Bai Yuxian.

The matter was settled in this way. After taking a medicinal bath and starting to read at night, Bai Yuxian immediately wrote a reply to his future father-in-law, who was an official in Lingnan.

(End of this chapter)

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