Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 89 Purple Fate, [Martial Saint]

Chapter 89 Purple Fate, [Martial Saint]
Name: Bai Yuxian;

Cultivation: Entering the second realm of martial arts;

Kung Fu: "Jiyi Sword Code" [Eighth Level: 0/20W]; "Mingzun Martial Code: Entering Jin Chapter" [Third Level: 11050/30000];
Fate: Martial Crazy [Blue], Scholar [Green], Swordsman [Green], Wisdom [Blue], Elegant Scholar [Blue], Scholar [Getting: 750/1000], Sword Crazy [30/1000];——
After successfully obtaining the fate of [Martial Chi], Bai Yuxian's information panel also changed accordingly.

The original green [Martial Artist] destiny was replaced by the blue [Martial Crazy] destiny.

And at this moment, another new fate trigger message sounded.

[One effort, one gain, you trigger the [Martial Saint] fate synthesis acquisition conditions, and synthesize the required fate [Martial Chi], [Wisdom Heart], and [Zen Heart]. Currently, there are [Martial Chi], [Martial Chi], [Zen Heart] wisdom】.】

[Martial Saint]: Purple destiny, greatly improves martial arts qualifications, and increases martial arts training efficiency by 10 times.

"Purple fate!"

It is also the purple fate of martial arts practice.

Bai Yuxian, who was already in a good mood because he had obtained the fate of [Martial Madness], was even more shocked.

Unexpectedly, after successfully obtaining the [Martial Chi] destiny this time, it would directly trigger the synthesis and acquisition conditions of the purple [Martial Saint] destiny. It can be described as an unexpected surprise.

Bai Yuxian quickly opened the golden finger's information prompt and checked it carefully, and soon understood the specific synthesis and acquisition method of [Martial Saint]'s fate.

The synthesis method of obtaining [Martial Saint]'s fate requires gathering the three fates [Martial Chi], [Wisdom Heart] and [Zen Heart]. After gathering these three fates, you can synthesize and obtain [Martial Saint] fate. At the same time, After combining the [Martial Saint] fate, the original three fates will not disappear.

In order to trigger the synthetic acquisition method of [Martial Saint] destiny, you need to obtain any two of the three destiny [Martial Chi], [Wisdom Heart] and [Zen Heart] to trigger it.

"In this way, it is inferred from the [Martial Saint] fate that purple-level fates require three or more fates below the purple level to be synthesized, and only two or more fates that obtain the purple fate synthesis conditions Only then can the synthesis acquisition conditions and reminders of the purple destiny be triggered.”

Now Bai Yuxian can directly synthesize and obtain the [Martial Saint] destiny as long as he obtains the [Zen Heart] fate.

Golden Finger also gave information about the conditions for obtaining the [Zen Heart] destiny.

Originally, when Bai Yuxian saw the name [Zen Heart] Fate, he thought that obtaining this [Fate] was related to Buddhist Zen.

As a result, after reading the specific method of obtaining [Zen Heart], Bai Yuxian realized that she had overthinking it.

[Zen Mind] The method of obtaining destiny has nothing to do with Buddhist Zen, but has to do with calligraphy and painting.

By concentrating on learning calligraphy and painting, you can trigger the acquisition conditions of [Zen Heart] destiny and gain the progress of [Zen Heart] destiny.

At the same time, you can also obtain destiny progress by observing and copying the original works of calligraphy and painting masters or communicating with them if you gain enlightenment.

"[Zen Heart]."

Bai Yuxian muttered to himself, and decided to study calligraphy and painting when he went back tonight, trying his best to obtain the [Zen Heart] destiny, and strive to obtain the [Martial Saint] destiny as soon as possible.

[Martial Saint] As a purple destiny, Bai Yuxian is looking forward to how much improvement it can bring to his martial arts practice.

But before that, you can first take a look at the improvement brought by [Martial Chi]’s fate.

[One effort, one gain. If you practice hard, you will gain +20 cultivation]

Soon, through practicing again, Bai Yuxian measured the improvement in martial arts practice brought by the [Martial Chi] destiny.

First of all, in terms of his own practice, thanks to the small martial arts talent bonus of [Martial Chi], the original cultivation value obtained each time he practices has doubled from 10 to 20.

Secondly, in terms of training efficiency, originally with the blessing of the [Martial Artist] fate, one could only obtain three cultivation bases per hour through practice. Now, after obtaining the [Martial Crazy] fate, one can obtain five cultivation levels per hour.

Calculated in this way, now with the blessing of [Martial Chi]'s fate, Bai Yuxian can get exactly 100 cultivation points in one hour of practice, while originally he could only get 30 cultivation points in one hour. This does not count the medicinal bath alone. Judging from the numerical improvement of normal practice, the [Martial Chi] destiny almost increased Bai Yuxian's practice speed by more than three times.

But if you add medicated bath, the improvement effect will not be so great.

Because of Bai Yuxian's current martial arts practice, medicated baths are the main factor in improving his martial arts practice speed. The previous 50 taels of medicated baths could increase his cultivation level by 500 points every day.

However, when Bai Yusheng took a medicated bath at night after receiving the fate of [Martial Madman], he discovered that the improvement in his cultivation level from the same medicated bath had also increased, from the original 500 to 650.

Bai Yuxian speculated that this should be due to the small improvement in his martial arts talent under the blessing of [Martial Madman]'s fate, which also increased his absorption efficiency of medicinal baths.

In the next two days, Bai Yu upgraded his medicated bath from 50 taels per pair to 100 taels per pair.Now that Linyuan Study's novel income has stabilized, Bai Yuxian is not short of money. At least 100 taels of medicinal bath a day is no longer a burden for him.

In this way, after obtaining the fate of [Martial Madness] and upgrading the medicinal bath, Bai Yuxian's martial arts practice speed also ushered in a huge leap.

The first is to practice normally every day. With the blessing of [Martial Chi], if he practices for five hours a day, he can get 500 cultivation points every day through his own practice.

The second is the medicinal bath. With the blessing of [Martial Chi]’s fate and the upgrade, a medicinal bath of 100 taels per day can bring him a total of 1000 points of cultivation value improvement.

So the two are added together.

If Bai Yuxian practices martial arts for five hours every day and takes medicinal baths, he can increase his cultivation level by 1500 points in one day.

Compared with before, his entire martial arts practice speed has more than doubled.

However, the improvement in cultivation level obtained through krypton gold in medicinal baths is still huge.

It is true that krypton gold makes people strong.

"However, it is not enough, and it is not safe enough. If I want to participate in the martial arts examination in October after this autumn examination to compete for the top prize in martial arts, this cultivation speed is not enough."

"If you want to compete for the top spot in martial arts, you need to be at least in the martial arts Xuangang realm to qualify, and it's not [-]% safe. But with my current cultivation speed, if I want to break through the martial arts Xuangang realm before the October Martial Arts Examination, I'm afraid it may not be possible. It can be achieved.”

But he must strive for the top prize in martial arts, because this is his opportunity to become an official, and it is also an opportunity for him to develop in the direction of a military general so that he can lead the army and become a military governor in the future.

Life is like a train that moves forward. No matter what opportunity it is, if you miss it, you may not get it again.

"Martial Saint, you must obtain the [Martial Saint] destiny as soon as possible."

Only by obtaining the destiny of [Martial Saint], can he hope to set foot in the martial arts Xuangang before the martial arts examination, and thus win the first place in martial arts in this year's martial arts examination.
The breeze supports the moon and the cool breeze blows.

In the courtyard, Han Shiyin and Xiang Ling helped Bai Yuxian lay rice paper on the table and place pens and ink.

Then Bai Yuxian started practicing calligraphy.

This is the first time Bai Yuxian has devoted himself to practicing calligraphy since he came to this world.

Although I used to write a lot, writing and practicing calligraphy cannot be equated.

To practice calligraphy, you need to put your whole heart into the calligraphy.

There is a saying that words are like people.

Words are born from the heart.

So the real practice of calligraphy is actually training of the mind.

Practicing calligraphy and painting actually have one thing in common, that is, they pay attention to a state of mind.

[Zen Mind] The most important core of destiny, whether it is calligraphy or painting, is to train the mind.

Using calligraphy and painting to train the mind and cultivate the artistic conception of the mind is the Zen mind.

Bai Yuxian gathered her mind, abandoned distracting thoughts, and began to devote herself wholeheartedly to calligraphy.

Every stroke, every painting, he wrote with unprecedented seriousness.

After such an hour.

[One effort, one gain. If you practice calligraphy diligently, you will get calligraphy +100;]

[One effort, one gain, practice calligraphy diligently, trigger [Zen Heart] fate, gain progress +1, current gain progress [1/1000];]

[Zen Heart]: Blue destiny, greatly improves calligraphy and painting talent, slightly improves mental understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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