Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 84 Obtaining the fate of [Elegant Scholar]

Chapter 84 Obtaining the fate of [Elegant Scholar]

"Ding ~"


The melodious music of the piano rang out from the pavilion on the seventh floor of Tianxiang Tower.

Li Shishi, dressed in white and cold, looks like a fairy emerging from the dust, and his slender jade-like fingers gently wave the strings of the piano.

The sound of the piano lingers around the beams, like the sound of strings in an empty valley. It is quiet and light. It is also like a trickling stream, moisturizing the heart of the heart. It is also like the misty heavenly sound coming from the nine heavens, making people forget themselves and leave the world.
The entire Tianxiang Tower seemed to be silent for a moment, and everyone involuntarily stopped their movements to listen to the sound of the piano.

Bai Yuxian felt that his whole heart became inexplicably quiet at this moment.

Li Shishi's piano sound seems to have an invisible power that can soothe people's hearts and help people get rid of distracting thoughts and calm down.

After a while, the song ends.

Everyone present felt as if their entire ears and souls had experienced a baptism and sublimation.

"it is good!"

What followed was a round of applause.

Bai Yuxian couldn't help but heartily applauded along with everyone. He had previously heard that Master Li was proficient in all aspects of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, especially his piano skills, but he didn't have any intuitive feelings about this.

But after listening to the song at this moment, he couldn't help but sigh that there are no empty talents under the famous name, especially those who can become famous for their talent in Tianxiang Tower are indeed really capable. Even if he doesn't understand Master Li's piano skills, Everyone can feel it intuitively.

"Master, you are showing off your ugliness." Hearing the applause of everyone, Master Li stood up again and said.

"Miss Shishi is too modest. If Miss Shishi's piano skills are all about showing off, then there will be no one in the world who can listen to her."

"Yes, Miss Shishi, the sound of the piano is really lingering around for three days, and the lingering sound is endless."

Everyone praised her one after another, and most of them looked at Master Li with fiery eyes. After all, for such a talented and stunning beauty, I am afraid that few men in the world would not have any ideas.

Li Shishi can naturally feel the eyes of everyone, but what she cares about most at the moment is Bai Yuxian's sensory evaluation of her.

From the moment she first saw Queen Bai Yuxian when she came here, she had only seen her.

"I wonder what Mr. Bai thinks of this song, Master?"

Li Shishi took the initiative to ask Bai Yuxian.

Everyone immediately looked at Bai Yuxian again, and then looked at Bai Yuxian's appearance and the way Li Shishi looked at Bai Yuxian, but they couldn't tell in their hearts that Master Li took the initiative to offer the piano today, obviously he came here for Bai Yuxian.

"Haha, it looks like Brother Bai is going to have a double happiness tonight." Someone suddenly joked with a smile.

Master Li's face showed a hint of shyness when he heard this, but his eyes towards Bai Yuxian did not dodge at all, giving people a feeling of shyness and timidity.

But this shy and timid look is also the most damaging to men.


Bai Yuxian admired in his heart and said without changing the smile on his face.

"Miss Shishi's piano skills need no introduction."

"Chang'an silk pipes are flowing day by day, half into the river wind and half into the clouds; this song should only exist in heaven, and can be heard several times in the world."

Bai Yuxian did not hesitate to praise.

I thought to myself, little brother Du Fu, your poem is pretty good, so I borrowed it from you. When I take off, I will take you with me.

"Okay, Brother Bai is indeed Brother Bai. He speaks his words well. We admire his talent."

"No wonder Your Majesty praises Brother Bai for his talents like Wen Qu's coming into the world. I'm afraid that Wen Qu's coming into the world will be nothing more than this kind of talent."

After hearing Bai Yuxian's words, everyone present couldn't help but their eyes lit up again and they all praised him. They also admired Bai Yuxian's talent even more in their hearts.

This ability to deliver a well-written and excellent story makes it impossible for anyone to be dissatisfied.

Even Li Bai looked at Bai Yuxian with a little more admiration at this moment.

I think Brother Bai is as talented as me.

Li Shishi looked at Bai Yuxian and her eyes narrowed almost instantly. She felt that she really couldn't stand it anymore.

It’s just that Bai Yuxian has such a fairy-like appearance, but also has such talent and cultivation, which woman in the world would not be confused after seeing her.

Even based on the poem Bai Yuxian praised her now, I am afraid that after tonight, she will be completely famous in the capital and even be famous for future generations.

As long as Bai Yuxian's poem is passed down from now on, so will she, the protagonist.

Immediately, Master Li wanted to take this opportunity to say a few more words to Bai Yuxian. At this time, the maid came from behind the screen and said a few words, and Master Li had no choice but to leave. "Teacher, I have met Sister Hongxiu."

In the corridor backstage, Master Li met Liu Hongxiu who had arrived after leaving the stage, and immediately took the initiative and said with a smile.

Seeing Liu Hongxiu dressed beautifully in red, she took the initiative and said with a smile.

"Sister Hongxiu, are you going to perform a dance on the seventh floor? Yes, the people on the seventh floor today are all famous young talents in Chang'an City. If you can find a suitable husband among them, even if you are just a random one, you can guarantee it. It’s better for me to be free from worries for the rest of my life than to have a laugh in this land of fireworks.”

"To be honest, my sister has already fallen in love with Mr. Bai Jade Fairy. I don't know which Mr. Hong Xiu has her eye on. She probably won't compete with my sister."

After finishing speaking, Master Li looked at Liu Hongxiu with a touching look.

Xiaoyu, the maid who was following Liu Hongxiu, immediately became angry, knowing clearly that Yuxian was the one her young lady took a liking to first.

When Liu Hongxiu heard this, she couldn't help but smile coldly in her heart, thinking that everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, what kind of fairy tale tricks are they playing here, and a smile appeared on her face.

"That's really unfortunate. My sister's favorite is Mr. Bai Yuxian. But if my sister is willing to call me sister, then she won't be stingy. In the future, as long as my sister recognizes me as my sister, she will definitely not be either. If we stop our sister, we can become a family."

Li Shishi's eyes instantly condensed when he heard this. He never expected that Liu Hongxiu would actually say these words.

Not only was she not angry because of what she said, but she actually took advantage of the situation and actually acted like her sister.

Met a master.

Li Shishi glanced deeply at Liu Hongxiu, but the smile on his face did not change much. Instead, he smiled along with the words.

"My elder sister has a broad mind, but my younger sister is stingy. From now on, my younger sister will have to rely more on her to take care of her."

The two had a brief confrontation, and it could be said that they showed their true qualities as masters.

In the attic on the seventh floor, as Li Shishi left the stage, Liu Hongxiu also appeared quickly, dressed in a gorgeous red dress, which completely pushed the atmosphere of the entire scene to a climax.

Although purely in terms of appearance, Liu Hongxiu is slightly inferior to Li Shishi, but in terms of figure, Liu Hongxiu is perfect, especially when dancing, which man would not be confused by it.

Especially the graceful and enchanting water snake waist. Once it moves, most men may not be able to withstand it for three seconds.

Bai Yuxian felt that if Li Shishi's piano and Liu Hongxiu's dance were combined, and the two girls were brought together, it would be a surefire success.

In today's Tianxiang Tower, Liu Hongxiu and Li Shishi are undoubtedly the two most famous, and they are both Qinghuan.

That night, Bai Yuxian also went wild, hanging out with Li Bai, Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin, Wang Yanlin, Song Xiuwen and others. A group of people drank and wrote poems in a romantic and snowy night.

When it comes to drinking and poetry fighting, Bai Yuxian is undoubtedly a hard-to-match opponent. After all, he has the poetry heritage of his previous life as support.

Next is Li Bai.

Bai Yuxian felt that Li Bai was really more of a cheat than he, a literary copycat, was.

At the end of one night, Li Bai opened his mouth and came up with dozens of poems, which was directly on par with Bai Yuxian, the copycat.

At the beginning, when they were drinking and fighting about poetry, other people could get in and fight with the two, but later on, it was Bai Yuxian, the copycat, and Li Bai, the idiot.

Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin, Wang Yanlin, Song Xiuwen and others all looked at it dumbfounded.

There is only one idea in mind.

These two guys, Bai Yuxian and Li Bai, are really human beings.

It's not that they can't write poems, but people like Bai Yuxian and Li Bai just open their mouths as if they don't need any money at all, and they can write dozens of poems in one night, and all of them are of good quality, so they really can't stand it.

But I have to say that the scene when Bai Yuxian and Li Bai started drinking and fighting poetry was a wonderful scene.

After all, it's impossible for a copycat to be a bad guy, but to think it's not exciting.

In the end, the whole Tianxiang Tower was almost filled with the sound of Bai Yuxian and Li Bai drinking and fighting poetry.

Even the guests on other floors below the seventh floor involuntarily stopped listening to the poetry battle between the two people upstairs.

Finally, it was not until late at night that a group of people were already drunk and staggering around after drinking an unknown amount of wine. Bai Yuxian and Li Bai also felt like they were walking in a daze, so they stopped fighting.

At this time, deep in Bai Yuxian's consciousness, the progress of obtaining [Ya Shi]'s destiny has been directly filled up by Bai Yuxian.

[One effort, one gain, [Yashi] Fate Acquisition Progress has been completed, do you want to receive it? 】


【Elegant】: Blue fortune-telling means that since ancient times, beauties have admired talented people, and literati have greatly enhanced their appearance and charm in ancient and modern times.

(End of this chapter)

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